Научная статья на тему 'Miscellaneous poultry food and biological value comparative studies'

Miscellaneous poultry food and biological value comparative studies Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Bazilbaev S., Yerezhepova M.

You can find different types of poultry on the shelves of any butcher shop or supermarket. This meat has a lot of advantages it is quick to prepare, has a lot of vitamins and minerals, and is a very high-calorie and nutritious product. In our country, you can freely buy poultry meat to your taste chicken, goose and duck. Also, the prevalence of ostrich meat is gaining momentum every year. Nutritionists say that the presence of poultry in the daily diet is very important, since this meat helps to get enough, but will not get better. And this is one of the main, but not the main nutritional value, the value of poultry meat in human nutrition. Chicken meat is one of the most popular food products, while occupying not the last place in importance in the diet. It contains many useful substances, and especially valuable is a high amount of protein. It is rightly called the building material for all body systems.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Miscellaneous poultry food and biological value comparative studies»



Bazilbaev S., Yerezhepova M.

Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty


You can find different types of poultry on the shelves of any butcher shop or supermarket. This meat has a lot of advantages - it is quick to prepare, has a lot of vitamins and minerals, and is a very high-calorie and nutritious product. In our country, you can freely buy poultry meat to your taste - chicken, goose and duck.

Also, the prevalence of ostrich meat is gaining momentum every year. Nutritionists say that the presence of poultry in the daily diet is very important, since this meat helps to get enough, but will not get better. And this is one of the main, but not the main nutritional value, the value of poultry meat in human nutrition.

Chicken meat is one of the most popular food products, while occupying not the last place in importance in the diet. It contains many useful substances, and especially valuable is a high amount of protein. It is rightly called the building material for all body systems.

Keywords: muscle, biological value, grind, biochemical composistion, protein, vitamins, oils, carbohydrates, carbohydrates.

The main objective of the research work a variety of food and biological value of poultry meat a comparative study.

Meat is mainly characterized by muscle ul-pasimen. The chemical composition of muscle tissue complex. Its structure during and after slaughter of live poultry mumkin. Therefore vary under the influence of various factors on the chemical composition of the tissue determines the special hard mode, for example

birds extraction of tissues immediately after slaughter, cooling, cooling fast grinding, low-temperature processing, etc grind

When it is determined by the chemical composition of muscle tissue, binding to other tissues (adipose tissue) are separated, shreddered (Homogenise). Then, the tissue can be part of the chemical components. [4]

The main group of chemical substances found in poultry

№ indicators Size,% № indicators Size,%

1 water 57.3 vitamins:

2 protein 19.5 12 vitamin A 0.00001

3 oils 21 13 vitamin B1 0.00005

4 carbohydrates 1.68 14 vitamin B2 0.00022

5 ashes 0.9 15 vitamin PP 0.0078

Mineral substances:

6 sodium 0.09

7 potassium 0.21

8 calcium 0,012

9 magnesium 0,019

10 phosphorus 0.2

11 iron 0.0014

This has done to achieve the following goals:

□ Research chicken and duck meat organoleptic characteristics;

□ The study of the biochemical chicken and duck meat;

□ chicken and duck meat to the value of biological research;

□ Research chicken and duck meat safety indicators.

Research from the company "as a form of" Tau-bird is a chicken and duck meat.

"The purpose of the Alatau-bird" - its taste qualities to provide excellent quality products of

poultry meat to the consumer, which is a modern company.

Ili district of the city 15 kilometers away from ecologically clean area of the factory is located in the village of Capay.

Repeat three to five times experimental studies generally accepted indicators of raw materials through biochemical and microbiological research carried out by the standard.

This study of poultry products Carried out in the laboratory of the Kazakh National Agrarian University.

Chicken and duck meat organoleptic characteristics

Indications Chicken Duck

Meat type plate Not a small wet spot, filter paper, light pink color. A little wet filter paper will not stain red.

oil Yellow color. Faint yellow color.

the smell of Poultry flesh. Poultry flesh.

consistency When meat dense, supple fingers, when the pit quickly corrected. When meat dense, supple fingers, when the pit quickly corrected.

Transparency and the smell of broth Aromatic, transparent. Aromatic, transparent.

Chicken and duck meat and biochemical composition

Average% chicken duck

1 water 66.3 49.4

2 oil 13.7 37.0

3 protein 19.0 13.0

4 ash 1.0 0.6

Chicken and duck meat and biochemical composition

The composition of the amino acids of chicken and duck meat

Amino acids: Chicken duck

1 tryptophan 1.20 1.15

2 threonine 4.30 4.67

3 isoleucine 5,28 5.04

4 eucine 7.28 8.28

5 ysine 8.79 9.21

6 methionine 2.61 2.65

7 phenylalanine 3.94 4.21

8 valine 4.91 5,13

9 histidine 2.89 2.43

The composition of fatty acids in the chicken and duck meat

The names of the bird Saturated fatty acids unsaturated fatty acids

palmitic stearin oleic inoleic linolenic

Chicken 24 7 38 20 2

duck 22 6 43 21 1

Jelinetin part of the meat, the amount of minerals and vitamins

Bird mineral substances vitamins

calcium phosphorus iron A B1 B6 RR

Chicken 12 200 1.5 0.12 0.15 0.16 8.1

duck 13 200 1.8 0.27 0.32 0.19 5.7

Microbiological parameters of chicken and duck meat

Indicators Norm of NK Concrete results

Chickens meat Ducks meat

QMAFAnM, KOE/sm3g not more than 1*104 in 1 gramm 2.2*103 2.4*103

Patogenic salmonellas not allowed not found not found

Coliform bacteria not allowed not found not found


One of the most important problem facing the population to find ways to increase production and the types of food products.

When full breakfast metabolism, digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and other systems of the body functional ability violated.

Functional food products - which includes the traditional use of the useful properties of other nutrients, human health, the positive effects of the modified product. These products included in the functional nature mainly formulas of biologically active additives (CS).

1. Chicken and duck meat organoleptikliq performance analysis showed that two fresh poultry meat is of great importance for the supply of meat dishes.

2. Meat contains protein, fat, water, mineral salts and vitamins necessary for the body. Such as substance chicken protein, water and ash can be seen that a lot compared to the size of the duck meat. And duck meat, chicken meat, 2.7 times more than the amount of fat.

3. The growth of the human body and valuable proteins necessary for normal life. Meat biologically valuable protein source.

4. Chicken and duck meat, no significant difference in mineral and vitamin composition, if a lot of vitamin PP chicken and duck meat, vitamins A, B1, B6, and more.

5. Study "Alatau-bird" from the company from poultry found to comply with environmental standards, microbiological index more than the allowable limit.


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