NEW WAYS OF IMPROVING READING LESSONS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL LEARNERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
reading skills / primary school work / the most important skills / reading techniques / child temperament / main ways of acquiring information / meta-subject / universal educational actions / Educational Standard. / навыки чтения / работа в начальной школе / важнейшие навыки / техники чтения / темперамент ребенка / основные способы получения информации / метапредмет / универсальные учебные действия / образовательный стандарт.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Allayorova Nilufar Yakhshinorovna

The adoption of the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES PGE) entails a rethinking of the long-established system of primary school work. The FSES PGE notes that reading in the modern information society is of a "meta-subject" nature and reading skills are referred to as universal educational actions.

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Принятие нового Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования (ФГОС НОО) влечет за собой переосмысление давно сложившейся системы работы начальной школы. В ФГОС ООО отмечается, что чтение в современном информационном обществе носит «метапредметный» характер и умения чтения относят к универсальным учебным действиям


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5

educational, natural and social sciences О ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423



Allayorova Nilufar Yakhshinorovna is an Associate Professor of Distance Education, Samarkand State University

nilufarallayarova 76@gmayl.com

Abstract: The adoption of the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES PGE) entails a rethinking of the long-established system of primary school work. The FSES PGE notes that reading in the modern information society is of a "meta-subject" nature and reading skills are referred to as universal educational actions.

Keywords: reading skills, primary school work, the most important skills, reading techniques, child temperament, main ways of acquiring information, meta-subject, universal educational actions, Educational Standard.

Аннотация: Принятие нового Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования (ФГОС НОО) влечет за собой переосмысление давно сложившейся системы работы начальной школы. В ФГОС ООО отмечается, что чтение в современном информационном обществе носит «метапредметный» характер и умения чтения относят к универсальным учебным действиям.

Ключевые слова: навыки чтения, работа в начальной школе, важнейшие навыки, техники чтения, темперамент ребенка, основные способы получения информации, метапредмет, универсальные учебные действия, образовательный стандарт.


The ability to read is one of the most important skills for the successful assimilation of knowledge. Reading is one of the main ways of acquiring information, therefore mastering the skill of full-fledged reading is the most important condition for students to study at school in all subjects1. As a special kind of activity, reading provides great opportunities for the mental, aesthetic, and speech development of the child. This implies the need for purposeful systematic work on the development and improvement of reading skills in younger students. Quite a lot of attention is paid to the reading technique at the first stage of teaching.

Not every child easily learns the science of reading. Many people have serious difficulties in mastering reading skills. Why are there so many children today who

1 Горбушина, Л.А. Обучение выразительному чтению младших. Школьников.


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"don't like to read"? Children really do not like doing things that require special stress, that are difficult to accomplish, and that they do not do well. Such work does not bring satisfaction to the child, and the situation of failure is reinforced by the dissatisfaction of adults. At all stages of teaching reading, both teachers and parents need to be patient. It is important to understand that even if a child learns to read fluently, he may continue to perceive this activity negatively. In his memory, there are unpleasant memories from the past that kill any desire to read. All children are different, each child has his own temperament, reaction speed, memory properties. All this cannot be ignored.

The purpose of teaching reading: to form a younger student as a conscientious reader with an interest in reading; who knows how to work with a readable text or a children's book. "To be able to read in the broad sense of this word means to extract a living meaning from a dead letter," said K.D Ushinsky.

Conscious reading activity, in turn, is impossible without mastering the technical side of reading: mastering its forms, types, and methods; correct reproduction and reconstruction of a readable text. There are different views on the development of the technical side of reading. Improving the reading technique is not an end in itself, but since other characteristics of the reading skill (awareness, expressiveness), as well as the quality of knowledge in subjects in general, depend on it, it is necessary to achieve correct fluent reading. Children should be able to read thoughtfully and quickly, otherwise, in high school, the desire to learn will disappear altogether, they simply will not have time to read the amount of textual information that is needed. Currently, almost 30% of primary school children are characterized by a slow reading pace. This disadvantage worries teachers and parents alike. significantly complicates children's understanding of texts (tasks, works of art, etc.), and, consequently, reduces the effectiveness of educational activities in general.

How to achieve reading speed, awareness, and expressiveness of reading? Some recommendations have been known for a long time, others are new, the main thing is that they are useful. It is important to creatively use various techniques, exercises, modify and combine them depending on the age and preparation of the class.

Ways to solve slow reading

One of the problems with slow reading in elementary school is reading with regressions when the eyes move backward. The first rule of fast reading is to read without regressions. Returning to what he read, the child immediately forgets (erases from the RAM) the previous one. To avoid returning to what you have read, it is


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recommended to use the "shutter". A "shutter" can be a small postcard, a business card, a rectangle cut out of thick paper (4cm x10 cm).

Exercise 1. "Horizontal curtain".

We hold the "curtain" in the left hand. We read the text, and the "curtain" moves along the line from left to right. When the child reads more confidently, you can ask him to move the "curtain" a little faster, slightly ahead of the usual reading speed.

Exercise 2. "Vertical shutter".

For this exercise, you need to take any text with vertical columns. We read the text, the "curtain" moves along the column from top to bottom.

In initial teaching, educators use a variety of techniques to develop children's optimal reading speed skills. One such technique is buzzing reading. The humming reading technique takes only 5 minutes of study time at the beginning of each lesson. In an undertone, each at his own pace and at his own speed. Using this technique, educators have to deal with the fact that some children do not read but only open their mouths. Along with this technique, you can suggest using binary reading.

Exercise 3. "Binary reading".

Two students, who are nearby, calmly read the same text. There is an "attunement" with each other - we read together, trying to synchronize the reading speed.

Good results in increasing the speed of reading are obtained by using the exercise "Tug".

Exercise 4. "Tug".

Option 1. While reading the text, the teacher gradually increases the reading speed. Students also read aloud, adjusting for speed.

The teacher reads aloud, and the students read to themselves. Then the teacher stops reading. Students should show in the text the word that the teacher left off.

Exercise 5. "Trap" (working with familiar text).

The teacher reads a well-known text and changes some words in it to synonyms. The task of the students is to hear the replacement (clap your hands).

Exercise 6. "Reading in a circle".

Children read a short text - each pronounces 1 word one after another. To increase the reading speed, it is necessary to expand the field of view with the help of special exercises. To do this, you can use the Schulte tables, "pyramids", "herringbones". You can work with Schulte tables in math lessons. Children in grades 1 and 2 "tap" the order of numbers with a pencil, trying to do it as quickly as possible.

Option 2.

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Tasks can be different: "tap" in order, "tap" in reverse order, find a number that is more than 5 by 2, etc.

Exercise 7. "Queue".

The teacher reads the text first. Then the student reads the same text, or the whole class repeats this text (in a calm voice).

In this exercise, it is important to imitate intonation, speed, pronunciation of words, pauses. This exercise is a kind of rehearsal, a transition to more dense teaching of the expressiveness of reading.

Formation of expressive reading skills

Much attention is now paid to expressive reading. This is evidenced by the requirements of the program, special instructions, various recommendations intended for teachers. The formation of full-fledged reading skills in younger students is impossible without the teacher's constant attention to such a side of it as the expressiveness of reading.

Expressive reading is an important means of educating and educating children. There are several exercises you can use to achieve good results in teaching expressive reading to your children.

Exercise 1. "Echo".

Reading is the same sentence with different intonation. The teacher reads several lines of the poem with a certain intonation, the students repeat these lines with the same intonation.

Exercise 2. Sounding is a movie.

We choose an image (any animal, old woman, janitor, baby, etc.). Imitating this image, we sound the text (we read the text with the voice of the selected image).

Reading-mood: we read the text with a certain mood (joyful, sad, confident, caring, etc.).

Exercise 3. "Voice-over reading".

The text is divided into parts. Each part is assigned to a specific "speaker". Students prepare for themselves to show a pattern of expressive reading - to work with articulation, intonation, loudness, and confidence. This exercise develops communication skills well if you unite children in teams, offering each team their own text. Invite each team to choose their own speaker and jointly prepare the "speaker" for the speech.

Option 1.

Option 2.

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Development of attention and memory. Games with text. The role of attention in reading is exceptionally great. You can teach children to read quickly, but without the ability to concentrate, organize attention, this skill is unlikely to be beneficial. Reading speed, attention development and memory training are closely related processes. One cannot exclude the other, each complements the other: the quality of memorization depends on perception, and perception depends on how developed attention is. There are a number of exercises that can help develop these processes.

Exercise 1. "Hide and Seek".

A sign is selected in advance by which you need to find words in the text.

For example:

All words that begin with the letter "K"

All words with two syllables

All words that are stressed on the last syllable, etc.

Exercise 2. "Camera".

We "photograph" a page of text with our eyes:

Eyes closed

Opened any page

"Photographed" the page

Close your eyes and imagine what the "photographed" page looks like - we develop the negative.

Exercise 3. "Your story."

Come up with an interesting and funny story with the words: key, cat, ice cream, flower, drum, gopher, glasses.

You can combine children into teams. Each team should offer its own set of words. The winner will be the team with the funniest story.

Exercise 4. "Everything is all right!"

Working with cards - drawing up proposals. We restore the correct word order in the sentence.

From the general pile, each student takes 1 card, as soon as the word order is restored, take the next card (in the first lessons, you can write down, if necessary).

Exercise 5. "Image".

Our brain is designed in such a way that it perceives pictures much faster than text. Therefore, you need to teach children to visualize the described objects and phenomena.

Example. Write the word "rose" on the chalkboard. Describe it with the children. Then, invite the children to close their eyes and imagine this flower.

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Exercise 6. "Word chain".

Write any 10 words on the board. For example fish, sky, grass, boy, house, mirror, joy, car, butterfly, flowers. Read them slowly. Then give 1 minute for the children to remember these words (hide words). After that, ask to write down what you remember. Usually, children memorize no more than 4-5 words.

After that, tell that the words are very easy to remember if they are "tied" in a chain (The fish looked at the sky. The grass was green on the shore. A boy ran across the grass to the house to look in the mirror. The boy felt joy when he saw the car. By car. a butterfly and flowers are drawn). The chain can be anything, it does not have to be a coherent story. But experience shows that a coherent story is better remembered by children. When the chain is connected, invite the children to write down these words again from memory.

Exercises to understand the text.

As stated above, reading should be thoughtful. In elementary school, children need to be taught to think over the meaning of each word during reading, to be able to ask questions and find answers to them here, in the text, to be able to reflect and empathize, and he must also be able to do an elementary analysis of what he read.

Exercise 1.

It is important to follow a certain algorithm when working with text:

Determination of the content of the text based on the illustration, if any.

Title the text.

Determine the main theme of the text, its main idea.

Dividing the text into logical parts and drawing up a text plan.

Exercise 2.

Restoring the text in its logical sequence:

Prepare special texts in advance. Cut the text into several parts. Fold the pieces into an envelope. The student must restore the sequence of the text.

Exercise 3.

Insert the missing word.

Prepare texts where one or more words are missing (leave space so that you can write a word).

Assignment: insert words that are appropriate for the meaning.

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Exercise 4.

Read the sentence written backward.

in the autumn Russian forest is beautiful


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Exercise 4. Phantogram.

Option 1: we fantasize, changing the content of some well-known text - we replace one condition, one sign (for example, season, hero, scene, etc.)

Option 2: fantasize, coming up with the ending of the story. We use blanks - 2-3 sentences (beginning of the story).

Everyone composes their own story. The list of techniques used is endless. This article reflects the techniques that we do not hear about so often. Reading is a difficult act. Before you force your child to read more, it is imperative to find out the root causes of difficulties. Having found out the reason, you can take on the selection of those techniques and methods that can help the child. In teaching children to read, equal attention should be paid to exercises that improve reading techniques and promote reading comprehension. Everything should be aimed at educating a competent reader.

The main thing is to achieve the optimal performance of each child, relying on the individual characteristics of students, supporting their efforts.

1. Gorbushina, L.A. Teaching expressive reading to young people. Schoolchildren.

2. Granik, G.G., Soboleva, O.V. Journey to the Land of Books - M., 2011.

3. Vasilieva, M.S., Omorokova, M.I., Svetlovskaya, N.N. Actual problems of teaching reading in primary grades. - K., Pedagogy, 2011.

4. Levin, V.A. When a little schoolboy becomes a big reader V.A. Levin. - M., 2009.

5. Naydenov, B.S. Expressive reading technique - M., 2011.

6. Omorokova, M.I. Improving the reading of primary schoolchildren - M .: 2009.

7. Omorokova, M.I., Rapoport, I.A., Postolovsky, I.Z. Overcoming difficulties - M., 2010.

8. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Order No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013.

9. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

www.yugzone.ru Andreev O.A. Khromov L.N. Learn to read quickly. http://www.school101.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=177




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