READING IS THE RECEPTIVE SIDE OF WRITING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
reading / receptive / skills / writing / competences.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Saida Turgunovna Gazieva

The main goal of teaching foreign languages is a communicative goalpractical mastery of a foreign language as a means of oral and written communication. The purpose of this article is to reveal and analyze the issue of teaching reading in a foreign language from a psychological and methodological point of view, as well as learn how to extract information from the text, which will allow you to successfully solve educational, developmental and educational tasks

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Текст научной работы на тему «READING IS THE RECEPTIVE SIDE OF WRITING»


Saida Turgunovna Gazieva

Teacher of Foreign languages department, CSPI


The main goal of teaching foreign languages is a communicative goal-practical mastery of a foreign language as a means of oral and written communication.

The purpose of this article is to reveal and analyze the issue of teaching reading in a foreign language from a psychological and methodological point of view, as well as learn how to extract information from the text, which will allow you to successfully solve educational, developmental and educational tasks.

Keywords: reading, receptive, skills, writing, competences.


Internationally recognized level of socio-economic achievements of independent Uzbekistan, the range of international cooperation and activization of interaction of the Republic in open and interconnected world, the need for a qualitative breakthrough in training of personnel, qualification of relevant global standards, able to realize the objectives of the accelerated modernization and development of the country, borrowing and adopting the best practices of leading countries of the world have reinforced the socio-educational importance of knowledge of foreign languages as an instrument of international cooperation, advanced foreign languages in educational priorities, providing, thus, foreign language education the status of a mandatory competency-based components does the professional qualifications of the modern professional and effective framework to prepare the young generation for life in the new environment of international interaction and cooperation.

Naturally, the problems facing foreign language education task to ensure that the quality of foreign language teaching modern pace of socio-economic development of the country, its ability to prompt changes in order to meet the changing needs of society require serious reforms in the system of teaching foreign languages, understanding and overcoming as surviving inertial approaches and the effects of natural growth "innovative" programs and educational services for the teaching of foreign languages. The obvious necessity of development of methodological bases of

modern foreign language education corresponding to the level of educational needs of society on the basis of which it is possible to create a national holistic and continuity of the system of foreign language education, multiple to their meaningful and functional and goals and objectives, structurally uniting under. Reading is the receptive side of writing, the main purpose of which is to get the necessary information from the material read.

In the process of reading, the perception of the printed text and its understanding are realized synchronously. In the process of reading, perception goes from form to meaning.


All reading situations are divided into two groups: situations in which the reader only needs to receive the information contained in the text, and situations in which, simultaneously with receiving it, it is necessary to transmit it in the same form to other persons. In the first case, reading to yourself is used, in the second aloud.

Methods can be identified in accordance with the set goals and objectives. There are two methods of teaching reading:

1. The method of whole words. (sound).

2. Sound-letter method. (syllabic).

The whole word method is used when reading words that do not follow the rules of reading. English words are read according to the rules that require the method of sound-letter reading.

The object of this research is the method of teaching reading.

The subject of the study is teaching reading techniques.

The main material was the works of such outstanding authors as: N. I. GEZ, S. S. Kunanabayeva, A. A. Mirolyubov, G. V. Rogov, I. N. Vereshchagin, Z. I. Klychnikov and many others.

About the reading process (General characteristics). Reading is the perception and understanding of the content recorded graphically. This leads to two sides of reading - technical and content (related to the technique of reading and understanding the content). The act of reading in an experienced reader involves particular processes that form unity and are realized in unity. The uniqueness of these particular processes depends on various factors, namely, the non-flexible base in the native or foreign language, the reading material, and the forms of reading that depend on the reader's intentions.

An experienced reader has a good reading technique and a large stock of visual images of words and structures in the storage of their memory. Through his language experience, he complements, sees indirectly, and understands what is not yet fully perceived by his memory. The extraction of meaning from it is carried out by visual perception of higher-order units, and perceptual, apperceptive, assimilative and associative processes, as well as intellectual processes, proceed synchronously. An experienced reader usually reads quickly, because fast reading helps them get to the bottom of things, i.e., recognize relationships and interdependencies, and thus achieve a better understanding of the content.

The reading process is very different for beginners. Of course, you should distinguish between a beginner in your native language and a beginner learning a foreign language.

A child who begins to read in his native language learns to recognize signs, to make syllables out of them, and from the syllables of an elephant. He already knows how to speak, and this helps him more easily cope with the connections of graphemes and phonemes.

Students who are learning to read in a foreign language do not yet know the language. They learn to speak and read almost simultaneously, although at present the teacher tries to remove the difficulties of reading and understanding by preliminary oral study of the language material, that is, by oral training. But lack of time does not allow well-developed language structures to enter "flesh and blood" before students become familiar with its graphical representation. The difficulty also lies in the fact that Bulgarian schoolchildren are completely alien to the system of signs of a foreign language. And the fact that they have long since learned to read in their native language is an invaluable help when they start reading in a foreign language. What is the reason for the gap between the technical and content aspects of reading? The reason is that students do not yet have a good command of a foreign language, the translation of graphemes into phonemes is not fully automated, and the technical side absorbs most of their attention, which should be directed to the content. Such reading without understanding can often be observed in beginners. It is based primarily on orthoepic skills, which partially function regardless of the content. This is why correct reading aloud is not always a reliable criterion for understanding. Only complete automation of reading techniques will help us eliminate the more or less striking difference in time between graphemes ' perception and reading comprehension in our practice.

Reading a book may have different goals: sometimes you just need to determine what it is about, in other cases it is important to catch all the shades of the author's thoughts, etc., i.e. the expected result is not the same in different reading situations. The nature of the reader's understanding (the degree of its completeness, accuracy, and depth) of what is being read depends on the purpose of the reading. And this, in turn, determines how it will read; each word, or skipping entire chunks of text, rereading individual passages or viewing the page "diagonally", etc.


Although in the real act of reading, the processes of perception and comprehension occur simultaneously and are closely related, the skills and abilities that ensure its process are conventionally divided into two groups:

1. related to the technical side of reading (they provide perceptual processing of text, perception of graphic signs and their correlation with certain values, or recoding of visual signals into semantic units).

2. providing semantic processing of the perceived - establishing semantic links between language units of different levels and thus the content of the text, the author's idea, etc. (these skills lead to understanding the text as a complete speech utterance).

The reader's eyes move along the line, but not smoothly, but in leaps: stop (pause/fix) - jump-stop-jump, etc. Under these conditions, an experienced reader makes 4-6 stops on a line, lasting 0.2 seconds. Each. The total time of all eye stops is the reading time. During the pause, the reader perceives a line segment that exceeds one graphic word. It is not yet definitively established what exactly determines the size of this segment, but it is already known that one of the main factors is its semantics. Therefore, the conditional unit of perception when reading should be considered a word, since it is the minimum graphic unit with a value.

The perception of a word ends with its recognition, i.e. its correlation with a certain meaning, which requires the reconstruction of its auditory-motor image, since words are stored in long-term memory primarily as auditory-motor complexes. Visual perception, therefore, is always accompanied by the utterance of what is perceived; when reading fluently to oneself, it is carried out in internal speech and is curtailed.

For an experienced reader to recognize a word, its General configuration and 3-4 clearly visible letters are enough. (the rest of the letters fall into the peripheral vision zone when the eyes stop).

The minimum unit that conveys certain semantic relations along with the lexical meaning is the Syntagma, so it is considered to be a unit of semantic processing (although in fact the reader can operate with larger units).

Semantic processing is based not only on the material already perceived. The reader always seems to be getting ahead of himself, anticipating what has not yet been perceived or sensorially, making hypotheses about what will follow.

Anticipation (probabilistic forecasting) also manifests itself at different levels -verbal (language) and semantic. Verbal hypotheses apply both to individual words and their combinations (syntagmas), and to the General structure of the sentence: the entire word is predicted by several letters, and all syntagmas/ sentences are predicted by the beginning of the Syntagma/ sentence (the action of a phrasal stereotype).


These five modes of operation make it possible to form students ' reading skills (procedural plan) by repeatedly reading the same text, but with different tasks.

Thus, students are taught to read aloud. In other words, the primary task is solved at the initial stage-learning to use the graphic system of the English language while independently voicing the text. With the help of reading aloud, you master reading to yourself. The ratio of reading aloud and to yourself at the initial stage should be in favor of the first. However, those Methodists who believe that at the beginning of learning English, it is advisable to develop only loud reading are wrong. Even in the first year of training on individual texts, provided that they are provided with appropriate tasks, you should develop reading about yourself. Moreover, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to this form of reading in the second year of English language training. Very important in connection with the above are tasks that precede the text and guide the reader's information search. Examples of such tasks include: "Read the text and say what Alice will do on Sunday. "Or" read the text that says what an English boy is going to do in the new year""

Reading aloud serves as a means of improving students ' pronunciation skills and, above all, teaching intonation, which is of great importance for mastering the learned language as a means of communication. According to experts, intonation errors lead to distortion of the meaning of the statement. In other words, the teacher has the opportunity to develop pronunciation skills on the printed material, to work out the intonation of the main communicative types of statements (questions, orders, requests, exclamations, etc.).

Sound recordings and records that record the speech of qualified speakers and native English speakers help to teach correct expressive reading. The use of sound recordings in the process of learning to read is strictly mandatory. If the text is not written down for any reason, the teacher should prepare his reading very carefully so that it will serve as a good role model for the students.


Reading can be considered as a means of teaching listening, as well as a means of obtaining information from printed text, that is, as an important goal of teaching English at the initial stage.

If students practically master reading as a type of speech activity, that is, learn to extract information from the text, this will allow them to successfully solve educational, developmental and educational tasks.

It seems appropriate to get acquainted with the problem of fast (rational) reading. Teaching fast (rational) reading is primarily about teaching students a completely new reading technique. Many of the recommendations apply to students who read in a foreign language. Obviously, all exercises should be divided into those that develop the mechanism of visual perception of optical signals, and those that develop the ability to extract information from what is being read.

In this regard, exercises to expand the field of reading, to improve predictive ability, and exercises to extract information when setting problematic tasks are particularly important. A special place in the system of teaching fast (rational) reading to semantic groups, correct stress and observance of pauses in groups of words and sentences in General. These tasks follow from the fact that the technical side of reading is closely related to the understanding of the sentence.


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