THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE RESOURCES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF READING SKILLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
reading comprehension / introductory / familiarization / activity

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Salomat Erkamovna Rustamova

It is no secret that speaking English, grammar, reading comprehension, listening comprehension is the surest way to develop any knowledge and skills that belong to the English language in general, reading and constantly working on oneself. But there are other ways to improve your English language skills. You can improve your English knowledge up to ten times. This article discusses the importance and role of reading comprehension in the study of foreign languages.

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Salomat Erkamovna Rustamova

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Toshkent region


It is no secret that speaking English, grammar, reading comprehension, listening comprehension is the surest way to develop any knowledge and skills that belong to the English language in general, reading and constantly working on oneself. But there are other ways to improve your English language skills. You can improve your English knowledge up to ten times. This article discusses the importance and role of reading comprehension in the study of foreign languages.

Keywords: reading comprehension, introductory, familiarization, activity.


We need to identify the role of reading and its place in the learning process in the formation and development of reading skills in a foreign language. It is known that there are two functions of reading in foreign language teaching: 1. Reading is the goal of foreign language teaching; 2. Reading is a tool for teaching a foreign language. Consider the first function. One of the practical goals of foreign language teaching in high school is to develop reading skills. Reading skills are measured by the student's use of reading in a foreign language as a type of speaking activity. This is due to the purpose set by the reader during the reading. Accordingly, the situation in the reading process may be different. Reading for information from the text; Receive information from the text and pass it on to another person (reader) at the same time; In the first case, it is recommended to read aloud, and in the second case, it is recommended to read aloud. It is necessary to teach silent reading in high school, because reading aloud belongs to certain people, such as teachers, actors, speakers. For many, the main goal is to get information while reading. This requires the development of silent reading skills. There are three types of reading when reading a text for information: a) Review. b) Careful reading c) Acquaintance (should be explained) The aim is to get an idea of the topic of the text (article, book) being read in paragraph "a". All you have to do is quickly read some paragraphs or sentences in the introduction. In the "introductory" type of reading, the reader aims to know the exact content of the text, article, or book being read, and focuses all his attention on

the basic (informational) information, so this type of reading sometimes also called coverage-oriented reading.


Language is a cognitive process by which we communicate our thoughts and feelings to others. When we think of language and school, most of us think about reading. But language skills encompass more than reading. We talk, we listen, we read, and we write with words. Language skills, then, include reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Reading, writing, speaking and listening play crucial roles in school, and all four are interrelated and affect one another. There is a fundamental and reciprocal relationship among oral language (listening and speaking), written language, and reading. Initially, reading and writing are dependent on oral language skills. Eventually, reading and writing extend oral language. Young children use oral language skills to learn how to read. Older children use reading to broaden their learning.

Reading. Of the four language skills, reading has the greatest impact on school success. Substantial research in reading development and reading instruction has been funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) within the National Institutes of Health. Since 1965, well over 45,000 children and adults from all walks of life have participated in the research (Birsh, 2005). NICHD funded researchers have now defined how children learn to read, why some children have difficulties learning to read, how we can remediate reading difficulties, and how we can prevent reading difficulties.

In 1997, in response to a congressional charge, the National Reading Panel (NRP) was created under the direction of the NICHD. The purpose of the NRP was to conduct an evidence-based assessment of the scientific research on reading and its implications for reading instruction. The panel examined over 100,000 research studies completed since 1966. The panel's report, issued in 2000, stated that, in order to read, children must be taught alphabetics (phonemic awareness and phonics), reading fluency (speed, accuracy, expression, and ease), and reading comprehension.

The findings of the NRP report on the five components of reading instruction are summarized as follows:

• Phoneme awareness -the ability to attend to, think about and work with the individual sounds in words

• Phonics - the relationship between the sounds and written symbols of language or phoneme-grapheme correspondence

• Fluency - the ability to read text quickly and accurately

• Vocabulary - the ability to understand the meanings of the words we use to communicate

• Comprehension - the ability to derive meaning from what is read, which is the reason for reading

Poor instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics is the most common reason why students exhibit reading problems. The most common cause of reading problems other than poor instruction is dyslexia. While learning to read may be more difficult for children with dyslexia, students with dyslexia can learn to read when they are taught in a direct, sequential and cumulative fashion.

Some parts of the text can be re-read as needed The issue of speed of reading is also very important in teaching reading, we will consider the requirements for it below.

1) The level of comprehension of the text in the "familiarization" type of reading should include 70% of the main facts in the text. The comprehension of the basic information should be clear, the reading speed should be 180190 words, (per minute)

2) The comprehension of the content in the type of "careful reading" should be 100%. requires a complete understanding of the information in the text, article, or book you are reading. The reading speed is secondary, but it should not be less than 50-60 words per minute. The student is required to have a wide range of language material.


Therefore, it is necessary to study only some elements of this type of reading in high school. For example, to determine the topic of the meant. 1-1.5 pages per minute. It should be noted that the fulfillment of these requirements for reading allows you to put into practice the acquired reading skills. It should be noted that teaching reading, i.e. reading a foreign language, is practical. It helps to achieve the goal. (Reading book, information in the text to develop students' worldview in and etc...) Reading is a means of teaching a foreign language. Because reading is a form of speaking activity, it can also be an effective tool for teaching a foreign language.

For example, it is scientifically proven that language material is well stored in memory when perceived through the senses of sight. Therefore, reading texts at an

advanced level (grades 8-9-10) is one way to increase students' vocabulary. ] There are 2 types of recollection in the process of reading,

1. Involuntary ("acquaintance" )

2. "Voluntary" focused students' attention on a specific task.

For example: not only the content, but also it also focuses on the language units that express it. In the methodological literature, texts aimed at extensive (content only) and intensive (language material from the content) reading are selected. Reading a foreign language helps to create a "Language Experience". Reading Oral Speech It also helps to grow. For example: silent and reading aloud involves all the analyzers involved in speaking. Especially reading aloud is of great importance. For example:

1) Increasing pronunciation;

2) It is a valuable exercise in building speaking skills. (visual signals are converted into sound signals). There are a) analytical b) synthetic types of reading c) without translation d) translation depending on the direction of mental activity (operations) during reading. Depending on the nature and level of support provided to students, there are differences between reading with and without a dictionary.


Types of prepared and unprepared forms of study according to the form of organization:

1. Types of study in the classroom and at home.

2. Read the teacher's assignment.

3. Read on your own.

4. Frontal reading (everyone reads the same text).

5. Individual reading.

Reading aloud is also used to monitor and test skills and competencies. Students need to know enough lexical and grammatical material to develop reading skills.


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