NATIONAL DANCE ART AND IT’S HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aytmirzaeva R.

This article discusses the history of Uzbek national dance art and its development, the reforms made in this field and their role in human and community life.

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UDK 793.31

Aytmirzaeva R. student the leader of choreographic societies Tashkent State National Dance and Choreography High School


Annotation: This article discusses the history of Uzbek national dance art and its development, the reforms made in this field and their role in human and community life.

Key Words: dance, national dance, cocktail, history, art.

Dancing art is related to man's labor process and his emotional impressions of the existence. This art was originally associated with song and vocabulary and later became an independent art. Dance has been improved for centuries and has a stable shape. The singer's dress has clarified the dance images.

Every nation's dance traditions, style of play, and pictorial art are developed and developed in the context of historical, social and geographical conditions. The performers used the repertoire, applause and rattan to express the content of Uzbek dance. Some dances were performed with a piece of cloth, bowl, glass, and sometimes the performing folk musical instruments (mug, circle, drum, etc.).

The archeological findings of rock paintings found on the territory of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, testify to the fact that dance is very ancient here. The Zardushty's sacred book has proven that dance art was formed during the Avesto era, and people and professional dance had developed in two directions. In addition, dance and games affect each other in different stages of development, such as "Besharkarsak", "Katta o'yin", "Lazgi", "Kema o'yini" and "Ashshadaroz".

In the 20th century dance art developed as the Bukhara dance, Khorezm dance, Fergana dance, and developed as a stage of modern folk dance, based on modern requirements. Each of these destinations had a long history of their own shape and content, passing through several historical stages. A number of state and folk dance groups are internationally recognized. Here are some of the most interesting topics in the story: Hamdamxon, Yusufjon Shakarjonov, Usta Olim Komilov, Tamarahonim, Mukarrama Turgunbaeva, Gavhar Rakhimova, Roziya Karimova, Qunduz Mirkarimova, Karim Rahimov, Kadir Muminov, Mamura Ergasheva, Yulduz Ismatova, Shokir Ahmedov, Gavhar Matyakubova, Rushana Sultanova and Dilafruz Jabborova, Dustmukhamedova, Malika Akhmedova, and many other dance masters.

To begin with, in 1932 the republican ballet school named Tamarahonim opened, which began its activity with 30 pupils and directed its activity to training personnel for opera dances. This institution in 1933-41. was called the 1 st Republican Ballet School, and in 1943-47 he was the first in the republic. - The Uzbek State Opera and Ballet Studio. The first director of the school was

M.Harratov, the first teachers - Usta Olim Komilov, Tamarahonim, M.Turgunboeva. Over the course of its activity, this new educational institution produced over 70 national artists, geniuses of choreographic art. Among them were G. Izmailov, B. Korieva, H. Komilov, K. Mikrarimov, G. Mavaev, R. Tanguriev, F. Nosirova. In 1947 the school was moved to a specially constructed new building and turned into a choreographic school. Ballerinas G. Khamroev, F.Sadullaev, N.Alimov, Z.Davlatmurodov, who were educated here, raised the Uzbek art of ballet to a new stage of development.

In the 1920s Tamarahonim and other dancers and dancers did not create new dances, they adapted the Uzbek folk dances to the stage. In the 1930s, M.Turgunboeva made a huge contribution to the development of this industry, she began to create her first solo dances. In the 1950s, with the creation of the ensemble "Bahor", the dance turned into a full-fledged stage art. The first professional Uzbek dancer is Tamarahonim.

She first entered the dance scene in1919, and starting in 1922 she began her career as the only dancer in the ensemble of Kory Yokubova. In 1925, in Paris, and then in1935 in London, she widely promoted Uzbek national choreographic art, and along with Usta Olim Komilov, Tamarakhonim was awarded a gold medal of the competition. Another queen of Uzbek professional dance is M.Turgunboeva from Margelan. For the first time she performed on stage in 1929 in Samarkand in 16 years. Yusufzhon Kizik, Usta Olim Komilova, Tamarahonim took the lessons of the scenic art.

During the years of independence a number of good works have been done to develop Uzbek national dance art. The normative documents on the development of the industry have been adopted, and the National Dance and Choreography School has been established. Such practical work is still going on. In particular, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 15, 2017 "On Measures for Further Improvement of the Management System in the Culture and Sports" of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Uzbeknavo" variety association and "Uzbekkonsert" state association , and a new department within the institution has been established - the Department of Dancing and Choreography Development and Organization. His goals and objectives, what he would do in the future, were determined.

Today there are 10 state and private dance ensembles in Tashkent. More than 200 dancers and dancers operate in these ensembles. There are 16 dance groups in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions, where about 400 artists are working. More than 150 dancers, dancers and ballet artists work at the A.Navoi, Muqimiy, Berdaq musical theaters and the Tashkent operetta theater.

Despite the wide opportunities for the development of the industry, today's dance art is not satisfactory. Recently, in the media, criticisms and criticisms on national dance art have revealed a number of shortcomings and challenges facing today's dance art, as well as the dance style of the region, and the loss of national

features of dance art it is not difficult to know why.


1. Avdeeva A. From the history of Uzbek national dance. I book. Tashkent, 2001.

2. Baxta I.G., Romanovskaya E. Uzbek dancing. Great game. Archive Institute art by named Xamzy UzSSR. T (B) B-30, No. 247, T (F).

3. https://4dancing.ru/blogs/070115/2002/

UDK 378.147

Babajanova Ya.M.


Tashkent Architecture - Construction Institute


Annotation: In this article considered advantages of using computer technologies in the teaching process.

Keywords: computer, technology, education, information, development, ICT, learn.

The rapid development of new information technologies and the introduction in Uzbekistan in the last ten years have left a certain imprint on the development of the image of modern man. The higher educational institution is a part of society, and in it, as in a drop of water, reflects the same problems as in the whole country. Therefore it is very important to organize the learning process so that the student actively, with interest and enthusiasm worked in the classroom, he could independently study and improve his knowledge and his free hours, after classes, saw the fruits of his work and could evaluate them.

To help the teacher in solving this difficult task, the combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies, including computer ones. After all, using a computer in a lesson allows you to make the learning process mobile, strictly differentiated and individual.

In practice, information technology training is called all technologies that use special technical information tools (computers, audio, video, film). Computer (new information) learning technologies is the process of preparing and communicating information to a student, the means of implementing which is a computer.

Educational means of ICT - various software and hardware means designed to solve certain pedagogical problems, having a substantive content and oriented toward interaction with the learner. Combining the capabilities of a TV, VCR, book, calculator, being a universal tool, able to simulate other tools and a variety of games, the modern computer is at the same time for the student an equal partner who is able to respond very subtly to his actions and requests, which he sometimes lacks. On the other hand, this method of teaching is very attractive for teachers: it helps them to better assess the student's abilities and knowledge, understand it,

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