MODERN LOOK AT THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF DISTANCE LEARNING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yasynska E.

The article analyzes the modern methods of teaching students with in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The main elements, advantages and disadvantages of distance education are considered and analyzed, and the prospects for its development in Ukraine are forecasted.

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Yasynska E.

Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine «Bukovina State Medical University», Chernovtsy.


The article analyzes the modern methods of teaching students with in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. the main elements, advantages and disadvantages of distance education are considered and analyzed, and the prospects for its development in Ukraine are forecasted.

Keywords: the distance learning methods, theeducational process, the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, the problems of distance learning.

Reforming the higher education system in Ukraine in the direction of recognizing the student as the central figure of the educational process with the simultaneous development of his cognitive activity is a justified necessity. This involves restructuring the learning process. The ultimate goal of distance learning should be the maximum disclosure of individual capabilities and self-development of the personality of each student. One of the topical trends in the development of modern higher education is the introduction of distance learning technologies into the educational process. Modern society needs high-quality education at the mass level, which will be able to meet the requirements of both the consumer and the producer of material values and spiritual goods. To fulfill the social order of society, even rich countries are not in a position to go to an increase in allocations for education, an increase in the number of educational institutions, or any other traditional means.

The development of information technologies drew people's attention to the problem of modernizing the education system. In this regard, the idea of distance education appeared in society. The relevance of such an educational concept is associated with the emergence of such a global phenomenon as the Internet, covering broad layers of society and becoming one of the most powerful and important factors in its development. This modernization of the education system is of particular importance in Ukraine.

Purpose: determination of the role of distance learning in the higher education system of Ukraine, the main advantages and problems of implementation in the educational process.

The Distance education is an open learning system that provides for active communication between a teacher and a student using modern technologies and multimedia. This form of education gives freedom to choose the place, time and pace of learning, thanks to the Internet, which covers wide layers of society and becomes an important factor in its development. It should be noted that distance learning is not antagonistic to full-time and part-time forms of education. It naturally integrates into these systems, complementing and developing them, which contributes to the creation of a mobile learning environment. Distance learning makes it possible to create systems of mass continuous self-learning, general exchange of information. It is this system that can most adequately and flexibly respond to the needs of society for the training of highly professional specialists. The perfect form of distance learning

is learning based on the use of global and local computer networks (Internet). It uses the advantages inherent in traditional forms of education, getting rid of their disadvantages.

Compared to distance learning with traditional learning, both advantages and disadvantages are identified. Thus, traditional education is characterized by controlled attendance, direct teaching, a high proportion of presence in time, the availability and necessity of a schedule, and stay at an educational base. Unlike traditional distance learning, it allows free access to training materials, provides the opportunity to use additional resources, less strict according to the schedule, is based on information, and not on structured teaching. If distance learning takes place at a training base, in this case, visits are also supervised, there is an orientation towards learning and teaching, it becomes necessary to control the visit. If distance learning takes place outside the training base, the training takes place using technological means.

The advantages of distance learning include the following:

• simplicity and accessibility of such training;

• the acquisition of experience and additional information by the student using the resources of the Internet;

• interest of modern youth in the use of modern media in everyday life;

• openness and objectivity in assessing students' knowledge, its independence from the teacher, since modern computer technologies and appropriate programs for assigning marks on a special scale are used;

• high self-organization of students, which increases the creative and intellectual potential, the desire to acquire knowledge, the ability to interact with computer technology and mastering the latest information technologies.

• convenience for companies and organizations in training their employees without interrupting their regular work;

• lower level of payment for distance education compared to traditional;

• updating the training material if necessary;

• the possibility of individual and group training of students;

• solving the problem of loss of concentration, in order to avoid restrictions in the schedule.

The informational provision of distance learning is characterized by the fact that students get access to a

set of necessary educational materials in modern electronic form directly from the server of the higher educational institution where they study, other higher educational institutions and Internet resources. Modern computer telecommunications are able to provide the transfer of knowledge and access to a variety of educational information at a level, and sometimes much more efficiently than traditional teaching tools. The quality of distance education should be of a high level, not inferior to the quality of full-time education. This is achieved by preparing didactic teaching aids, the development of which involves the best teaching staff and uses the most modern teaching and methodological materials. Distance learning is carried out simultaneously with professional activity or with training in other areas of training, that is, without interrupting work or another type of activity.

The following are considered negative characteristics of distance learning:

• high value of equipment for distance learning.

• content may depend on technological characteristics;

• the possibility of a language barrier or translation problem;

• obstacles in time across time zones;

• problems with copyright in the application of educational materials.

The main problems of organizing distance learning, in our opinion, are as follows. The effectiveness of distance learning directly depends on those teachers who work with students on the Internet. These should be teachers with universal training, proficient in modern pedagogical and information technologies, psychologically ready to work with students in a new educational and cognitive network environment. The methodological problem is the lack of methods for creating and using distance courses in the educational process based on modern pedagogical, information and communication technologies. This task is solved by teachers and developers of distance learning, who must be proficient in all modern innovative technologies for creating electronic content. The psychological and pedagogical problem is becoming one of the most important in modern conditions. It is connected with the fact that each teacher of a higher educational institution has his own teaching materials, which are individually developed on the basis of his own pedagogical and scientific-methodological experience and is his intellectual property. The distance course is taught on the WEB-portal, which makes it publicly available not only for students, but also for other users. A psychological barrier arises for the development of educational and methodological materials, since they can be used by someone else who did not participate in this development. In this regard, the problem of protecting the intellectual property rights of the teacher - the developer of the distance course - should be solved. A technical

problem arises due to the lack of technical communication capabilities of users, the lack or low speed of Internet access, the lack or high cost of software, and even the lack of personal computers among students living in rural areas. At the same time, the technical base of the classroom fund of the university, equipment with modern computer technology in an insufficient volume is in line with the needs. This limits the possibilities of distance learning in some higher education institutions.

Despite its shortcomings, distance learning technology is a powerful learning tool. In order to increase the effectiveness of new information technologies in teaching, a certain system should be formed, which provides for a different understanding of the essence of teaching, the role of the teacher and students in this process, the relationship between the teacher and students, equipping the workplaces of the teacher and students.

Conclusions: solving the problem of introducing distance education in Ukraine will help improve the quality and accessibility of higher education, integrate the national education system into the scientific, industrial, social and cultural information structure of the educational space.


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