MILK PROTEIN AS AN IMPORTANT BREEDING TRAIT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Ветеринарные науки»

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UDK 636.082.251

Mkrtchyan G.V., Boyko M.D.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Academy of

Veterinary Medicine-MVA named after K.I. Scriabin



To form a highly productive dairy herd, a comprehensive assessment of first-calf heifers is carried out on control groups on farms and complexes. One of the most reliable methods for increasing the protein content of milk is the selection of animals for this trait with directional selection and selection.

To speed up the evaluation process, the milk production of first-calf heifers is determined based on the results for the first 100 days of lactation. Knowing the productivity for 100 days, the milk yield for the entire lactation is calculated according to the current conversion coefficients. High productivity in dairy farming depends on many factors.

In modern conditions, breeders are faced with the task of developing such techniques and methods of breeding work that would make it possible to obtain milk that is full in nutritional value and technological properties.

At present, the deficiency of protein as a human food product has been determined all over the world (Mysik A.T., 2006). One of the main sources of protein produced by animals is milk. In terms of chemical composition and nutritional properties, it has no analogues among other types of natural food, since it contains the most complete proteins.

With a certain deficiency of milk protein in human nutrition, the attitude towards dairy breeds has changed, there has been a tendency in selection to improve the qualitative composition of milk - the milk protein content of milk.

The breed is the main genetic factor influencing the content of total protein, protein fractions and technological properties of milk (Khaerdinov R.A., 2007; Klimenok I.I., 2002, 2004; Mishin Yu.M., 2009). Among all breeds, the Jersey and Ayrshire protein content, which ranges from 3.2% to 4.5%, should be attributed to the breeds with a high protein content, the Holstein and Black-and-White breeds are considered to be rich in milk (Zhebrovsky L.S., 2001). The breed of animals with a certain genetic potential has a great influence on the chemical composition of milk and the yield of dairy products, that is, each consolidated breed of animals has a corresponding concentration of protein in milk.

Increasing the protein content in milk requires breeders to select highly productive cows. In our studies, a certain correlation was established between milk yield and the main components of milk. The use of animals that have positive correlations between milk yield and the mass fraction of protein will make it possible to select the best ones for further selection during selection.

Previously, studies were conducted on the effect of various types of selection on the milk productivity of cows, and it was found that milk productivity increased with an increase in the number of lines involved in breeding.

The production of dairy products is associated with those animals that are able to have high quality indicators and are able to pass them on to their offspring. The study of the heritability of milk protein will allow, with a certain degree of accuracy, to predict the effectiveness of the use of various methods of breeding work, which is relevant today.

In order to successfully conduct breeding for animal milk protein content, breeding farms should organize dairy laboratories, the task of which is to evaluate cows not only for fat milk content, but also for milk protein content. It is very important to conduct research on the determination of protein in the milk of cows and in the herds of breeding farms and farms.


1. Bakai A.V. Heritability of milk productivity of daughters of breeding bulls of different lines / Bakai A.V.,

Bakai F.R., Bulusov K., Lepekhina T.V. // Chief livestock specialist. - No. 7. - 2013.- P.16-21.

2. Mysik A.T. On the development of animal husbandry in the USSR, the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the countries of the world / Mysik A.T. // Zootechnics. - 2013. - No. 1. - P.2-6.

3. Lyashenko V.V. Milk productivity and milk quality of Holstein first-calf heifers of different selection / Lyashenko V.V., Sitnikova I V. // Zootechnics. - 2013. - No. 9. - P.18-19.

4. Nazarchenko, O.V. Variability, heritability of the service period in the daughters of sires of Holstein lines / Nazarchenko O.V., Zabrodin V.A. // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2011. - No. 6.- p. 30-31.

© Mkrtchyan G.V., Boyko M.D., 2022

УДК 636.082

Гаспарян К.О.


ФГБОУ ВО «Московская Государственная Академия Ветеринарной Медицины и биотехнологии - МВА имени К.И. Скрябина»,

г. Москва, РФ Мухтарова О.М.

К.с.-х.н., доцент кафедры генетики и разведения животных имени В.Ф. Красоты, ФГБОУ ВО «Московская Государственная Академия Ветеринарной Медицины и биотехнологии - МВА имени К.И. Скрябина»,

г. Москва, РФ



На молочных фермах крупный рогатый скот содержат, для того чтобы получать приплод и молоко. Если корова в течение 90 дней после отела по разным причинам не оплодотворилась, то она считается яловой. Молодые же коровы считаются яловыми если они не оплодотворились после 1 месяца с момента случки, это может быть связанно и с бесплодием, но не стоит путать эти понятия. Бесплодие - это нарушение воспроизводительной функции, вызванное утробными или после утробными факторами. Если яловость можно вылечить, то бесплодную корову сразу выбраковывают на предприятии, что очень сильно сказывается на экономическом состоянии хозяйства. Методы борьбы с яловостью будут представлены в этой статье.

Ключевые слова:

яловость, бесплодие, крупный рогатый скот, скотоводство

Яловость - это нарушение работы репродуктивной системы организма, причины ее появления могут быть и физиологическими или происходить из внешней среды. Яловость может быть вызвана нарушением обмена веществ, неправильными условиями содержания и кормления, неполноценностью рациона, низким качеством корма и подстилочного материала, послеродовыми и генеалогическими заболеваниями, не правильной организацией и проведением осеменения, недостаточно квалифицированными кадрамив хозяйстве.[1]

К недостаткам в кормлении относится дефицит в кормах обменной энергии, макроэлементов и микроэлементов, витаминов. Низкое содержание белка в рационах или недостаток незаменимых аминокислот приводит к снижению гормональной активности желез внутренней секреции, особенно гипофиза, яичников и надпочечников, нарушению синтеза ферментов, явлениям витаминной недостаточности. К основным ошибкам содержания относятся высокая скученность крупно рогатого

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