Научная статья на тему 'Methods of forming the professionalism of dentists at the postgraduate stage of education'

Methods of forming the professionalism of dentists at the postgraduate stage of education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mytchenok O., Mytchenok M., Kitsak T.

This article highlights methods of forming the professionalism of dentists at the postgraduate stage of education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methods of forming the professionalism of dentists at the postgraduate stage of education»

усилия на увеличение доли слушателей дополнительных программ, например из числа слушателей - потенциальных абитуриентов, на конкурсной основе предоставляя место без оплаты стоимости за обучение.

Можно констатировать тот факт, что в Тихоокеанском государственном университете уже сформирована и успешно развивается система дополнительного образования дошкольников и довузовской молодежи в области изобразительного развивающего творчества, классического художественного образования для старших школьников, актуального искусства и дизайна для будущих абитуриентов, системообразующим элементом которой, является Академия современного искусства и дизайна. Еще одним, немаловажным направлением деятельности Академии, является информационная поддержка реализации творческих проектов и образовательных программ. Уже сегодня работает специально созданный web-сайт, который призван, не только информировать о деятельности подразделения, но и способствовать формированию его привлекательного имиджа, актуализирующего ее вос-стребованность на «рынке» образовательных услуг, в чем помогает и ведение страничек Академии в различных соцсетях. Все это предоставляет хорошие перспективы для дальнейшего развития. Можно утверждать то, что созданные сегодня условия и имеющиеся достижения, дают основания утверждать - Академия стала эффективным центром предоставления дополнительного образования подрастающему поколению детей и юношества, демонстрирующей выдающиеся способности в творческой и дизайнерской деятельности, в усло-

виях Тихоокеанского государственного университета, на основе профессиональной ориентации, обеспечивая им более комфортную адаптацию перехода от школы к жизни в быстроизменяющихся условиях развития современного общества.

Список литературы

1. Акишина Е.М. Концептуальные подходы к преподаванию предметов искусства в современной школе / Педагогика искусства. - № 3. - 2016. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.art-education.ru/sites/default/files/jour-nal_pdf/akishina_9-17.pdf (дата обращения 12.08.2019).

2. Акишина Екатерина Михайловна. Перспективы развития дополнительного образования художественной направленности в соответствии с вызовами времени. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.art-education.ru/electronic-journal (дата обращения 25.08.2019).

3. Доклад министра образования и науки о развитии системы дополнительного образования [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://dopedu.ru/64-gosudarstvennaya-politika-v-sfere-dop-obrazovaniya/609-doklad-ministra-obra-zovaniya-i-nauki-o-razvitii-sistemy-dopolnitelnogo-obrazovaniya.html (дата обращения20.08.2019).

4. Концепция развития дополнительного образования детей, утвержденная распоряжением Правительства Российской Федерации от 4 сентября 2014 г. №1726-р. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://legalacts.ru/doc/rasporjazhenie-pravitelstva-rf-ot-04092014-n-1726-r/ (дата обращения 25.08.2019).



Mytchenok O.,

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Assistant Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Mytchenok M.,

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Assistant, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Kitsak T.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Assistant, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


This article highlights methods of forming the professionalism of dentists at the postgraduate stage of education.

Keywords: professional competence, education.

In recent years, the education system has undergone a period of active reform, ranging from changes in the legislative framework to the renewal of a lifelong

learning paradigm. A number of scientists [2, 3]. recommend to pay attention to the development of the motivational sphere of the individual in order to increase professional interest, ensure the practical interaction of

disciplines and develop skills by maximizing the approximation of the educational process to practical activities.

The professional competence of a young specialist is of particular importance. Some scientists point out that the term «competence» means not only knowledge of any issues, awareness of them, but also the ability to discuss, decide, the ability of the individual to navigate freely in difficult conditions of professional activity, to operate it subjective and objective constituents [1]. Competence is often defined as a combination of psychological qualities, a condition that allows one to act independently and responsibly (effective competence), as having a young specialist's ability and ability to perform certain job functions. The professional competence of a doctor is a set of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, experience gained, personal qualities of a doctor, which ensure effective professional activity.

The current pace of scientific, technical and social development places stringent requirements on the professional level of a doctor. The doctor needs to be competitive. For this, throughout life, we have to learn practically new medical products, new equipment, new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases are emerging due to the wide development of biotechnology. Therefore, the ability of the doctor to acquire new knowledge and to apply it in new conditions is important. It is very important how young a doctor is independent in the information space, what his orienting abilities are, how quickly he chooses what really suits him and what he can achieve a high level of competence [1].

New knowledge, the search for new technologies, must be based on a solid core theoretical framework provided by textbooks and manuals. The problem is the adequacy of the textbook, the textbook to meet the requirements of modern education and society in general, since the creation of high-quality modern textbooks, textbooks is one of the many factors that provide quality education. New knowledge, the search for new technologies, must be based on a solid core theoretical framework provided by textbooks and manuals. The problem is the adequacy of the textbook, the textbook to meet the requirements of modern education and society in general, since the creation of high-quality modern textbooks, textbooks is one of the many factors that provide quality education [4].

Today, in addition to the usual textbooks and tutorials, electronic textbooks are of great importance. A modern electronic textbook is an almost software-methodical complex that has information of encyclopedic content and access to any selected fragment through links.

Strengthens its position as a computer-based education paradigm that involves the use of multimedia technologies in the learning process, as well as computer encyclopedias and reference books, electronic textbooks and tutorials.

The ability to navigate independently in the information space comes in the process of preparation for employment. Interns, pre-certification, specialization, or thematic improvement practitioners develop the ability to independently search, select, and process information. This is facilitated by various forms of setting tasks for the preparation for the classes - or very specific: the number of questions, their formulation, the indication of specific sources, sections - or vice versa, the ability to independently search for information on treatment options for a particular disease.

A special role in the expansion and deepening of knowledge is played by clinical analysis of diseases directly near the patient, involvement of the number of arias-interns, cadets to the implementation of fragments of scientific work carried out at the department. For example, at the Department of Dentistry of Postgraduate Education, Ivano-Frankivsk Medical University, within the framework of the research work, Ari interns were involved in the examination of children in organized children's groups - schools, in order to identify the prevalence of dental diseases in the population living in environmentally unfavorable conditions in particular in Kalush and Kalush districts. This helped motivate young doctors to research, analyze the results, search for information, publications on methods of disease prevention in a population living in similar environmental conditions, and most importantly, prompted them to take an independent, thoughtful approach to the problem, aroused interest and positive attitude to work. We believe that all this contributes to the formation of the outlook of the young specialist.

The important role of professional competence, professional communication in the modern world, turning it into one of the most important spheres of human activity, makes the problem of forming future specialists' readiness for professional activity one of the priorities. As readiness for professional communication is a essential prerequisite for effective activity of a young person after graduation, as well as quick adaptation to working conditions and further professional improvement.


1. Baranova S. Features of formation of professional competence of the teacher. Modern School of Ukraine. 2009. № 2. P.16-18.

2. Beh I.D. Personal education. Personally-oriented approach: scientific and practical basics. Kyiv, 2003. 344 p.

3. Maximenko P.T. Pedagogical and clinical psychological aspects of dentist training. Ukrainian Dental Almanac. 2006. № 4. P.59-62.

4. Palchuk M. A new generation textbook - one of the factors of improving the quality of education. Vocational education. 2008. № 2. P.15-17.

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