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bee / feeding / ozone / hydrohemol / microflora

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Serdyuchenko I.V.

Methods for increasing the resistance of weakened bee colonies, stimulating the reproductive activity of the uterus, and increasing the body weight of the bee family are studied. It has been established that various feeding, antibiotic treatment, ozonization of bees and hives are used for this purpose.

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Serdyuchenko I. V.

candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor, department of microbiology, virology epizootology faculty of veterinary medicine Federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "Kuban state agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin»

Krasnodar Russian Federation


Methods for increasing the resistance of weakened bee colonies, stimulating the reproductive activity of the uterus, and increasing the body weight of the bee family are studied. It has been established that various feeding, antibiotic treatment, ozonization of bees and hives are used for this purpose. Keywords: bee, feeding, ozone, hydrohemol, microflora

The main risk of intestinal diseases is on the end of wintering and early spring, that is connected with the physiological characteristics of the intestine and the functional state of bees in this period [1, p. 238]. In this regard, all preventive measures of intestinal diseases of bees are reduced to the observance of veterinary-sanitary rules of their content, proper feeding and the use of modern methods and means for increasing their productivity [2, p. 52; 3, p. 141].

A number of authors for the prevention of intestinal bacterial diseases are the following activities: prevention of the placement of apiaries closer than 1 km from livestock and poultry buildings and Parking of cattle on pastures, the location of apiaries away from bodies of water contaminated by the feces; ensuring bees drinkers especially with fresh and salted water, and also benign foods.

Others believe that in order for bee colonies to grow and develop intensively, always be healthy, strong and highly productive, we need a plentiful and complete forage base consisting of 100 or more species of plants and producing nectar and pollen throughout the active period of life of bees.

As a rule, diseases susceptible to weakened family, bad after winter. Therefore, one of the priority tasks is to provide bees with feedings, which in the shortest possible time would increase the resistance of a weakened family, stimulate the reproductive ability of Queens, increase the body weight of the inhabitants of the hive.

The most common carbohydrate feeding is sugar syrup with various dressings. Meanwhile, currently in the literature there are reports that the acidified syrup bees introduced an insufficient amount of enzymes to break down the sugars, resulting in sugar processing is delayed or not at all, as a result of this feed is obtained, the consumption of which requires additional energy consumption, reduces the life potential of bees, worsens wintering and their spring development.

It was found that partially neutralize the negative sides of sugar syrup helps feeding bees sugar-honey dough - Kandy, which is distinguished by 3 types:

sugar-honey dough - prepared from powdered sugar (80%), honey (19%) and water (1%); sugar dough contains 70% powdered sugar and 30% inverted syrup; and sugar-protein dough is prepared from honey (22%), water (4%), acetic acid (0.03%), sugar (64%), sugar pollen, obnozhki (5%), fodder yeast (5%).

Feeding the dough has a number of advantages over feeding with sugar syrup, because bees take the dough them as needed, do not tolerate and do not put in the cells of the honeycomb, like sugar syrup. Nevertheless, the use of the test for the formation of winter stocks is undesirable, because bees eat it very slowly. Therefore, it is desirable to give the dough in the autumn before the cold weather as a supportive food and for the introduction of the necessary therapeutic dressings.

It should be noted that for the normal functioning of the digestive system in the first place, in spite of feeding, a significant role is played by a normal state of its microbiota [4, p. 56]. Therefore, the purposeful formation of the predominance of beneficial microflora with the help of various drugs and feedings, both in modern animal husbandry and beekeeping, is very important.

For example, microbiological preparation apinik, which is used immediately after wintering to displace the putrid microflora and restore normal Association of microorganisms in the intestinal tract of bees. In the result, the wives of the overwintered hives have high activity and vitality, can grow to 30-35% more young bees than have not received the drug.

Of particular interest are reports about antibiotics in beekeeping, where it is noted that they, in particular, penicillin and biomitsin in small doses, improve the General physiological condition of the bees, which manifests itself in increasing life expectancy, increasing the weight of the larvae and bees and increase their viability [5, p. 98]. Also, antibiotics stimulate the activity of bees, which is characterized by their longer and more intense flight activity; there is an increase in

growth, productivity of healthy families. Simultaneously antibiotics have on the body of bees and preventive effect.

Recently in the literature more often there are messages on the role of ozone in the disinfection of beekeeping equipment, beehives, feed, stimulate the development of bee families, preventive measures for diseases of bees, in particular, and of intestinal etiology. The study of this issue is devoted to the work of many authors [6, p. 205; 7, p. 80]. In addition, many works devoted to the antibacterial activity of ozone in relation to sanitary-important bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtillis) [8, p. 110; 9, p. 44; 10, p. 271] showed that in a greater degree, ozone has a bactericidal activity against representatives of gram-positive microorganisms - Staphylococcus aureus and hay Bacillus, and to a lesser extent Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas. The optimal bactericidal effect of ozone is achieved by using concentrations of 12-25 mg/m3 for 30-60 minutes or 120 minutes or more at a concentration of 6 mg / m3.

Thus, this literature review showed that honeybees are a single-purpose biological organism, which should be investigated taken together. With a single metabolism, bees, like no other organism, are affected by various adverse factors. Given this fact, it is necessary to know all the basic biological patterns of life of the bee family and timely use various tools to maintain balance in this complex organism. Because the environmental situation is deteriorating every year, as well as due to omissions in the conditions of operation, maintenance and feeding, bees are exposed to various diseases, among which a special role is played by intestinal bac-teriosis. This fact can be explained by the physiological characteristics of the structure and functioning of the digestive system of bees in combination with their unbalanced feeding. It is known that to eliminate this problem can help the use of various dressings, additives, stimulants, containing in its composition all the necessary substances for the body of the bee.

However, despite the rather large volume of publications devoted to this topic, it is clear that the search for promising and qualitative methods to increase productivity and stimulate the development of bee colonies is relevant at the present time.


1. Litvinova A. R. The Advantages and disadvantages of bees Carpathian breed / A. R. Litvinova, I. V. Serdyuchenko, V. I. Terekhov, A. A. Shevchenko //

In the book: Scientific support of the agroindustrial complex: collected articles on materials of the X all-Russian conference of young scientists, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of I. S. Kosenko. OTV. for vol. A. G. Kashchayev. - 2017. - P. 237-238.

2. Serdyuchenko I. V. Features of development of branch of beekeeping in various regions of Russia (the literary review) / I. V. Serdyuchenko // Academy of pedagogical ideas. Innovation. - 2018. - № 8. - P. 5053.

3. Serdyuchenko I. V. Features of microbioceno-sis of the intestinal tract of adult honey bees depending on the season of the year / I. V. Serdyuchenko, V. I. Terekhov, N. N. Gugushvili, A. R. Litvinova, E. Gor-pinchenko / / Proceedings of the Kuban state agrarian University. - 2014. - №49. - P. 140-143.

4. Serdyuchenko I. V. History of development and biological features of the Carpathian breed of bees / I. V. Serdyuchenko // Academy of pedagogical ideas Novation. - 2018. - № 9. - P. 54-57.

5. Serdyuchenko I. V. Interrelation of microbioce-nosis of the intestinal tract of honey bees of the Carpathian breed with their physiological activity / I. V. Ser-dyuchenko / / Proceedings of the Samara state agricultural Academy. - 2017. - № 1. - P. 97-99.

6. Serdyuchenko I. V. Microbiocenosis of the intestinal tract of adult honeybees in the conditions of Krasnodar region / I.V. Serdyuchenko, V. I. Terekhov, D. A. Ovsyannikov // Proceedings of the Kuban state agrarian University. 2014. No. 46. Pp. 204-206.

7. Serdyuchenko I. V. Microbiocenosis of the intestinal tract of honey bees and its correction / I. V. Ser-dyuchenko, A. G. Koshchaev, N. N. Guguchvili, I. S. Zholobova, I. M. Donnik, A. M. Smirnov, B. V. Usha // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences. - 2018. - T. 18. - № 1. - C. 74-83.

8. Serdyuchenko I. V. Microbiocenosis of the intestinal tract of honey bees, and its correction / I. V. Serdyuchenko, V. I. Terekhov // Krasnodar, 2018.

9. Serdyuchenko V. I. The Influence of feed additive hydrogemol on the microflora of the digestive tract of bees / I. V. Serdyuchenko // proceedings of the Samara state agricultural Academy. - 2010. - № 1. - P.43-45.

10. Svitenko O.V. Features wintering of bees Carpathian breed / O. V. Svitenko, I.V. Serdyuchenko // In the book: Scientific provision of agroindustrial complex. Collection of articles on the materials of the X all-Russian conference of young scientists dedicated to the 120th anniversary of I. S. Kosenko. - 2017. - P. 270-272.

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