DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-27-31
Methodology of motor abilities and skills formation in swimming with the elements of water polo at health-improving stage among
junior schoolchildren
Ilona V. Adamova
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism
Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5370-3771,
Abstract: Modern sport provides the following typical characteristics: regeneration and high increase of sports results. For practice, no matter how perfect it is, it is typical to achieve the best result making lesser efforts within a short time period. Materials. The article considers the following problem: is it possible at a sports health-improving stage to preserve the quality in technique mastering of the main swimming ways and the ways of ball control, reducing the volume of hours for the main units of the program? Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, the method of control exercises, the methods of mathematical-statistical data handling. Results. We created the methodology of swimming lessons with the elements of water polo for junior schoolchildren, as an educational health-improving system. Conclusion. The created methodology of swimming lessons organization using the elements of water polo at sports health-improving stage among junior schoolchildren can be used as an additional education program for comprehensive schools and also for sports establishments, where there is a multi-level swimming pool and there is no sports gym. Keywords: sports health-improving stage, swimming, the level of ball control, water polo, junior school age.
For citation: Ilona V. Adamova. Methodology of motor abilities and skills formation in swimming with the elements of water polo at health-improving stage among junior schoolchildren. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019; 14(2): 23-27. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-27-31.
INTRODUCTION readiness in water polo and swimming. The relevance of the research is conditioned The aim of the research is to create and
by insufficient study of organizational-methodical experimentally substantiate the methodology of
characteristics of swimming lessons organization swimming lessons organization with the elements of
with the elements of water polo at a sports-health water polo at sports health-improving stage among
improving stage of the 1st year of study. The problem junior school age children.
of the research work is searching for the new forms In order to achieve the set aim we defined the
and methods of swimming lessons organization objectives of the research:
with the elements of water polo and their influence 1. To create the evaluation criteria for the
determination on the level of physical development mastering level of sports ways of swimming
and physical readiness among junior school age estimation and the evaluation criteria for the level
children. of ball control estimation among junior school age
Sports health-improving training (SHT) - people, children. who want to go in for sports and don't have medical 2. To create the methodology of swimming
contra-indications (who have written permission lessons with the elements of water polo at sports
from a doctor), are admitted to the stage. In these health-improving stage among junior school age
groups the main directions of pedagogical process children.
are physical health-improving and upbringing 3. To reveal the effectiveness of swimming
activity with the emphasis on multi-directional lessons methodology with water polo elements
physical training of mainly health-improving influence on the level of physical readiness among
orientation and mastering the base of technical junior school age children.
Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, the method of control exercises, the methods of mathematical-statistical data handling.
Results and Discussion
Taking into account the aims and objectives we planned and realized the pedagogical experiment. It lasted 9 months. The experiment is based on the recommendations concerning physical upbringing and sports training among junior school age children and the results of pedagogical observations. 39 girls at the age of 7-9 took part in the experiment. However, the research presents the results of the children. They attended no less than 75% of lessons and went through all stages of the planned testing. We revealed the level of physical and technical readiness before and after the pedagogical experiment.
The tests according to three blocks were used in the work:
- block 1 reveals the level of physical readiness according to some indices. They are used during the selection into the swimming groups. We also created the evaluation criteria for the mastering level of swimming revelation sports ways and the evaluation criteria of ball control level for junior school age children;
- block 2 reveals the mastering level of swimming (back crawl, front crawl and side stroke swimming) sports ways and the technique of sliding according to A.A. Kashkin program, 2004;
- block 3 is a special block of exercises. It reveals the level of ball control (ball control in water polo) according to S.N. Frolov program, 2005: picking up the ball at a shallow part (points), accuracy oriented ball throwing (points), ball catching with one hand (points), ball pass using the main throw (points).
Table 1 - Evaluation criteria of swimming estimation sports ways mastering level (Adamova I.V., Khoprova K.E., 2017)
№ Control exercises Evaluation criteria
3 points 4 points 5 points
1 Back crawl 1) carrying hand above the water bending hand 2) broad distance between the feet 2 mistakes are Test is fulfilled
technique 25 m 3)high location of shoulder girdle in comparison with pelvis 4) not balanced body movement made without mistakes
Front crawl technique 25m 1) carrying hand above the water with a straight hand 2) broad distance between the feet 2 mistakes are made Test is fulfilled without mistakes
2 3) breath is fulfilled not sideward, but forward 4) strong knee bending during legs activity
1) shoulders and head are low and
are in water
3 Water polo front crawl techniqueio m 2) feet are in water 3) there is no high elbow during hand carrying above the water 4) breath is fulfilled sideward, but not forward 2 mistakes are made Test is fulfilled without mistakes
4 Front sliding, m 1) body is not fixed 2) the head is not fully in water (a child looks forward, not down) 3) the length of sliding is less than 4 m 1 mistake is made Test is fulfilled without mistakes
Table 2 - Evaluation criteria of the ball mastering level (Adamova I.V., Khoprova K.E., 2017)
№ Control exercise Evaluation criteria
3 points 4 points 5 points
1 Lifting and capturing the ball at a shallow part 1) the ball capture is fulfilled from above 2)during lifting the ball falls down 3) the ball abduction happens from above, not sideward One mistake is made Test is fulfilled without mistakes
2 Ball throwing for accuracy One hit from 3 throws Two hits from 3 throws 3 hits from 3 throws
3 Ball catching with one hand 1) during 5 techniques fulfillment two times the ball appears on water 2) fingers are too close to each other 3) the elbow is in water One mistake is made Test is fulfilled without mistakes
4 Ball passing with the main throw 1) during 5 throws fulfillment two times the ball appears on water 2) fingers are too close to each other 3) the elbow is in water 4) the ball abduction happens from above, not sideward Two mistakes are made Test is fulfilled without mistakes
1. We created the methodology of swimming lessons with the elements of water polo, for junior school age children as an educating and health-improving system.
2. We specified the distribution of methodical material on physical training and swimming with water polo elements. It includes 72 hours a year: 42 hours for general swimming training, 24 hours for water polo training in order to master the skills and abilities of dribbling and "ball control"; 2 hours for testing. Theoretical material study was realized during educational-training lesson.
3. We revealed the dependence of the training stages on coordinating difficulty of the exercises fulfillment: the initial hands position with secondary means changed. These secondary means provided body balance in horizontal position -swimming board, noodle and others; the number of the swam parts repetitions and the speed changed while mastering the technique of swimming (chest crawl, back crawl, water polo crawl and side swimming) sports ways and we also added the tasks with the fixed time of parts swimming. At the same time we increased the loads, by means of the method of exercises fulfillment strict regulation,
motor intensity increase of the lesson main part components. We also made the exercises from special training unit more difficult: the exercises, which simulate the technique of the ball lifting and grasp from water at a shallow part, studying the exercises with the balls for throwing movements realization at a shallow part, the exercises with the balls for the throwing movements realization into the target at a shallow part and the exercises fulfillment for throwing movements realization at a shallow part (with a partner) into a target.
4. We revealed the effectiveness of the swimming methodology with water polo elements influence on physical development and physical readiness level among junior school age children.
At the end of the pedagogical experiment the average values of Stange's test corresponded with 45,00±2,30 s ("excellent" mark). There were statistically valid differences (p<0,05) with two times difference (which was 105% with 23 seconds difference ).
In the control exercises, which reveal physical readiness level, we saw a positive dynamics:
- shoulder joints flexibility - by 16,2±0,21 cm(3i%), the right hand power- by 3,8±0,28 kg (27%), the left hand power - by 6,01±0,17 kg (46%),
prelum abdominale muscles power - 2,0 ±0,27 times (11%), spine flexibility - by 1,36±0,11 cm (21%);
- in the control exercise "Straight hands dislocation backwards and forward (cm)", which reveals the level of shoulder joints flexibility; during the received average values comparison 35,80±2,52 with the table results (Zh. K. Kholodov, 2008) our respondents had the average level of shoulder joints flexibility;
- in the control exercise "Dynamometry" the level of the right hand power was i8,09±0,74, the left hand - 19,01±1,21; the received average values were higher than the norm for this age group;
- in the control exercise "Body lifting from the lying position (the number of lifts within 30 seconds)", which estimates prelum abdominale muscles power, the average values were 20,00±2,21; during comparison with the table values from Physical culture program for school "Physical readiness of junior school age children estimation during 2017-2018" the received respondents' average values correspond with "5"mark ("A").
- in the control exercise "Bending forward from sitting position, cm", which reveals spine flexibility - 7,86±0,91. It corresponds with "4" mark ("B"). There is a positive dynamics in the indices. They characterize flexibility, but the average value after the pedagogical experiment was not valid, in case (p<0,05).
5. We defined the dynamics of the experts' grades average indices change. They characterize the level of ball mastering among 7-9 year-old girls. At the end of the pedagogical experiment the number of respondents, who could swim with the help of the main sports ways (back crawl, chest crawl, water polo crawl and the technique of sliding), without gross mistakes, with a good amplitude of movements, with rhythmic hands, legs and breath correspondence, increased by 54%.
The amount of people in a group, who fulfill basic elements of ball handling from water polo technically correct, to the end of the pedagogical experiment, increased by 51%.
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Submitted: 06.04.2019 Author's information:
Ilona V. Adamova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, 105122, Russia, Moscow, Sirenevyj bulvar, House 4, e-mail: