Научная статья на тему 'Methodological grounds of a social tourism specialist’s normative - juridical culture formation process'

Methodological grounds of a social tourism specialist’s normative - juridical culture formation process Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
juridical culture / civilized / competence based and system approaches / axiological

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Stanislav A. Kuznetsov

The study of theoretical-methodical preconditions of normative-juridical culture formation of the social tourism sphere specialists showed that the questions of normativejuridical culture formation, legal awareness, juridical competence, juridical education were discussed in the research works on the problems of the specialists’ professional training for economics branches realization. Research methods. Scientific and methodical literature analysis, comparative analysis. Materials. The article reveals social factors and legal awareness deformation kinds. Research materials presented in the article helped the author to reveal that a juridical knowledge gives the specialists an opportunity to build professionally, their professional activity, solve to different organizational-economic, informational-communicative, administrative and other problems. Results. In the mentioned research works of the future specialists juridical competence essence and specificity in higher educational establishments, vocational educational establishments are determined; the structure of such competence is defined, the set of components is determined. Conclusion. The methodological grounds for this research work are axiological, civilization and competence approaches.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodological grounds of a social tourism specialist’s normative - juridical culture formation process»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-3-60-68

Methodological grounds of a social tourism specialist's normative - juridical

culture formation process

Stanislav A. Kuznetsov*

University of Management "TISBI" Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-7708-0403, stanislav.kuznetsov.79@mail.ru*

Abstract: The study of theoretical-methodical preconditions of normative-juridical culture formation of the social tourism sphere specialists showed that the questions of normative-juridical culture formation, legal awareness, juridical competence, juridical education were discussed in the research works on the problems of the specialists' professional training for economics branches realization. Research methods. Scientific and methodical literature analysis, comparative analysis. Materials. The article reveals social factors and legal awareness deformation kinds. Research materials presented in the article helped the author to reveal that a juridical knowledge gives the specialists an opportunity to build professionally, their professional activity, solve to different organizational-economic, informational-communicative, administrative and other problems. Results. In the mentioned research works of the future specialists juridical competence essence and specificity in higher educational establishments, vocational educational establishments are determined; the structure of such competence is defined, the set of components is determined. Conclusion. The methodological grounds for this research work are axiological, civilization and competence approaches. Keywords: juridical culture, civilized, competence based and system approaches, axiological.

For citation: Stanislav A. Kuznetsov*. Methodological grounds of a social tourism specialist's normative

- juridical culture formation process. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019; 14(3): 60-68.

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-3-60-68


The whole society reorganization, including a social consciousness in the end of the XX th -beginning of the XXI centuries, acknowledgement and assignment of a person's rights and freedom in political-juridical sphere, free enterprise and competition in the sphere of economics democratization, caused the necessity to change state-juridical life, all attempts were directed at civil society and constitutional state creation. It demanded from a person, an ability to fulfill independent actions in the context of legal framework. And as it was mentioned by N.S. Sokolova, it conditioned the formation of a developed individual legal awareness.


We should share the opinion of Y.I. Zhegusov, who thinks that the main negative social factors of modern Russian youth legal awareness formation are the following:

- the crisis of the Russian society and social norms values. It is characterized by anomia state of the criminal type, conflict of the cultures including the sphere of law. In the conditions of the social anomia the traditional norms and values lose their importance, become legal earlier reproved and punished actions, the distinctions between moral and amoral, legal and illegal is eliminated.

The consciousness of a wide population layer loses positive orientation and becomes marginal;

- accessibility of the informational-psychological war ways, methods and technologies. Mass media became its especially effective instrument. The main aims of informational-psychological special operations are common moral and juridical norms destruction and devaluation, cultural wealth of a definite society, propaganda of consumerism destructive values and "beautiful life", cultural and intellectual level of population "simplification", "stable instability" state in society preservation and artificial creation, war between the competitors and others;

- spread of a criminal society social sphere, spread of criminal subculture not only prevents juridical socialization of the youth but also is a source of its alternative and criminal socialization;

- the law enforcement body activity effectiveness decrease, orientation to own business development leads to their estrangement from basic mass. In modern conditions the law enforcement body is oriented only to revelation and punishment of "poor criminality" representatives and the "rich criminality" escapes punishment. In such conditions we can't speak about the participation of the law enforcement body in juridical socialization of the youth;


- destruction of the juridical upbringing and education system was the result of the state collapse, a general ideology loss on which was the juridical propaganda based, as a result decreased a positive influence of the juridical socialization agents: a family, a school, mass media, the law enforcement body and others;

- the crisis of family social institution. It is seen in the increase of adverse families' level and in weakening of a family defensive function from negative socialization factors.

The scientist V.V. Diakonov determines the definite kinds of a modern youth legal awareness deformation:

- juridical nihilism is a negative attitude to law, negation of its social value, deliberate miscarriage choice;

- juridical fetishism is exaggeration, overemphasis of the role and importance of legal control in society;

- juridical infantility is the role of law underestimation, poor knowledge of law.


The state also thinks that a low juridical culture and legal awareness level, juridical nihilism of the citizenry in Russia is a serious problem for the principles of dominion realization. That is why not accidental is The document "The basis of the Russian Federation state policy in the sphere of juridical competence and legal awareness of citizenry" (2011), adopted by the President of Russia. In the document that in terms of constitutional state it is noted the role of law in the system of social regulators grows. The role of juridical basis in behavior, life of society and state increases. The state creates the conditions which provide juridical competence and legal awareness of the citizenry, their knowledge of the character, ways and limits of their rights realization and defense, protected by the law interests, in administrative and court order, accessibility of qualified juridical help for people. Another important aim of the state is explanation and propaganda of the need for duties and the rules of living together observance by the citizens, respect for the rules and interests of other people irrespective of their race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, ideas and other conditions. As the state policy factors in the sphere of education and upbringing of youth in the given document are presented: the practice of the law teaching development basis in the educational establishments of different types and kinds, different variants of juridical education support regional models, educational courses development which include juridical themes, the development of educational programs, manuals and the level of teachers' juridical competence improvement, research works fulfillment in order to provide scientific-methodical support of juridical education.

Lack of normative-juridical acts knowledge, a low level of legal awareness, as D.A. Kruglov mentions, don't let the specialists in the sphere of invalids' physical culture and sport, the invalids themselves, who go in for physical culture and sport, realize their legitimate rights.

In recent years a range of research works were written on the problem of juridical, professional-juridical, social-juridical competence, juridical culture, legal awareness of students of different specialities formation:

- juridical culture formation (legal awareness) of the college students studied R.S. Dralyk, of motor transport vocational educational establishments students - A.M. Kunizhev, of the physical culture future teachers in the establishments of vocational education - E.A. Kuznetsova and others;

- the peculiarities of University students juridical competence formation studied I.Y.Seryaeva, S.B. Tuguz, of the students from physical culture Universities - S.S. Voevodina, D.A. Kruglov, I.N. Chesnokova, of technical Universities - A.R. Abutalipov, M.E. Polyakova, of the agricultural University - O.V. Kulagina, of the nautical University - K.S. Galieva, of the economic specialities students - S.A. Bondarenko, of the not juridical profile students - V.V. Potomakhin, of the cadets in the system of higher military school - T.S. Slivin, A.S. Scherbakov and others;

- professional-juridical competence formation of the specialists from fire-prevention service of Emergency Control Ministry in Russia - V.A. Smirnov, of the teachers - E.L.Bolotova, S.V. Gurin, M.V. Motekhina, O.P. Panova, of the educational establishments heads - N.N. Saprykina, S.V. Chernikova, of the office workers -V.F. Varukov, of the social teachers, workers - A.V. Molchanova, G.F. Sadrislamov, V.Y. Manolyak and others.

In the mentioned above research works the essence and specificity of a juridical (professional-juridical, social-juridical) competence of the definite profile future specialists (higher educational establishments, vocational educational establishments); the structure of this competence is created, the number of competences in its structure are defined; the model of this competence and the pedagogical conditions of its realization are created.

I.N. Chesnokova proved that one of the physical culture and sport sphere successful functioning main conditions in free market economy is deep knowledge in the sphere of law and the ability to use it in work which the directors and the specialists possess. Juridical knowledgehelps the specialists more professionally, taking into account not their intuition but the knowledge of the laws and other norms, build their professional activity, find correct solutions to different organizational- administrative, economic, informational- communicative and other problems. The formation of a necessary

level of juridical knowledge and skills, as I.N. Chesnokova determines, is one of the professional training important aims in a higher educational establishment [8].

E.L. Bolotova studied the system of the teachers continuous juridical training. She considers juridical training as a part of a teacher's professional training and notes that a teacher's juridical competence is determined by the level of his or her legal awareness, juridical activity revealed in terms of a definite collective. The base of this competence is the system of knowledge and law understanding, and acting in accordance with them [2].

But not only juridical culture is important. The normative culture also plays an important role. N.N. Pokrovskaya thinks that one of the reasons why people don't observe simple safety precautions is that a low level of the population in Russia normative culture. Normative regulation of behavior is possible only if the specialists are inclined to follow the rules, norms, to obey the accepted order and the made decisions. This inclination to a normative behavior describes the notion of normative culture [6].

A.A. Zvezdina defines three main tendencies of changes in the sphere of education. First, world tendency to change the main education paradigms (the crisis of a classical model and system of education, new fundamental ideas creation in philosophy and sociology of education, in humanitarian science, experimental and alternative schools creation). Secondly, our education orientation at integration into world culture, the system of continuous education creation, freedom in the choice of curriculum, teachers and students associations organization on the basis of higher educational establishments independence. The third tendency is in traditions of a Russian school and education restoration. An educated person is not only a person who knows, even with a formed world view, but a person who is able to orient in difficult situations of a modern culture, to understand his or her place in the world [3].

Modern research workers mention that during recent ten years there goes education humanization, the main becomes personality oriented approach to the essence of education content determination. The content of education they understand as pedagogically adapted system of knowledge, abilities and skills, experience of creative activity and the experience of emotional- volitional relation. It provides developed in all spheres personality formation, personality who is ready to develop a material and spiritual culture of a society.

The process of the specialists training is a pedagogical phenomenon. That is why it can be studied with the help of an axiological or value approach which, as the authors of the manual "Pedagogics" V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev and E.N. Shiyanov write, is a specific "bridge" between the

theory and practice. It allows, on the one hand, to study phenomena according to their abilities to satisfy the needs of people, on the other hand, to solve the problems of society humanization [7,8,9].

N.V. Alyabyeva and T.D. Barysheva, using the axiological approach in the students professional education, mention that the educational process should be built in a way that a future specialist could realize the social functioning of the values, see the changeability of professional activity values, compare them with cultural norms, evaluate reflexively own values and guiding lines. This is the solution to the problem of axiological-notional self-determination on the individual level which will provide stability of the society and education new positive values [1].

A very important scientific achievement provides revaluation and rethinking of the traditions role in development of civilization and national cultures is the creation of a civilization approach to historical-pedagogical process research by G.B. Kornetov. His research work gave an opportunity for integral understanding and vision of historical-pedagogical process, bringing it beyond the bounds of some countries and cultures restrictions. The civilization approach helps to reveal cultural specificity, peculiarities of the Russian education development in terms of global-pedagogical process [5].

In his research work, dedicated to social-juridical competence formation among the future specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport [Kuznetsov S.A.] presented the analysis of some works, describing the origin and development in science of the competence approach. Zimnyaya I.A. determines three stages in its development [4].

Competence approach:

- makes it possible to pass from the orientation to knowledge reproduction of the pedagogical education to knowledge application and organization; to escape the dictate of a subject and it corresponds with modern conditions which state new demands before the graduates among which the priority is given to systematically organized, intellectual, communicative, reflexive, self-organizing skills [O.I. Vartynyk, I.N. Medvedev, S.V. Pan'kova, O.I. Solov'eva];

- allows to coordinate mass school and labour-market needs because it accentuates the result of education. Moreover the result is not just a sum of received information but a person's ability to act in different situations and it is especially valuable on the present stage of society development [L.S. Chopenko];

- is considered in the context of the students' education quality and a professional training of a future teacher. The quality of education in this case is analyzed taking into account a real readiness of a student to the mastered knowledge and skills application in different spheres of life, including


educational and professional spheres [A.V. Tutolmin].


Thus the methodological grounds for this research work are axiological, civilization and competence approaches.


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2. Bolotova E.L. The system of continuous juridical training of the teaching staff. Doctor's thesis. Moscow. 2007: 39.

3. Zvezdina A.A. The main tendencies of the education system changes. Podgotovka specialistov dlya industrii turizma: opyt, problem, perspektivy: materialy ezhegodnogo mezhvuzovskogo nauchnogo seminara [Specialists' training for the tourism industry: experience, problems and prospects: proceedings of the annual inter-university scientific seminar]. Irkutsk: Irkutsk University Press. 2006: 31 - 35 (In Russ.).

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6. Pokrovskaya N.N. Normative culture in management. Lichnost' I kul'tura. 2002; 5-6.

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Submitted: 20.08.2019

Author's information:

Stanislav A. Kuznetsov - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, University of Management "TISBI", 423800, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komsomolskaya Naberezhnaya, House 6, e-mail: stanislav. kuznetsov.79@mail.ru

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