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Ключевые слова
інноваційні трансформації / публічне управління / механізм / культурно-освітня підтримка. / innovative transformations / public administration / mechanism / cultural and educational support

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Кудріна О.Ю., Масляк М.І.

У статті визначено парадигми сучасного публічного управління в рамках реформування та інноваційних трансформацій системи державного врядування. Уточнено завдання механізму культурно-освітнього забезпечення інноваційних трансформацій публічного управління. Розкрито сутність поняття «публічне управління», проведено компаративно-декомпозиційний аналіз визначення поняття «механізм публічного управління». Досліджено якість публічного управління у площині створення інноваційних механізмів взаємодії між політичними, урядовими структурами, органами місцевого самоврядування, бізнесом і організаціями громадянського суспільства. Розглянуто поняття «механізму культурно-освітнього забезпечення інноваційних трансформацій публічного управління» та пропонується розуміти таку комплексну систему управлінського впливу на громадянське суспільство, яка забезпечує реалізацію інновацій у публічному управлінні на основі використання здобутків культурно-освітнього простору з метою досягнення прогресивного коеволюційного суспільного розвитку.

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The article identifies the paradigms of modern public administration in the framework of reforming and innovative transformations of the public administration system. The task of the mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration is specified. The essence of the concept of "public administration" is revealed, the comparative-decomposition analysis of the definition of the concept of "mechanism of public administration" is carried out. The quality of public administration in the field of creating innovative mechanisms of interaction between political, governmental structures, local governments, business and civil society organizations has been studied. The concept of "mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration" is considered and it is offered to understand such complex system of administrative influence on civil society which provides realization of innovations in public management on the basis of use of achievements of cultural and educational space



Кудрша О.Ю.,

Сумський державний педагоггчний унгверситет

¡мет А.С. Макаренко професор кафедри б1знес-економ1ки i адмШстрування

Масляк М.1.

Сумський державний педагогiчний ymiверситет

iменi А. С. Макаренко, астрант кафедри бьзнес-економжи i адмiнiстрyвання


Kudrina O.,

Sumy Anton Makarenko State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Department of Business Economics

and administration Masliak M.

Sumy Anton Makarenko State Pedagogical University, Postgraduate student majoring in Economics, Department of Business Economics and administration


У статп визначено парадигми сучасного публiчного управлшня в рамках реформування та шновацш-них трансформацш системи державного врядування. Уточнено завдання мехашзму культурно -освггаього забезпечення шновацшних трансформацш публiчного управлшня. Розкрито сутшсть поняття «публiчне управлшня», проведено компаративно-декомпозицшний аналiз визначення поняття «мехашзм публiчного управлшня». Дослвджено як1сть публiчного управлiння у площинi створення шновацшних механiзмiв вза-емодй' мiж полггачними, урядовими структурами, органами мiсцевого самоврядування, бiзнесом i органь зацiями громадянського суспiльства. Розглянуто поняття «механiзму культурно -освггаього забезпечення iнновацiйних трансформацiй публiчного управлiння» та пропонуеться розумiти таку комплексну систему управлiнського впливу на громадянське суспiльство, яка забезпечуе реалiзацiю iнновацiй у публiчному управлiннi на основi використання здобуткiв культурно-освiтнього простору з метою досягнення прогре-сивного коеволюцшного суспiльного розвитку.


The article identifies the paradigms of modern public administration in the framework of reforming and innovative transformations of the public administration system. The task of the mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration is specified. The essence of the concept of "public administration" is revealed, the comparative-decomposition analysis of the definition of the concept of "mechanism of public administration" is carried out. The quality of public administration in the field of creating innovative mechanisms of interaction between political, governmental structures, local governments, business and civil society organizations has been studied. The concept of "mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration" is considered and it is offered to understand such complex system of administrative influence on civil society which provides realization of innovations in public management on the basis of use of achievements of cultural and educational space.

Ключовi слова: шновацшш трансформаций публiчне управлшня, мехашзм, культурно -освггая шдтримка.

Keywords: innovative transformations, public administration, mechanism, cultural and educational support.

Radical changes taking place in the political and socio-economic development of Ukraine under the influence of world processes (external system factors, first of all, the spread of globalization and European standards of governance), as well as natural evolutionary changes (under the pressure of internal system factors), to characterize as evolutionary transformations, which acquire new features and require consideration and appropriate formalized design, which can be implemented in the framework of improving (or radically changing) the mechanism of public administration. On

the other hand, the changes taking place in the cultural and educational space, as well as in the implementation of public administration in the framework of reforming and innovative transformations of the public administration system as a whole also need to be taken into account. Therefore, the task of clarifying the mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration is relevant and urgent, both from a theoretical and practical point of view.

through the prism of public administration [7] and, therefore, consider this concept.

In general, the concept of "public administration" reflects an integrated systemic mechanism, subsystems and elements of which are political program guidelines and priorities, regulations, procedures funded by the state or local governments, centralized, and decentralized organizational and management structures and their staff. for the administration of activities in a particular area of public relations at the national, subnational and local levels [8].

The definition of "public administration mechanism" is closely related to the definition of "public administration mechanism", but is broader and deeper, taking into account the new elements of publicity that occur with the development of civil society and democracy in Ukraine. For example, Bilyk O.I. and Lukashevskaya U.T. emphasize that public administration is a management in which the people take part 1, Isaenko I.A. - that in defining the concept of "public administration" important components are civil society and politics (state, public), with which it is connected activity of different subjects [9].

Common in scientific sources definitions, which are few, are given in table. 1 (fragment of the base of the author's comparative decomposition analysis). According to the results of the analysis, we note that the characteristic features of the mechanism of public administration are: the optimal combination of the principles of market and state regulation; achievement of strategic goals; democratic organization of managerial influence on social processes.

Table 1

Comparative-decompositional analysis of the definition of the concept _"Mechanism of public administration" (fragment)_

Author Definition, source The main characteristic feature

The concept of "mechanism of public administration "

Bilyk O.I., Lukashevska U.T. The mechanism of public administration is an optimal combination of the principles inherent in commodity production (competition, supply and demand, free pricing), purposeful policy of state regulation of economic processes [1] combination of market and state regulation

Ishchenko M.I., Mishchuk E.V., Kostenko A.S. The mechanism of public administration is a way of exercising public power to achieve strategic goals [5] ways of exercising public power

Isaenko I.A. Mechanisms of public administration are a democratic organization of managerial influence on social processes, which ensures the effective functioning of the system of public authorities, regional and local governments, public (non-governmental) organizations, individuals and other civil society actors to implement public policy in various spheres of public life [9] organization of managerial influence on social processes

Domestic scientists (Bilyk O.I., Zagorodniuk O.V., Ishchenko M.I., Kostenko A.S., Lukashevskaya U.T., Malyuga L.M., Mishchuk E.V., Nedilko A.I. , Pavlov S.S., Pavlyuk N. and others) widely researched conceptual and methodological issues concerning the mechanism of public administration (its element-by-element structure, improvement, etc.). In particular, Bilyk O.I. and Lukashevska U.T. [1] analyzed the essence and development of the public mechanism; Nedilko A.I. [2] - differences in the definition of "mechanism of public administration" and "mechanism of public administration"; Malyuga L.M. and Zagorodniuk O.V. [3] - outlined the object, subject, purpose, tasks, characteristics and principles of the mechanism of public administration and administration; Pavliuk N. [4] - the essence and main relationships of organizational and legal mechanisms of public administration; Ishchenko M.I., Mishchuk E.V. and Kostenko A.S. -the difference between mechanisms and technologies of public administration and administration [5], Pavlov S.S. - conceptual principles of mechanisms of public administration and administration [6]. But the question of substantiation of the essence and elements of the mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration, in our opinion, needs scientific elaboration.

We share the position of VV Bashtanyk, who notes that from the standpoint of methodological support for the formation of innovative mechanisms of public administration plays a special role in the modern approach to defining the essence of public relations

SSource: compiled by the author

Pavlov S.S. notes that the development and implementation of the concept of unification of state mechanisms can take place only on the basis of the widespread introduction of innovations and achievements of scientific and technological progress in all areas of development [6].

The new quality of public administration is formed in the plane of creating innovative mechanisms of interaction between political, governmental structures,

local governments, business and civil society organizations through the use of communication potential in the interaction of different levels of subjectivity in political relations, public administration, civic initiatives [10].

The quality of communication interaction of subjects depends on their cultural and educational level. Cultural and educational space (as defined by V.V. Mo-lodychenko) is a complex system that operates at the objective and subjective levels, has a certain structure,

substantial characteristics and appears in various models and multicultural projects [11]. Thus, in public administration (which is a priori an activity in the field of public relations), the cultural and educational component is mandatory and indispensable.

The concept of "mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration" is narrower than the concept of "mechanism of public management", because it focuses on one but important element - cultural and educational processes. The mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration is a structural element of the complex mechanism of public administration. Its relevance is justified from a theoretical and methodological point of view by the need to clarify the definition and understanding (taking into account the changes taking place in the field of public administration), and from a practical point of view - the need to improve existing practices.

As Khachaturian HV rightly points out, the issues of quality of public services are not only an attempt to take into account the interests of the population, but also a fuller use of the direct link between education, skills, public health and competitiveness of national economies [12].

Thus, if the cultural and educational space is understood as a set of social, informational, artistic, literary, professional, educational, multicultural, psychological and other elements aimed at ensuring high-quality evolutionary development of the system, then the mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration such a comprehensive system of managerial influence on civil society, which ensures the implementation of innovations in public administration based on the use of the achievements of cultural and educational space in order to achieve progressive coevolutionary social development.

In general, innovative transformational changes in the field of public administration in Ukraine are influenced by, on the one hand, the globalization of world socio-economic development, and on the other - political, social, economic, institutional changes in the country. The processes of ensuring the manageability of society include the cultural and educational aspect, which significantly affects the effectiveness of innovation. To determine the place of the cultural and educational component in ensuring innovative transformations of public administration, we analyze the field of innovative transformations of public administration in Ukraine.

Therefore, the results of the study can be concluded as follows:

1) the comparative-decomposition analysis of the definition of the concepts "mechanism of public administration" and "mechanism of cultural and educational support of innovative transformations of public administration" provided an opportunity to clarify the structural and logical essence of the latter, which is proposed to understand innovations in public administration based on the use of the achievements of cultural and educational space in order to achieve progressive co-

evolutionary social development; such clarification allows to determine the place of the role and importance of cultural and educational aspects in public administration;

2) the place of the cultural and educational component in ensuring innovative transformations of public administration is determined, which provides an opportunity to further increase the efficiency of public administration, including the level of quality of public services, due to taking into account and paying additional attention to cultural and educational changes.

The results of this study can be used in the practice of public authorities and form the basis of further scientific research to improve the mechanisms of public administration.


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2. Nedil'ko A.I. Teoretychni pidkhody do vyznachennya ponyattya «mekhanizm publichnoho upravlinnya». Teoriya ta praktyka derzhavnoho upravlinnya i mistsevoho samovryaduvannya, 2018. № 2. URL: http://el-zbirn-du.at.ua/2018_2/8.pdf

3. Malyuha L.M., Zahorodnyuk O.V. Formuvannya mekhanizmu publichnoho upravlinnya ta administruvannya v Ukrayini. Ekonomika ta upravlinnya natsional'nym hospodarstvom. Skhidna Yevropa: ekonomika, biznes ta upravlinnya, 2016. Vyp. 3 (03). S. 62-65. URL: http://www.easterneurope-ebm. in.ua/journal/3_2016/13 .pdf

4. Pavlyuk N. Teoretychni zasady orhani-zatsiynoho i pravovoho mekhanizmiv publichnoho upravlinnya v Ukrayini. Naukovyy visnyk. "Demo-kratychne vryaduvannya", 2016. Vyp. 16/17. URL: http://www.lvivacademy.com/vidavnit-stvo_1/visnyk 16/fail/Pavljuk.pdf

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Франчук Т.А.


Хмельницький yHieepcumem управлтня та права iMeHi Леотда Юзькова



Franchuk T.

postgraduate Khmelnytsky University of Management and the name of Leonid Yuzkov


Визначено основш засади правового статусу посадових oci6 оргашв Державно! прикордонно! служби, як! беруть участь у провадженш в справах про адмшстративне правопорушення. Проведено аналiз зако-нодавчого закрiплення !х повноважень та розпод^ функцiй в частинi притягнення правопорушнишв до адмiнiстративноi вiдповiдальностi. Запропоновано уточнения законодавчого закрiплення !х правового статусу. Доведена необхщшсть вдосконалення законодавства та систематизацп функцiй посадових оаб Державно! прикордонно! служби Укра!ни, як! надiляються повноваженнями в сферi адмiнiстративного прова-дження.


There were determined the basic principles of the legal status of officials of the State Border Guard Service, who participate in the proceedings on administrative offenses. It was made an analysis of the legislative consolidation of their powers and division of functions in terms of bringing offenders to administrative responsibility. It was proposed the clarifing the legislative consolidation of their legal status. It was also proved the necessity of improving the legislation and systematizing the functions of officials of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, who are endowed with powers in the field of administrative proceedings.

Ключов1 слова: адмшстративна вщповщальшсть, адмшстративне провадження, правовий статус особи, суб'ект адмшстративного провадження, винесення постанови.

Keywords: administrative liability, administrative proceedings, legal status of a person, subject of administrative proceedings, issuance of a resolution.

Актуальшсть теми. Ефектившсть адмшстра-тивно! ввдповщальносп та неввдворотшсть !! на-стання напряму залежать ввд коректного визна-чення суб'ектного складу адмiнiстративного провадження. у випадку з органами Державно! прикордонно! служби Укра!ни (далi - ДПСУ) коре-ктне визначення процесуальним законодавством кола посадових оаб, як! надмються повноважен-нями складати протокол та виносити постанови у

справах про адмiнiстративне провадження напряму впливае на низку обставин пов'язаних iз практичною реалiзацiю окремих процедур. Зокрема мова йде можливiсть об'еднання в однiй особi суб'екту адмiнiстративного провадження, який складае протокол та виносить постанову, а також чи ввдповщае коло обов'язшв покладених процесуальним законодавством колу обов'язшв, визначених спецiальним

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