Научная статья на тему 'MEDICAL TEXT AND ITS BASIC UNITS'

MEDICAL TEXT AND ITS BASIC UNITS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
medical text / medical linguistics / scientific text / medical literature / language resources / discourse / semantic features.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sayyora Tolkinovna Ismailova, Ismail Tadjibayevich Xojaliyev

The article is devoted to the actual problem of linguistic features of scientific and popular science medical texts. The purpose of the article is to analyze such features. The authors come to the conclusion that the main features of medical texts are the use of a large number of special vocabulary, abbreviations, special grammatical structures, and the tendency for unambiguousness.

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Текст научной работы на тему «MEDICAL TEXT AND ITS BASIC UNITS»

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230


Sayyora Tolkinovna Ismailova

Ismail Tadjibayevich Xojaliyev

Ferghana state university


The article is devoted to the actual problem of linguistic features of scientific and popular science medical texts. The purpose of the article is to analyze such features. The authors come to the conclusion that the main features of medical texts are the use of a large number of special vocabulary, abbreviations, special grammatical structures, and the tendency for unambiguousness.

Keywords: medical text, medical linguistics, scientific text, medical literature, language resources, discourse, semantic features.


Today, there is an expansion and multiplication of links between linguistics and related and non-related sciences, which contribute to the emergence of new areas of study. An example of such integration is the medical linguistics, which is applied in nature, since the identification and description of structural-semantic, linguistic-stylistic features medical text is directly related to improvement of the theory of language and define of criteria for scientific, scientific-public, advertising texts. Theoretical and practical issues of medical discourse are studied by S. S. Barbasheva [1], Zh. N. Makusheva [2], the specific organization and communicative-speech classification of medical English text are presented in the works of I. A. Menshenina [3],L. S. Shuravina [4] and others.

A medical text is a specialized medical publication or text of a private nature, the content of which directly related to human health. Specificity of scientific medical texts lies in their purpose for narrow circle specialists in the field of medicine.


In accordance with the systematic approach, the scientific text is difficult to an organized system of subtexts in which it receives a language implementation ontological, methodological, axiological, reflective and pragmatic component of the scientist's cognitive activity. Identified and previously described subtexts of new and old knowledge, assessments and form cognitive content of a scientific work [5].

T.N. Khomutova proposes to consider a scientific text using integral approach [6]. Her concept of scientific text is an integral model consisting of four sectors: cognitive,


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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

linguistic, cultural and social. Each sector for the researcher's opinion, consists of units and all of them united in a coherent system and exist interdependently. From this point of view, the scientific text is characterized by a special scientific knowledge (as an element of the cognitive sector), special scientific sublanguage (as an element of the linguistic sector), based on cultural values of this or that people and is distinguished by a special/professional and scientific culture (as an element of the cultural sector), as well as social concept (as an element of the social sector), which is implemented through special discourse and scientific style within the communication of participants of this concept. It is communicative activity that unites the four sectors into a single whole, and they are separated exclusively for research goals [7]. This point of view appears the most complete and comprehensive theoretical concept covering different approaches to the analysis of scientific text.

In Russian linguistics, medical text was studied within the framework of professional discourse by such linguists as L.S. Beilinson, V.V. Jura, E.A. Kostyashina, Yu.V. Rudova, S.V. Mayboroda, K.A. Kerer, T.V. Kochetkova, I.F. Shamara, M.I. Barsukova, E.A. Rempel, A.Ya. Ramazanova, S.I. Madzhaeva, L.M. Kasimtsev and others, however, the object of these studies were predominantly oral discursive practices.

V.V. Zhura devoted her works to the study of professional discourse with point of view of the emotionality of medical communication. Its subject research has become the discursive competence of the physician. The object of study is the so-called asymmetric oral medical discourse, where the main communicator is the doctor. Selected research angle determined its purpose, which is to identify patterns production of an oral medical discourse by a doctor and a patient, reflected in the doctor's discursive knowledge. All the numerous specific aspects of the discourse under consideration: content components, basic competencies of a participant in a speech situation (doctor), genre features, "communicative interference" and ways to level them, features of the functioning of emotions inherent in the discourse of this type [8].

Yu.V. Rudova considers the medical booklet as a genre within the written medical discourse. The work describes the genre-forming parameters, established and described the relationship between verbal and non-verbal context within the framework of a medical booklet, a description is given methods aimed at the successful implementation of educational goals - informing and influencing the population in order to prevent diseases, as well as to popularize medical knowledge. All of the above allows separate the genre of "medical booklet" into a separate genre [9].

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230


The main feature of medical literature as an integral part of a scientific text is the use of special terminology. Due to the global nature of the language of medicine (i.e., its focus on Latin and Greek, and in recent decades on English), one can find precise formulations for medical texts in the Uzbek language. Currently, there is no single scientific position regarding the independence of the discipline called medical linguistics, however, some researchers talk about the need to separate it from the circle of linguistic sciences. This problem worries linguists.

It is possible to define medical linguistics as a branch of philological sciences that studies the functioning of the language and the use of language resources in the field of medicine, exploring the linguistic aspects of professional communication in the field of medicine and healthcare. The area of interest of medical linguistics is based on an interdisciplinary approach and includes the study of the following key areas: -sociolinguistic aspects of medical discourse,

- oral, written and technically mediated professional communication in the field of medicine and healthcare (verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal), its typology and genre classification,

-professional sub-languages of medicine and healthcare (for example, pharmaceutical terminology, the language of forensic medicine, the language of neonatology, the language of surgery, and others),

-educational and academic language of medicine used in textbooks, academic and popular science publications,

-the language of popular science medicine (print and electronic media in the context of educational work with the population),

-linguopragmatics in a medical context (the ability to express one's intentions using linguistic and paralinguistic means and understand the interlocutor's intentions within the framework of communication "doctor-patient", "doctor-patient's relative", "doctor-colleague", "doctor-mid-medical staff', etc. .P.),

• medical lexicography (lexicography of medical terminology, compilation of thesauri of specialized vocabulary in the sublanguages of medicine),

• documental science (medical documentation in the context of documentary linguistics),

• intercultural communication in the field of medicine and healthcare (including in foreign languages).

Medical linguistics can be considered as a special case of applied linguistics. It differs from other linguistic sciences, for example, computational linguistics, quantitative linguistics, psycholinguistics, etc., in its purpose (functioning of the

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

language of medicine in a communicative environment in time and space), methods (quantitative / statistical, descriptive, inductive / deductive, heuristic, reconstruction method, method of formalization of linguistic descriptions) and the object of study (the language of medicine)[10].

Thus, a scientific medical text is characterized by specific functionality, communicative situation and content, i.e. has its own special criteria of textuality, is a product of the discursive activity of the author - a participant in a certain communicative situation and has the specifics of expressing the author's position, is fixed in writing, is characterized by a specific compositional-content and structural-speech organization and completeness, i.e. has its own functionality. All of the above gives reason to believe that the scientific medical text should be studied in the context of medical linguistics.


1. Barbasheva S. S. Features of the use of phrasal verbs in medical discourse. Izvestiya of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2011.T. 13, no. 2. S. 1441-1444.

2. Makusheva Zh. N. The specifics of medical discourse based on the material of authentic texts in the specialty // Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice. 2014. No. 5 (35). Part 1, pp. 108-111.

3. Menshenina I.A. The specifics of the organization and communicative-speech classification of the medical English text // Bulletin of the Voronezh State Medical University. 2014. Vol. 13 (2). pp. 151-156.

4. Shuravina L. S. Medical discourse as a type of institutional discourse // Vestnik ChelGU. 2013. No. 37 (328). pp. 65-67.

5. Efremova N.V. Cognitive-discursive mechanisms for creating a medical text (based on the works of N.M. Amosov, F.G. Uglov): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences: 10.02.01 / Efremova Natalia Vladimirovna. Volgograd, 2017. 21 p.

6. Khomutova T.N. Scientific text: units of the integral model / T.N. Khomutova // Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Linguistics. 2010a. No. 1(177). pp. 60-66.

7. Khomutova T.N. Integral theory of scientific text / T.N. Khomutova // Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Linguistics. 2011. No. 22(239). pp. 38-40.

8. Beilinson L.S. Professional discourse (signs, functions, norms: based on the communicative practice of speech therapists): specialty 10.02.19 "Theory of language": dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology / Beilinson Lyubov Semenovna. Volgograd, 2009. 339 p.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

9. Rudova Yu.V. Genre status of the medical booklet: specialty 10.02.19 "Theory of language": dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences / Rudova Yulia Vladimirovna. Volgograd, 2008. 205 p.

10. Tolkinovna, I. S. . (2022). SEMANTIC FEATURES OF MODERN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research, 2(2), 78-84. извлечено от https: //in-academy.uz/index.php/ej ar/article/view/5 82

11. Hojaliev, I. (2020, December). The emotional function of speech. In Конференции,

12. Xojaliyev, I. T., & Jamolov, J. U. M. A. B. O. Y. (2021). About changes in the phonetic structure of words borrowed in Uzbek language from Tajik. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 12(104), 47

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