МАССОВАЯ КУЛЬТУРА - ДЕСТРУКТОР НАШЕЙ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Фарходжонова Н.Ф.

В данной статье освешается все обшие културы, которые угрожают нашей национальной культуре, причины их возникновение и их предпосылки устранения.

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This article shows the general culture that threatens our national culture, their causes and their background elimination.


"The process of globalization in all areas of life of the peoples of the world and the potential scope of the power of the power to change the lives of peoples and countries in the past, you can synchronize with the revolutions. At the same time, his achievements in the history of mankind, and exalted levels of any revolutions. Taking into account these aspects of the process of globalization can be in human and social development of the new media revolution".

The essence of the globalization of the planet unlimited growth in the flow of information into a single society, the spread of information within seconds and affect social realities. This concept is not defined how this process will continue to move deeper into our lives. You can avoid this whole process, because it is a process of historical development of society.


1.Otamuratov S.Globallashuv va milliy ma'naviy xavfsizlik. -T.: Uzbekistan,2013.-B.11.

2.Karimov I.Yuksak ma'naviyat-yengilmas kuch.-T.:Uzbekistan, 2008. -B.111.

3.Karimov I. Ona yurtimiz baxtu iqboli va buyuk kelejagi yolida xizmat qilish eng oliy saodatdir. -T.: O'zbekiston, 2015. -B.269.

4.Farhodjonovna F. N., Islomovich I. T. FACTORS OF FORMATION SPIRITUALITY OF YOUTH IN THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION //Мир науки и образования. - 2016. - №. 1 (5).

UDK 378.02

Farhodjonova N.F. Фарходжонова Н. Ф. assistant of department "Social science " ассистент кафедра «Социальные науки» Namangan engineering-pedagogical Institute Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт



Annotation: This article shows the general culture that threatens our national culture, their causes and their background elimination.

Аннотация: В данной статье освешается все обшие културы, которые угрожают нашей национальной культуре, причины их возникновение и их предпосылки устранения.

Ключевые слова: поп-култура, национальная идея, глобализация, информация

Keywords: pop-culture, national idea, globalization, information Nowadays Mass Culture threatening strongly to our spiritual life formed at west world and it is said "Popular" or shortened "Pop Culture". Simply, it is negative strength that effects opposite to our national culture, customs, traditions,

mentalism, reflection in general to all fields of our life. It is attracting all people especially inquisitive youths to itself with its fashion.

At the history of Mass Culture this concept was firstly used at the nabour of articles named Mass Culture printed under B.Rozenberg and D.Wayt's edition in the USA in 1957. As it is seen with its name, Mass Culture materialised complex and developed for long time. Scientists comment that its forming commencement began at XV-XVI centuries. However Mass Culture took strokes on personal society at the end of XIX century at the beginning of XX century. Some social political processes happening in the world to it.In relation to information, one of the processes like that is dependent on changing to industrial country of the USA at the first half of XX century. The character of society changed and developed because of caring seriously to the issues of increasing the profitability and efficacy of production in economics. As a result, the products that only numbered people can use, has changed to daily consumption products so far.

At this manner, it became to the native of the USA consumption society and intellect. Now the doctrine honoring and defending the consumption mood and hedonistic aspiration of people. Not only exchanging the activity directed to the exact purpose, to live strategy, estimating as tradition being realised the tactics of gaining success of mind, but also knowing these concepts of doctrine like instrumentalism, operationalism, pragmatism, positivism, postpositivism, understanding the initial tradition of individual need and benefit, using from wise ethics serving to improve individual position, knowing that the reality is the relative theory obeying to particular benefit, striving for finding methods that give opportunity to agree to social situations and to prevent problematic condition, proved the human's consumption care to the world.

Thus, developing the doctrine that proves them, appearing the consumption intellect, forming the consumption mood, widening the production of popular products created the cultural actuality named Mass Culture at last.

Especially, Mass Culture spreaded widely in the middle of the last century.

Firstly, democratizing strongly of culture created support. Welcoming the democratic concepts to culture field made opportunity for existing together different characters, artefacts and customs, developing them and using widely as possible as from them. Democratizing of culture created support for using widely from public communication. This will make easy the spread of Mass Culture artefacts. As its result, Mass Culture under the slogan of "Assimilated Democracy" took over the world one by one.

Secondly, the development of Mass Culture is dependent on the demographic growth. For example, according to statistic information, in 19501960 s Birth rate in the USA was 25 for 1000 people. By 1970 it became 16 for 1000 people. Immigration process functioned also the factor of demographic growth. As a result, in 1980 s the USA population that was 123 million people in1930s became 226 ,5 million people. Demographic growth increased the deliverer of Mass Culture artefacts from one side, created the powerful industry at the production system of these artefacts.

Thirdly, In the middle of the last century, Public Communication resources that are radio, television and magazines developed in number and quality. Radiobroadcasts,

TV shows, films, magazines and different genre poems, serving to the different benefit and need directed to the different folk grades, increased. These resources became deliverers of reaching the Mass Culture artefacts to society. And through them, advertising and copying Mass Culture got easy. As a result, Mass Culture that appeared in the USA began to surround the world countries.

This change of spiritual aspect character of Mass Culture is becoming the factor of spiritual threat. On attention of it, our president I.Karimov continues his opinion "Naturally, Spreading some bully individualism violent egocentrism ideas under the mark of Mass Culture and dangerous threats that directed to damage lifestyle, many yearly traditions, make every person worry"[1].

In 1980 s the compound structure of Mass Culture began to change. Particularly the character of Mass Culture spiritual aspect updated. The worst of it is that its different appearances appeared:

Comic - the picture products, printing written short texts and bites under it.

Starism - Making the actors, actresses, telearticulates divine in the condition devoted to subjective passion.

Happening - an improvised or informal performance or demonstration, often dramatic in form and using audience participation, etc[2].

Likewise books, films, advertisements information, promoting violent, bully, individualism, egotism ideas materialised in its structure.

The development of promoting ethical vice and violence is seriously damaging the sacred family and traditions in the west. According to statistic information,34 percent of children in Great Britain is being born without marriage. If this process continues, Fewer than half of children in Great Britain will get their parent's upbringing in the next 20 years. It is difficult to imagine the future of the society hurling as an unnecessary thing the family that is the base of personal society .

Thus apparently, the majority of teenager who did crime in the USA are the kids of broken family. From this condition West World is worrying also. At the moment One of the fake ideologies that mixed with most spreading in the world is named "Eurocenterism" . As shown with its name copying from west culture and threatening to it is the main factor of development is taught in it. The leaders of this action inviting some methods that are to clean healthy mind to deprive from the spiritual roots of folk, to damage peace in society and to slacken historical memory, enriched with new ways of this process that are to promote immorality, to arouse greed, animal desires. In reality Mass Culture is uncultured. So first of all it is fighting and denying against its riches, arts, classical culture that is the flag bearer of spiritual ethical ideas.

For example, in the opinion of Karl Man who is one of the classifiers of Mass Culture If all things in social life are separated from the bosom of life, given an exact order, attracted many people, These simple wastes will be important like

ambient relics found at the moment of archeological digs and will tile their sit from the raw of art and culture examples. We must not ignore like those events. In our president's mind "Nowadays some situations dependent on looking down on real spiritual customs and on the contrary knowing the immorality as culture is putting the human life, today's development, holy family and youths' upbringing in danger and most people realise that un fight against this attacks spreading in the world is very important .

Shortly, Mass Culture is the destroyer losing the nationality. None must ignore that Mass Culture may erode our national culture . To learn its character, to find the causes of its development, to defend national culture from the external threats gives opportunity for protecting youths' cultural ability from spiritual threats[3].

In addition to above We must pay attention to the following factors for protecting from Mass Culture threats:

- It is to take measures of determining all incoming threats in its secret development period;

- It is to develop spiritual ethical norms accepted in the society and cultural development concepts;

- It is to form immunity according to some incoming information from internet and means of foreign mass information;

- It is to improve ideological immunity in youths mind.


1.Karimov I.Yuksak ma'naviyat-yengilmas kuch.-T.:Ma'naviyat,2008.-B.117. 2.Omonov Sh.Ommaviy madaniyat taixi.Globallashuv va milliy-ma'naviy taraqqiyot.Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari.-T.2015.-B.118. 3.Farhodjonovna F. N., Islomovich I. T. FACTORS OF FORMATION SPIRITUALITY OF YOUTH IN THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION //Мир науки и образования. - 2016. - №. 1 (5).

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