INTEGRATIVE TEACHING OF SYNTAX AND MORPHOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Jafarova Nabat Beydulla Q.

The article considers integrative teaching of syntax and morphology. It follows that integration is one of the basic principles of education reform and creates favorable conditions for the transfer of generalized knowledge in the context of natural relations. The meaning of the word "integration" (lat. Integratio-integer) is a restoration, a termination. Overall, integration increases the intensity and effectiveness of training and makes the training process interesting. Interdisciplinary integration includes in itself the coordination of relevant content and activities at the expense of internal capabilities of the subject. Syntax in the teaching of the Azerbaijani language should be based on the fact that the sentence, which is a unit of syntax, is not only a means of communication, but also plays an important role in the development and formation of thought. As in any other area of the language, the influence of morphology on the formation of communication and thinking is possible only on a syntactic basis. There fore, the teaching of morphological categories must be directly related to the syntax and its role in speech.

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Jafarova Nabat Beydulla q.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Baku, Azerbaijan

Annotation. The article considers integrative teaching of syntax and morphology. It follows that integration is one of the basic principles of education reform and creates favorable conditions for the transfer of generalized knowledge in the context of natural relations. The meaning of the word "integration" (lat. Integratio-integer) is a restoration, a termination. Overall, integration increases the intensity and effectiveness of training and makes the training process interesting.

Interdisciplinary integration includes in itself the coordination of relevant content and activities at the expense of internal capabilities of the subject.

Syntax in the teaching of the Azerbaijani language should be based on the fact that the sentence, which is a unit of syntax, is not only a means of communication, but also plays an important role in the development and formation of thought. As in any other area of the language, the influence of morphology on the formation of communication and thinking is possible only on a syntactic basis. There fore, the teaching of morphological categories must be directly related to the syntax and its role in speech.

Аннотирование. В статье рассматривается интегративное обучение синтаксису и морфологии. Следует отметить, что интеграция является одним из основных принципов реформы образования и создает благоприятные условия для передачи обобщенных знаний в контексте естественных отношений. Значение слова «интеграция» (лат. Integratio-integer) - это восстановление, завершение. В целом, интеграция повышает интенсивность и эффективность обучения и делает процесс обучения интересным.

Междисциплинарная интеграция включает в себя координацию соответствующего контента и деятельности за счет внутренних возможностей субъекта.

Синтаксис в преподавании азербайджанского языка должен основываться на том, что предложение, являющееся единицей синтаксиса, является не только средством общения, но и играет важную роль в развитии и формировании мышления. Как и в любой другой области языка, влияние морфологии на формирование общения и мышления возможно только на синтаксической основе. Поэтому преподавание морфологических категорий должно быть напрямую связано с синтаксисом и его ролью в речи.

Key words: integration, learning, language, syntax, morphology

Ключевые слова: интеграция, обучение, язык, синтаксис, морфология

Syntax and morphology being compositional parts of grammar organize grammatic structure of the language. Mutual relation between morphology and syntax has scientific bases. That's why it's impossible to teach one of the parts of grammar seperated from the other. Grammatical pecularities of many morphological categories are determined just according to their syntactic position. Because the leading funtions of every language rest on syntax. Academician V.V. Vinogradov being just fair called syntax the compositional cente of grammar. From this point of view, it is impossible to define correctly in what case the words a lesson, a note-book, a pen, as well as from the lesson, the note-book, pens and so. On have been used with out grounding their syntactic relation with other words, or it is difficult to specify morphological nature of words which have suffixes like - acaq, - 9c9k(shall,will) or -la,-la(with) without determining their syntactic position in a sentence(The letter will be written-maktub yazilacaq, or the will be written letter(the letter to be written)- yazilacaq maktub. The book will be read kitab oxunacaq. The will be read book (the book to be read)-oxunacaq kitab[7, p.24].

During the training process of morphology preparing for syntax as well as explaining of syntactic materials on the bases of morphological knowledge doesn't depend on somebody's intention. This is the need arising from the natural relations among the parts of grammar with equal rights, also with the principle of favourable ness being connected with the principle of conformety. For this reason teaching of morphology on the ground of syntax is regardep as one of the major principles of teaching grammatical notions. In this training this principle is implemented by the following ways: 1) at the beginning of the course morphological notions are taught in syntactic al constructions; 2) morphological notions are taught related with the syntactic notions; 3) parts of speech are taught both as a morphological category and as a part of sentence. Composition of the subject curriculum on the basis of graphic concentric principle gives grounds for being more acceptable pupils the first two ways of teaching morphology on the background of syntax.

Connecting closely teaching of syntax (especially syntactic analysis) with morphology is directed to the mastering of grammatic background of a sentence and formation of the ability distinguish its communicative and meaning centres. In this process, pupils must be confroned with the problems as much as possible and they must be tended to solve these problems with virtue of scientific knowledge, analysis and generalizing facts. During

teaching the language giving advantage to the practical direction requires to put forward the principle of teaching morphology on the basis of syntax. While teaching the language it's nessessary to refer to syntax because the sentence beyond being the unit of syntax in the means of communication and plays a major role in the development and for mation of thinking.

In the Azerbaijani language lessons the real speech practice has been focused for teaching the most necessary knowledge, word groups widely used in writing and in spoken language have been given advantage and this is one of the positive peculiarities of the curriculum. In teaching morphology or syntactic units, nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns and verbs' role has been taken as important, for teaching morphology on the basis of syntax several generalizing factors have been undertaken. For training of the language rules generalizing and determining of relations are rather important factors. A.Farajov writes that it is necessary to teach pupils to distinguish alike and different features, to create relations between the branches of the languagefor perceiving the grammatical structure of the language. Thus at the lessons of the Azerbaijani language pupils are taught not only the separated knowledge but also in the active training process this knowledge is put in order, becomes systematic, one is related to the other. Pupil's mind is not formed by separately scattered facts, but by systems of studied facts and system of knowledge. All facts and their generalization being linked to each other create solid completeness[8, p. 115].

Of the given information about syntax during the training process of the morphology. Different thoughts exist on the volume and content of the given information about syntax during the training process of the morphology. Methodist- researcher V. I. Appolonova writes that two views attract attention on confgormity of teaching of syntax and punctuation marks. Inline of articles (Q.I. Blinov, E. Q. Urinov's works) during the training process in primary classes is advised to pay attention to the revision of the learnt materials related with syntax and punctuation marks. In the other works (on N.A. Bulyayev's, L.A. Makarova's, V. P. Ozerskaya's, Q. P. Firsov's research works) this information is not only limited with revision of learnt material in primary classes but also giving new knowledge about syntactic constructions and punctuation marks and training them in practical direetion is considered very necessary[2, p.12].

As one of the branches of the language morphology's influence to the formation of communication and thinking may be possible only in compliance with syntax. So training of morphological categories must be directly related to the roles in their speech. Teaching of syntax related to morphology puts forward the necessity of teaching of secondary parts of speech todether with the main parts of speech. Sentences being the research objectives of syntax contain not only the main parts of speech but also the secondaru parts of speech and they play an important role in the sentence. We can't limit the membersof a sentence to the main parts of speech, or relate them to other features. Because while composing any sentence, adding some colours to a certain thought or in the attitude to the view told presence of secondary parts of speech is in evitable. Educating morphology in connection with the sentence. And for the formation of sentences both the main speech parts and secondary parts of speech participate together. Morphology main and sekondary parts of speech are also referred to the learning of syntax. The predicative being the predicate of a sentence is mainly expressed with verbs and the objective of the subject, is mainly expressed with nouns. Teasching the nouns and verbs which are the richest parts of speech in the Azerbaijan language and bringing into the consideration the roles of syntax create conditions for mastering consciously the given information. Teasching the other parts of speech just in this way has great importance. During the training process of syntax, speaking about the parts of speech which expressed syntactic units and during the training of morphology teaching of syntactic duties of parts of speech in theprocess of training provides comprehehsion of the language as a whole. In the coondition of wide global integration or for the growth of pupil's in the national mood as patriots, for advancing well-bred citizens texts for reading are also of great importance. At the reading stages, determining parts of speech, as syntactic notions:word combinations, sentences and their integrative learning inside the text attains actuality. Generally, integration in the reading texts are very strong. For example, while teaching the text named "Holiday share" taken from the novel "Dali Kur" by I. Shikhly, learnt in the III grade, the teacher beside teaching morphology and syntactic integration implements the integration of subjects as music, painting, history, the Azerbaijani language to achieve realization of training aims as a result[9, p.140-145]. Integration creates conditions for a pupil to get substantial and more thoroughful integration about our national hestorical holiday Novruz. Listening to songs devoted to Novruz holiday, description of images like kechal (a baldman), kosa (a man with little beard) by lyrics and music performing games having roles, samani (grass grown from grains) made from play dough, sweets as shakarbura, pakhlava, shorgogal candies, eggs and so. on, decorating of holiday trays, explaining the meanings of several words used in the text(as to lay an ambush at the door, a sack, a roof, a tray, arguing and so.on) provides the effective comprehension of the text and creates pleasant spirit, Besides it inter subjects relations give a form to the pupils' scientific outlooks and assist them to see the world in activity and in advance all the time. Integration creates conditions preventing from overloading pupils with information, reducing the training time, forms a dynamic system of knovledge. This system isn't frozen, it always changes by quality.

In the textbooks "The Azerbaijani language" the boundaries of work on grammatic indication pecularites of parts of speech are very large. In the textbooks "The Azerbaijani language" nouns and adjectives (with terms and without terms), work on dictionaries, meaning groups, enriching vocabularies, conditions for using the word in the correct situation and the other matters occupy a wide place and some simple grammatic pecularites for example,changing of nouns, implementing of particles before adjectives (degres of diminution or increasing) are

taught at the same time using verbs in various tense forms, expressing predicate with the help of suffixes at the end of verbs creates condition to approach the word groups from morphological point of view. Plentiful lexical materials in the textbooks, create wide, extended conditions for pupils' comprehension of grammatic indications, qrammatik things, and activity notions and this time morphological questions are implemented squarely. As the pupil hes little knowledge and experience on the language, the content of the grammaticnotion emerges by asking questions on morphology. For example, notion's common indication or meaning is its expressing thingness. For the II grade pupil qrammatik thingnees is still a difficult notion, as sometimes lexic(for example the name of the action, the name of the indication, the name of the quantity and so.on), sometimes suntactic position of a word prevents from comprehending the grammatic meaning, in this case revealing of the notion's content depends on the morphological questions. But questions are not yet sufficient to distinguish major indication of parts of speech. In the II grade the questions assisting to group words according to the parts of speech prevents pupils from the developing the language. Besause the pupil can,t distinguish morphological units from the syntactic units, as subjects answer to the questions of nouns, attributes answer to the questions of adjectives, predicates answer to the questions of verbs.

On the Teaching Methodology of the Parts of Speech Knowledge from morphology given on the bases of syntax makes the logical stucture of rules more compact, all the grammar rules which will be taught are closely combined with logical cases and it provides the pupil with the theoretical material from morphology which he|she uses more easily. The work conducted by giving morphological material related to syntax stimulates greatly visuali ty of the morphological material and reasons the logical opinion. Teasching material from morphology. On the bases of syntax also causes the formation of orthographicorphoepic skills. One of the best features of the III grade curriculum is the demand of related training of the leanguage units. Either relating morphology to syntax or linking syntactic units to morphology is put for ward as a methodic demand and both are seriously fulfiled. To teach the cases of a noun the grammatic information in the textbooks are usually indicated as following: when the nouns have relations with other words, in a sentence they change their suffixes. By implementing the studied parts of speech and grammatik forms, constructing word combinations and sentences, extending sentences consisted of main parts of a sentence with the help of questions, exercises and grammatic information in the textbooks of the III grade create conditions for training, revising and consolidating of morphology on the basis of syntax. The related training of both branches of the leanguage is put forward on the level of methodic demand. The authors of the III grade textbooks start training of the parts of speech with the text named "What's speech?" and this text aims to increase the pupils' responsi bility for learning parts of speech and to bring to notice their role. We'd like mention Y.Seyidov's opinion on the position of parts of speech for construction of speech as it seems very logical. Y.Seyidov writes: "Difference between the language and speech hasn't been taken into considiration for a long time. This situation caused to the creation and stabilization of words and word combinations which didn't exist in the leanguage so exactly. Nowadays this situation is underway. In many occasions we don't distinguish between the leanguage and speech. Linguistics mostly referred to speech and explained the leanguage facts taking them as the facts of speech. Naming morphological groups of words as parts of speech also is connected with this view. In reality these word groups don't belong to speech, but they are categories of the leanguage"[14, p.78].

Indeed as morphology doesn't concern speech the morphological composition of a word and word groups have no relation with speech. Originally the notion said "parts of speech" must be called "parts of the leanguage". The tradition in the expression manner is so intensified that no one tends to comment on the parts of speech as parts of the leanguage. By mistake the historically formed manner of expression seems more acceptable and a correct way. The IV grade is the final of the first stage of the Azerbaijani language training. In this grade studies on morphology and syntax are concluded. The studied materials in the II and III classes are revised, pupils learn new notions as names of noun cases, questions, suffixes, unexpended and extended simple sentences, composite (complex and compound) sentences and a text. In the text books prepared on the basis of new curriculum implementing the terms of phonetics, morphology, syntax are the language units which are brought together appropriate to these terms. Because nowadays the composition of a word and grouping words to the parts of speech has been included to the sphere of morphology although in our research work we are far from grounding on necessity of the matter implementing or not implementing the term, but we consider its necessity being used in certain opportunities. In this case a sufficient condition can be created for related training of units and branches of the language and facts can be grouped under certain titles.

Sometimes the term sentence is used as a synonym of the term syntax, and this reduces the circle of usage of the term syntax. Sentence is one of the syntactic units. Research of word combinations and texts is not the objective of a sentence but it's objective of syntax. Here one must refer to the principles of inter subject relation. One of these principles is formulated as following: after studing completely the indications of one branch the other can be taught related to it, that's why the language is differenciated in the form of branches and themes with the purpose to create for comprehension of the language unit. Researching morphological changes on the basis of syntax in creases efficiency of the training process. Thus while learning morphology separately pupils start learning by heart definitions, suffixes and sometimes can't determine their role in forming a sentence. For example, in the Azerbaijani language pupils learn by heart six cases of a noun, suffixes forming these cases, questions given to the cases of a nouns, but they can't master the skills for using the nouns or other substantivized parts of speech in their

correct position. That's why beginning from the primary classes we should care for integrative training of morphology and syntax.


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Бамбурова Елена Анатольевна

преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков филиала Военного учебно-научного центра Военно-воздушных сил «Военно-воздушной академии имени Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю. А. Гагарина»

в г. Сызрани.

Аннотация. В статье говорится о преимуществах и задачах технологий блочно-модульного и интерактивного обучения авиационному английскому языку в военном вузе. Также рассматривается вопрос эффективности использования данных технологий при интегративном подходе к обучению. Данное обучение делает акцент на овладение ключевыми компетенциями - ценностно-смысловой, учебно-познавательной, информационной, социо-культурной, иноязычной коммуникативной компетенциями. Высокие требования к выпускникам вузов предусматривают необходимость формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции, которая рассматривается как интегративная характеристика квалифицированного специалиста.

Abstract. The article talks about the advantages and challenges of block-modular and interactive aviation English training technologies at a military university. The issue of the effectiveness of using these technologies with an integrative approach to learning is also considered. This training focuses on mastering key competencies - value-semantic, educational-cognitive, informational, socio-cultural, foreign-language communicative competencies. High requirements for graduates of universities require the formation of a foreign language communicative competence, which is considered as an integrative characteristic of a qualified specialist.

Ключевые слова: интегративный подход, технология блочно-модульного обучения, интерактивное обучение, модульное обучение, иноязычно-коммуникативная компетенция, интерактивные формы обучения.

Key words: integrative approach, block-modular learning technology, interactive learning, modular learning, foreign language and communicative competence, interactive learning forms.

В настоящее время к военному специалисту предъявляются повышенные требования, включающие в себя профессиональные умения и навыки, а также высокий уровень владения авиационным английским языком. В связи с этим возникает необходимость оптимизировать образовательный процесс в

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