Научная статья на тему 'The compound nouns forming by the participation of the word bir(one)'

The compound nouns forming by the participation of the word bir(one) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tagiyeva E.

The article mainly devoted to the investigation of words and phrases created by the participation of the Azerbaijani word bir(one).The lexical-semantic peculiarities particular to this word and the compound nouns were shown with the number of examples. In order to keep the initial state of the compound words created by the word bir(one) the examples were demonstrated by the translations just in brackets.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The compound nouns forming by the participation of the word bir(one)»

Tagiyeva Elnara

The lecturer of Philology faculty, at Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan




The article mainly devoted to the investigation of words and phrases created by the participation of the Azerbaijani word “bir”(one).The lexical-semantic peculiarities particular to this word and the compound nouns were shown with the number of examples. In order to keep the initial state of the compound words created by the word “bir”(one) the examples were demonstrated by the translations just in brackets.

Key words: compound nouns, participation, the word “bir”(one)

Ключевые слова: оложные существительные, участие, слово «Ып>(один)

The Azerbaijani language is one of the distinguished languages by the motley of the grammatical system and the richness of lexical composition. There are different ways of word creation used in our language , one which is the formation of compound words consequently by the words composition. It is necessary to note that the main role on new words formation plays the root morpheme. The lexical-semantic composition expressed by root morphemes provide their participation in word creation on different stages. In linguistics there are various approaches to word problem and to its terms. Thus, we can observe lexeme-word in many aspects :

1. As vocabulary unit in the whole lexical meaning context;

2. As the creative base of the word creation;

3. As the component of compound word, terminological, constant phrasal combinations;

4. As the forming component in definite syntactic constructions;

5. As the object of grammaticalization converting the meaningful words into auxiliary words or formats”[1:282].

In modern linguistics the word structure, its morpheme composition and word creation structure, word morpheme and its comparison by word creation, models and types of word creation and etc. are esteemed as the actual problems. [2:139]. A word as the agile sphere of the language is the unit which gives direct reaction to the swift social changes. Therefore, the rapid changes of life, science and techniques, first of all are reflected in the lexical system of the language and the new words are forming.

In the Azerbaijani language the same words concerning to any part of speech, as well as to another part of speech can create. No doubt that, the activity of all words in word creation is not the same; the noun and the verb are more active. On this case the numeral is less active part of speech. On the other hand, we can note that the numeral is not formed from other parts of speech, it is just formed from the numeral itself. In spite of this the numeral is the part of speech that plays a special role in the word creation of our language as the conception effected to all spheres of our life. R. Khalilov, who has comprehensively researched the numeral in our language and written the valuable work on this sphere, notes : “ The numeral has a specific and important role in increasing, expanding and enriching of vocabulary content of the language. Thus, the great number of new words and phrases are created from the numerals including to the vocabulary content of our language and forming the special large group of lexis. It is interesting that, no numeral is formed from any parts of speech, vice versa, many parts of speech are formed from the numerals[3:55].

The most participated in the word creation is the word bir (one) among the numerals. Having wider shade of meanings, this word comparatively with the others gets more

opportunities in formation of new words.Therefore, A.A.Beylarbeyova indicates three main functions carried by the word bir (one) in its opening form : “ In the Turkish languages the word

bir (one) in its introductory form states in three main functions :

1. bir (one) in the function of a cardinal numeral;

2. bir (one) in the function of expression translated into Russian as such;

3. bir (one) in the function of indefinite article ” [4:65]. But, S.S.Sokolov indicates seven main lexical meanings of the word bir (one): 1. cardinal numeral; 2. the same; 3. only, alone; 4. together; 5. any; 6. once;7. just [1:282-283].

Bir(one)is the word actively presented in the word creation both in morphological and syntactic way. This word creates composite words under the various parts of speech and one of them is the noun. The composite words created by the word bir (one) is in a sufficient number and they have abundant structural-semantic features. These can be classified as following:

1. One of two components of compound nouns is the word bir (one).

2. The nouns which first component is bir (one).

A part of these nouns is consist of two simple word combination. The compound nouns “Birgoz (one-eyed), birda§ (one-stoned), birduyma(one-inched)” are from such types. The first of these words is “a bush plant growing on the wood edges and shrubs[5:317]. Though the words “birda§ (one-stoned)” and “birduyma (one-inched)” are registered in “The Spelling Dictionary of the Azerbaijan language”[ 6:92], these words are given neither in “The Explanatory Dictionary of the Azerbaijani Language” nor in “The Dialectological Dictionary of the Azerbaijani Language ”(5:7). In one part of double-componential compound nouns the second components is a word-formation. The formation structure of the second component displays in various forms. In some parts only one lexical suffix presents on the second component. In most of them the second component is the suffix “bir(one)”. Such words as one-volume, one penned, one-citied, unanimity, one-family and etc. are from these words. In these examples the conception of thing is in the unity with the conception of description. As the suffix “one” either in past or now presents both as the noun and the adjective made suffix. A.Rajably researched the ancient Goyturk language indicates that, this suffix more shows the adjective tinges than the noun’s [8:47]. All the above-mentioned words are potentially adjective tinges, but the words themselves are functioning in modern language as the nouns. Actually, each of these words are formed by adding the suffix “bir(one)” to the composite words of two simple words. The word “biraildli (one-family)” as the adjective means “ very closed, as the member of family”, but “biraildlik (one family hood) ” is the noun which means “ very closeness”. The composite noun “bircurluk(identity) ” formed from the adjective “ bircur(identical)”.

In the second components of other words from this type demonstrates the suffix “- li (mono (one)": birldpdli (hr) (monocotyledonous), birdirnaqli (lar) (one hoofed) , birdlli (onearmed). It is known that, this suffix is both the noun- maker and the adjective -maker suffix. In the dictionary the word “birlapali (monocotyledonous)” is presented as the adjective in the meaning “one seeded, monoecious plant ”, but we didn’t find its explanation as the biological term. As it is known that, though the suffix “-lar (s,es)” is used as in plural for the noun and declensional endings for the verb, but sometimes it presents in the meaning of plurality on formation of the nouns with appropriate content. Once formed in our language and actively used the words “iyirmialtilar (twenty-six), otuzikilar( thirty two” and etc. are from this type. On this way in our language the terms are mostly formed concerning to any sciences, especially to biology. It is noted that, syntactically word formation are the main ways in our language. The researchers drew the conclusion that, “ The term formation organizing an abundant sphere of the modern Azerbaijan literary language and improving for the last three decades, this method was the most productive” [9:44-45]. The numerals don’t exclude from this side. “The role of such structured composite words on enriching the scientific-technical terminology of our modern language is enormous. Particularly, the composite words first component of which consists of the

numerals bir(one),iki(two) and ug( three) are actively taken part in different scientific spheres”[10:7]. As we mentioned above the first two words (birlapalilar (one (mono) cotyledonous), birdirnaqlilar (one (mono) hoofed) are from these types. The word “biralli” (one-armed) is directly the noun. This word was given on “The explanatory dictionary” in two meanings : 1. Without an arm, one arm cut- the adjective; 2. A container with one handle. [5:316]. This word is a dialect and used in Baku, Goychay, Imishly, Kurdamir, Salyan, Shamakhy, Zangilan regions.[7:58]

The compound nouns second component of which is constructed structure are formed by the participation of two lexical suffixes enriched both quantitatively and by quality. We can also say that, in most of such typed compound nouns the first component is formed by adjective making suffix- li and then the suffix -liq is added. Some of these words are terminological typed. The words “bircinslilik (homogeneous), birhecaliliq (monosyllabic), birvalentlilik (univalency)” are from such types. The another part of such compound nouns expresses abstract meaning : the state of being of same age, unambiguity, monolinguality, one-sidedness, single-stacked, like-mindedness, uniformity. On the third types the meaning of thingness is comparatively strong. The words like “biroxluluq (monoaxial), bircildlilik (one-volumed), bircargalilik (one-ranked), birtabaqalalilik (one layered), birarvadliliq (monogamy), birranglilik (one colourness)” are from these words. However, in some compound nouns the spiritual estimate is basic. As a rule the word bir (one) here has the meaning “same”. For example: the quality of being of the same price, the quality of being the same bred. The other group of words serves to express the content of something: “biruzvluluk (one-member), birtarkiblilik (one-contented)”. Finally, the

denomination of some composite nouns by the sign is taken for basic. Here, the peculiarity of wholeness being of any thing is leading. The words “biryerlilik (friendly association), birsaslilik (the state of being one-voice)” are in such types. The word “birellilik” was formed by this way. However, the root of this word “biryerli (having place for one)” is used in two meanings: 1. Countrymen, being from the same area; 2. single-seater. Though the meaning of the word “biryerlilik” isn’t given in the explanatory dictionary, in the result of comparison we can know that, this word is corresponded to the first meaning and has the meaning of being from the same area.

In some compound nouns where the first component is the numeral bir(one) , the second component has another formation structure. The word “bir§ahiliq (five-copeck coin)” formed by adding bir (one) and §ahi ( five-copeck). It is noted that, though the word “§ahi( five-copeck)” has the same meaning with the above-mentioned word, there is a certain shade difference between them. So, the words “bir§ahiliq (five-copeck)” and “§ahi (five-copeck)” are names of archaic monetary unit, but the utilization opportunities and usage spheres of the first word is large. If the second word only has the denomination function, so the first word can be used both in the denomination and the estimate functions. Though the word “birya§arliq (the state of being yearling)” is given in the orthographic dictionary, it isn’t noted in the explanatory dictionary. The word “birya§li (being the same age)” stated on the basic meaning of this word was presented in two meanings: 1.being one-year-old; 2. being the same age [5:331]. Even if the word “birya§liliq (the state of being yearling)” can be considered in both meanings the first “eyniya§liliq ( the state of being of the same age)” is more correspondent.

The word “biratilan (a kind of gun)” is one of compound nouns where the second component is derivative. In fact a lexical suffix -il in the second component draws our attention. It is known that, -il is the suffix forming the verb from the verb, the suffix following it, is the participle suffix from the first sight. However, it is cleared that, the participle suffix is the grammar suffix and isn’t mainly presented in word formation. Despite of this, in our modern language there are a number of composite words forming by the presence of the suffix - an and it is impossible to imagine these words without the suffix - an. So, in fact the suffix -an isn’t later joined to this word. In our opinion, such typed words are the products of the phrases in the form

of word connections, converted to the composite word, but not the suffixes adding in systematic principle. Therefore, the suffix -an given here haven’t been taken as the grammatical suffix yet.

In some compound nouns of such types the second component has three lexical suffixes. For example, there are the suffixes - iyyat,- li, -lik in the second component of the word “bircinsiyyatlilik”(the state of being unisexual). The way of formation of this word has a certain peculiarity. The word “bircins” (homogeneous) is registered in the explanatory dictionary and presented in the meaning of “of the same type” [5:314]. It is interesting that, there is a word “bircinsli” (homogeneous) in our language, but not the word “bircinsiyyat” (the state of being unisexual). So, the word “bircinsiyyatli”( unisexual) was not formed from the word development of “bircins (homogeneous)”. The suffix -lik was added to the word “bircinsiyyatli (unisexual)” which formed from the words bir (one) and “cinsiyyatli(genus)”.

There are some composite words formed by the word bir (one) as the first component can be derivative in the first component. The words “birgaya§ayi§ (coexistence), birgapolimetr( copolymetric)” in which the first component is “bir (co)” were formed by the combination of this first component and the suffix -ga. And the second component was formed by the two lexical suffixes. So, the word “birgaya§ayi§” was formed by two derivative words.

One of the composite nouns formed by this way is the word “birgapolimetr” (copolymetric). It is the term formed from the derivative “birga” (co) which first component is bir (one) and the term “polimetr” (polymetric).

It is noted that, the proper nouns are formed by this way: the personal names Bircagul, Bircabaci, Bircaxanim are formed by the presence of word bir (one).

The compound nouns which second component is the word bir (one). We can note first of all that, the words forming by this way are in a few number in our language. On the other hand, in spite of being the composite nouns in the formation of most of them the suffix -liq plays an active role. The word including to this qroup “agzibir” (unanimous) is used in two meanings:

1) sozubir, dilibir, muttafiq (allied);

2) tak bir gixi§i olanyer, habsxana (a jail)” [5:73].

Properly, not having the literary fact this word is used in differet meaning in our dialectal language. So, this word in the districts Kurdamir and Gazakh in the meaning of “paya” (cattle-shed), but in the district Salyan in the meaning of “habsxana (jail)”[7:16]. Being in any meaning the word bir (one) potentially kept its meaning either a numeral one or the meaning “ eyni (same)”. The compound noun “agzibirlik (alliance)” is formed by adding the suffix -lik, that is used in the meaning of “soz birliyi, ittifaq, sozu bir olma (alliance, community, league)”.

The word “onbirlik (eleven)” using as the literary term in our language and having the meaning “ a prose measure each hemistich of which consists of eleven syllables” is formed by this way. This word is from the content “onbir” (eleven) by adding the suffix -lik. The noun “albirlik” is formed by the help of the adjective ( it may be the adverb, too) “albir”(joint) and the suffix -lik. This word is in the meaning of “work in concert”. The fourth word forming by this way is the compound noun “i§birliyi” (cooperation). However, this word appeared in the model of the second typed attributive word-combination. It is natural that, the word “i^birlik(collaboration)” doesn’t exist in our language, so the word “i§birliyi (cooperation)”isn’t formed from this word.This word isn’t given in the explanatory dictionary, but its meaning is clear : to work in concert.

The three-component compound nouns. This typed nouns, where one of the components is the word bir (one), are in a few number in our language. We can only give two examples: birba§akegma (go straight), onbirmartaba (eleven-storey). Though the first word isn’t given in the explanatory dictionary its meaning is clear: to pass without stopping anywhere. The second word is formed by adding the word “martaba (storey, floor)” to the numeral “on bir (eleven)”. Nowadays, in the age of rapidly constructing skyscrapers, a number of different floored buildings are called by the floor number. From this point of view, the words “ onbirmartabali

(eleven- floored)” is the most used word, as the constructing of such typed buildings is more observed.


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