Научная статья на тему 'Neologism-formation processes in the lexical subsystem of "state administration" sphere in modern Russian language'

Neologism-formation processes in the lexical subsystem of "state administration" sphere in modern Russian language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zavarzina Galina

The given work deals with the description of innovations in the lexical subsphere of "state administration" sphere in the Russian language of the modern period. The appearance of such innovations is caused by the essential changes of socio-political and economic character. Strong innovations represented at the lexical-semantic level (neologisms-borrowings, morphological and syntax neologisms) are analyzed in the article. Some special interest is caused by the characteristics of weak neologisms in the observed sphere. They are connected with the renewal of lexics presented by semantic neologisms characterized by the changes in the word''s semantic structure in general or changes in the denotational component of one separate word''s sign and its frequency in usage. Also functional-semantic innovations dealing with the changes in functional-stylistic component of lexical semantics are investigated.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Neologism-formation processes in the lexical subsystem of "state administration" sphere in modern Russian language»

UDC 811.161


G.A. Zavarzina

Voronezh State Pedagogical University (Voronezh, Russian Federation) E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The given work deals with the description of innovations in the lexical subsphere of "state administration" sphere in the Russian language of the modern period. The appearance of such innovations is caused by the essential changes of socio-political and economic character. Strong innovations represented at the lexical-semantic level (neologisms-borrowings, morphological and syntax neologisms) are analyzed in the article. Some special interest is caused by the characteristics of weak neologisms in the observed sphere. They are connected with the renewal of lexics presented by semantic neologisms characterized by the changes in the word's semantic structure in general or changes in the denotational component of one separate word's sign and its frequency in usage. Also functional-semantic innovations dealing with the changes in functional-stylistic component of lexical semantics are investigated. Keywords: innovations; neologism; strong and weak neologisms; morphological neologisms; syntax neologisms; neologisms-borrowings; functional-semantic innovations.

The contemporary period of Russian society development is characterized by considerable changes in all social spheres, which have an indisputable impact on linguistic situation. In our opinion significant interest is caused by linguistic processes that touch upon the thematic sphere "State government" lexical system, which is quite receptive to social factors' influence and connected with the ideas about state specificity realization of authoritative and other functions by all bodies, institutions of all branches, as well as state institutions voluntary impact on the activities of the society, its separate groups in which social needs and interest, valid aims and social will are realized [1: 49].

Transformations in the sphere "State government" lexical system are vividly manifested in neologism appearance processes, that is the formation of innovations, presented on lexico-semantic level of linguistic system (strong neologisms) and connected with lexical vocabulary's renovation (weak neologisms) [2: 10, 11].

Among strong innovations, following Professor O.V. Zagorovskaya's ideas, we single out lexical (neologisms-borrowings), morphological and syntactic neologisms [Ibid: 10].

In the modern period of the Russian language development new foreign vocabulary of the analyzed thematic sphere represents, as a rule, the words borrowed by replication method and in most cases denotes a new notion or (more seldom) replaces a bulky russian descriptive language means.

Among innovations of this kind denotations of state government new models can be singled out: (e.g.: gosudarstvennoe administrirovanie, el-ektronnoe pravitelstvo, novii gosudarstvennii menedzhment, novaya model upravleniya obshestvom, novoe gosudarstvennoe upravlenie, onlainovoe pravitelstvo, globalnoe upravlenie, elektronnoe gosudarstvo, etc.), nominations of state events (e.g.: celevaya kompleksnayaprogramma, videokonfer-encsvyaz, videoconferenciya, telekonferenciya, veb-prisutstvie (of the government body) etc.), specific features of new state government denotations (e.g.: transparentnost, cifrivoerassloenie, cifrovoeneravenstvo, gotovnost k informacionnomu obshestvu, elektronnoe uchastie, etc.), nominations of people taking part in a new state government (e.g.: teflonovii politik, el-ektronnay aadministraciya, rabochaya gruppa, elektronnaya elita, etc.), denotations of unfavourable phenomena in state ruling (e.g.: provali gosudar-stvennogo regulirovaniya, etc.).

It's worth mentioning that Russian thematic sphere "State government" vocabulary of the beginning of XXI century is noted for active replenishment with morphological and syntactic neologisms. Today the process of lexical units from different parts of speech formation in the analyzed sphere is characterized by extreme dynamism. Among the most productive neologisms-nouns formation ways of the thematic sphere "State government" affixation and composition can be singled out.

Among affixationalneoderivatives in a quantitative sense suffixational derivatives take place: 1) the denotation of people taking part in the administrative activity (e.g.: omonovec (OMON), specnazovec (specnaz), fondovec (Pensionnii fond), kremlevec (Kreml), vidvizhenec; lobbist, federalist; putun-ist (storonnikPutina), gebist / GBist, etc.). Among new words of the present group there are lexical units formed from actualized lexemes' stems (e.g.: dumec and some others); 2) nominations of procedural character typical of state government sphere (e.g.: upravlyaemost, bezalternativnost (absence of real rivals for one of the candidates during the election), vedomstvennost, gosudarstvennost, innovativnost, predvibornost, koridornost in the meaning of " the nature of behavior and working decisions' quality defined by the atmosphere in authority sector", karmannost in the meaning "obedient fulfillment of somebody's will as a result of dependence in political or another relation"; monetizaciya, minimizaciya, byurokratizaciya, frakcionalizaciya, FSBizaciya; ograzhdanivanie, administrirovanie; presidentstvo, premjer-stvo, etc.) [3: 103-105].

There are also cases of suffixational noun formation in the sphere of state government based on phrases' contraction (for univerbats' formation) among which we single out: a) zerosuffixationaluniverbasation (e.g.: nelegal in the meaning " a person in the illegal position", neformal, marginal, federal, municipal, regional, etc.); b) suffixationaluniverbasation (e.g.: with suffixes -ik-, -nik-:narodnik, silovik, tenevik; pravozashitnik; nalogovik, setevi-

kin the meaning "the representative of political nets", iniciativnik, gosudar-stvennik, spisochnik in the meaning " a deputy elected by party tickets", ob-shestvennik - a member of the social institution; with the suffix -k(a)- : socialka- socialniizakaz; nalozhka - nalogovayainspekciya; chrez-vichaika - chrezvichainaya situaciya, oboronka - oboronnaya promishlen-nost, trehletka - trehletnii byudzhet; with the suffix -chik-: apparatchik -rabotnik gosudsrstvenno goapparata; with the suffix -shik-: alternativshik, bezalternativshik, kommunalshik, nomenklaturshik, etc.). As it can be seen such denotations are functionally-stylistically and expressively-stylistically marked. Being informal objects and sphere state government phenomena's nominations, univerbats in the beginning of the XXI century still more displace official nominations-phrases.

Prefixation as new words' formation way stands out in the last decade. As the research showed: in the beginning of the XXI century prefixational derivatives are created for the nomination of: 1) intensity of notions and phenomena's sign manifestation (super-: supersekretnost; giper-: gipern-eeffektivnost, etc.); 2) absence, contrast or elimination (de-: de-byurokratizaciya, dekriminalizaciya, depolitizaciya, decentralizaciya, desta-bilizaciya, demodernizaciya; raz-: razbyurokratizaciya, etc.); 3) insincerity, falsity (kvazi-: kvaziparlamentarism, etc.); 4) repetition of something or contrast to something (re-: resocializaciya, restrukturizaciya, etc.); 5) negation (ne-: nenarashivanie (about expenses), neplatelshik, neplatezhi); 6) loss of this or that feature (eks-: eks-rukovoditel, eks-gubernator, eks-president, eks-glava, eks-deputat, eks-spiker, eks-lider, eks-premjer-ministr); precedence (do-: dovibori, doizbranie, etc.).

Single cases of clipping are also fixed (e.g.: vice - vice premjer): No malozhestkogopremjera, esteshe i gospodinShuvalov, pervii vice (Moskov-skii komsomolec, 06.2008).

Today during nouns' formation denoting the notions of new state government sphere the way of composition realized by stem composition and word composition shows its activity. In case of stem composition, compound connected words are formed which are presented in this sphere primarily by abbreviated verbal signs, among which the following can be singled out:

a) the compounds of the initial part of the first word and the whole second word (e.g.: goszakaz, gossluzhba, gossluzhashii, gosusluga, gosreguliro-vanie, goszadanie, gosfunkcii, gosupravlenie, gosduma, gossektor, goss-truktura, gosapparat, depgruppa; komfrakciya; adminreforma, adminresurs; pravkomissiya; zaksobranie; Minekonomiki, Minobrnauki, Minregion, etc.). Besides, compound words can represented by combinations with prepositive or postpositive prefixoids of international character (video-: videopriemnaya, videosvyaz, videostena,tele-: teledebati, teledemokratiya, telemost; mono-: monogorod, monoekonomika; mini-: mini-poslanie, blic-: blicvizit, etc.);

b) the compounds of each word's initial parts (e.g.: Kabmin,goskomstat,

Centrizbirkom, polpred, izbirkom, nardep, etc.); c) the compounds of the whole words with the help of interfix which more often takes place in subordinate relations (e.g.: byudzhetopoluchatel, klientoorientirovannost ( rendering of state service) etc.); d) the compounds of the first word and the end of the second word (e.g.: tandemokratiya - tandem + demokratiya, putinomi-ka - Putin + ekonomika, etc.). The activation of abbreviations' appearance in the analyzed sphere is also one of the Russian language signs of the beginning of the XXI century (e.g.: GD - Gosudarstvennaya Duma, CF- Sovet Federacii, ZS - Zakonodatelnoe Sobranie, OP - Obshestvennaya palata, FCP - federalnaya celevaya programma, DCP - dolgosrochnie celevie pro-grammi, etc.).

To the number of less active processes in the modern Russian word formation area we refer the formation of compound words with separately arranged parts which are one of words-composites' types created by word composition. Such composits follow the model noun + noun with hyphen writing (e.g.: chinovnik-bloger, chinovnik-menedzher, chinovnik-ekonomist, kandidati-dvoiniki, vedomstva-soispolniteli, etc.).

The major part of lexico-semantic sphere "State government" adjectives-neologisms is made up with substantive derivatives. Today, as the researches point out, the prefixes taking part in new lexemes' formation and carrying significant social and cultural semantics become more intense: E.g. anti- ( in the meaning "directed against, created according to contrary laws"): antigubernatorskii, antikremlevskii, antikorrupcionnii, antinimenkla-turnii, antopolpredovskii, antiputinskii,antimedvedevskii, etc.; pro- (progu-bernatorskii, prokremlevskii, proputinskii, propravitelstvennii, etc.); ne-(neparlamentskii, negosudarstvennii, nekonkurentnii, nekonstitucionnii, etc.); posle-, post- (poslekrizisnii, postkrizisnii, postreformennii, etc.); vne-(vnebudzhetnii, vnepravitelstvennii, vneparlamentskii, etc.); vnutri- (vnutrid-umskii, vnutrikorporativnii, vnutripravitelstvennii, vnutritandemnii, etc.); mezh- (mezhvedomstvennii, mezhparlamentskii, mezhpravitelstvennii, mezhregionalnii, mezhfrakcionnii, etc.); pred- (predvibornii, predkrizisnii); okolo- (okoloprezidentskii, okologosudarstvennii, okolonomenklaturnii, etc.); nad- (nadministerskii); multi- (multipolyarnii); super- (superpre-zidentskii); giper- (gipergosudarstvennii); ekstra- (ekstrapremjerskii); polu-(poludemokraticheskii, polukorrupcionnii).

As the analysis shows, during the adjective formation of the analyzed sphere vocabulary suffixes such as (e.g.: -ov- (inzhiniringovii,sbitovoi, etc.), -n-(tandemnii, elitnii, komandnii, prefekturnii, etc.), -sk- (putinskii, medvedevskii, vice-premjerskii, premjerskii, senatorskii, vice-presidentskii, etc.)).

In the lexico-semantic sphere "State government" single cases of adjective formation with the help of composition (often with explanatory type of the first part) (e.g.: kontrolno-nadzornii, operativno-strategicheskii, par-lamentsko-pravitelstvennii, prezidentsko-premjerskii, apparatno-burokrati-

cheskii, politico-upravlencheskii, putinsko-medvedevskii, plebiscitarno-burokraticheskii; e.g.: korrupcioemkii, naukoemkii, etc.). In some cases composition is complemented with suffixation (e.g.: belodomovskii, etc.).

Neologisms-verbs and adverbs in the thematic sphere under consideration are represented by not a big number of innovations created as a rule according to traditional Russian models with the help of typical verbs and adverbial suffixes (e.g.: monopolno, elektoralno, oppozicionno, privatizacion-no, privatizacionno, antomodernizacionno, etc.). In such a way, for instance, among verbal innovations in the sphere "State government" neologisms with suffixes -ova-, -irova-, -izirova- (e.g.: administrirovat, lobbirovat, kvotiro-vat, oligopozirovat, pozicionirovat, masshtabirovat, etc.) can most often take place. Today the verbs formed with the help of prefixes (e.g.: pere-: perego-losovat; za-: zavolokitit, zaburokratizirovat; po-: poreshat; pro-: prodavit, etc.) are actively used.

As the analysis of the facts has shown, today in the thematic sphere "State government" syntactic neologisms appear by which, in the given research, we understand the nomination realizing new opportunities of lexico-phraseological language units' compatibility (e.g.: gosudarstvennii menedzh-ment, upravlyat v ruchnomrezhime, administrativniiresurs, etc.).

Among weak innovations we pay attention to proper semantic neologisms characterized by changes in the word's semantic structure on the whole or the changes in the contents of denotative and emotive components of verbal sign separate meaning; and functionally-semantic innovations connected with the changes in the contents of functionally-stylistic lexical semantics component.

Proper semantic innovations appear as a result of metaphorical, analogical and gender-aspectual changes.

Taking into account metaphorical nominations formation mechanism's specific features of the thematic sphere "State government" we have singled out the most conspicuous of the metaphorical periphrasis: 1) metaphorical periphrasis based on the similarity of functions, also the character, the way and the result of the action (e.g.: nastroikapravitelstva, raspechati-vanie gosgarantii, zavisayushii zakonoproekt, prodavit zakonoproekt, proshtampovat popravku, raskachat sector, etc.); 2) metaphorical periphrasis based on the similarity of the inner structure principle, the number of constituent elements (e.g.: vertikal, vertikalnii, verhnie etazhi vlasti, barjeri ad-ministrativnie, richagi prinyatiya gosudarstvennih reshenii, etc.); 3) metaphorical periphrasis based on the similarity of appearance, sizes and magnitude of objects (e.g.: paketiniciativ, piramida iz vetvei vlasti, byurokratich-eskii koridor, etc.); 4) metaphorical periphrasis based on the similarity of the signs' importance and general impression of the objects (e.g.: prozrachnaya vertical, zamyatoe poruchenie, ramochnii dokument, myagkie transformacii gosupravleniya, etc.).

During the semantic neologisms' formation of the thematic sphere "State government" with the help of analogy the following semantic models are used: 1) container - contents (e.g.: Ohotniiryad in the meaning "Gosu-darstvennaya Duma RF", Beliidom, Kreml, portfelporuchenii, levieiniciativi, svobodniimikrofon, etc.); 2) the sign of the object - the sign of another object which is somehow connected with the first object, made from it or used by it (e.g.: tandemnii in the meaning "vhodyashii v tandem Putin - Medvedev" and "rekomendovanniitandemom", nechestniemetodi, karmanniigosorgan, etc.); 3) an action - the result of an action (e.g.: narabotki, etc.).

Gender-aspectual transformations connected with extension noted for special importance (e.g.: znakivii in the meaning "otlichayushiisya osoboi vazhnostyu", institutpresidentskoi vlasti, etc.) or narrowing (e.g.: ploshadka for the decision of state administrative questions, tandem, zachistka, etc.) of the original word's initial meaning; and the semantic shift (e.g.: parlament, president, premjer, premjer-ministr, mer, meriya, vece-mer, vice-president, vice-premjer, vice-spiker,senat, razdelenievlastei, byurokratizm, byurokrati-ya, byurokrat, valorizaciya, vertikalnaya koncentraciya, veto, korrupciya, korrupcionnii, etc.).

Among functionally-semantic innovations of the thematic sphere "State government" we single out: actualized lexemes to which we refer: the names of governing bodies, departmental divisions, organizations (e.g.: dobrovolnaya narodnaya druzhina, glavk, gosbezopasnost, ispolkom, raiono, oblono, partbyuro, partgruppa, prezidium, obshestvenniepriemnie, etc.), the nominations of people taking part in state government and active social life (e.g.: druzhinnik, naznachenec, polpred, etc.), the denotations of state character events (e.g.: plan, gosplan, planovii, planirovanie, selector, etc.), the nominations of major state sphere notions (e.g.: GOST, partdisci-plina, naznachenstvo, partsobranie, perevibori, dovibori, samootvod, bal-anstrudovihresursov, premiya, chelovechrskii factor, socializaciya, ob-suzhdenie, etc.).

The noted lexical units' actualization processes of the thematic sphere "State government" revealing in the frequency of their usage, in the first place in mass-media with neutral nominations and in case of chronological labels' absence in explanatory dictionaries of the last years, show the appeared need for presoviet and postsoviet administrative nominations succession renovation in modern society.

Active vocabulary extension of the thematic group "State government" in the contemporary Russian language development may occur due to the words which were earlier confined in the functionally-stylistic respect. Primarily it refers to the words of terminological character (e.g.: infor-macionno-telekommunikacionnie tehnologii, blog, server, onlain, portal, IT-tehnologii, sait - from IT technologies' sphere; ekonomizaciya vlasti, menedzheralnii podhod k gosupravleniyu, gosudarstvennii menedzhment,

produktivnost gosupravleniya, menedzher strani - from economics' sphere; klient, servisnoe obshestvo, gosudarstvennie uslugi, pokupatel gosuslug, ob-shestvo uslug - from services sector; innovacii, vertikal innovacii, tehno-grad, osobie ekonomicheskie zoni, nanotehnologii - from scientific and technical sphere; rebrending, promo-akciya, piar-kampaniya - from promotional sphere), jargon (e.g.: otkat, otkativay, otmivaniedohodov, etc.) and colloquial character (e.g.: prodavitin the meaning "to get state decision-making or a person's assumption with the help of various tricks", podvizhka in the meaning "positive change, success, progress in socio-economic and political spheres", nakachka in the meaning "state officials' professional skill improvement", monitorit, otpiska, vzbuchka, peretasovki, provolochki, etc.).

Contrary to activation is the process of falling into disuse which meansthat lexical and phraseological units of the given thematic sphere go out of use. Today to such lexical units of leisure sphere we refer the names of state power bodies (e.g.: Verhovnii Sovet SSSR, presidium Verhovnogo Soveta, miliciya, politupravlenie, sovapparat, sovbyurokrat, Sovet, Gensek, etc.) and methods of their activity (e.g.: promfinplan, gospolitupravlenie, narodnii control, rukovodyashaya / generalnaya liniya partii, provoditparti-inuyu liniyu, socialisticheskoe / vstrechnoe obyazatelstvo, perevipolnenie plana, socsorevnovanie, pyatiletka, semiletka, etc.).

All in all, the enumerated innovations are the evidence of dynamic thematic sphere "State government" vocabulary development in the modern period of the Russian language and are caused by global socio-political and economic changes in Russia.


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