Научная статья на тему 'The opportuni̇ti̇es of masteri̇ng the lexi̇cal-semanti̇c features of the word İn the azerbai̇jani̇ language lessons of secondary schools’ grade 8 and 9th'

The opportuni̇ti̇es of masteri̇ng the lexi̇cal-semanti̇c features of the word İn the azerbai̇jani̇ language lessons of secondary schools’ grade 8 and 9th Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gafarli Aynur

The development of secondary school students' speech directly depends on the richness of their vocabulary. Purposeful organization of language classes plays an important role in listening to the word, interpreting it within the context, and using it more effectively in the right expression. These skills, which have already begun to be introduced in the elementary classes through simple working methods, continue to be used in the more intensive instruction process at the secondary school level. However, the vocabulary of the students is quite poor because the work being done in this direction is often based on theoretical knowledge of the lexical composition of the language, especially the meaning of the word. Naturally, this contributes to the poor development of their oral and written speech skills. Therefore, a prerequisite for the understanding and mastering of the semantics of the word in textual examples and works should be the prerequisite. Because, in addition to the original meanings of the word, that is, the understanding of the new meanings, the synonyms and the antonymes that they acquire within the context, have a powerful effect on the student's speech. This results in avoiding repeated repetitions in verbal and written speech, and in more colorful ways.The implementation of word-based learning in the learning process, based on student observations and considerations, also provides a methodological framework for the use of interactive methods in the creative and interesting organization of language classes. The article deals with what is known to be appropriate in 8th and 9th grades.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The opportuni̇ti̇es of masteri̇ng the lexi̇cal-semanti̇c features of the word İn the azerbai̇jani̇ language lessons of secondary schools’ grade 8 and 9th»

языками, различных моментов в них гораздо больше. Так, с фонетической стороны в колыбельных обоих языков наблюдается растягивание, удлинение и акцентирование гласных, а также монотонный ритм и успокаивающий мелодико-интонационный стих. Однако, колыбельные двух языков отличаются составом звуков и слов, их начинающих.

Список литературы

1. Аникин В.П. Русские народные пословицы, поговорки, загадки и детский фольклор. М., АН СССР, 2017.

2.Варгасова Е. Спи, моя радость, усни... http ://www.shkolazhizni.ru/archive/0/n-3 719/

3.Литвин Э.С. Песенные жанры русского детского фольклора. М., Всемирная литература, 2017.

4.Мартынова А.Н. Детский поэтический фольклор. СПб., Композитор, 2016.

5.Мартынова А. Н. Особенности колыбельных восточно-славянских песен. М., Русский язык,, 2016.

6.Мельников М.Н. Русский детский фольклор. М., Просвещение, 2017.

7.. Новый англо-русский словарь. /Под ред. В.К. Мюллера,-9-е изд.-М.,2015.

8.Детский поэтический фольклор. Антология. СПб., Русский язык, 2017.

9.Варганова В.В. Русские народные песни. М., Оникск 21 век ,2018.

10.Исматуллаева И.В. Русские народные колыбельные песенки. М., АСТ - Пресс, 2015.

11.Науменко Г.М. Русское народное детское музыкальное творчество. М., Советский композитор, 2018.

12.Английские колыбельные песни [Электронные песни]. URL: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/little-boy-blue-lullaby-lyrics

13. Macmillan Dictionary [ Электронный ресурс]. - URL: https://www.macmillandictionary.com


Aynur Gafarli

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University


The development of secondary school students' speech directly depends on the richness of their vocabulary. Purposeful organization of language classes plays an important role in listening to the word, interpreting it within the context, and using it more effectively in the right expression.

These skills, which have already begun to be introduced in the elementary classes through simple working methods, continue to be used in the more intensive instruction process at the secondary school level. However, the vocabulary of the students is quite poor because the work being done in this direction is often based on theoretical knowledge of the lexical composition of the language, especially the meaning of the word. Naturally, this contributes to the poor development of their oral and written speech skills. Therefore, a prerequisite for the understanding and mastering of the semantics of the word in textual examples and works should be the prerequisite. Because, in addition to the original meanings of the word, that is, the understanding of the new meanings, the synonyms and the antonymes that they acquire within the context, have a powerful effect on the student's speech. This results in avoiding repeated repetitions in verbal and written speech, and in more colorful ways.The implementation of word-based learning in the learning process, based on student observations and considerations, also provides a methodological framework for the use of interactive methods in the creative and interesting organization of language classes. The article deals with what is known to be appropriate in 8th and 9th grades.

Key words: Azerbaijan language, teaching, vocabulary, speech culture, lexical-semantical features, mastering.

Introduction. One of the main tasks facing general education is to create a new generation that mestering of social, communicative, cultural and other competencies.As one of the main training subjects, the "Azerbaijan language" subject serves to develop these competencies. Although the main purpose of the subject is to "ensure that students acquire a culture of speech by forming common speech and language skills" [3, p.13], the tasks assigned to them as a form of expression of national thinking should be greater.

It is well-known that thinking is forming with speech development. This mutual interaction, which complements one another, enables the student to gain flexible thinking and cultural speech skills. If quick

thinking is rapid to respond to problems that arise in life and in the learning process, then look for solutions of them, cultural speech is considered as selected by the richness of the dictionary and meeting the language norms (phonetic, lexical, grammatical). The richness of the vocabulary of students depends on how well they know word and its meaning colors. Under the influence of the surroundings, family, subject teachers, reading fiction, textbooks, work, as well as information and communication tools, the vocabulary enriching from grade to grade pupil sometimes presents certain problems when using them in oral and written speech. Eliminating those problems has always been relevant as

a methodological problem and is one of the important issues on the agenda today.

The research shows that our methodological scholars A.Abdullayev [1], A.Afandizadeh [4], B.Ahmadov [5], Y.Karimov [8], K.Mikhayilov [11], S.Valiyev [14] and others. conducted extensive research on teaching lexica of our language at different levels of secondary schools, enriching vocabulary of students and forming a culture of speech in general. However, the new content of Azerbaijani language education for secondary schools and the fundamental reconstruction of the modern teaching model require a different approach to the problem.

The most important issue that arises in the new textbooks on Azerbaijani language is the fact that students have access to the active vocabulary that is questionable. Unsurprisingly, a balance between words that are rapidly developing into the language and the scientific and technological progress of society, with the formation of an active vocabulary fund of our language, earning versatility and employment in the course of historical development, certainly raises contradictory points. A pupil who is faced with a choice has some difficulty in purposefully using the word and its meanings in his speech. If in the elementary grades the pupil'sattention is emphasized on correct spelling of words according to orthography rules and meaning opening through dictionary work, in the senior classes, especially at the general secondary education level, that is, in V-IX classes the systematic assimilation of lexical-semantic features of words is emphasized.

We also made separate articles about specific work on mastering lexical-semantic features of the word in the 5th grade of secondary schools and how this process was conducted in grades 6-7 [9]; [10]. We would like to continue our thoughts on the effective organization of the work in the 8th and 9th grades, citing recent research and advanced school practices by Azerbaijani and Russian Methodistscholars.

Basic part. It is clear that students' ability to speak verbally improves as they move from grade to grade. If more attention is paid to lexical comprehension in the lower grades, the higher grades are more difficult in terms of the semantics of the word, the new meanings gained in the text, and the grammatical styles. As the student understands the role of the text as a syntactic whole in the expression of thought, the logical-grammatical relation of the words constituting the text, and the lexical-semantic relation of the words within it, the oral and written speech adapts to literary language norms. The ability to work with words has a major impact on the student's ability to develop a flexible way of thinking and to properly evaluate life events. This process takes an intensive picture in grades 8-9 and is further enhanced by discussions, and debates used in language learning. Expecting activities such as explaining the meaning of words and expressions that the student is not familiar with, finding appropriate interactions, and providing examples [13, p.27, 29] serve for this development in the content standards for those classes.

The analysis shows that both classes have the necessary capabilities to polish theseskills. Thus, after

each subject, colorful tasks that play key role are given in the text, such as explain lexical meanings of italicized words or finding their correlation. For example, let's focus on the task of enriching a student's speech on the theme "Knowledge is a treasure" in the beginning of the eighth grade textbook. Here, tasks [6, p.8] such asto exchange ideas on keywords used in dialogue, to explain such distinguished words as "booklet", "ethical" and "cognition", substituting the word "investigator" with a synonym provide students with a critical analysis of the semantics of specific words, sharing their observations and judgments. At the same time, throughout the year, skills are tanned such as to define the true and figurative meaning of words, to substantiate their beinghomonym or polysemantic, find synonyms and antonyms of words and compile small texts by using these meanings. However, the extent to which these skills are implemented depends on the way subject teachers approach the problem.Our observations show that some teachers still traditionally emphasize the linguistic definition of words, focusing on words are part of the which speech's parts. It is true that the study of the grammar of the word is very important for the formation of the linguistic thinking of the student, but the work on the word can not be limited with it.The student must understand the semantics of the word before understanding its morphological features and syntactic functions.A student who understands the word and is able to use it in a variety of speech situations is quick to accentuate the linguistically. Let's consider an example.

In the eighth grade, it is planned to work on poem of B.Vahabzadeh's "The Mother Language" with almost all content lines [6, p.16-18].Thus, the poetic thoughts and the students' reaction to the role that our mother tongue plays in preserving spiritual values as a caretaker of national spirit, in reflecting on the words of our historical past, make students a brilliant choice for creative work. Written in a highly poetic language, this poem gives students an opportunity to express their feelings and senses, love of language, people, and homeland in artistic colors. It also polishes their speech. The metaphorical features of words used in the poem such as "begin speaking", "causing", "sense of shame", "does not resemble our hearts" give a strong impression on the student's speech. It is not enough to simply define the words "language" or "path" as polysemanticand homonyms and the word "causing" as polysemantic word.Because that's not the purpose. The aim is also to present them with this knowledge and to give students good speaking skills.In addition, the poem focuses on the semantics and style of the words and phrases "ancestor", "inheritance", and "fashionable swaggerer." The closeness of the meaning of the words "ancestor - saddle", "inheritance - heritage", revealing the meaning of the word "fashionable"which means "to wear according to fashion" and "swaggerer" which means "behaving in a moral sense".The exchange of ideas among pupils about the word "Motherland" in the last paragraph, "But Homeland bread is adversary to you!" leads to a deeper understanding of the word.Students themselves come to the conclusion that sometimes common names can also be written in

capital letters when they have a special name.The word "motherland" is used in this way because it is the word "Azerbaijan".

This class provides theoretical information on word combinations under the heading "Language Rules".This information allows students to more accurately assimilate words through word combinations within meaning.For this, creative

teachers prefer to use the KWKL questionnaire before moving on to a new topic.This form of inquiry will help the teacher in determining the level of knowledge of the pupils in relation to the features of the word.That is why a KWKL table is placed on the board, and students write their thoughts in the appropriate section of the table.

Know Want to know Learned

Under the terms of the assignment, students first fill out the "I know"section and then answer the "Want to Know" section:

I know Want to know Learned

1.The word is the main language unit. 2.All words have grammatical meaning. 3.Only main speech parts have lexical meaning. 4.The lexical meaning of the word is related to the concept it expresses. 5.In addition to the true meaning of some words, it has figurative meaning too. 6.Lexical meaning of words is given in explanatory dictionaries. 7. It is possible to explain lexical meaning of the word with several ways. 8.Some words are monosemantic, while some words are polysemantic. 9.Homonym words can refer to both the same and different parts of speech. 10.The synonyms and antonym of the words belong to the same part of speech. 11. Words with lexical meaning can be used separately as part of the sentences. 1.Which meaning words are used more in language? 2.Why is it important to recognize homonym, synonymand antonym words? 3.How can metaphorical words create in addition to epithet, another artistic expression tool?

Obviously, the role of the teacher's guiding thoughts and questions is not deniable in the students' expressions.However, the fact is that the "Learned" section cannot be fully completed by one lesson.Systematic and consistent work is required to achieve this goal through year. Interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary communication should always be expected.

The school experience shows that students are introduced to the concept of metaphor as an artistic tool in 8th grade literature classes and identify opportunities to use it in artistic examples [13, p.45]. The introduction of this standard in the "Literature" lesson program (curriculum) provides a solid foundation for interdisciplinary vertical integration in language classes. Therefore, it is also wise to concentrate on word combinations and the metaphorical use of words within the sentence.It is well-known that the metaphor is based on the transfer of a particular object or event into another object or event. The information provided by the figurative translators in the language classes helps to characterize the artistic works and to identify the artistic means used, especially metaphors.

These judgments gained during the exchange of ideas continue to be followed in further lessons as they become available. The teacher instructs the students to choose appropriate examples of literary works they have taken or studied in literary classes in order to gain a deeper understanding of the epithet and metaphorical

forms of speech.Experience shows that such practices significantly improve the skills gained in the lower grades related to lexical-semantic features of the word.

Experience shows that the use of lexical parallels, that is, synonyms, is one of the main means of enriching students' vocabulary, so to speak. However, the task assigned to the students in the upper grades, especially in the 8th and 9th grades, should not be limited to determining the appropriate equivalent of the word. As they fall, they need to develop the skills of composing sentences, using essays.

Work on mastering the lexical-semantic features of the word should be conducted in the 9th grade on the basis of more complex tasks. Students who have already acquired relatively extensive knowledge and skills on polysemantic words, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, must be accustomed to working on judgments.For this, it is necessary to set the conditions for the work and choose the language facts in such a way that they encourage students to think. Referring often to known facts and language events can weaken the student's interest in the lesson.In each lesson, new, complementary, but more challenging, problems must be addressed so that the student can searche.To clarify our point, let's look at some of the assignments given in the IX classroom after the theme "Third Year". Task 9 requires the use of the word "language" to create phrases and the use of appropriate words and formulas in the table [7, p.24].

The majority of students find phraseological phrases such as "fall from the tongue" and "do not let the tongue down", even additionally they say expressions such as "to come tongue" (to speak) or "to give tongue" (giving to someone right to speak). We have compounded the condition and instructed to use these combinations in sentences. If the condition of the textbook is related to the student's ability to remember, then the condition we have is related to creative thinking. Thus, in addition to reviving memorized expressions, they are also taught how to use them in speech.

The conditions for the next 10 and 11 tasks are also based on mechanical duplication of knowledge that students have mastered from the lower grades. Thus, the justification of the word "language" is required for its homonym and polysemantic. Experience shows that students respond well to wasting time, because in the textbooks of both the elementary and the 5th and 7th grades, the word "language" is used as an example of homonym and polysemantic words. However, the conventional 12th task forces students to think and create: "If you change the location of the next consonants along with the word late (marhum in Azeri), what word will it take?Use both words in the sentence. Do you think that those words can be considered as closely related? " [7, p.24].

Apparently, students are encouraged to explain the lexical meanings of the words "late" and "deprived" in a comparative manner, to form sentences with their presence, and to prove that there are no nearby words. Exactly these types of tasks are aimed at cognitive activity of students, creating a creative atmosphere in the classroom.

Reflecting on judging questions in the classroom will enhance students' self-confidence. The pupils make observations, compare language facts, and draw general conclusions to justify their judgments. For example, in Exercise 16, a student is able to place them correctly in the given sentences, based on the fact that the word "wish" is a synonym for "desire, act, goal, purpose". Fulfilling this task requires students to be sensitive to language. However, the question "What do you think is the practical significance of using synonyms in the language?" Posed after the task is no longer a matter for students to discuss among themselves, to articulate ideas, to evaluate more correct and objective judgments, and to make concrete conclusions. Therefore, it was useful to set somev of the language lessons (at least 5 or at most 10 minutes) on such thought-provoking questions, and we experimented in experimental classes.These questions, selected as the subject of discussion, were:

In what ways can you distinguish polysemanticwords from the common words?

Can the metaphorical use of words be taken as a word creativity?

What do you see as the role of the use of anthonymous words in speech?

These and other polemical questions lead students to take a cautious approach to language facts and to make the decision that each language event serves to enrich the speech.The student understands that the

speech of a person with a rich vocabulary is clear, meaningful, and understandable.

In the 8-9th grades, special emphasis is given to the vocabulary enrichment at the expense of relevant words, the production and editing of inconsistent ideas, the correct use of word meanings in the expressive expression of words, the expansion of sentences with fictitious expressions, and the use of synonyms with descriptive text. As you can see, one of the creative ways in which these classes are required to develop appropriate skills is through text editing.At this point, the students find and correct grammatically incorrect phrases in the text, words that are either misunderstood or spelling incorrectly, and retrieve punctuation marks. Obviously, this process should be carried out in stages, not in a complex manner.Although the problem with the lexical and semantic problems in the text is more commonly addressed in grades 10-11, we recommend that teachers use this method during the experiment.Indeed, if students are given the necessary knowledge and skills related to the meaning of the word, why should they not be used in practical work? Therefore, it is advisable to work regularly on tasks that help pupils to develop editorial skills by eliminating lexical-semantic flaws.

Developing students' editorial abilities will enable them to master both language facts and events practically, enrich their vocabulary,it also promotes the development of communicative writing skills.The most important thing is to give due attention to the task at hand.For this purpose, a pairing lesson is more effective.As such, the tasks assigned to students in order to check the writing (essay) of the other are the best option for developing their text editing skills.

Newspaper and complex vocabulary projects involving students in eighth grades [6, p.5] are aimed at implementing these activities. At the same time, assignments related to the preparation of a vocabulary of difficult words used in 9th grade topics, and the compilation of the vocabulary were also planned as a continuation of that activity [7, p.7].

The mechanism of evaluation of the extent to which level this work is carried out has not been specified. As a result, teachers were not instructed in the textbook on how to check the project at which stage. Therefore, as in grades 6-7, we think it is advisable for these classes to develop a separate dictionary of homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, according to the sections in the textbook. The implementation of this project in this way allows the teacher to check and evaluate them at the end of the teaching unit. Experience shows that it is more efficient to track student success in this way.

In the 8th and 9th grades special attention is given to learning the rules concerning the syntactic structure of our language.Meaning and syntactic connections between words, types of word combinations, sentence parts, types of simple and complex sentences, etc. the transfer of knowledge and skills related to linguistic concepts serves only one purpose - the formation and development of cultural speech skills. A careful mastering of meaning and grammatical meaning to the students within the sentence also contributes to the

development of their linguistic thinking.The lexical-semantic understanding of the wordis further exacerbated in the teaching of language rules regarding defining as I type definition phrases and sentence part.The skills gained by using figurative words, especially the nouns and adjectives as artistic meanings, also allow for the ability to distinguish artistic definition by grammatical design, but also improve students' sentence formation. For this purpose it is considered effective to perform the following tasks:

1.Build the I type definition phrases by using the same word in a literal and figurative sense.

Clear, open, stone, hard, narrow, bend, steel, gold, free, new.

Example: clear tomorrow - clear idea.

A teacher can also add the "use in sentences" to attract students into creative activities.The experiment shows that most creative teachers prefer the tasks that are performed on the last condition.According to them, it plays an important role in both sense-making and improving sentence-writing skills.

2. Expand the given sentences based on artistic definiton.

1)_intentionbrings honor to person. 2) Person

is recognised with_acts. 3) Soul is a_hearted

girl. 4) With his ____ spirit Mubariz lifted up the statue

in our hearts forever.5) Effect of the _word is

powerful. 6) Khalil Rza Uluturk was creating the determination to fight on youth with his ____ poems.

Practice shows that students' ability to use fiction definitions in written speech also depends on mastering level of grammar definitions. If the literal definitions are based on the metaphorical meaning of the word, the grammatical definitions are more often expressed in truthful meaning words and word combinations. For this purpose, it is useful to refer to tasks that distinguish literally defined sentences from grammatically defined sentences. Such tasks also help students develop logical thinking by adapting them to comparing language facts.Consider the example of a task.

Syntactically analyze the following proverbs and distinguishgrammatically defined sentences from literally defined sentences.

Cross the bridge that nation cross.

Don't put your big head in a small business!

The finger cut by the people does not bleed.

There is no blessing in a home without adults.

The hand holding pen does not stay on the roof.

Fear the one who carries the word.

It is not possible to draw a straight line with a curved ruler.

Covered relationship disrupts the friendship.

(These examples were taken from the book "Proverbs" [2, p. 15, 17, 21, 23, 61, 79, 87], compiled by E.Husseynzadah).

In addition, students may be asked to write 5-7 sentences of artistic defined from the work they read at home to develop their research skills.Such assignments have a direct impact on the development of their writing skills, resulting in a more meaningful, artistic expression.

As the student understands the role played by the word in a clearer, more expressive expression of the

mind, he quickly becomes accustomed to creating broad sentences and composing descriptive text.These students are more active in discussions, and gain more solidarity by demonstrating confidence.

Conclusion. Thus, the work carried out on the lexical-semantic features of the students shows that the learning opportunities of the 8th and 9th grades are more colorful and complex than those in 5th and 7th grades.The main consequence of this is that the student understands the benefits of mastering the word, always trying to understand the meaning of the new word he encounters and incorporating it into his speech.A student who is sensitive to the word also takes care of the language and does not spoil it with inappropriate words. The main purpose of Azerbaijani language learning is to form and develop cultural speech skills in students;systematic, continuous and consistent work on polysemantic words, homonyms, synonyms and antonyms, as well as any words that are not familiar to the student, opens wide opportunities for this to happen.


1. Abdullayev A.S. The methodology of teaching Azerbaijani language in secondary schools /

A.S.Abdullayev. - Baku: Enlightener, - 1978. - 280 p.

2. Proverb / collecter, creator, prep. for. pub. Abulkhasim Nurmammad Husseinzadah - Baku: Writer, - 1981. - 366 p.

3. Subject curriculums for secondary schools of the Republic of Azerbaijan (I-IV grades) / - Baku: Translator, - 2008. - 495 p.

4. Afandizadeh, E. About some problems of teaching of Azerbaijani language // - Baku: Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature, - 1987. №1, -p.15-18.

5. Ahmedov B. Ways to develop pupils' speech in their native language lessons (V-VIII grades) /

B.Ahmedov. - Baku: Enlightener, - 1967. - 110 p.

6. Hajiyev T. Azerbaijani language: Textbook for the 8th grade of secondary schools / T.Hajiyev, S.Bektashi, M.Valiyeva, Y.Husseynova. - Baku: East-WestPublicationHouse, - 2015. - 160 p.

7. Hajiyev T. Azerbaijani language: Textbook for the 9th grade of secondary schools / T.Hajiyev, S.Bektashi, M.Valiyeva, Y.Husseynova. - Baku: East-WestPublicationHouse, - 2016. - 160 p.

8. Karimov Y.S. Fundamentals of vocabulary work in Azerbaijani classes in primary school / Y.S.Karimov. - Baku: Enlightener, - 1978. - 217 p.

9. Gafarli A.A. The work on mastering the lexical-semantic features of the word in 5th grade Azerbaijani language lessons // Baku: "Language and literature" internationalscientific-theoreticaljournal, Baku, 2017, № 4,p.479-483

10. Gafarli A.A. Work on mastering the lexical-semantic features of the word in the VI-VII grades of Azerbaijani language // Baku: Curriculum, 2019, № 4, p. 74-78.

11. Michailov K.X. Enrichment of pupils vocabulary / K.X.Michailov. - Baki: Enlightener, -1968. - 128 p.

12. Michailov S.A. theory of Literature (Resource for Grades IX-XI) / Ç.A.Michailov - Baku: Enlightener, - 1996. - 175 p.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

13. Subject standards of general education (I-XI grades) / - Baku: Translator, - 2012. - 402 p.

14.Valiyev S.I. System of synonyms in the pre-production of Azerbaijani language (4-8th grades): / The author's thesis dissertation, Baku, 1985.


Карева Г.В.

Брянский государственный технический университет

(Россия, Брянск) Забелина Л.И.

Брянский государственный инженерно-технологический университет

(Россия, Брянск)


В данной статье рассмотрены виды занятий имеющих оздоровительную рекреационную направленность. Определено понятие рекреации. Выделены признаки, составляющие ее основное содержание. Представлена взаимосвязь здорового образа жизни и физической рекреации ориентированы на личность. Показаны категории объединяющие понятия рекреации и здорового образа жизни.


This article discusses the types of classes having a recreational and recreational focus. The concept of recreation is defined. The features that make up its main content are highlighted. The interconnection of a healthy lifestyle and physical recreation is focused on the personality. Categories are shown combining the concepts of recreation and a healthy lifestyle.

Ключевые слова: рекреация, образ жизни, аспекты физической культуры, рекреационные услуги.

Keywords: recreation, lifestyle, aspects of physical education, recreational services.

Взаимосвязь разнообразных форм учебных занятий создает условия, обеспечивающие студентам использование научно обоснованного объема двигательного режима, (не менее 8 ч неделю), необходимого для функционирования организма. Физкультурно - оздоровительные мероприятия в режиме дня не только повышают двигательную активность, но самое главное, являются для них активным отдыхом. Существует много видов самостоятельных занятий. Это и утренняя гигиеническая гимнастика,

производственная гимнастика, атлетическая и ритмическая гимнастика, оздоровительные виды ходьбы и бега, лыжи, плавание, туризм и другие. Все эти виды занятий имеют оздоровительную рекреационную направленность. Одним из видов физической культуры является физическая рекреация, которая все больше входит в быт студенческой молодежи вузов различного профиля [1].

Физическая рекреация - это одна из форм рекреации, ее аспекты представлены практически во всех ее видах, и осуществляется она посредством двигательной деятельности с использованием физических упражнений в качестве основных средств. Это дает основание относить данную форму рекреации к физической.

В самом общем смысле под физической рекреацией понимаются любые формы двигательной активности, направленные на восстановление сил, затраченных в процессе образовательной деятельности и

профессионального труда. Выделяются и многочисленные признаки, составляющие ее основное содержание: основывается на

двигательной активности; в качестве главных средств использует физические упражнения; осуществляется в свободное или специально выделенное время; включает культурно -ценностные аспекты физической культуры; содержит интеллектуальные, эмоциональные и физические компоненты; осуществляется на добровольных, самодеятельных началах; оказывает оптимизирующее влияние на организм человека; включает образовательно - воспитательные компоненты; носит преимущественно

развлекательный (гедонистический) характер; характеризуется наличием определенных рекреационных услуг; осуществляется

преимущественно в природных условиях; имеет определенную научно - методическую базу [2].

Таким образом, физическая рекреация удовлетворяет потребности молодежи в эмоциональном активном отдыхе,

нерегламентированной двигательной активности, содействуя при этом нормальному функционированию организма путем создания оптимального физического состояния. Следует учитывать и то обстоятельство, что все виды и формы занятий рекреационной направленности помогают рационально использовать свободное время, повышают работоспособность, помогают бороться с неблагоприятными условиями учебной и трудовой деятельности [1].

В процессе физической рекреации также решаются различные задачи: формирование фигуры, объемов частей тела, коррекция веса. Они являются важными задачами людей разных возрастов. Чаще всего эти занятия начинаются с подражания «идеалу», образцу, исходя из

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