Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
Dilnoza Ismoil qizi Abdukabirova
Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Master in Foreign Languages and Literature
Most people understand the relationship between STEAM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects. But, in order for students to develop STEAM skills, these subjects must be integrated with the arts - and vice versa. Dance, music, drama, movement, painting, drawing, crafting, sculpture, and design are all included under the umbrella term "the arts." Furthermore, as previously stated, scientists, technology developers, engineers, and mathematicians must be creative in order to innovate. Artists must also observe, hypothesize, and experiment, which is similar to the scientific process in many ways.
Keywords: hypothesize, STEAM , integration, incorporate, connection, sequence, experimentation.
Most people understand how STEAM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects are connected. But for students to develop STEAM skills, we need to integrate these subjects with the arts - and vice versa. The arts is an umbrella term for things like dance, music, drama, movement, painting, drawing, crafting, sculpture, and design. And as we mentioned above, scientists, technology developers, engineers and mathematicians need to be creative to innovate. Artists also need to observe, hypothesize and experiment - which in many ways is similar to a scientific process.
There are lots of benefits to creating connections across STEAM subjects and content areas in your curriculum. For example:
• Our brains are hardwired to form associations. When we link two pieces of information in our brain, we are much more likely to comprehend, remember, and apply this knowledge. Combining subjects thus simulates real life and prepares the brain for a world where knowledge is integrated.
Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
• The work is multidisciplinary. Even if a person chooses to become a scientist, their job will most likely involve a lot of math. Perhaps they will require engineering skills as well as creativity. They may also be required to employ new technologies. STEAM integration demonstrates to students that no matter what career path they choose, they will most likely be working across disciplines.
• It aids in the development of problem-solving abilities. For students, applying what they know in one area can help them solve new problems and succeed in other areas. Learners discover how different areas interweave in the real world by discovering interrelationships in school. And once they're used to seeing these connections, it's much easier for them to make their own.
• Integrated learning improves the interest, relevance, and meaning of school. According to studies, it boosts both students' and teachers' interest, motivation, and enjoyment of school.
Connecting STEAM subjects STEAM subjects should promote interdisciplinary learning and should always go hand in hand. For instance, if you're teaching your students about patterns in English, you could draw parallels between patterns in odd and even number sequences (math) and patterns in sound waves (science). You could also incorporate patterns found in buildings (engineering), patterns used in coding (technology), dance choreographies, or abstract paintings (art).
1. Bringing STEAM and language together
Learning objectives are a good place to start when making STEAM connections. There are numerous STEAM connections that can be made when teaching about animals and their habitats, for example. For example, you could ask students to design and build a habitat for an animal (engineering), then decorate the habitat (art and design), and include what the animal requires to survive (science). Students could then present their habitat creations to the rest of the class, allowing them to practice their English language presentation and speaking skills. Learners can also learn language skills used by a variety of STEAM professions, depending on their proficiency level. Take, for example, a scientist. Listening and negotiating with others, reading and interpreting text or data, writing hypotheses, labeling designs, recording data, sharing explanations, communicating ideas and solutions, and publishing results are all examples of language skills. You could tie a STEAM challenge to a storybook you're reading in class. There are numerous books available
Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
that will help you develop your creativity, thinking skills, critical thinking, and scientific thinking. For example, if you are reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar with your students, have them make the smallest or largest caterpillar they can out of various materials such as bottle tops or egg cartons. This includes art and design, as well as engineering and math. Learners can retell the story or state what the caterpillar ate to explain why it grew. You could also teach about the caterpillar's life cycle. You could even incorporate science into your lessons by teaching about the life cycles of other animals.
2. Bringing STEAM and project-based learning together
Project-based learning (PBL) assists students in identifying a problem, generating additional research questions, developing solutions, and presenting their ideas. And this process assists them in making connections between different areas. STEAM is all about experimentation and problem solving. As a result, it is an excellent fit for project-based learning.
Making connections is the key to developing STEAM integrations. Learners, too, require connections in order to succeed. By fragmenting information and skills in school settings, we are doing them a great disservice. Making connections in the real world is a natural part of learning, and it should be carried over into the language classroom. English learners (ELs) bring a wealth of resources to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning, including knowledge and interest in STEM-related content that is born out of their experiences in their homes and communities, home languages, variation in discourse practices, and, in some cases, experiences with schooling in other countries. ELs are those students ages 3 through 21, enrolled in an elementary or secondary school, not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English, and whose proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may be sufficient to deny the individual the ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English. The diversity of ELs includes heterogeneity in cultures, languages, and experiences that may have an impact on these students' education (including the contexts that expose them to risk factors that may have negative impacts). Federal, state, and local policies can either facilitate ELs' opportunities in STEM or constrain teaching and learning in ways that are detrimental. This report addresses the factors that affect ELs' access and opportunity to rigorous, grade-appropriate STEM learning.
Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
The National Science Foundation commissioned the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to examine the research on ELs' learning, teaching, and assessment in STEM subjects, including the role of language in learning STEM, successful programs for ELs or interventions both within the United States and abroad, and the learning needs of preservice and in-service STEM teachers with respect to ELs in PreK-12. The committee was asked to consider the complex social and academic use of language delineated in the new mathematics and science standards, the diversity of the population of ELs, and the integration of English as a second language instruction with core instructional programs in STEM. The committee was also asked to consider all children and youth who are learning and speaking a language other than English at home (often referred to as dual- or multi-language learners) and give particular attention to students who have limited English skills and may have been formally identified as such by the school or district.1 What follows are some core findings discussed within the different chapters of the report
Including some engaging STEAM activities and projects in your curriculum can benefit students in a variety of ways, from improving critical thinking skills to providing hands-on, real-world learning experiences in your classroom. Combining STEAM and ESL can also appeal to a wide range of learners, from reluctant readers to those with literacy challenges or disabilities who may be more eager to participate when they can learn ESL concepts through science, technology, engineering, art, and math. And the more you incorporate STEAM into your curriculum, the more you'll discover that the possibilities are limitless.
1. "What Does It Mean to Be Globally Competent?" Journal of Studies in International Education, 10(3), 267-285.
2. Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J., Technology education: Beyond the technology is applied science, 2010
3. Ward, R., & Muller, D., Educating the engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century, 2020
4. Xolmuradov A., Azizov R. Englis-Uzbek, Uzbek-English Dictionary (online version). Tashkent. G'afur G'ulom nomidagi nashriyot-matbaa ijodiy uyi, 2005