Научная статья на тему 'Instruments for increasing performance and efficiency of business structures and public authorities interaction at the process of social and economic development'

Instruments for increasing performance and efficiency of business structures and public authorities interaction at the process of social and economic development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
GR-management / business structure / public management / interaction / entrepreneurship / GR-менеджмент / бізнес-структура / публічне управління / взаємодія / підприємництво

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych, Plotnytska Svitlana Ivanivna

The article examines the processes of business structures and authorities interaction in Ukrainian socio-economic environment. The importance of such forms of interaction as business associations and special modes of investment activity is indicated. Attention is focused on tools to support and promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Special attention is paid to GR-management as a combination of tools and forms of constructive dialogue of business structures with public authorities. The approaches to the content of GR-management in modern economic science are explored. The significance of GR-management for effective interaction between public management and business structures in Ukraine is proved. Forms of establishing and maintaining the GR-partnership of the business community with public authorities have been determined as well as the GR strategy formation to ensure the goal attaining in process to represent business interests in the public administration structure. The main stages for GR-management of business structures interactions with the public authorities are determined. It is noted that during the developing an effective GR-strategy it is necessary to take into account the resources to reduce the negative attitude of business structure employees to possible changes in the economic activity of the latter. Differences between lobbyism and Government Relations are indicated and it is pointed out that lobbyism is only one of the tools, generally the active part of GR-activity. Requirements for candidates to the position of GRmanager in Ukraine are showed. The findings of this study prove that GR-management is one of the effective tools for establishing and developing interaction between business structures and public authorities aiming to express the economic interests of business structures in the state regulation system of economic relations.

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Досліджено процеси взаємодії бізнес-структур і влади в соціально-економічному середовищі України. Відмічається важливість таких форм взаємодії, як бізнес-асоціації та спеціальні режими інвестиційної діяльності. Акцентована увага на інструментах підтримки і сприяння розвитку малого та середнього бізнесу. Особлива увага звертається на GR-менеджмент як сукупність засобів і форм конструктивного діалогу бізнес-структур з органами публічної влади. Досліджено підходи до змісту GR-менеджменту в сучасній економічній науці. Обґрунтовано доцільність запровадження GR-менеджменту для формування ефективної взаємодії між органами публічного управління і бізнес-структурами в Україні. Визначено форми встановлення і підтримки GR-партнерства бізнес-спільноти з органами публічної влади, а також досліджено формування GR-стратегії, яка повинна забезпечити досягнення поставленої мети при висловлюванні підприємницьких інтересів в структурі публічного управління. Визначено основні орієнтири GR-менеджменту підприємницьких структур у відносинах з системою органів публічної влади. Наголошено, що при розробці ефективної GR-стратегії слід врахувати ресурси, які необхідні для зниження негативного ставлення співробітників бізнес-структур до можливих змін в економічній діяльності останніх. Наголошено на відмінності між лобізмом та Government Relations та вказано, що лобізм є лише однією з технологій, загалом активною частиною, GR-діяльності. Наведено вимоги до кандидатів на посаду GR-менеджера в Україні. Зроблено висновок про те, що GR-менеджмент — це один з ефективних інструментів встановлення і розвитку взаємодії між бізнес-структурами та органами публічного управління з метою висловлення економічних інтересів бізнес-структур в системі державного регулювання економічних відносин.

Текст научной работы на тему «Instruments for increasing performance and efficiency of business structures and public authorities interaction at the process of social and economic development»

UDC 352:338.22

Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Management and Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshala Bazhanova, 17, (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дегтяр Олег Андршович, доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту i адмШстрування, Хартвський нацональ-ний утверситет мкького господарства ím. О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Хартв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дегтярь Олег Андреевич, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

Plotnytska Svitlana Ivanivna,

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Management and Administration Department, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshal Bazhanov, 17, tel.: (057) 70731 13, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-0634-1848

Плотницька Свтлана 1ватвна,

доктор економiчних наук, доцент, професор кафедри менеджменту i адмШстрування, Хартвський нацональний утверситет мгського господарства iменi О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Хaркiв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (057) 707 31 13, e-mail: Svitlana. [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-0634-1848

Плотницкая Светлана Ивановна,

доктор экономических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (057) 707 31 13, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID• 0000 0002 0634 1848

DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-75-86




Abstract. The article examines the processes of business structures and authorities interaction in Ukrainian socio-economic environment. The importance of such forms of interaction as business associations and special modes of investment activity is indicated. Attention is focused on tools to support and promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Special attention is paid to GR-management as a combination of tools and forms of constructive dialogue of business structures with public authorities. The approaches to the content of GR-management in modern economic science are explored. The significance of GR-management for effective interaction between public management and business structures in Ukraine is proved. Forms of establishing and maintaining the GR-partnership of the business community with public authorities have been determined as well as the GR strategy formation to ensure the goal attaining in process to represent business interests in the public administration structure. The main stages for GR-management of business structures interactions with the public authorities are determined. It is noted that during the developing an effective GR-strategy it is necessary to take into account the resources to reduce the negative attitude of business structure employees to possible changes in the economic activity of the latter. Differences between lobbyism and Government Relations are indicated and it is pointed out that lobbyism is only one of the tools, generally the active part of GR-activity. Requirements for candidates to the position of GR-manager in Ukraine are showed.

The findings of this study prove that GR-management is one of the effective tools for establishing and developing interaction between business structures and public authorities aiming to express the economic interests of business structures in the state regulation system of economic relations.

Keywords: GR-management, business structure, public management, interaction, entrepreneurship.


Анотащя. Дослщжено процеси взаемоди 6i3Hec-crpyKTyp i влади в сощаль-HO-eKOHOMÍ4HOMy середовишД Украши. Вiдмiчаеться важливiсть таких форм взаемоди', як бiзнес-асоцiацiï та спещальш режими швестицшно!' дiяльностi. Акцентована увага на шструментах тдгримки i сприяння розвитку мало-

го та середнього 6i3Hecy. Особлива увага звертаеться на GR-менеджмент як сукупшсть засобiв i форм конструктивного дiалогy 6i3Hec-CTpyKTyp з органами пyблiчноï влади. Дослiджено пiдходи до змiстy GR-менеджменту в су-часнiй економiчнiй наyцi. Обгрунтовано доцiльнiсть запровадження GR-менеджменту для формування ефективно!" взаемодп' мiж органами пyблiчного yправлiння i бiзнес-стрyктyрами в Украïнi. Визначено форми встановлення i шдтримки GR-партнерства бiзнес-спiльноти з органами пyблiчноï влади, а також дослщжено формування GR-стратегiï, яка повинна забезпечити до-сягнення поставлено!' мети при висловлюванш пiдприемницьких штерейв в стрyктyрi пyблiчного yправлiння. Визначено основш орiентири GR-менеджменту шдприемницьких структур у вiдносинах з системою оргашв пyблiчноï влади. Наголошено, що при розробцi ефективно'1' GR-стратегiï слщ врахувати ресурси, якi необхiднi для зниження негативного ставлення сшвроб^ниюв бiзнес-стрyктyр до можливих змiн в економiчнiй дiяльностi останнiх. Наголошено на вщмшносп мiж лобiзмом та Government Relations та вказано, що лобiзм е лише одшею з технологш, загалом активною частиною, GR-дiяльно-CTi. Наведено вимоги до кандидатiв на посаду GR-менеджера в Украïнi.

Зроблено висновок про те, що GR-менеджмент — це один з ефективних шструменпв встановлення i розвитку взаемодп' мiж бiзнес-стрyктyрами та органами пyблiчного управлшня з метою висловлення економiчних iнтересiв бiзнес-стрyктyр в системi державного регулювання економiчних вiдносин.

Ключовi слова: GR-менеджмент, бiзнес-стрyктyра, пyблiчне yправлiння, взаемодiя, пiдприемництво.


Аннотация. Исследованы процессы взаимодействия бизнес-структур и власти в социально-экономической среде Украины. Отмечается важность таких форм взаимодействия как бизнес-ассоциации и специальные режимы инвестиционной деятельности. Акцентировано внимание на инструментах поддержки и содействия развитию малого и среднего бизнеса. Особое внимание обращается на GR-менеджмент как совокупность средств и форм конструктивного диалога бизнес-структур с органами публичной власти. Исследуются подходы к содержанию GR-менеджмента в современной экономической науке. Обоснована целесообразность внедрения GR-менеджмента для формирования эффективного взаимодействия между органами публичного управления и бизнес-структурами в Украине. Определены формы установления и поддержания GR-партнерства бизнес-сообщества с органами публичной власти, а также исследовано формирование GR-стратегии, которая должна обеспечить достижение поставленной цели при представлении предпринимательских интересов в структуре публичного управления. Определены основные ориентиры GR-менеджмента предпринимательских

структур в отношениях с системой органов публичной власти. Отмечено, что при разработке эффективной GR-стратегии следует учесть ресурсы, которые необходимы для снижения негативного отношения сотрудников бизнес-структур к возможным изменениям в экономической деятельности последних. Отмечено различия между лоббизмом и Government Relations и указано, что лоббизм является только одной из технологий, в общем активной частью, GR-деятельности. Приведены требования к кандидатам на должность GR-менеджера в Украине.

Сделан вывод о том, что GR-менеджмент — это один из эффективных инструментов установления и развития взаимодействия между бизнес-структурами и органами публичного управления с целью выражения экономических интересов бизнес-структур в системе государственного регулирования экономических отношений.

Ключевые слова: GR-менеджмент, бизнес-структура, публичное управление, взаимодействие, предпринимательство.

Problem statement. For the progressive development of our government, the first priority is the achievement of the sustainable development of the socio-economic systems, the provision of which is possible only on the basis of the effective interaction between the authorities and business structures. It should be noted that the process of the interaction of the business environment entities with the state authorities within the framework of the legal relations is permanent. However, the parties to this process demonstrate differences in value orientations and attitudes, goals and ways to achieve them. Moreover, the intensification of the globalization processes and the rapid change in the economic circumstances lead to a transformation of the relationship between the business, the society and the government, and the growing demands of the society on the quality of life, expansion of opportunities for development, reception of services, etc., determine the interest in finding mo-

dem forms of interaction between the government and the business. All of the above determines the relevance of the study.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The issues of interaction between the government and the business were studied by such well-known foreign scholars as J. Galbraith, John Mill, K. H. Pay, John M. Keynes and others. Among the researchers in the domestic scientific community among the researchers of the theory and practice of business interaction with the public administration bodies, such scientists as L. L. Gritsenko, A. O. Dehtyar, V. Yem-elyanov, S. O. Klimovich, A. M. Krutyy, V. V. Telipko, Yu. Shevchuk and others should be noted. However, the vector of the development of the modern socioeconomic processes requires the search for new forms and tools for increasing the efficiency of the interaction between the government and the business.

The purpose of the article is to study the process of the interaction of

the business community and the public administration bodies in order to increase its effectiveness and efficiency in the current conditions of the socioeconomic development of Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material. On the achievement of the sustainable development, according to the definition of the national report "Socio-Economic Potential of the Sustainable Development of Ukraine and Its Regions" [1], such actors as different levels of government, business structure, civil society as a whole and each individual man in particular have a significant influence. That is, the establishment of the effective interaction of the government and business at the moment is one of the most important conditions for the formation of the effective economic policy, the increase of the investment and innovation activity, the growth of the competitiveness of the country, as well as the development of the industrial and social infrastructure [2].

An effective tool for dialogue between the business and the government are the business associations representing the interests of the business entities. One of the main tasks of the business associations is to promote the creation of the conditions for the business development by the authorities.

The special regimes of the investment activity, as a form of mutually beneficial relations between the state authorities and the business, aim at stimulating the development of the territories with unique advantages and proved their effectiveness in many countries.

Since the small and the medium-sized businesses are the driving force behind the development of the economies of many countries, the activation

of the regional and local authorities in their support is of paramount importance. The following tools are important in this direction: establishing efficient and high-quality activity of the centers for providing administrative services, regulating the use of financial leasing for the business development, promoting transparency of the government activities, creating simplified tax procedures, etc. [3].

The further democratic transformations in Ukraine require the authorities to search for new tools and forms of interaction between the government and the business. In our opinion, one of these forms is GR (Government Relations)-management whose purpose is to effectively solve the social and economic problems by combining the resources of the private and the public sectors. In economically developed countries, the GR-technologies have become an integral part of the management of the organizations. Unfortunately, at the domestic enterprises to this time the GR-communications are not integrated into the management structure properly.

In the broad sense, the term GR (Government Relations) includes a complex set of tools and forms of dialogue between the representatives of the business community and the public authorities [4]. This interaction takes place through the use of a number of elements that form the structure of the information interconnection of the business entities with the public authorities: the source of information, the message, the message transfer channel, the receiver, the feedback. At the same time, the concept of the GR-management can be interpreted as one of the variants of

the communication (communicative) management which is necessary for the coordination of the economic interests of the various organizations of the private sector of the economy with the public authorities in order to reduce the economic risks of the entrepreneurial activity. With the help of the information communications, and, in particular, on the basis of the sustained feedback, the public administration bodies regulate and ensure the ordering of various types of relations [4]. On the other hand, the representatives of the business community come forward with their initiatives, grounded proposals and projects in the system of the public administration to realize their business interests [5].

The GR-management can also be characterized as a strategically important alliance between the government and the business whose goal is the effective implementation of the socially significant projects and programs of a wide range (economics, science and education, health care and culture) that are capable of providing our country with an innovative colour scheme [6].

The effective interaction between the government and the business involves the combination of the benefits of the public and private sectors through the integration of the organizational and managerial and financial and economic potential of the business sector in the process of solving the national and state tasks using a variety of economic incentives and motivational mechanisms. The task of the GR-management is to increase the dynamics of growth, the formation of a culture of relationship between the government and

the business, creating a positive impact on the socio-economic situation.

The process of establishing and maintaining the GR-partnership of the business community with the public authorities can be characterized by the following types [7]:

1. The direct dialogue between the business entities and the representatives of the public administration. The dialogue is carried out through the informal channels through direct meetings and negotiations. In business units, the organization of the interpersonal interactions in discussing the strategies, plans and activities, timelines and structural changes should be complemented by the group forms of work on consideration of the GR-strategy that is discussed at seminars, round tables that contribute to the development of a rational plan for the interaction with the public authorities.

2. The formation of various scientific (scientific and informational) institutions, as well as the advisory services the object of which is the study of the management processes and economic relations. These institutions and services are able to formulate the propo_ sals and interests of entrepreneurship in raising the efficiency of their activities.

3. The activity of the mass media in the form of ensuring the public dialogue and reconciliation of mutual interests of the business structures with the public authorities.

One of the most important elements of the GR-environment is the regulatory framework for expressing the interests of the entrepreneurship in the processes of the state regulation and implementation of the local self-government. The

GR environment has a significant impact on the GR-partnership that can be organized in the following forms:

1. The integration of the management resources for the comprehensive consideration and elimination of the socio-economic problems.

2. Obtaining mutually beneficial results reflected in saving the budget funds and additional profits of the private entrepreneurs [8].

3. The joint establishment and prevention of the economic risks through the development and proper implementation of the decisions of the public authorities taking into account the proposals and interests of the representatives of the business community.

Depending on the socio-economic goal of the organization-developer, an GR-strategy is formed that must ensure the achievement of the goal when expressing the business interests in the structure of the public administration. This strategy is closely linked to a wide range of issues: the realization of the production and trade innovations; the policy development of the firm; the monitoring of the system of the existing legal and regulatory definitions of the possible options for influencing the state decisions, etc. [9].

The GR-strategy can be developed by studying the external socio-economic relations with the identification of the needs of the citizens, the interests of the public authorities, the goals of the competitors and the specifics of the activities of the media with the establishment of a real business position in this environment. The aspects of this activity are recorded by the means of various documents and proposals. The main strategic priorities and constraints

are formulated with the development of a program of action of the management of the company and co-owners in interaction with the public administration. This interaction is formed on the basis of principles of creating favorable competitive conditions in the external environment, forming and maintaining the image of the company and raising the level of profit. Thus, there is an important communication interaction — the transmission of the messages to the public administration that expresses the socio-economic interests of the subject of the entrepreneurship. The said technology is implemented through the negotiations or electronic information networks with the subjects of the adoption of the state or municipal administrative decisions [10].

Within the framework of realization of the established strategy of the GR-management, the search and application of the various methods of influencing the public authorities is carried out by the developing and implementing a plan of measures for establishing a constructive dialogue with the public authorities. Therefore, the main guidelines of the GR-management of the business structures in the relations with the system of the public authorities are currently:

1. Obtaining the maximum possible information on the issues of the state (municipal) regulation in the field of business.

2. Setting opportunities to influence the decision-making at the state level and at the local level.

3. The definition of the various options for the participation in the development and adoption of these decisions [11].

4. The preparation of the expert opinions on issues falling within the scope of the entrepreneurial interests of the business unit for the public authorities in demand.

5. Establishing and expanding the business contacts with the representatives and heads of the public authorities from the existing social and economic problems at the various levels of the public administration [5].

6. In the internal environment of the business entity, in the framework of the implementation of the chosen GR-stra-tegy, there is a need for such measures as providing support for the actions aimed at establishing the interrelationships with the public authorities on the part of the managers and staff; overcoming the resistance of the employees to the changes that are implemented by informing about the goals and methods for implementing the GR-strategy. At the stage of the planning and implementation of this strategy, the initiators should ensure the participation in this process of the hidden and explicit opponents of the strategic change that helps to reduce counteraction.

In developing an effective GR-strategy consider the resources that are needed to reduce the negative attitude of the employees of the private companies to the possible changes in the economic activity. Reinforcing a positive attitude towards the transformational changes by the active, as well as its potential opponents, may be realized through the additional incentives such as remuneration for the advanced training and time for the additional training.

The training of the specialists in the interaction with the public administra-

tion is carried out by the universities from many countries. For example, the lobbying is a profession taught in the United States [11]. The research center of the portal SuperJob.ua, having studied the expectations of the employers from the candidates for the position of "GR-manager" in Kyiv, came to the conclusion that the applicants should:

- have higher education in economics, jurisprudence or public administration;

- know the structure of the public authorities, public organizations, the methods of working with them, as well as the sector specifics of the company in which they would like to work, the mechanisms for lobbying their interests in the state authorities and international organizations;

- have skills to analyze the market of the consumers and competitors, work on the PC and have work experience with the document circulation;

- have communicative skills, organizational skills, analytical thinking;

- have experience in PR, legislative or executive bodies, public organizations, political parties [12].

The choice of the optimal model for establishing the GR-relationships is determined by a number of factors, namely:

- the specifics of the business activity and the economic characteristics of the business unit concerned;

- the level of the influence of a particular business unit in the relevant industry and territory (region);

- availability of the financial resources of the business unit;

- the activities of the trained GR-specialists and top-managers with the necessary communicative skills;

- the scale and level of the economic value of the tasks solved by a particular business unit;

- an acceptable range of areas of the GR-activity in the business community [6].

The combination of the GR-management functions of the several representatives of the business community at the regional or municipal level significantly expands the possibilities of strengthening the partnership with the public authorities. It promotes the timely and regular receipt of the information at once by several business entities in those areas of the GR-strategy that are implemented for a given period of time. Such information may have the following character:

- information contributing to the comparison of the interests of the specific business units with the objectives of the industry development in the business system;

- information on measures taken by the public authorities to provide support and exercise control over the private business.

At the same time, the GR-management should not be identified with the lobbyism, since GR is the sphere of the general management associated with the formation of the mechanism of the interaction between the government and the business, while the lobbyism is one of the technologies, in general, an active part of the GR-activity [13].

In addition, the scholars M. Ne-dyuha and M. Fedorina point out the presence of the latent lobbyism that poses a threat to the national security of Ukraine [14]. As a rule, such lobbying activities are directed to the implementation of the instructions from the foreign states and transnational corporations whose interests often contradict the national ones.

The main task of forming a system of the regulation and support of the entre-preneurship by the public administration bodies is to increase the efficiency of the factors of the development of the business community. The role of such factors can be:

1. The system of the legal regulation of the entrepreneurship and implementation of the entrepreneurial initiatives of the local bodies of the public administration.

2. The creation of the favorable financial conditions for the realization of the economic tasks in the structures of the authorities.

3. The infrastructure provision of the entrepreneurship by the local self-government bodies.

4. The formation of the human resources and staffing of the subjects of the entrepreneurial activity.

Conclusions. Consequently, the GR-management is one of the effective tools for managing the interaction of the business community with the public authorities in order to express the economic interests of the business entities in the system of the public management of the economic relations. Indeed, the effective organization of the GR-management contributes to the elimination of the administrative barriers to business development, improving the

efficiency of the subject of the entrepreneurial activity. In order to develop the GR-management in Ukraine, in our opinion, the following tasks need to be addressed:

1. The development and approval of the legal bases of the interaction of the business structures with the authorities.

2. The analyzing and promoting the transfer of the experience of the successful GR-practices.

3. The development of the institute for regulatory impact assessment, the mandatory inclusion of the largest business structures in the process of coordinating the decisions of the public authorities at all the levels of the public administration.

4. The organization of so-called GR-forums in order to effectively establish bilateral GR-communication for the development of the public-private partnership.

5. The development and implementation in the leading universities of the country of the high-quality educational programs in the field of the GR-management.

The prospect of the further research in the direction of the establishment and development of the GR-management in Ukraine is seen in developing a mechanism for its introduction and criteria for evaluating its effectiveness and efficiency.


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