Научная статья на тему 'Индукция и дедукция в ходе матчей по джиу-джитсу: мыслительные процессы, присущие человеческим шахматам'

Индукция и дедукция в ходе матчей по джиу-джитсу: мыслительные процессы, присущие человеческим шахматам Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
джиу-джитсу / логика / индукция / дедукция. / Jiu Jitsu / logic / induction / deduction.

Аннотация научной статьи по прочим гуманитарным наукам, автор научной работы — Рональд Конде, Кузнецова Зинаида Михайловна

В ходе боев бойцы делают возможные предположения о действиях своего противника, похищают объяснения для принятия решений и выводят последствия событий, часто автоматически и без каких-либо предварительных теоретических знаний о принципах работы логики, хотя правильно и согласованно со своей тактической ситуацией. Поэтому говорят, что джиу-джитсу это разновидность человеческих шахмат. В этой работе будут исследованы процессы рассуждения, используемые в ходе боев по джиу-джитсу. Научная новизна. Изучение правил соревнований может способствовать выводам путем дедукции, которые, в свою очередь, могут подкреплять более обоснованные выводы путем индукции. Практическая значимость. Статья полезна тренам, спортсменам, всем, кто имеет отношение к физической культуре и спорту.Материалы и методы. Библиографическое исследование состояло из книг, относящихся к рассматриваемому предмету. Для выполнения этой процедуры были введены следующие ключевые слова: джиу-джитсу, логика, индукция и дедукция в базах данных Google и Research Gate. Как только был проведен библиографический обзор, была предпринята попытка исследовать распространенность дедуктивных и индуктивных рассуждений в ходе спортивных противостояний по джиу-джитсу, следовательно, с учетом правил соревнований. Это подразумевает анализ взаимосвязи интеллекта спортсмена с системой подсчета очков по джиу-джитсу, установленной в сборнике правил Международной федерации бразильского джиу-джитсу, с механизмами силлогизмов на четырех различных этапах. Результаты и обсуждения. В спортивной атмосфере, когда спортсмен идентифицирует схему движения и прослеживает линию действий, проверяется, что формирование умозаключений происходит посредством индукции, поскольку это тип общего вывода, который не содержится ни в одной посылке. Когда человек выполняет упражнениедвижение, которое может быть засчитано, проверяется, что выводы делаются путем дедукции. Что касается вывода, сделанного спортсменом при наблюдении за жестом судьи относительно начисления очков, существует еще один случай индукции. После того, как записаны очки, преимущества и штрафные санкции, спортсмен, как правило, наблюдает за ними на табло, выполняя сложения и вычитания и сравнивая их с показателями соперника. Заключение. Было проверено, что оба рассуждения дополняют друг друга в ходе из матчей, но их нельзя перепутать, поскольку они происходят в разное время.

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Induction and deduction in the course of Jiu Jitsu matches: the reasoning processes found in the human chess

Introduction. In the course of combats, fighters induce possible conjectures from his opponent's actions, abduct explanations for decision making and deduce the consequences of events, often automatically and without any prior theoretical knowledge of the operative principles of logic, although correctly and coherently with their tactical situation. Hence it is said that Jiu Jitsu is a kind of human chess. In this work, the processes of reasoning used in the course of the Jiu Jitsu fights will be investigated. Scientific novelty. The study of competitive rules can favor inferences by deduction, which, in their turn, can support more reasoned inferences by induction Materials and methods. The bibliographic research consisted of books related to the subject under consideration. To carry out this procedure, the following keywords were entered: jiu jitsu, logic, induction and deduction in the Google and Research Gate databases. Once the bibliographic survey was carried out, it was sought to investigate the incidence of deductive and inductive reasoning in the course of sports Jiu Jitsu confrontations, subject, hence, to competitive rules. This implied to analyze the relationship of the intellection on the part of the athlete of the Jiu Jitsu scoring system established in the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation’s rules book with the mechanisms of syllogisms, over four different stages. Results and discussions. In the sports atmosphere, when an athlete identifies a movement pattern and traces a line of action, it is verified that the production of inferences occurs through induction, because it is a type of general conclusion that is not contained in any premise. When one performs a movement that can be scored, it is verified that the production of inferences occurs by deduction. With regard to the inference produced by the athlete when observing the referee's gesture regarding the marking of points, there is another case of induction. Once recorded points, advantages and penalties, the athlete tends to observe them on the scoreboard, performing additions and subtractions and comparing them with the opponent's ones. Conclusion. It is verified that both reasonings complement each other in the course of the matches, but they are not confused, as they have incidences at different times.

Текст научной работы на тему «Индукция и дедукция в ходе матчей по джиу-джитсу: мыслительные процессы, присущие человеческим шахматам»

Индукция и дедукция в ходе матчей по джиу-джитсу: мыслительные процессы, присущие человеческим шахматам

Рональд Кодне*1, Кузнецова З.М.2

1 Высшая школа гражданской полиции (ESPC) г. Куритиба, Бразилия ORCID: 0000-0001-751 7-0141, legacyofhonorhonor@gmail. com * 2Набережночелнинский филиал «Университетуправления «ТИСБИ» г. Набережные Челны, Россия ORCID: 0000-0002-5558-474X, kzm_diss@mail.ru

Аннотация: В ходе боев бойцы делают возможные предположения о действиях своего противника, похищают объяснения для принятия решений и выводят последствия событий, часто автоматически и без каких-либо предварительных теоретических знаний о принципах работы логики, хотя правильно и согласованно со своей тактической ситуацией. Поэтому говорят, что джиу-джитсу - это разновидность человеческих шахмат. В этой работе будут исследованы процессы рассуждения, используемые в ходе боев по джиу-джитсу. Научная новизна. Изучение правил соревнований может способствовать выводам путем дедукции, которые, в свою очередь, могут подкреплять более обоснованные выводы путем индукции. Практическая значимость. Статья полезна тренам, спортсменам, всем, кто имеет отношение к физической культуре и спортуМатериалы и методы. Библиографическое исследование состояло из книг, относящихся к рассматриваемому предмету. Для выполнения этой процедуры были введены следующие ключевые слова: джиу-джитсу, логика, индукция и дедукция в базах данных Google и Research Gate. Как только был проведен библиографический обзор, была предпринята попытка исследовать распространенность дедуктивных и индуктивных рассуждений в ходе спортивных противостояний по джиу-джитсу, следовательно, с учетом правил соревнований. Это подразумевает анализ взаимосвязи интеллекта спортсмена с системой подсчета очков по джиу-джитсу, установленной в сборнике правил Международной федерации бразильского джиу-джитсу, с механизмами силлогизмов на четырех различных этапах. Результаты и обсуждения. В спортивной атмосфере, когда спортсмен идентифицирует схему движения и прослеживает линию действий, проверяется, что формирование умозаключений происходит посредством индукции, поскольку это тип общего вывода, который не содержится ни в одной посылке. Когда человек выполняет упражнение- движение, которое может быть засчитано, проверяется, что выводы делаются путем дедукции. Что касается вывода, сделанного спортсменом при наблюдении за жестом судьи относительно начисления очков, существует еще один случай индукции. После того, как записаны очки, преимущества и штрафные санкции, спортсмен, как правило, наблюдает за ними на табло, выполняя сложения и вычитания и сравнивая их с показателями соперника. Заключение. Было проверено, что оба рассуждения дополняют друг друга в ходе из матчей, но их нельзя перепутать, поскольку они происходят в разное время.

Ключевые слова: джиу-джитсу, логика, индукция, дедукция.

Для цитирования: Рональд Конде*, Кузнецова З.М. Индукция и дедукция в ходе матчей по джиу-джитсу: мыслительные процессы, присущие человеческим шахматам. Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физической культуры и спорта. 2024; 19(1): .

Induction and deduction in the course of Jiu Jitsu matches: the reasoning

processes found in the human chess

Ronalde Conde1 *, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova

1 Escola Superior de Policía Civil (ESPC) Curitiba, Brazil

ORCID: 0000-0001-751 7-0141, legacyofhonorhonor@gmail.com* 2Naberezhnye Chelny branch of "TISBI" Management University Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5558-474X, kzm_diss@mail.ru

Abstract: Introduction. In the course of combats, fighters induce possible conjectures from his opponent's actions, abduct explanations for decision making and deduce the consequences of events, often automatically and without any prior theoretical knowledge of the operative principles of logic, although correctly and coherently with their tactical situation. Hence it is said that Jiu Jitsu is a kind of human chess. In this work, the processes of reasoning used in the course of the Jiu Jitsu fights will be investigated. Scientific novelty. The study of competitive rules can favor inferences by deduction, which, in their turn, can support more reasoned inferences by induction Materials and methods. The bibliographic research consisted of books related to the subject under consideration. To carry out this procedure, the following keywords were entered: jiu jitsu, logic, induction and deduction in the Google and Research Gate databases. Once the bibliographic survey was carried out, it was sought to investigate the incidence of deductive and inductive reasoning in the course of sports Jiu Jitsu confrontations, subject, hence, to competitive rules. This implied to analyze the relationship of the intellection on the part of the athlete of the Jiu Jitsu scoring system established in the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation's rules book with the mechanisms of syllogisms, over four different stages. Results and discussions. In the sports atmosphere, when an athlete identifies a movement pattern and traces a line of action, it is verified that the production of inferences occurs through induction, because it is a type of general conclusion that is not contained in any premise. When one performs a movement that can be scored, it is verified that the production of inferences occurs by deduction. With regard to the inference produced by the athlete when observing the referee's gesture regarding the marking of points, there is another case of induction. Once recorded points, advantages and penalties, the athlete tends to observe them on the scoreboard, performing additions and subtractions and comparing them with the opponent's ones. Conclusion. It is verified that both reasonings complement each other in the course of the matches, but they are not confused, as they have incidences at different times.

Keywords: Jiu Jitsu, logic, induction, deduction.

For citation: Ronalde Conde*, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova. Induction and deduction in the course of Jiu Jitsu matches: the reasoning processes found in the human chess. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2024; 19(1): .


In the course of combats, fighters induce possible conjectures from his opponent's actions, abduct explanations for decision making and deduce the consequences of events, often automatically and without any prior theoretical knowledge of the operative principles of logic, although correctly and coherently with their tactical situation. Due to the contribution of cognitive factors to high performance and the relevance of the strategic- tactical skills involved in its practice, nowadays Jiu Jitsu has been understood as a human chess by the science of combat [1,2]. For, beyond an outstanding physical conditioning to achieve full technical improvement, practitioners need to develop good inference skills so that they can enlarge their strategic-tactical horizons and, consequently, apply all their technical arsenal [3,4].

In inferences by deduction, the conclusions are consequences intrinsic to the premises, since they are contained in them [5]. In inferences by induction, the conclusion is the result of an assumption, as there is no guarantee between premises and conclusion, but a generalization from observed data [6].

The distinction between these two type of reasoning in the sciences is not so simple as it may seem in the first glimpse, since an integration of inductive and deductive steps tends to occur [7]. However, from the identification of the combat phases, it is possible to analyze the different types of inferences used by the contenders [3]. In the present work, the processes of reasoning used in the course of Jiu Jitsu fights will be investigated.

Materials and methods

The bibliographic research consisted of books related to the subject under consideration. To carry out this procedure, the following keywords were entered: jiu jitsu, logic, induction and deduction in the Google and Research Gate databases. Once the bibliographic survey was carried out, it was sought to investigate the incidence of deductive and inductive reasoning in the course of sports Jiu Jitsu confrontations, subject, hence, to competitive rules. This implied to analyze the relationship of the intellection on the part of the athlete of the Jiu Jitsu scoring system established in the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation's rules book [8] with the mechanisms of syllogisms. The analysis of the conclusions took place over four different stages: 1- The stage in which an athlete identifies a movement pattern and traces a line of action. 2- The stage when the athlete has just performed a potential scoring movement. 3- The stage when the referee has just performed a score gesture which was observed by the athlete. 4- The stage in which the athlete adds or subtracts the points scored through the observation of scoreboard. This was evaluated in the light of the implication relationship inherent to deductive reasoning that is characterized by the mutual guarantee between premises and conclusions. To analyze the incidence of this kind of reasoning, sweep was chosen as a technical gesture to be performed by a hypothetical athlete which was identified as "Athlete X", as studies have shown that sweeps is the set of techniques that present the highest incidence in the matches.

Results and discussions

In the sports atmosphere, when an athlete identifies a movement pattern and traces a line of action, it is verified that the production of inferences occurs through induction, because it is a type of general conclusion that is not contained in any premise. It is a type of inference typical of hand-to-hand combat, since one has to deal with conditions of incomplete knowledge, such as the motor patterns provided by opponents. So, the first glimpse in the opponent's base at the beginning

of the fight already tends to drive inductions about the opponent's dominant side and whether he is a passer or guarder, because at the start of the match fighters tend to read each other in order to choose the best strategy to win. One draws conclusion from scarce information, that is, from conditions of incomplete knowledge, sometimes by instinct [5,7].

Depending on the type of grip and movement of a given passer, the guarder tends to conjecture that the passer will tend to adopt a variation of bullfighter pass, double under

guard pass, knee cut pass, or smashing pass. Likewise, when the passer identifies a type of grip or movement of a guarder, he tends to assume that his opponent may adopt a specific type of open or closed guard game. Hence, from some known attacks, a particular type of game assimilated by the opponent, which is not known yet, is inferred [5].

When one performs a movement that can be scored, it is verified that the production of inferences occurs by deduction. According to Rules Book of International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation, every sweep accomplished in accordance with the technical characteristics of the modality is worth two points [8]. Therefore, if an athlete performs it in accordance with the competitive rules, then his subsequent inference regarding the two potential points of this sweep constitutes a deduction, since it is feasible to be verified in the Venn Diagram.

All sweeps are worth 2 points.

Athlete X performed a sweep.

^ Athlete X scored 2 points.

Syllogistically, the hypothetical sweep corresponds to the middle term; The "2 points" corresponds to the major term; and the Athlete X corresponds to the minor term [5]. This is schematically illustrated in the following Venn Diagram.

Fig. 1. Venn diagram validating a deduction when the athlete has just performed a potential

scoring movement

With regard to the inference produced by the athlete when observing the referee's gesture regarding the marking of points, there is another case of induction. The points scoring system in

itself does not operate as syllogisms in which the previous mutual relationship of guarantee between premises and conclusion has been found from the intellection on the part of the athlete of the Jiu Jitsu rules. Although the athlete has often deducted potential points, the referee may not score them, as there is no direct implication relationship between movements and point recording, since the record is subject to the referee's interpretation. So much so that in matches with three referees it is possible that two of them even remove points that one of them has just conceded. And this is even before the points have been recorded on the scoreboard, since in these fights the recording of points on the scoreboard is subject to effective confirmation, though sometimes tacit, by at least a second referee [8]. Thus, when observing the referee's gesture regarding the awarding of points, the athlete tends to induces that they will be recorded.

Once recorded points, advantages and penalties, the athlete tends to observe them on the scoreboard, performing additions and subtractions and comparing them with the opponent's ones. Two sweeps dully scored enable to deduce that these successful offensive actions result in 4 points, as each one is worth 2 points and 2+2= 4. So, there is a mutual guarantee between premises and conclusion. According to the Jiu Jitsu competitive rules, the total of penalties and advantages must also be added in order to determine the winner. If both athletes end the match with 2 points on the scoreboard, but one of them has been awarded an advantage, then the one who has scored an advantage will win. But if there is a draw in the number of points and advantages, but one of the athletes has received a penalty because of technical infraction, then the breaker will lose [8]. In these cases, through arithmetic operations in view of the observation of the scoreboard, inferences are made by deduction.


It has been verified that both reasonings complement each other in the course of the matches, but they are not confused, as they have incidences at different times. The study of competitive rules can favor inferences by deduction which, in their turn, can support more reasoned inferences by induction. By developing such cognitive skills, the fighter tends to achieve a clearer situational view of combat and in line with reality, as more accurate conclusions drawn in a timely manner tend to enable him to optimize his decision-making capacity and, therefore, increase his chances of achieving victory.

Список литературы

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Статья поступила в редакцию: 20.02.2024

Рональд Конде - детектив, Высшая школа гражданской полиции "ESPC", Куритиба, Бразилия, e-mail: legacyofhonorhonor@,gmail.com

Кузнецова Зинаида Михайловна - доктор педагогических наук, профессор, Набережночелнинский филиал «Университет управления «ТИСБИ», 423806, Россия, г. Набережные Челны, ул. Комсомольская набережная, дом 6, e-mail: kzm_diss@,mail.ru

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