IMPROVING THE SOCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL STRUCTURE OF YOUNG EMPLOYEES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Svetlana Vladimirovna Temirova

Senior Lecturer, Tashkent State Transport University sveta3tmit@gmail.com

For the development of a particular industry, the quality of training of personnel working in that field depends on the professional dedication of trained personnel. In our country, a number of reforms are being carried out to pay more attention to the issue of personnel, especially their selection and training, to study their leadership skills, their targeted training and to achieve this goal. The main goal is to improve the quality of education, thereby achieving competitiveness in the labor market. To achieve this, it is important to control and improve the quality of education. "There are two models of education quality control in the world. The first is a model of direct quality control of education, which includes the function of licensing, accreditation and rating of educational institutions. The second is a quality improvement model. This model creates conditions for quality improvement in educational institutions"^]. The effective functioning of these two models is in many respects related to the social and cultural characteristics of the state, which is also characterized by the fact that it has reached the level of quality, culture and value. Unfortunately, the quality is specific only to developed countries, including the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland), which in these countries paid more attention to the former before moving to the second model, i.e. created their own educational culture environment. Given the scale and effectiveness of the ongoing reforms in our country, it is important to study and study the issue of finding a worthy place in the labor market, a worthy contribution to socio-economic development of personnel trained in the transport sector.

Especially in recent years, a number of measures have been taken to train personnel and increase their competitiveness, including in the field of transport. In particular, the fourth paragraph of the fourth part of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 PD-4947 "On the Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" entitled "Priorities for the development of the social sphere" further improvement of the education system, increasing the capacity of quality educational services, continuing the policy of training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the modern

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needs of the labor market "[2]. This shows that the implementation of training policy has reached a new level.

If we look at the content of person-centered education in the higher education system today from a sociological point of view, it shows that it is necessary to have a clear idea of its components, not only theoretical but also practical. In particular, person-centered education:

first, the cognitive experience of that individual; second, practical work experience; third, the experience of creative activity;

fourth, it is related to the individual's experience of being able to enter into a relationship [3].

Over the past period, the country has been consistently implementing the tasks related to the training policy set out in the "Action Strategy". This can be seen in the example of a number of regulations adopted in recent years. For example, setting priorities for the systemic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, raising the process of training highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high moral qualities, modernization of higher education, social and economic development based on advanced educational technologies Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019 "On approval of the Concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" Establish a system of training highly qualified personnel who can find their place "[5]. Also, in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 2, 2020 PF-5953 "On the State Program for the implementation of the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 in the" Year of Science, Enlightenment and Digital Economy " Competent state bodies should assist businesses in finding qualified personnel, attracting specialists to process documents and programs, and creating other necessary conditions for obtaining licenses and other permits. "[6]

From the above-mentioned legal and regulatory documents we can see that today the system of quality training is recognized as an important factor in the development and progress of society, a worthy contribution to the sustainable development of the social sphere and the economy. It is also reflected in the system of training qualified personnel in the field of transport.

Content analysis of sociological sources shows that [7.124130; 8; 9.552-561; 10.87-96; 4; 12.157-163; 13.76-82; 14.2759; 15.552-556; 16.4695-4698; 17.2798-2803], empirical research is

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of great practical importance in the study, analysis and research of factors hindering the development of the industry, finding solutions to them, developing proposals and recommendations for their effective elimination.

Therefore, the main directions, tasks and methods of sociological support of transport activities arise directly from the practical implementation of the tasks of engineering and sociology of labor. They include:

- serve to acquire theoretical and empirical knowledge;

- Development of theoretical and methodological bases of organizational and engineering sociology by summarizing, explaining and enriching existing sociological knowledge in the field of transport;

- The organization of sociological research to study the potential of trained personnel in the field of transport, the generalization of local and foreign experience in techniques and methods, improving the concept of sociological support of transport authorities;

- Development and improvement of methodology, methods, techniques of organization and implementation of research processes;

- scientific and methodological support of the activities of research and scientific-pedagogical units in the field of transport in the field of sociology;

- Introduction of engineering or sociology of the organization as a subject in higher education institutions in the field of transport;

- informing public authorities and the public on social issues in the field of transport;

- research to develop not only the exact situation of social projects, but also the technology of their implementation - in essence, it is the study of social engineering activities aimed at purposefully changing the organizational structures of the railway industry, which determine human behavior;

- sociological analysis of draft laws and management decisions in the field (in practice, this means predicting the social consequences of the adoption of one or another of the most important legislative acts, including regulations, service guidelines, programs, including both positive and negative consequences);

- provide information to transport authorities on the effectiveness of the impact of regulations on the ground, on the attitude of them, from ordinary railway workers to those responsible for its implementation;

- optimizing the internal activities of management structures by developing proposals for improving organizational

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Tashkent State Transport University Volume 3 | TSTU Conference 1 | 2022

Google Scholar indexed Prospects for Training International

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-920-925 Specialists in the Field of Transport

structures, decision-making processes, management style, training and placement of specialists.

It is clear from the results of professiography and professiogram that each profession, or specialization related to a field of profession, has its own history, goals and objectives, as well as a special structure. This, in turn, requires a specialist to have different professional abilities (competencies) in terms of the functionality of this particular structure. The most important of them are functional, intellectual, interpersonal, flexibility, result-oriented, situational and social. "Thus, professional competence is the ability of a specialist in the field to fully demonstrate the theoretical knowledge and professional skills related to their specialty in practice".[11.10-14]. Thus, the functional level of professional competence, professional knowledge within the professional system, a high level of expression of professional skills, is reflected in a clear vision of future professional growth. In addition, professional competence is reflected in the work of the specialist, his readiness to grow on the professional ladder, and the teacher-student system plays a practical role in its development. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the validity of the inheritance factor.

In conclusion, the following suggestions can be made:

First, special attention should be paid to the dissemination of sociological knowledge among the management structure of the transport sector, including the formation and strengthening of sociological thinking, the formation of a sociological culture in professional activities, analytical skills in management. To this end, the inclusion of disciplines such as engineering sociology, organizational sociology, labor sociology in the curriculum of specialists trained in the field of transport;

Secondly, to diagnose the management of the transport sector, using a certain number of social indicators that reflect the social system, the most important factors in its operation (social mood of transport personnel and employees, satisfaction with service and financial status, values and willingness to serve) It is advisable to conduct rapid and monitoring sociological research in the form of public questionnaires, comparative analysis of social statistics to describe and continuously obtain their value ("measurements").


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