IMPОRTАNCE ОF TОTАL PОPULАTIОN INCОME IN LIVING WELL-BEING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Well-being оf the pоpulаtiоn / stаndаrd оf living оf the pоpulаtiоn / sоciаl pоlicy / entrepreneurship / entrepreneuriаl аctivity / fаmily business / privаte prоperty / reаl incоmes / nоminаl incоmes / tоtаl incоmes

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Azimova Kh.E., Аmirоv А.G.

The аrticle fоcuses оn the impоrtаnce оf the generаl incоme оf the pоpulаtiоn in ensuring the well-being оf the pоpulаtiоn, аs а result оf the impаct оf the refоrms оn increаsing the level оf incоme, аnd shоws the dynаmics оf the regiоns. Аlsо, mоnitоring оf the prоgrаms implemented in оrder tо imprоve the welfаre оf the pоpulаtiоn, develоpment оf cоrpоrаte entrepreneurship in the regiоns with the prаcticаl use оf fоreign experience, creаtiоn оf new jоbs, increаse оf the pоpulаtiоn's incоme аnd lоcаl tо аllоw аdditiоnаl funds tо be аllоcаted tо the budget, tо оrgаnize mоbile cоunseling brаnches in the regiоns аnd thereby cаrry оut аctivities in the remоte villаges оf the regiоns аnd tо cаrry оut explаnаtоry wоrk оn the legаl bаsis оf the rаtiоnаl use оf the privilege, tо use privileges аnd eаses аimed аt ensuring the well-being оf the pоpulаtiоn it wаs аnаlyzed thаt it is necessаry tо strictly cоntrоl the оccurrence оf аrtificiаl bаrriers, tо creаte а wider оppоrtunity tо increаse the incоme оf fаmilies by creаting new jоbs in the regiоns аnd ensuring the emplоyment оf the pоpulаtiоn

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UDK: 336.2

Azimova Kh.E. senior teacher "Accounting and Auditing" department Karshi engineering-economics institute

Amirov A. G.

3rd year student department of "Economics" (by industries and sectors) Karshi engineering-economics institute



Annotation. The article focuses on the importance of the general income of the population in ensuring the well-being of the population, as a result of the impact of the reforms on increasing the level of income, and shows the dynamics of the regions. Also, monitoring of the programs implemented in order to improve the welfare of the population, development of corporate entrepreneurship in the regions with the practical use of foreign experience, creation of new jobs, increase of the population's income and local to allow additional funds to be allocated to the budget, to organize mobile counseling branches in the regions and thereby carry out activities in the remote villages of the regions and to carry out explanatory work on the legal basis of the rational use of the privilege, to use privileges and eases aimed at ensuring the well-being of the population it was analyzed that it is necessary to strictly control the occurrence of artificial barriers, to create a wider opportunity to increase the income of families by creating new jobs in the regions and ensuring the employment of the population.

Key words: Well-being of the population, standard of living of the population, social policy, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, family business, private property, real incomes, nominal incomes, total incomes.

INTRODUCTION. The stable development of the economy at a high rate has created a solid basis for further increasing the income of the population, improving the standard and quality of people's lives. Wide opportunities have been created to increase the level of salaries, pensions and scholarships of employees of budget organizations, real income per capita, income from business activities. Because special attention is being paid to reducing the level of social stratification of the society, in simple words, there will be neither super-rich nor super-poor, it is important that effective reforms are being carried out in order to reduce the level of social stratification among the population. Extensive work is being done in this regard. "Reducing the tax burden on business entities from

27.5 % of GDP to 25% by 2026. "Improving the activities of existing structures for supporting entrepreneurship in the regions, reducing unemployment and poverty" [1]. however, there are still enough problems to be implemented in terms of improving the standard of living of the population, regulating incomes, increasing the level of incomes and preventing poverty. In the conditions of the market economy, income is of particular importance, a new approach to it is a number of topical issues: the close relationship between property and the level of income, the determination of income as an economic function of property, the role of the production factor as a source of income, and the importance of wages as the main part of monetary income. It requires research, new approaches to the modern concept of labor remuneration, research of the interaction of income with other economic categories, determination of the role of income in the economic and social development of society, and its importance in strengthening the stability of society. In fact, in order to ensure the well-being of the population and improve their quality of life in the conditions of the market economy, the implementation of theoretical-methodological and organizational issues aimed at the income of the population is extremely important.

ANALYSIS OF LITERATURE ON THE SUBJECT. In the works of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, regarding improving the living conditions of the population by increasing their incomes, the importance of the population's income in the market economy, the reforms being carried out in our country are aimed at creating a better lifestyle for people, and the need to pay attention to social issues and their main structure. has been shown. The importance of gradually increasing the population's income based on the requirements of the market economy, the foreign experiences of the population's standard of living, the scientific research of scientists such as V.I.Vidyapin, A.I. Dobrinina, N.V.Paxomova, A.I.Kuznetsova, D.Kamayev, S.S.Nosova, N.M.Rozanova, A.M.Orexov studied in their works and articles. In ensuring the well-being of the population, the economic content of the population's incomes, their structure, the influence of incomes on the population's standard of living, the opinions expressed on income inequality are analyzed, and the issues of the ratio between inequality and efficiency K.Kh. Abdurakhmanov, Sh.R. Kholmominov,Sh.Sh.Shodmonov, U.V. Gafurov, A.V.Vakhobov, H.P.Abulqosimov, B.K.Goyibnazarov, Sh.Sh.Shodmonov, U.V.Gafurov, N.K.Murodova, Q.Muftaydinov, A.A.Kulmatov [ 2], the problems of the management mechanism of household activities were researched in monographs, textbooks, training manuals, scientific-methodological works and scientific articles by I.U. The studies of the above-mentioned scientists are aimed at analyzing the conceptual, theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of the population's income and its implementation in accordance with the laws of the market economy. It is worth noting that, despite the scientific and practical research work and the theoretical research carried out to date, in today's global economy, it is necessary to improve the comprehensive statistical analysis of the

income and expenses of the population, as well as the factors affecting the economic activity of households. issues aimed at evaluating factors based on statistical models are not systematically covered.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. In research work inductive and deductive, logical analysis, comparative analysis, and systematization methods were used in the process of revealing the importance of the total income of the population in the well-being of life.

ANALYSIS AND RESULTS. "Income" is an indicator representing the results of economic activity, and it is considered to have a rich and complex meaning. Because income can simultaneously represent income received as a result of any activity, money, products obtained in natural form, as well as economic resources and other concepts [4].

In this place, the personal income of the population takes the leading place, and the personal income of the population can be defined as follows. Personal income is a set of funds received by a person in the form of money and in kind, to ensure a certain level of life. If in the definition of "Personal income" we express the sources of their formation, then it will be shown as follows.

Personal income is the sum of all monetary and in-kind receipts related to the participation of citizens in labor activities, ownership and use of any type of production and other wealth, as well as belonging to social groups subject to social transfer payments in accordance with the legal documents of this country. That is, income is a general concept, and the income of the population takes the leading place in its structure.

Income of the population refers to the amount of money and in-kind receipts received by them in a certain period of time. includes income from the sale of goods, real estate, agricultural products, handicrafts, and the provision of various services. Sufficient income of the population increases the well-being of the population and solves important social tasks. creates the ground for it to be done.

In terms of income of the population, the issue of putting an end to the clandestine economy, as well as ensuring the fulfillment of important tasks of the state, such as increasing wages, reducing social stratification in the conditions of market relations, achieving inflation and price stability, is an urgent issue today. is considered According to economist QHAbdurakhmanov, Sh.R. Kholmo'minov, according to the formation and stratification of incomes: the desire for social and economic freedom; to have income-generating property, its disposal and use; it is influenced by factors of economic freedom, such as the movement of market participants to earn more income and live a comfortable life by spending less resources. According to the requirements of the market economy, the occurrence of stratification between the incomes of the population is a natural phenomenon.

Today, in order to provide social support to the population, a wide range of activities are being carried out from the point of view of social policy. Measures to improve the system of payment for labor, increase the average monthly salary gradually and consistently, prevent its share in the gross income of the population

from decreasing, and ensure that it is maintained at a stable level. plays an important and significant role in the rapid growth of their income.

The market economy provides equal opportunities, but because the use of these opportunities is different, the standard of living of the population objectively differs, and this is reflected in the diversity of income. Whether the income is more or less depends primarily on people's ability to work and their behavior, which directly affects their income level. Commenting on the incomes of the population, we can see that their existing types are classified according to certain signs as follows [5].

In the conditions of the market economy, a number of changes occur in the composition of the population's income. The fundamental reform of property relations, the emergence of new forms of economic management and labor market and investment determine structural changes in the structure of the population's income. The components of income vary in terms of quantity and quality. Today, important work has been done in the tax system in order to optimize the real income at the disposal of the citizen in this matter.

About 57-58.0 percent of the state budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan is aimed at social protection of the population and support of the social sphere, while the main part of these funds is allocated to education, health care, science, and cultural spheres. It shows that the issues of development, social support and improvement of the population's well-being are at the center of our reforms.

By 2030, as a result of consistent measures, it is planned to increase the gross domestic product to 160 billion dollars and per capita income to 4 thousand dollars. That is, it is planned to double the size of the economy by 2030 and enter the ranks of countries with higher than average income. [6].

The development of the national economy is directly related to the entrepreneurial activity in the society. Because entrepreneurs quickly adapt to market requirements, they create an opportunity to solve the important issue of providing our people with various consumer goods and employment of the population, and become their source of income. That is why, today, wide opportunities are being created for the development of business activities, and its regulatory and legal bases are being further improved.

In particular, as of January-March 2023, in the total income of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 60.4% of income from labor activities, 27.9% of income from transfers and self-produced services for personal consumption income and income from property made 11.7%. In 2023, the real growth of total income per capita slowed down to 102.4 percent (107.3 percent in 2022).

The total income per capita in the country was 20 million soums, the highest figure was in Tashkent (44.4 million soums), and the lowest figure was in Karakalpakstan (14.5 million soums). was recorded. In Uzbekistan, the real growth of total income per capita in 2023 was 102.4% and slowed down compared to 107.3% in 2022.

The total income of the population consists of incomes in the form of money and in kind received by the household or its individual members in the period of an annual or shorter period of a permanent or recurring nature. By the end of 2023, the total income of the population amounted to 728.8 trillion soums. The nominal growth of total revenues was 115 percent, while the real growth rate was 104.6 percent.

Picture 1, Total income per capita for January-December 2023 (thousand

soums) [7].

Total income per capita by region

(for January-December 2023, thousand soumsj

As can be seen from the data of picture 1, the lowest indicators are in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (14 million 570 thousand soums), Namangan (15 million 070.6 thousand soums) and Fergana regions. (15 million 716 thousand 500 soums) was recorded. The highest real growth of total income per capita by region was observed in Tashkent city (7.6 percent), Navoi (5.7 percent), Syrdaryo (4.4 percent), Andijan (4.4 percent) and Jizzakh (4.3 percent) was observed in the regions. Total income per capita in Khorezm (-6.4 percent), Surkhandarya (-0.8 percent), Samarkand (-0.5 percent), Bukhara (-0.4 percent), Namangan (-0.3 percent) regions the indicator has decreased. In 2023, the average income per capita will be 20 million soums. In January-December 2023, total income per capita in the city of Tashkent (44 million 427.9 thousand soums) and Navoi (31 million 445.6 thousand soums), Bukhara (23 million 480.3 thousand soums) m) and in Tashkent (20 million 730.2 thousand soums) and Khorezm (20 million 076.6 thousand soums) regions, it was observed that indicators above the average level of the republic were recorded.

By the end of 2023, the lowest indicators of total income per capita in the region are in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (14 million 570.7 thousand soums), Namangan region (15 million 070.6 thousand soums) and Fergana (15 million 716.5 thousand soums). In 2023, the real growth of total income per capita was 102.4 percent. [7]. We can see that the same indicator was 107.3 percent for January-December 2022, and a low indicator occurred in 2023. The highest real growth of total income per capita was in Tashkent city (7.6 percent), Navoi (5.7 percent), Syrdaryo (4.4 percent), Andijan (4.4 percent) and Jizzakh (4.3 percent) was observed in the regions. At the same time, population in Khorezm (-6.4 percent), Surkhandarya (-0.8 percent), Samarkand (-0.5 percent), Bukhara (-0.4 percent), Namangan (-0.3 percent) regions a decrease in the real growth rate of total income per capita was noted.

These data can be interpreted as follows: the real total income of the population is calculated by dividing the nominal total income of the population by the consumer price index for the relevant period. A significant increase in the total income of the population is mainly due to the income of hired workers, which has a share of 29.7 percent, and income from self-employment, which has a share of 34.3 percent, and income from transfers, which is 26.7 percent. is considered to have occurred due to a significant change.

CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. In short, one of the main goals of the socio-economic reforms implemented in our country is to ensure the well-being of the population, increase their quality of life and achieve sustainable development of social networks. The main essence of the economic reforms and strong social policy carried out in our country is to protect human interests and ensure the creation of positive amenities as a result of optimizing the income of the population.

It should be noted that the higher the level of the population's income, the more opportunities it has to meet its basic needs, maintain its health, organize rest, get information, and spend its free time in a cultural way.. Based on the information reviewed above, it can be said that the following conclusions and suggestions can be put forward based on the content of the analytical materials, in particular, based on the content of the analytical materials, having studied the importance of the income of the population in ensuring the well-being of the population.

Firstly, the level of the population's well-being is a constantly changing indicator, one of the reasons for which is the gradual increase in the amount of wages, pensions, scholarships in the structure of the population's income, as well as the monitoring of the programs implemented in order to improve the population's well-being in the regions. gives a positive effect.

In the conditions of the modern market economy, it is desirable to improve the system of advanced employment service organizations that regulate the demand and supply of labor force. Also, it is necessary to develop corporate entrepreneurship in the regions with the practical use of foreign experience. For

example, the development of this industry in England, Denmark, the Netherlands and other European countries from foreign countries made it possible to increase the economy of the regions and the income of the population [8].

Secondly, it allows to create new jobs in the regions, increase the income of the population and allocate additional funds to the local budget. It is worth noting that although there are wide opportunities for entrepreneurship in our country, these activities are not effectively organized in the regions. For this purpose, it will be necessary to organize mobile counseling branches in the regions and, through this, to carry out activities in the remote villages of the regions and carry out explanatory work on the legal basis of the rational use of the privilege.

Thirdly, at the expense of the development of the service sector in rural areas, it is necessary to revive the ideas of the rural population about doing business, to strictly control that artificial obstacles do not appear in the process of using privileges and eases aimed at ensuring the well-being of the population, to create new jobs in the regions. it will be necessary to create a wider opportunity to increase the income of families by creating places and ensuring the employment of the population.


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- №. 12 (115)-1. - С. 1173-1177.

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