Erdonov M.E. independent researcher assistant-teacher The Department of Real economics
SamIES Mamatazimov J.Sh.
student Karimov J.A. student
Economics (by industries and sectors) "
Abstract. This article describes the trends in the rapid development of the service sector in Uzbekistan, the implementation of which will improve the material well-being of the country's population by expanding activities in this area, increasing efficiency and, ultimately, sustainable economic development.
Key words: finance, real estate, retail, small business, information and communication, criteria, indicators, labor process, labor productivity, labor resources.
Indroduction. From time immemorial, our countries have huge industrial and mineral resources, agricultural products and a large number of semi-finished products from processing, natural resources and developed infrastructure. Modern exploration of underground reserves includes reserves of precious, non-ferrous and rare metals, various organic fuel products, oil, natural gas and gas condensate, brown and semi-coke coal, shale fuel, uranium and is associated with the development of rich deposits. In many types of raw materials needed for construction.
On the territory of Uzbekistan there is a complex of minerals containing about a hundred minerals, of which sixty species are already used in the national economy. It is confirmed that Uzbekistan is a leader not only among countries
This amounted to 38-38.2% of the total volume of exports of goods and services. Today, the service sector in our country is becoming an independent branch of the economy. This is due to the following reasons:
- Reduction of state funding, i.e. growth in the provision of paid services services to the population and organizations as a result of the impact of the process of changing the form of ownership and the development of private entrepreneurship;
- the emergence of many new types of services (accounting, brokerage services, etc.);
- Increased competition among service companies. The service sector was also developing rapidly. In 2020, the gross domestic product of Uzbekistan at current prices amounted to 580.2 trillion soums. Compared to 2019, it increased by 1.6%.
In 2020, GDP per capita at current prices amounted to 16.9 million soums (or the equivalent of 1685.5 US dollars).
By the end of 2020, gross value added to GDP amounted to 341.5 trillion. Soums in the production of goods and 194.4 trillion. Soums in the service sector. Net taxes on products amounted to 44.3 trillion. Soums. In the first half of 2020, Uzbekistan's GDP amounted to 255.3 trillion soums. Retail trade turnover amounted to $84 billion. 200 million. Sum - 8.1%. including:
- Large commercial enterprises 40 million UAH.
- Small business and private entrepreneurship 78 billion rubles 500 million soums - 8.4% Unorganized sector 5 billion 600 million soums -3.9%
The gross domestic product of Uzbekistan increased by 1.6% in 2020, and the retail trade turnover amounted to 103.5 trillion soums, which is 2.9% less compared to the same period in 2019.
The deepening of economic reforms, economic liberalization and the gradual implementation of socio-economic priorities aimed at supporting entrepreneurship ensure the rapid development of the service sector in the country.
In particular, the measures provided for by the Service Sector Development Program for 2016-2020 will allow the development of the service sector:
> Increase in the gross public product due to the development of the service sector, bringing its share in the national economy to 48.7%;
> To increase the volume of services in rural areas by 1.8 times by 2020;
> Creating conditions for the rapid development of structural changes in the service sector through the development of engineering and communication, road transport infrastructure, the introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the industry;
> Creating a competitive environment conducive to the development of small and private businesses;
> Expansion of various innovative services, new means of communication;
> Ensuring the use of telecommunication networks, the technical capabilities of the population, the provision of quality services based on them, a complete transition to digital telephone and television systems, an increase in the share of communications and information in the national economy to 2.5% by 2020;
> Development of services with the introduction of the latest electronic payment technologies;
> Further development of high-tech medical services. By types of economic activity, trade services are the largest share of market services. In January 2021, their share was 26,9%.
The volume of computer and household appliance repair services increased slightly, their share reached only 1.6%. In January 2020, trading services accounted for 26.4% of the total volume. In the same period in 2020, the share of computer and household appliance repair services was also the smallest - 1.6%. In January 2021, high growth was recorded in the rental sector (46.3%), financial services (19.0%), educational services (17.9%), communication and information services (13.4%). The volume of services in the field of transport (9.9%) and healthcare (0.5%) decreased. In January 2020, the highest growth rates were recorded in the financial services sector (136.9%). Slightly increased services in the field of architecture, engineering surveys, technical tests and analysis (0.2%). Despite the significant the decline of the services market in the transport sector, their share in the total volume of services remains high - 22.3%. In total, there are 14,971 enterprises and organizations operating in the service sector. Compared to the same period in 2019, their growth increased by 28.4%.
As of December 1, 2020, the share of enterprises and organizations in the service sector amounted to 64.5%. For comparison: in the period under review, the share of enterprises and organizations working in industry increased to 15.4%, in construction - to 10.6% and only 9.5% - in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
As of December 1, 2020, the largest share of enterprises and organizations engaged in trading activities in the structure of enterprises and organizations operating in the service sector (37.7%). The number of enterprises and organizations providing accommodation and catering services amounted to 12,1%. Freight and passenger transportation account for the largest share of transport services. This type of transport is in high demand compared to other modes of transport due to its flexibility and relatively low cost of services.
Trade is an area of the economy that allows goods to move from production to consumption. He is responsible for the delivery of trade goods to the right consumer in a given country. It is divided into wholesale and retail.
The volume of financial services is calculated based on the amount of interest income received from financial intermediation (in the amount of a fixed commission for services), as well as the amount paid by a financial institution for credit or deposit services. The experience of developed countries shows that the development of ICT directly affects the level of competitiveness of the country, allows you to collect and summarize large amounts of data, opens up great opportunities for management at the strategic level.
Practice shows that the most important condition for the formation of the economy knowledge and services is a developed system of training and retraining. In the process of ongoing reforms, the country needs highly qualified specialists in various fields. Highly qualified personnel will become the driving force of the innovative economy.
Food and beverage delivery services are a renewable cost that includes the cost of products used for cooking and sold in unprocessed form, in addition to the food and beverage delivery fee. The scope of accommodation services includes the cost of short-term accommodation (hotels, motels and other accommodation).
The volume of medical services is provided by the medical and sanitary services of healthcare institutions, as well as organizations and medical enterprises, dentistry, physiotherapy, homeopathic clinics, cosmetology clinics, drug dispensaries, laboratories and sanitary epidemiologists. rendered.
The prospects for the socio-economic development of modern Uzbekistan depend on the rational use of all resources by each economic district and region of the republic, taking into account national and local interests.
The service sector includes international corporations, banks, airlines, computer centers, telecommunications, insurance, law and consulting firms, governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as non-profit organizations.
Small business has become an integral and important part of the national economy, a leading force in solving many economic and social problems, developing services and ensuring the well-being of people.
The largest share belongs to the city of Tashkent - 38.9% (36.6% in 2020). The lowest indicators in the service sector were recorded in the Syrdarya region -1.5% (1.4% in 2020). In January 2021, the volume of market services provided per capita reached 599.0 thousand soums. Compared to January 2020, the growth rate was 102.7%. In January
In 2020, the volume of market services per capita amounted to 532.9 thousand soums. As of February 1, 2021, the share of enterprises and organizations, working in the service sector, reached 65.0%, industry - 17.6%, agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 8.8%. The construction sector accounts for 8.6%. In 2020, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Uzbekistan in current prices will reach 580.2 trillion soums. soums, which is 1.6% more than in the previous year. If we look at 2017-2019, we will see that the growth rate of real GDP averaged 5.2%.
However, during the current pandemic, this indicator fell to the lowest level for the first time. If we look at GDP in terms of economic sectors, then in 2020 agriculture, forestry and fisheries (+ 3.0%), industry (+ 0.7%), construction (+ 9.2%) and services (+ 0.1%). At the same time, if we pay attention to the influence of regions on GDP growth rates, in the current period in Navoi (+ 7.1%), Namangan (+ 4.8%) and Surkhandarya (+ 4.4%) regions there is a high positive growth. the bids were marked. Today, the process of transition to a socially oriented market economy in Uzbekistan has many factors and features in the socio-economic development of the country, including the geopolitical and geostrategic situation in the country;
■ gradual reform of the economic system; the active determining role of the state; inconsistencies in the structural structure of the economy in the pre-reform period;
■ taking into account the need for a strong social policy. At the same time, one of the main tasks of the state is to ensure all the necessary conditions for the effective functioning of market mechanisms, including the full functioning of the service sector.
It should be noted that the development of the service sector is a long and complex process.
In particular, the construction of its facilities requires a special approach, based on their economic nature, and measures in this direction should be carried out gradually and consistently. Emphasizing the need to create an environment that ensures interaction between business entities in a market environment, the creation of a service market was identified as a priority.
The development of the service sector in rural areas of the country is also of great importance. Today it is necessary to take measures to develop this direction. Services per capita in rural areas lag far behind services in urban areas. There is also a great potential for the development of communication services, banking, finance and utilities in rural areas, which must be used effectively.
In addition, the Service Sector Development Program for 2016-2020 has developed target parameters for the development of services in rural areas, which are 1.8 times higher than in the country, including 2.9 times for information and information services, 1 per person. cents for financial services., 8 times, transportation services by 1.7 times, as well as motorsport services by 1.6 times, catering and accommodation services by 1.9 times, trade services by 1.7 times, educational services by 1.7 times, healthcare. once, rental services by 1.8 times, individual services by 1.8 times and other services by 1.9 times.
For further development of the service sector in rural areas, it is necessary to pay attention to the following:
- mobilization of all available resources, use of opportunities to expand the service sector in rural areas;
- creation of additional small enterprises in the field of housing and communal services and information and communication technologies;
We provide transportation services to organizations and organize their logistics.
A) Designation of the centers as sources of financing: funds received to the special account of the Information and Communication Technologies Development Fund for financing e-government and interdepartmental e-government and digital economy projects for financing interdepartmental e
S government and digital economy projects; grants from international financial institutions and other institutions, foreign organizations.
B) Appointment of the Directorate as a source of funding:
■ Funds of the Fund for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Organizations of the Ministry;
■ Other sources not prohibited by law;
■ Accelerate the modernization and repair of drinking water supply systems;
■ To increase the volume and type of services provided in rural areas and accelerate the development of new promising services;
■ Transition to automated financial payments in rural areas, improvement of electronic money transfers; - provision of educational services to the rural population and organization of paid educational services, organization and expansion of educational services for citizens;
■ Introduction of medical services and improvement of the quality of service in improving the medical culture of the rural population.
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