Научная статья на тему 'Ways to promote tourism and the effective usage of tourism in the economy of Uzbekistan'

Ways to promote tourism and the effective usage of tourism in the economy of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kalanova Mohigul

This article outlines the key factors for the efficiency and development of service enterprises in the context of rapid and balanced economic growth, deep structural changes and diversification of the economy in Uzbekistan

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ways to promote tourism and the effective usage of tourism in the economy of Uzbekistan»

Diagram 3. Number of hotels operating in Uzbekistan (2017-2021 Forecast)9

The number of tourist firms operating in 2016 was 433, compared with 2012 more than 75. The number of persons served by them in 2012 was 511,600, while in 2016 they reached 465,400. In 2016, 98.7% (101,700 units) of tourist tickets were purchased directly by the population.

In particular, 44.8 thous. Units (44.0%) were sold to citizens of Uzbekistan, 9.9 thous. Units (9.8%) were sold to citizens of Uzbekistan, 31.8 thous. . In addition, 15.2 thousand tickets were sold to Uzbek citizens abroad. One of the major factors that influences the development of the tourism industry in Uzbekistan is seasonality.

Seasonality affects the whole region, not just one country. According to the United Nations, the number of tourists who want to spend the winter is doubling every seven years. The organization of various sporting events, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, scientific conferences, congresses and other events also helps to expand the tourist season. This, in turn, has a positive impact on the development of tourism.

We can conclude that the expected growth in tourism in the near future will increase the incomes of our country, which will attract foreign tourists, which will in turn provide employment and create new jobs.


1]. Karimov I.A. Uzbekistan's own path to independence and development ". -T., "Uzbekistan," 1992. p.

2]. Mirziyoev. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional organizational measures to create favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan" The people's word. 2018 year. February 6th.

3]. R.Boltabaev, ISTukhliev, B.Safarov, SAAbduhamidov "Tourism: theory and practice". Textbook. T .: Science and Technology, 2018

4]. I.S. Tukhliev, R.Haitboev, B.Safarov, GR Tursunova "Fundamentals of tourism". Textbook. T .: Science and Technology, 2014



Kalanova Mohigul

Teacher of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

Annotation. This article outlines the key factors for the efficiency and development of service enterprises in the context of rapid and balanced economic growth, deep structural changes and diversification of the economy in Uzbekistan.

Keywords: economic growth, tourism, efficiency, services market, profit, material interest, financial resource.

Consistent tourism development measures in Uzbekistan, which have great potential for the short-term solution of such important socio-economic problems as creating new jobs, diversifying the economy, accelerating the development of territories, increasing foreign exchange earnings, raising incomes and living standards is implemented.

9 Source: Overview of state Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2017

In this regard, the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On priority measures for the development of tourism in 2018-2019" is a logical continuation of the state policy in the field of tourism, creating a favorable economic, administrative and legal environment for the accelerated development of the tourism industry. Promotion the most efficient order, expanding the economic potential and income base of the regions, creating of new jobs, increasing the flow of tourists to our country Distributing, as well as actively and comprehensively promoting national tourism products in the world market.

Tourism is one of the fastest growing economies in the world economy today. Tourism is ranked 3rd in the world in income after the oil and automobile industries. Tourism in our country is developing from year to year. Tourism means that foreign citizens come to Uzbekistan, but as you know, tourism is divided into two types:

- domestic tourism;

- external tourism.

It is well-known that domestic tourism means travel for permanent residents within the boundaries of their home countries for a tourist destination, while foreign tourism means interstate travel by foreign nationals.

In the context of today's globalization, Uzbekistan pays special attention to the development of tourism, its prospects and forms of effective use of the tourism potential of the country. As we know, tourism is an integral part of the service sector and plays an important role in the economy of our country. The volume of services provided is UZS 2561.9 bn. soums, or 97.9%, which is 9.0 points higher than the forecast (108.9%).

At the same time, the volume of services provided by large enterprises amounted to 1197.1 billion soums. soums, which is 32.7% more than in the first half of last year. and 9.6% to the amount of UZS 958.2 billion in the informal sector. soums, having increased by 6.5%. Of the total volume of services, 46.7% account for the large enterprises, 15.9% for the small business and 37.4% for the informal sector.

In the first half of 2019 in rural areas there was an increase of 683.3 billion Some 26.7% of total services were provided.

The main 13 types of services include financial services (451.5 billion soums, 181.5%), architectural services (50.4 billion soums, 131.0%) and educational services (109.7 billion soums, 120.3%). ). In the total volume of services the largest share falls on such services: transport services - 26.9% (689.2 billion soums), trade services -23.6% (605.9 billion soums) and financial services - 17.6%. 451.5 billion soums).

Diagram 1. Organizers of the largest share of services in the first half of 2019

The volume of services per capita amounted to 1365.7 thousand soums, which is 16.2% more than in the respective period of the previous year.

Today, one of the main sectors of the economy is the market of goods and services, and its extensive development determines the effectiveness of satisfying the population's demand for a variety of goods on the basis of economic relations and the provision of various services.

Indeed, the organization and implementation of services in the market of goods and services is provided by the development of the service sector and requires a new look at the reforms in this area. After all, the basis of modern services is the creation of new technologies and ensuring the competitiveness of the created technologies, the creation of "know-how" models and the introduction of modern information and communication technologies, ie systematic measures to ensure high quality products.

In this regard, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 26, 2016 "On the Program for the Development of the Service Sector for 2016-2020"10 became the basis for the rapid development of the service sector.

The main types of services are expected to increase by 1.8 times the total growth rate of services in the Republic of Uzbekistan by 2020 compared to 2015, including trade 1.6 times and catering services 1.8 times.

Diagram 2. Forecast of the overall growth rates of the main types of services in the Republic of Uzbekistan in

2020 compared to 2015

Therefore, the quality of food products improves, their assortment expands and its consumption increases due to the development of trade and public catering.

The service sector is widely used in the development of society, and the goals and objectives of infrastructure development with democratic state-building are manifested in a market environment. It is planned to increase GDP due to the development of the services sector, increasing its share in the national economy by 59.7% in 2019 (47.5% in 2018). According to our forecasts, the service sector will grow by 11-13% annually. The program aims to increase rural services by 1.8% by 2020. Also, by 2020 it is planned to increase the share of communications and information in the country by 2.5%. One of the goals is to create conditions for the accelerated development of the service sector, structural changes due to the development of engineering and communication, road infrastructure, the introduction of modern information and communication technologies, the creation of a competitive environment, and support for the development of small and private businesses. confession.

Banks of Uzbekistan provide services for 1.797 trln. This figure will reach 2.631 trillion soums by 2020. soums. As a result of the measures taken, the share of small businesses in GDP reached 52.5% in 2010 and 54.6% in 2012. In the first years of independence the figure was 1.5%, and in 2000 - 31.0%.

We know that the amount of foreign exchange revenue from tourism to the treasury of the country, the creation of new jobs is connected with the expansion of various additional services. If the basic services included tourist accommodation, catering and transportation, additional services would be aimed at further improving the efficiency of tourism services.

In general, the tourism industry today is a relatively low-income sector with a high income. At the same time, improving the quality of tourism services requires certain costs. It is important to keep these costs in mind and improve their efficiency. For sustainable growth of tourism activity in the country, it is necessary to improve the quality of tourist services. At the same time, one of the most important issues remains the correct calculation of the cost of services in the companies providing tourist services, as well as the cost-effectiveness of trade and catering.

As with every business entity in the country, the main purpose of the activities of tourist organizations is to make a profit. Profit, in turn, consists of a positive difference between the income received by tourist organizations as an economic concept and the costs incurred by them. Increase of net profit in tourism service organizations ensures high efficiency of their activities. Therefore, in the course of its activities, tourism service providers need to identify, evaluate and determine a system of indicators that reflect its effectiveness. Accordingly, the evaluation of cost effectiveness in tourism service organizations is also one of the most pressing problems of today.

Efficiency is profitability, efficiency. It is well-known that in order to achieve a certain result, you have to work, work, produce, or service and spend a certain amount.

To determine the effectiveness, the result should be compared with the costs or resources spent on achieving that result. Thus, efficiency is the correlation between the results of production activities, the labor, material and financial resources spent on achieving them. Cost effectiveness in tourism service organizations is the cost

10 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 26 February 2016 "On the Program for the Development of the Service Sector for 2016-2020"

effectiveness of the costs incurred by them. In other words, the cost effectiveness in tourism service providers is the extent to which the costs incurred in the provision of tourism services are covered by the profit earned.

Thus, we can conclude that one of the key factors in the efficiency and development of the service enterprises in the context of rapid and balanced economic growth, deep structural changes and diversification of the economy in Uzbekistan is the growth of profitability. Its size provides the basis for the development of the service business as a source of savings; provides property owners with an increase in their property; Increases shareholders' profits (through increased dividends); it will increase the financial sustainability and solvency of the service enterprises and, ultimately, improve the socio-economic efficiency of service providers.

Clearly, profit is important not only in improving the efficiency of service providers but also in their development. In this regard, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

• increase of material interest of employees in the service enterprises;

• formation of sources of financial resources for the development of the service enterprises;

• attracting foreign investments into the service enterprises;

• Capacity building in service providers.


1]. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 26 February 2016 "On the Program for the Development of the Service Sector for 2016-2020"

2] .Mirziyoyev Sh.M. Critical analysis, strict discipline - discipline and personal responsibility - should be the daily routine of every leader's activity // "People's Word", January 15, 2017.

3]. Tuxliev I.S. and others. Monograph "Socio-economic problems of development of tourism services market in Uzbekistan". T .: "Economics" 2012.

4]. Safarov B.Sh. Improving the economic mechanism of the regional tourism services market // Monograph. - Tashkent: State Scientific Publishing House "National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan", 2013. - 150 pages.

5]. Safarov B.Sh. Improvement of methodological and methodological foundations of innovative development of the national tourism services market ... doctor of science. Samarkand 2016.


Ахтамова Мохигул Эркиновна


Самаркандского института экономики и сервиса

Аннотация. В статье исследованы возможности развития и совершенствования экотуризма в Самаркандской области. Целесообразное развитие экотуризма должно приносить пользу коренным жителям, обучать и привлекать местную рабочую силу, рационально использовать имеющиеся уникальные ресурсы учитывая особенности территории и в конечном результате усиливать местную экономику и сохранить в целостности экосистему Самаркандской области.

Abstract. The article explores the possibilities of ecotourism development and improvement in Samarkand region. The appropriate development of ecotourism should benefit indigenous people, train and attract local labour, make rational use of the unique resources available, taking into account the peculiarities of the Territory, and eventually strengthen the local economy and preserve the integrity of the Samarkand region ecosystem.

Rezyume. Maqolada Samarqand viloyatida ekoturizmni rivojlantirish va takomillashtirish imkoniyatlari ko'rib chiqiladi. Ekoturizmning tegishli rivojlanishi mahalliy aholiga foyda keltirishi, mahalliy ishchilarni o'qitishi va jalb qilishi, mavjud noyob manbalardan oqilona foydalanishi, hududning o'ziga xos xususiyatlarini hisobga olgan holda oqilona foydalanishi va natijada mahalliy iqtisodiyotni mustahkamlashi va Samarqand viloyati ekotizimining yaxlitligini saqlashi kerak.

Ключевые слова: экотуризм, индустрия туризма, целевая программа, инвестиционные проекты, объекты экотуризма.

Keywords: ecotourism, tourism industry, target program, investment projects, ecotourism objects.

Kalit so'zlar: ekoturizm, turizm industriyasi, maqsadli dastur, investitsiya loyihalari, ekoturizm ob'ektlari.

Узбекистан обладает уникальным и востребованным потенциалом природных объектов и богатым культурно - историческим наследием для формирования индустрии туризма в частности экологического туризма. В Узбекистане г.Самарканд является одним из ключевых городов Узбекистана, в котором множество привлекательных объектов туризма, и многими международными экспертами воспринимается как визитная карточка Узбекистана. Сегодня Самарканд является уникальным местом для популяризации экологических туров благодаря географическому расположению, природно-климатическим особенностям страны, уникальных охраняемых зон и богатого многообразия ландшафтов. В настоящий период времени, к системе охраняемых природных территорий Самарканда относятся Зерафшанский и Нуратинский горные заповедники и множество памятников природы. Главным фактором для реализации экотуров по

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