IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING VOCABULARY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Fayziyeva A.A., Djalilova Z.B.

In this article highlights importance of teaching vocabulary in the lesson.

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Текст научной работы на тему «IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING VOCABULARY»

практической конференции. Под редакцией: А.Р. Кузнецовой, Н.И. Журавленко. 2012. С. 89-92.

3. Марк А. Хьюзилид, Брайан Е. Беккер, Ричард У. Битти Ю. ОЦЕНКА ПЕРСОНАЛА: КАК УПРАВЛЯТЬ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИМ КАПИТАЛОМ, ЧТОБЫ РЕАЛИЗОВАТЬ СТРАТЕГИЮ / Марк А. Хьюзилид, Брайан Е. Беккер, Ричард У. Битти Ю. - М.: Издательство «И.Д. Вильямс», 2007 г. -432 с.


5. Свергун О. HR-ПРАКТИКА. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ПЕРСОНАЛОМ. КАК ОНО ЕСТЬ НА САМОМ ДЕЛЕ / О. Свергун, Ю. Пасс, Д. Дьякова, А. Новикова -СПб., Питер, 2005 г. - 320 с.

UDK 81-13

Fayziyeva A.A.

Djalilova Z.B.

Teachers of Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara city IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING VOCABULARY

Annotation: In this article highlights importance of teaching vocabulary in the lesson.

Key words: vocabulary, teaching, learning, foreign language.

'Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.' This is how linguist David Wilkins summed up the importance of vocabulary teaching and learning. His view is echoed in his advice to students from a recent coursebook: 'If you spend most of your time learning grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words!'

Words incorporate a basic component of dialect with which second dialect students can impart easily. As Sorbi states, to ace an outside dialect is to ace vocabulary. Vocabulary comprises of single words and lexical sets. The word vocabulary proposes distinctive wordlists in different topics. Vocabulary sets (made out of vocabulary records, word references and those word arrangement in the psychological dictionary of the instructor and students) and composed or oral writings are the two critical wellsprings of vocabulary. Dialect instructors hold that remote dialect students give careful consideration to vocabulary than different aptitudes with the goal that students set vocabulary information as their first need.

Countless learning considers have over and again recognized the hugeness of vocabulary in remote dialect learning. A few hypothetical and exact investigations have underlined the effect of lexis and word information on second dialect learning and instructing. Most students, as well, recognize the significance

of vocabulary obtaining. At the point when asked how they might want to enhance their English, the majority of them had very comparative answers. They expressed that oral was their shortcoming and they couldn't talk a familiar sentence in English. Once in a while it was hard for them to express their perspectives and feelings as they were absence of helpful vocabulary. Another issue identified with vocabulary securing was overlooking the words not long after they had looked in the lexicon. Lion's share concurred in the noteworthiness of vocabulary in their dialect change.

Nonetheless, vocabulary educating has not generally been extremely receptive to such issues, and educators have not completely perceived the colossal informative favorable position in building up a broad vocabulary. For quite a while, showing methodologies, for example, the Direct Method and audiolingualism gave more prominent need to the educating of linguistic structures. All together not to divert from the learning of these structures, the quantity of words presented in such courses was kept genuinely low. Those words which were educated were frequently picked either in light of the fact that they were effectively illustrated, or on the grounds that they fitted flawlessly into the "structure of the day".

The experience of the open approach in the 1970s set the phase for a noteworthy reevaluate of the part of vocabulary. The open estimation of a center vocabulary has dependably been perceived, especially by visitors. An expression book or word reference gives more open mileage than a sentence structure - in the here and now at any rate. Acknowledgment of the importance making capability of words implied that vocabulary turned into a learning objective in its own right. In 1984, for instance, in the presentation of their Cambridge English Course, Swan and Walter composed that "vocabulary securing is the biggest and most imperative assignment confronting the dialect student". Coursebooks started to incorporate exercises that particularly focused on vocabulary. [2,14]

All things considered, most dialect courses were and still are composed around punctuation syllabuses. There are great reason for holding a linguistic association. While vocabulary is to a great extent an accumulation of things, language is an arrangement of standards. Since one control can create numerous sentences, the instructing of language structure is thought to be more beneficial. Language structure products, while vocabulary simply includes. Be that as it may, two key improvements were to challenge the administration of language structure. One was the lexical syllabus, that is, a syllabus in light of those words that show up with a high level of recurrence in talked and composed English. The other was acknowledgment of the part of lexical pieces in the securing of dialect and in accomplishing familiarity. Both these advancements were fuelled by revelations emerging from the new art of corpus etymology.

The impact of these improvements has been to bring issues to light with regards to the key part vocabulary advancement plays in dialect learning. Regardless of whether most coursebooks still receive a linguistic syllabus, vocabulary is never again regarded as an "extra". Considerably more consideration

is given to the sentence structure of words, to collocation and to word recurrence. This is reflected in the way coursebooks are presently advanced. For instance, the back fronts of these current courses assert:

Solid accentuation on vocabulary, with a specific spotlight on high recurrence, helpful words and expressions. (from Cutting Edge Intermediate)

All around characterized vocabulary syllabus in addition to word reference preparing and elocution work on, including the utilization of phonetics. (from New Headway English Course)

... an emphatically lexical syllabus, exhibiting and rehearsing several common articulations which understudies will discover instantly helpful. (from Innovation)

Without a doubt, lexical fitness assumes a significant part in open capability. People have one of a kind lexical needs which fluctuate as far as various individual, expert and scholastic angles.

As for the significance of vocabulary, Sedita keeps up that understudies with confined English information or capability, understudies with no perusing cognizance outside of school, those with perusing or learning handicaps, and novices with constrained vocabulary information confront boundaries in advancing their vocabulary and face challenges in school. Agreeing Greenwood, a significant number of the past investigations put accentuation on the noteworthiness of vocabulary information and its effect on perusing appreciation, scholastic courses and composing assignments. He features the importance of vocabulary information on dialect use in which inadequate vocabulary information of the students prompts troubles in second dialect learning.

Students and instructors of a moment or remote dialect accentuate that to ace a moment or outside dialect is to ace an extensive number of vocabulary things. A student needs to learn 3000 high recurrence words in a moment dialect. Vocabulary estimate mirrors the English capability level of students. Vast scale vocabulary estimate has basic essentialness and a focal place in taking in a dialect. Lacking vocabulary size can exhibit a moment dialect student with issues in appreciation or exactness, open familiarity, and perusing cognizance.

Gani Hamzah recommends that understudies know the part of intellectual techniques (note taking and high lighting) and meta-psychological systems (considering and rehashing new words and utilizing English dialect media) in vocabulary adapting; so these methodologies are much of the time connected in such a way, to the point that they add to vocabulary measure. Educators can utilize pictures, visual correspondence, aural or solid association, music, melodies, movies, recordings, and PCs to improve the vocabulary size of second dialect student.

In the course of recent decades, a lot of research with respect to vocabulary learning has given us important data about vocabulary direction in dialect classrooms. The fundamental target of research on vocabulary learning is to explore vocabulary improvement and the portrayal of the principle forms which underlie the learning of this dialect part.

Vocabulary learning incorporates the cognizance of the word, its shape, implications, and its utilization in various settings, its different sets and recurrence through new systems and abilities. Vocabulary learning can be affected by two main considerations: Inter-lexical and intra-lexical. These elements manage the connections between the new words and the words students definitely know. As per Laufer, these factors are gotten from the word itself. Vocabulary learning is a urgent piece of any dialect. It can be considered as the most vital sub-characterization of English learning since it frames the principal structures of English sentences. Vocabulary learning has a basic capacity in dialect instructing and learning. Learning vocabulary is a standout amongst the most essential issues that students dependably manage amid the procedure of second dialect learning. Vocabulary learning can likewise have affect on the semantic limits of the students. It has a principal put for college understudies in English dialect and writing to upgrade their dialect information.

Since dialect learning systems are critical in taking in a moment or remote dialect, longitudinal investigations have been directed on different parts of dialect learning techniques. These systems incorporate managing the student, identity, nature factors, learning style, age, sex, and culture. The usage of dialect learning systems enhances understudies' self-sufficiency and dialect learning capacities. Among the most imperative dialect learning procedures are vocabulary learning methodologies, which have increased impressive consideration since 1970s. There are distinctive sorts of vocabulary learning methodologies including assurance, memory, social, intellectual and meta-psychological procedures. Vocabulary learning methodologies assume a urgent part in vocabulary studies and vocabulary direction. Great view of vocabulary learning systems encourage vocabulary direction and give valuable bits of knowledge about students' convictions with regards to the viability and support of these learning techniques. It is significant that there are different methods for educating and learning vocabulary, and every system has its own points of interest and drawbacks.

A portion of the normal vocabulary learning procedures incorporate lexicon utilize, perusing and broad perusing, utilizing setting, practice, speculating vocabulary from setting, semantic mapping, Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), equivalent words and antonyms, the arrangement of lattices, coincidental vocabulary learning, word part investigation, remembrance systems, psychological methodologies, for example, composed and verbal redundancy, semantic field hypothesis, meta-etymological systems, utilizing monolingual and bilingual lexicons, using English words in day by day talking, social techniques, utilizing English dialect media, interactive media messages through cell phones, and utilizing diverse tunes, for example, verses and music.

Crammer believes that the accompanying things are some methods for vocabulary educating: meaning of a word or a lexical thing, giving illustrations and depictions of the word, relationship and correlation of the word to its general class, interpretations of concrete or genuine things, understanding the word significance through setting, portrayal, exhibition or demonstrating the importance

of the word through activities, emulate or elaboration through developments or signals, utilizing genuine or solid items, pictures, photographs, perceptions, clarification of the way of life or scholarly words, utilizing equivalent word or antonym, utilizing matrices and applying speculations or parts of discourse. [1, 57] Lawson and Hogben allude to the most continuous vocabulary learning procedures. These strategies incorporate consider vocabulary learning undertakings, utilizing setting, understudies' methodologies for vocabulary learning (redundancy of the objective word and its significance), perusing of related words, basic work on, composing of word and importance, expanding work on, spelling, word classification, sentence interpretation, shape similitude, sound connection, postfix, basic utilization of setting, summarizing, mental aide strategies, a basic perusing of the word reference like sections and the relevant use to make new implications.


1. Coady, J. & Huckin, T. Second language Vocabulary Acquisition. USA: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

2. Thornbury S. How to teach vocabulary. Pearson Education Limited, 2002.

UDK 793

Mukhamedova U. Assistant of professor Tashkent Higher School of National Dance and Choreography

Uzbekistan, Tashkent city QUEEN OF DANCE MUKARRAMAHANIM - 105 YEARS OLD!

Annotation: In this article dedicated for queen of dance Mukarramahanim.

Key words: national dancing, queen of dance Mukarramahanim, beauty.

Dance is the harmony of beauty, labor, intelligence and attractiveness. Aesthetic pleasure in the performer is the most delicate art that can enrich passionate experiences. From ancient times, humanity has a place in the life style, and brings together harmoniously the hopes, the hopes, the joys, and the errors. In particular, the development of the Uzbek national dance art has historically

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