TOPIC AND ASSIGNMENT BASED LEARNING MODEL TO CREATE PERUSING APTITUDES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
vogue / fruitful / hypothetical / cognizant learning / substance / dialect / plurilingualism / reconciliation / highlights. / мода / плодотворное / гипотетическое / познавательное обучение / субстанция / диалект / многоязычие / согласование / основные моменты..

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Norkhujaeva, Muborak Murotxodjayevna

This article is devoted to topic and assignment based learning which are used in order to create students perusing aptitudes. The assignment based dialect learning is the spine in the classes arranging that let understudies be associated with significant open exercises. The substance focused direction permits to center around fascinating subjects for students and it offers the advancement of testing psychological activities which wind up fundamental for any perusing cognizance movement

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Эта статья посвящена обучению на основе тем и заданий, которые используются для формирования у учащихся способностей к прочтению. Изучение диалектов на основе заданий является основой организации занятий, позволяющей учащимся участвовать в важных открытых упражнениях. Направление, ориентированное на содержание, позволяет сосредоточиться на увлекательных предметах для учащихся и предлагает развитие тестовых психологических действий, которые являются основополагающими для любого движения познания.


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"



d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2022-20-130-134

Norkhujaeva Muborak Murotxodjayevna

Senior teacher of the department of foreign languages, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan

Tel: +998935538000


This article is devoted to topic and assignment based learning which are used in order to create students perusing aptitudes. The assignment based dialect learning is the spine in the classes arranging that let understudies be associated with significant open exercises. The substance focused direction permits to center around fascinating subjects for students and it offers the advancement of testing psychological activities which wind up fundamental for any perusing cognizance movement

Keywords: vogue, fruitful, hypothetical, cognizant learning, substance, dialect, plurilingualism, reconciliation, highlights.


Эта статья посвящена обучению на основе тем и заданий, которые используются для формирования у учащихся способностей к прочтению. Изучение диалектов на основе заданий является основой организации занятий, позволяющей учащимся участвовать в важных открытых упражнениях. Направление, ориентированное на содержание, позволяет сосредоточиться на увлекательных предметах для учащихся и предлагает развитие тестовых психологических действий, которые являются основополагающими для любого движения познания.

Ключевые слова: мода, плодотворное, гипотетическое, познавательное обучение, субстанция, диалект, многоязычие, согласование, основные моменты..


Learning shares some vital standards and methodologies which supplement each other. The assignment based dialect learning is the spine in the classes arranging that let understudies be associated with significant open exercises. The Ministry of Education has directed the national state sanctioned test to assess understudies' capabilities, in which English is an essential part and it is assessed through perusing

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

understanding inquiries. This is the best approach to gauge the accomplishment of the objectives proposed in the national bilingual arrangements. The significance of the accomplishment of the government sanctioned test includes the new required and necessary level for future scholastic lyceum graduators in Uzbekistan that is B1 in the CEFR. In other words, scholastic lyceum understudies should achieve the middle of the road level of English to be graduated.


Subsequently, the reconciliation of two essential models in the English instructing hypothetical structure is introduced with a specific end goal to enhance the past circumstance. From one viewpoint, Theme Based Learning is likely the most prevalent model of Content Based Instruction approach - CBI, which has turned out to be across the board since its prosperity by utilizing the present learning content related with dialect aptitudes in a substance driven educational programs (Brinton, 2007; Duenas, 2004). CBI imparts its standards to Content and Language Integrated Learning - CLIL that is an in vogue approach in Europe to create plurilingualism in every one of the subjects through the incorporation of the educational modules content with the semantic. Then again, Task Based Language Learning is a turn off approach from Communicative Language Teaching - CLT and it has turned out to be famous for its displaying structure of lessons where the students are locked in to build up an arrangement of exercises in which consulting of significance is the intimation to build up the impart ability.


The idea of subject and assignment based dialect learning model has been actualized previously. Be that as it may, this was just a general proposition to build up an ESP educational programs through the use of subjects and assignments as a center to create informative skills in significant understudies. Consequently, this examination centers around the perusing perception aptitudes and its association with the incorporation of the joint models, and in addition their common standards and the huge open door for supplementing each other.

It has a wide hypothetical structure whose establishments depend on the Communicative Language Teaching and numerous victories have been appeared. This model emerges the possibility of important transaction of significance through a genuine dialect movement. Understudies learn via completing particular errands or ventures: for instance, "doing science" and not simply perusing about it [Banegas, D. L. 2012:52].

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

Numerous favorable circumstances of utilizing TBLT are set up after fruitful examinations around the globe, in this paper the focal points appeared by Ellis are considered:

• It offers the open door for 'normal' learning inside the classroom.

• It underscores importance over frame yet can likewise cook for learning structure.

• It bears students a rich contribution of target dialect.

• It is naturally rousing.

• It is perfect with a student focused instructive theory yet in addition takes into account instructor info and bearing.

• It takes into account the improvement of open familiarity while not ignoring precision.

• It can be utilized close by a more customary approach.

Other than the past centers of the Task - Based model that match precisely with the components found in the Theme-Based modification, Willis proposes an all around organized approach to build up a course through the right arranging of an errand in three distinctive critical minutes. [Willis, J., & Willis, D. 1996: 83]

Right off the bat, Theme based model has been fruitful around the globe by demonstrating the upsides of "underscoring finding out about an option that is as opposed to finding out about dialect" , in this manner "the objective is to help students in creating general scholarly dialect abilities through intriguing and significant substance". Furthermore, it is a reasonable model to use in English for Specific Purposes emerged as a requirement for preparing students for specific settings and occasions as indicated by their scholarly issue and interests. It is lucid as indicated by Richards and Rodgers when they say "The English for particular purposes (ESP) development moreover starts not from a basic hypothesis of dialect but rather from an utilitarian record of student needs . Well beyond, a standout amongst the most intriguing element of Task Based Language Learning is its attention on a dialect minute. It underpins the thought which specifically tended to two principal issues: the part of the express and cognizant learning and the clarification regarding why just a restricted info moves toward becoming disguised by student. [Brinton, D., Snow, M. An., and Wesche, M. 1989:142]

The focal point of the model is to get important and drawing in exercises class. On one hand, the substance and the course configuration coordinate the students' advantage and needs as a credible ESP process requests, other than the High Order

Fig. 3 Theme and Task Based Learning Model - TTL

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

Thinking Skills are come to through creating testing subjective exercises as per Bloom's scientific classification amendment [Brinton, D. 2007: 76] Then again, these exercises should center around the phonetic ability that is organized by the Task-based example (pre assignment, undertaking and dialect center). Keeping in mind the end goal to make a guide proposition considering the highlights of the TTL show, four imperative stages recommended by Met (1999) were utilized: (1) choosing content, (2) deciding dialect results, (3) evaluation and (4) planning qualified instructors.


The substance focused direction permits to center around fascinating subjects for students and it offers the advancement of testing psychological activities which wind up fundamental for any perusing cognizance movement. Then again, the errands let build up important exercises where the students embrace the writings as significant wellspring of arranging sense. Therefore, the investigation of the outcomes about the present circumstance in the English program demonstrates the requirement for executing intriguing proposition that upgrade testing subjective procedures in understudies. The lesson arranging introduced for the usage demonstrates the huge relationship that could exist amongst substance and dialect. Along these lines, understudies' needs and intrigue assume an essential part in the accomplishment of the results. This emotional factor is crucial for the proposition due the effect that drawing in and rousing exercises have in dialect learning forms. The dialect results likewise speak to a critical change of the present syllabus of the course that don't present indispensable results, yet simply segregated semantic angles.


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International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

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