Научная статья на тему 'Ie *ghw in Germanic. A supplement to Verner’s law'

Ie *ghw in Germanic. A supplement to Verner’s law Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Witczak Krzysztof Tomasz

Two regular reflexes of IE. *gh  in Proto-Germanic ( *w and *g ) can be explained by the place of the Indo-European accent, e.g. Gmc. *garmaz m.‘fire dog’ (

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ie *ghw in Germanic. A supplement to Verner’s law»

IE. *gh¥ in GERMANIC.


Резюме: В статье рассматриваются два разных отражения индоевропейского лабиовелярного *ghw в древнегерманском, которые могут быть обусловлены местом индоевропейского и древнегерманского ударения в слове. Выявленная закономерность соотносится с известным в индоевропеистике законом Вернера.

Ключевые слова: Germanic reflexes of the labiovelar *ghw, Indo-European accent, Proto-Germanic, Verner’s Law.

I. Introduction.

As far as I know, there occur three reflexes of IE. *k in the Germanic languages1:

[1] IE. *k > Gmc. *hw in the initial position and medially after the stress, e.g. Gmc. *hwalaz m. ‘a big fish; whale’ > ON. hvalr, Icel. hvalur, OE. hwjl, E. whale, OHG. (h)wal m. ‘Walfisch’, walira f. ‘Wels’, late MHG. wels (s-stem) ‘id.’ (cf. Sevilla Rodriguez 1989: 177-180; Kluge, Seebold 1999: 872); IE. *ekwos m. (cf. Skt. asvah) ‘horse’ > Gmc. *Shwaz m. ‘id.’ > Goth. aiha-, OSax. ehu-, OE. eoh, ON. jor ‘horse’ (de Vries 1977: 293; Lehmann 1986: 15, 100; Blazek 1999: 23).

[2] IE. *k > Gmc. *gw > *w or *g in the medial position before accent, e.g. Gmc. *tegwaz ‘slave’ > Goth. piwos m. pl. ‘slaves’, ON. pewaR ‘Lehnsmann’, cf. OInd. takva- adj. ‘quick’ (Lubotsky 1988: 95); Gmc. *wulgwiz f. ‘she-wolf’ > ON. ylgr f. ‘id.’ (de Vries 1977: 677), cf. Skt. vrkfh f. ‘she-wolf, female jackal’.

1 Abbreviations used: adj. - adjective, cf. = confer (compare), e.g. - exempli gratia, f. - feminine, id. - idem, m. - masculine, n. - neuter; No. - number, pl. -plural, PN - personal name, Sect. - section.

Languages: Att. - Attic (Greek), Dan. - Danish, Far. - Faroese, G. - German, Gk. - Greek, Gmc. - Germanic, Goth. - Gothic, Gk. - Greek, E. - English, Icel. - Icelandic, IE. - Indo-European, Lat. - Latin, MHG. - Middle High German, MLG. - Middle Low German, Norw. - Norwegian, OE. - Old English, OFris. -Old Frisian, OHG. - Old High German, OIcel. - Old Icelandic, OInd. - Old Indic, OIr. - Old Irish, ON. - Old Nordic, OSax. - Old Saxon, OSwed. - Old Swedish, PSl. - Proto-Slavic, Russ. - Russian, Skt. - Sanskrit, Swed. -Swedish, Toch. A - Tocharian A or Kuchean.

[3] IE. *k > Gmc. *f in some irregular cases, e.g. Gmc. *fmfi ‘five’ beside Skt. panca ‘5’, Gk. Att. pevte ‘id.’ (< IE. *pSnk:e), *fimftaz ‘fifth’ beside Gk. pemptoj ‘id.’ (< IE. *penkutos), *wUlfaz m. ‘wolf’ beside Skt. vrkah ‘id.’ (< IE. *ulkuos).

о • v о /

It is possible to demonstrate that these three reflexes can be attested in one and the same word, cf. IE. *ukvnos m. ‘oven’ > [1] *Uhwnaz (Goth. auhns), [2] *ugwnaz (OSwed. oghn) and [3] *Ufnaz m. ‘id.’ (On. ofn, OE. ofen, OHG. ofan) (Зализняк 1964: 226, No. 39.7).

Ernst Seebold (1967; 1980) finds, by analogy, three continuations of IE. *gh in Common Germanic: *g- (e.g. *gUnpio f. ‘fight’), *w- (e.g. *warmaz adj. ‘warm’) and *b- (e.g. *bedjan ‘bitten’, as if from IE. *ghvedh- ‘bitten, begehren’)2. If *b-, as well as *f-, is the result of an irregular development, then the regular distribution of the reflexes *g-/*w- (both from IE. *gh) should be explained by analogy to the continuation of IE. *k. The alternation between West Germanic *baumaz m. ‘tree, trunk’ (OE. beam, OSax. bom, OHG. boum) and North Germanic *bagmaz m. ‘id.’ (Goth. bagms, OIcel. badmr, OSved. bagn; Зализняк 1964: 226, No. 39.1), analogical to *Uhwnaz / *ugwnaz / *ufnaz, clearly demonstrates that this distribution must be connected most likely with the position of the Indo-European and Proto-Germanic stress.

In the following survey of the material I shall attempt to include those examples, for which a reconstruction with *gh seems reasonably well founded and which possess some accentually valuable equivalents in other Indo-European languages, especially in Sanskrit, Greek and Balto-Slavic.

2 Speirs (1978: 1) notes that “the reflexes of PIE *gh in Germanic are still a matter of controversy”. Ringe (2006: 105-116) adopts some Seebold’s solutions, stressing that he has “tried to use only relatively certain examples as evidence”. According to him, PIE. *ghv became Gmc. *b in the initial position, expect “when it had already been delabialized by a following *u”. However, examples for this development are rare and highly uncertain, as stressed by Polome (1987: 306-307) and Ringe (2006: 106). In my opinion, Gmc. *b- appears to represent an irregular reflex of IE. *ghu, as well as Gmc. *f (or *b) seems an unexpected continuation of IE. *F, see also MaKaeB (1962: 26). Most recently Johnsen (2007) has followed Seebold’s way of thinking, which seems unfruitable.

1. Reflexes of IE. *gh in the initial position.

In my opinion, there are only two different reflexes of IE. *gh in the initial position, namely Gmc. *g and *w. These two reflexes occur in some related pairs of the Germanic words, e.g. *garmaz m. ‘fire dog’ vs. *warmaz adj. ‘warm, hot’ (both from IE. *ghvormos), OIcel. gandr adj. ‘monster, magic’, also m. ‘wand’ vs. Dan. dial. vann, E. wand ‘magic staff’, Goth. wandus ‘rod, twig’, OIcel. vgndr m. ‘id.’ (from Gmc. *gandaz adj. ‘monster, magic’ next to Gmc. *wandaz / *wanduz m. ‘wand, magic staff’). Taking into account these Germanic facts Markey (1980: 287) suggested “an apparently arbitrary alternation of g-/w- as reflexes initially before a”. In my opinion, the observed alternation is not “arbitrary”, but it is caused by a regular continuation of the Proto-Germanic variation of the original Indo-European accent. Examples discussed below seem relevant both from the etymological point of view and the accentological one.

2. Evidence for IE. *gh > Gmc. *g.

2.1. Gmc. *garmaz m. ‘fire dog’ (cf. OIcel. garmr m. ‘hound of Hell, fire dog’, only in skaldic usage; Far. garmur ‘dog’, etc.) < IE. *ghvormos m. ‘the fiery one’ (whence ‘dog of hell’). This term seems to reflect an oppositional accentuation to the Germanic adjective *warmaz < IE. *ghuormos (see No. 3.1.). The same accento-logical opposition between a proper name and a corresponding appelative may be found in most Indo-European languages, e.g. Gk. PN FalSpo" vs. adjective faiSpO" ‘clear, brilliant’, Gk. PN Fpl£,og vs. adjective Фрг£,од ‘standing on end, bristling’.

2.2. Gmc. *gadja n. ‘Sinn’ (cf. OIcel. ged n. ‘mind, mood, spirits’, also ‘wits, disposition’, Norw. gjed, Dan. dial. gied; de Vries 1977: 159; Polome 1987: 305, 308) < IE. *ghvodhiom < IE. *ghvedh-‘bitten, begehren’ (Pokorny 1959: 488), cf. Greek под-од m. ‘longing after, yearning, fond desire, regret’. See also OIr. guide f. ‘prayer’ (< Celtic *godya) and Gk. epi-poGla f. ‘a longing after’ (< IE. *ghvodhiya with a retraction of the stress). An oppositional oxytone accent is seen in Gk. под^ f. ‘fond desire, longing, want’.

2.3. Gmc. *gelda n. ‘payment’ (cf. Goth. gild n. ‘tax’, OIcel. gjald n. ‘payment, recompense, punishment’; OE. gyld, gield ‘payment, service, substitute, sacrifice’; OFris. jeld ‘Kaufpreis’; OSax. geld n. ‘Vergeltung, Lohn’; OHG. gelt m. or n. ‘payment, reward, sacrifice’, G. Geld n.; Зализняк 1963: 140, No. 4.24; Lehmann 1986: 155; Kluge-Seebold 1999: 309) < IE. *ghveldh-o-m n.

‘payment’ (see Pokorny 1959: 436), cf. Gk. zeXftoq n. (es-stem) ‘debt, payment due’ (< *dsXdoq and IE. *ghveldh-os- n.).

2.4. Gmc. *gunpiz f. ‘fight, combat’ (cf. OIcel. gunnr, gudr f. ‘fight, killing’, OE. gud ‘combat’, OHG. gund-fano ‘battle-flag’; de Vries 1977: 195; Polome 1987: 308; Ringe 2006: 92) < IE. *ghuntis f. (i-stem) ‘fight, killing’, cf. Lith. gintis f. ‘defence, fighting’ (2 AP appears in dialects, 4 AP in the literary Lithuanian). A Sanskrit equivalent is attested with no stress: hatih f. (i-stem) ‘striking, a stroke or blow; killing, destroying, destruction’ (Monier-Williams 1999: 1287), though Pokorny (1959 492) under the heading *ghven-‘schlagen’ gives a form with the oxytone stress hati'h f. ‘das Schlagen, Schlag, Multiplikation’. The oxytone stress is firmly reconstructed after the Germanic data (the preservation of *p after stress according to Verner’s law).

2.5. Gmc. *gunpjo f. ‘fight’ (cf. OSax. gudea f. ‘Kampf, Schlacht’; de Vries 1977: 195) < IE. *ghvntia f. (a-stem), cf. OLit. gincia f. ‘defence’, Lith. dial. gincia f. ‘Streit’ (Pokorny 1959: 498); Skt. hatya- f. ‘killing, slaying, slaughter’ (Monier-Williams 1999: 1287)3. The original oxytonesis can be reconstructed on the basis of the Germanic lexical material.

3. Possible evidence for IE. *gh > Gmc. *w.

3.1. Gmc. *warmaz adj. ‘warm’ (cf. OIcel. varmr adj. ‘warm’, Norw., Swed. and Dan. varm, OE. wearm, E. warm; OSax. warm, OHG. and G. warm ‘id.’; de Vries 1977: 646) < IE. *ghuormos adj. ‘hot, warm’, cf. Skt. gharmah m. ‘glot, heat’ (Lubotsky 1988: 89), Pashto yarma f. ‘noon, heat of the sun’, also ‘sun’ in some dialects (^w6o 1974: 81, 83; Morgenstierne 2003: 32); Greek dep^oq adj. ‘hot, warm’, dep^ov n. ‘heat’, dep^a n. pl. o-stem ‘hot baths’ (< IE. *ghvermos adj. ‘hot, warm’ < IE. *ghver- ‘to warm’). Other related terms (e.g. Lat. formus adj. ‘warm, hot’, Toch. B sarme ‘id.’) are accentologically irrelevant.

3.2. Gmc. *wada n. ‘ford’ (cf. OIcel. vad n. ‘ford, a shallow place in water’, Norw., Swed., Dan. wad; OE. wwd ‘water, sea’; OHG. wat ‘ford’; de Vries 1977: 637) < IE. *ghu‘dhom n. ‘ford’, cf.

3 Pokorny (1959: 492) gives the accented form hatya (spat!) ‘Totung’, which is not attested in the literary sources. See also Lubotsky (1988). However, Seebold (1967: 105) refers to the Vedic compound musti-hatya f. ‘Faustkampf’.

Skt. gadham n. ‘ford, shoal’. See also Lat. vadum n. ‘shallow, shoal, ford’.

3.3. Gmc. *wahsaz adj. ‘pointed’ (cf. OHG. wahs adj. ‘scharf, spitzig’) < IE. *ghroksos or *ghuoksos adj. ‘id.’, cf. Greek фо£,од adj. ‘pointed, peaked in head’ (so Seebold 1967: 111, 1980: 473-474 after Fick 1891: 348). All the Greek (and Indo-European) adjectives ending with -so- show the oxytone stress, e.g. Gk. ка^уод adj. ‘crooked, bent’, фрг^од adj. ‘standing on end, bristling’ (Chantraine 1968-1977: 1221-1222).

3.4. Gmc. *wiba n. ‘woman, wife’ (cf. OIcel. vif n. ‘woman, weif, lady’; OE. wf, E. wife; OSax. wf; OHG. wib, G. Weib n.; Зализняк 1963: 145, No. 4.78; de Vries 1977: 661; Kluge-Seebold 1999: 879) < IE. *ghuipom n. ‘shame’, cf. Toch. A kip, B kwipe ‘shame, pudenda’ (Hilmarsson 1996: 208-211). The original oxytone accent is confirmed by Verner’s law (IE. *p > Gmc. *b before stress).

3.5. Gmc. *wambo f. ‘belly’ (cf. Goth. wamba f. ‘womb, belly’; OIcel. vgmb; OE. wamb, E. womb; OFris., MLG. wamme; OHG. wambo; G. dial. Wamme, Wampe; Зализняк 1963: 148, No. 7.19; Seebold 1980: 470-471; Lehmann 1986: 393; Kluge-Seebold 1999: 874) < IE. *ghrombha f. ‘belly, womb, vulva’, cf. Skt. gabhah m. ‘vulva’ (Monier-Williams 1999: 346), as if from IE. *ghvmbhos m. ‘id.’.

Further examples for the development of IE. *ghv- to Gmc. *w-are disputable etymologically and uncertain accentologically. Gmc. *w6piaz adj. ‘pleasant, sweet’ (Goth. dauns wopi ‘sweet smell’, OE. wide adj. ‘sweet, pleasant’, OHG. wuodi adj. ‘sweet, mild’, OIcel. Sdri ‘better’; Seebold 1967: 110, Polome 1987: 309) appears to be related to the Greek gloss frotiov • pposfilej, (‘pleasant, sweat’), which is attested in the Hesychian glossary (VI cent. AD). The gloss in question is given without ethnic reference, thus it is uncertain whether initial f- represents a dialectal rendering of the Greek digamma (like in Pamphylian) or a regular Greek reflex of IE. *bh or perhaps IE. *ghr. Theoretically, the suggested Greek-Germanic isogloss, which seems unpeccable from the semantic and accentual point of view, could derive from IE. *ghv6tiios or *ghu6tiios, but I would prefer a reading of the letter f- as a Pamphylian rendering of Common Greek *#- (cf. Gk. Pamph. flkati ‘twenty’ < Gk. *#1каи < IE. _ *uikmti ‘20’). In this case an alternative derivation from IE. *u6tios adj. ‘pleasant, sweat’ is highly probable, whereas a root connection with OInd. (RV) vamah adj.

‘lovely, dear, pleasant, agreeable, fair, beautiful, splendid, noble’ (as if from IE. *ud-mo-s) cannot be excluded (cf. de Vries 1977: 684).

4. Possible evidence for -ghu- > Gmc. -g-.

4.1. Gmc. *dagaz m. ‘day’ (cf. Goth. dags, OIcel. dagr, E. day, OSax. dag, OHG. tag, G. Tag ‘day’; Зализняк 1963: 130, No. 1.12; de Vries 1977: 71-72; Lehmann 1986: 86) < IE. *dhoghvos m. ‘hot weather’, cf. Lith. dagas m. ‘heat of day, harvest’ 4 AP (Illich-Svitych 1979: 30, Sect. 10), Skt. ni-daghah m. ‘heat, warmth; the hot season (May and June), summer; internal heat’ (Monier-Williams 1999: 548). The Indo-European appellative is a derivative from the root *dheghv- ‘to burn, to warm’ (Pokorny 1959: 240; Watkins 1970: 1512).

4.2. Gmc. *sangaz m. (o-stem) ‘song’ (cf. OIcel. sQngr m. ‘song, music, melody, priest’s poem’, OE. sang, E. song, OSax. sang, OHG. sang, cf. Gothic saggws m. i-stem ‘Gesang’; Зализняк 1964: 188, No. 26.26; de Vries 1977: 578) < IE. *songhuos m. ‘voice, sound, song’, cf. Greek 6ф» f. ‘voice, sound’ (< IE. *songhva f. ‘id.’).

4.3. Gmc. *angaz m. (o-stem) ‘smell’ (cf. OIcel. angr m. ‘Duft, Geruch’; de Vries 1977: 10) < IE. *onghuos, cf. Gk. dial. 6ф» f. ‘smell’ (< IE. *onghua f. ‘id.’). The same root *onghu- may be found in Common Slavic *Qchb m. ‘smell’ (cf. Pol. wqch ‘sense of smell’) (< *onghv-so-) and *Qchati vb. ‘to smell’ (cf. Pol. wqchac ‘to smell’) (an extension on -s- from the Indo-European root *onghr-).

4.4. Gmc. *wagjaz m. ‘wedge’ (OIcel. veggr m. ‘Keil’; OE. wecg, E. wedge; OSax. veggi, OHG weggi, wecki m. ‘wedge’; Зализняк 1964: 214, No. 31.14; Seebold 1967: 128-129; de Vries 1977: 650) < IE. *uoghuios, cf. Lith. vagis m. ‘wedge’ (4 AP in the dialects, but a secondary 2 AP occurs in the standard language), Latvian vadzis m. ‘wedge’ (Fraenkel 1962-1965: 1179). The nominal root *ueghv- ~ *uoghu- is attested in Greek (Hesychian) 6fvlj f. ‘ploughshare; plough’ (< IE. *uogh-n(-s), Lat. vomer n. (es-stem) ‘ploughshare’ and perhaps in Old Irish fecc ‘tooth’ (as if from Celtic *vegna f. and IE. *ueghv-na-).

4.5. Gmc. *tungon f. (n-stem) ‘tongue’ (Goth. tuggo, OIcel. tunga, OE. tunge, E. tongue, OSax. tunga, OHG. zunga, G. Zunge f. ‘tongue’; Зализняк 1963: 156, No. 14.15) < PGmc. *tungwo f. (o stem, remodelled later as an on-stem) < IE. *dnghua f. ‘tongue’ (Ringe 2006: 81, 90-91). The oxytonesis is confirmed by OInd. jihva f. ‘tongue’ (Monier-Williams 1999: 422; Lubotsky 1988: 103). Other

related terms (e.g. OLat. dingua, Lat. lingua f. ‘tongue’, Avest. hizu-and hizuva- f. ‘id.’) are accentologically irrelevant.

4.6. Gmc. *lungraz adj. ‘swift’ (cf. OSax. lungar ‘powerful’, OE. lungre adv. ‘quickly, soon’; Ringe 2006: 91, 92) < PIE. *hjlnghuros adj. ‘light (in weight)’, cf. Gk. elafpoj adj. ‘light, nimble’. All the adjectives which end with the suffix *-ro- demonstrate the oxytone stress.

5. Possible evidence for -ghu- > Gmc. -w-.

5.1. Gmc. *snaiwaz m. ‘snow’ (cf. Gothic snaiws, ON. snaer, OE. snaw, E. snow; OSax. sneo, OHG. sne(o), G. Schnee; Зализняк 1964: 189, No. 29.31) < IE. *snoighvos m. ‘snow’ (Ringe 2006: 107), cf. PSl. *snigb (gen. *sniga) AP a ‘snow’ (cf. Pol. snieg; SC. снёг, cHisa; Slovenian sneg; Russ. снег, cnSaa; Derksen 2008: 457);


Latv. sniegs, Lith. sniigas ‘snow’ 2 AP in a north-western Zemaitis dialect, but 4 AP (of secondary origin) is more usual in the dialects and in the standard language (Illich-Svitych 1979: 102, Sect. 44).

5.2. Gmc. *sarwaz m. ‘roach, Rutilus rutilus L.’ (cf. OS wed. sarv, Swed. sarv, sarf) < IE. *sorghros m. ‘a kind of fish’, cf. Greek (Herodian) opfoj m. ‘a sea-fish’. See also Russ. сорога f. ‘roach’ (< PSl. *sorga f. and IE. *sorghva f. ‘a kind of fish’).

5.3. Gmc. *rawiz- n. (es-stem) ‘reed’ and *rawizaz m. (secondary o-stem) ‘id.’ (cf. Goth. raus n., ON. reyr n., OHG. ror n., MLG ror; also ON. reyrr m. a-stem ‘reed’, OHG. rorra f. jo-stem ‘id.’; de Vries 1977: 443, Lehmann 1986: 282) < PIE. *hsrdghves- n. (es-stem) ‘reed’, cf. Gk. opofoj n. (es-stem) ‘reed used for thatching houses’ (< *0p0f0j). A related form is seen in Slavic *rogozjb ‘reed’ (< IE. *H3roghr-).

5.4. Gmc. *newran- n. or m. (n-stem) ‘kidney’ (OIcel. nyra n., OSwed. niure, ME. nere, MLG. nere, OHG. nioro m.; Зализняк 1964: 217, No. 32.21; Seebold 1967: 117; de Vries 1977: 413) < IE. *rnghvron- (Pokorny 1959: 318), cf. Praeneste Latin nefrones m. pl., Lanuvian nebrundines ‘kidneys’ (Muller 1926: 285-286). The n-stem neuters are always barytone both in Sanskrit and Greek (Lubotsky 1988: 108, 147; Risch 1974: 59-62). Thus by an accento-logical analogy the Germanic appelative neuran- (representing a neuter, cf. OIcel. nyra n. ‘kidney’) had to possess originally the barytone stress (IE. *mghvron-). The o-stem appelative, attested in Gk. Увфрод m. ‘kidney’, usually in pl. ‘kidneys’ (< IE. *neghurds), presents an oppositional accentuation.

At present I can find only these 20 items. For other, but accentually or etymologically irrelevant, examples, see Seebold (1967: 105-130; 1980: 450-484) and Polome (1987: 303-310).

On the basis of the above-mentioned lexical material it should be concluded that the initial IE. *ghr- yields Gmc. *g- in the position before accent, *w- elsewhere. In the medial position the continuants of IE. *ghr show the same distribution (i.e. -g- before accent, -w-elsewhere).

The development of IE. *gh appear to be analogous to the development of the Indo-European voiceless consonants in Germanic (e.g. IE. *k yields Gmc. *h initially, but both *h and *g in the intervocal position). The last process is explained by the so called Verner’s law (see Collinge 1985: 203-216). It seems highly probable that the double reflexes of IE. *ghr were caused by a phonological rule similar to Verner’s law (G. das Vernersche Gesetz).

6. Conclusions.

The above analysis of the Germanic lexical material shows clearly that the double representation of IE. *ghr in Proto-Germanic is determined by position of the Indo-European and Proto-Germanic stress. Generally, if one compares the Germanic forms and their Indo-European prototypes from the view-point of Indo-European accentuation, it is easy to prove that IE. *ghr is reflected as Gmc. *g before stress (see No. 2.1-5; 4.1-6) and Gmc. *w elsewhere (see No. 3.1-5; 5.1-4).


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K. T. Witczak. IE *ghw in Germanic. A Supplement to Verner’s Law

Two regular reflexes of IE. *ghv in Proto-Germanic (*w and *g) can be explained by the place of the Indo-European accent, e.g. Gmc. *garmaz m. ‘fire dog’ (< IE. *ghuormos) vs. Gmc. *warmaz adj. ‘warm, hot’ (< IE. *gh¥ormos); Gmc. *dagaz m. ‘day’ (< IE. *dhoghvos) vs. Gmc. *snaiwaz m. ‘snow’ (< *snoighvos m. ‘snow’). The double distribution of IE. *ghv in Proto-Germanic, which is motivated by the primitive accent, can be described as a rule similar to das Vernersche Gesetz.

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