Научная статья на тему 'Идеальный парк'

Идеальный парк Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
парк / сад / благоустройство / природа / park / garden / landscaping / nature

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Ушанова Надежда Петровна, Тимошенко Анна Дмитриевна, Лашкова Светлана Ивановна

В статье рассматривается тема создания городских парков. Большое внимание уделяется тому, как изменяется внешний вид городов с появлением сада. Актуальность обращения к теме «Идеальный парк» связана с многочисленными планами по строительству садов в России. Основной идеей статьи показать возможность создания парков, способных обеспечить качественными и комфортными рекреационными зонами. Статья содержит краткий теоретический материал по истории ландшафтного озеленения. Приведены примеры существующих парков. Определены проблемы садово-паркового и ландшафтного строительства. Представлены результаты анализа анкетирования «Мой идеальный парк». Сделан вывод о важности формирования природных и антропогенных объектов в городской среде. Наличие парков способствуют развитию города. Результат работы может быть использован в качестве практического материала при проектировании городских парков.

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The perfect park

The topic of creating urban parks is discussed in the article. Much attention is paid to how cities change with the appearance of the garden. The relevance of the appeal to the topic "The perfect park" is associated with numerous plans for the construction of gardens in Russia. The main idea of the article is to show the possibility of creating parks that can provide high-quality and comfortable recreational areas. The article contains a brief theoretical material on the history of landscape gardening. Examples of existing parks are given. The problems of landscape gardening and landscape construction are identified. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire "My ideal park" are presented. The conclusion is made about the importance of the formation of natural and anthropogenic objects in the urban environment. The presence of parks contributes to the development of the city. The result of the work can be used as a practical material in the design of urban parks.

Текст научной работы на тему «Идеальный парк»

Идеальный парк


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Ушанова Надежда Петровна

старший преподаватель кафедры ИМА и ПК? НИУ МГСУ, nadezhdaushanova@gmail.com,

Тимошенко Анна Дмитриевна

студентка НИУ МГСУ, annatimosheHKo004@gmail.com,

Лашкова Светлана Ивановна

студентка НИУ МГСУ, lashkovasvetlana2004@gmail.com

В статье рассматривается тема создания городских парков. Большое внимание уделяется тому, как изменяется внешний вид городов с появлением сада. Актуальность обращения к теме «Идеальный парк» связана с многочисленными планами по строительству садов в России. Основной идеей статьи - показать возможность создания парков, способных обеспечить качественными и комфортными рекреационными зонами. Статья содержит краткий теоретический материал по истории ландшафтного озеленения. Приведены примеры существующих парков. Определены проблемы садово-паркового и ландшафтного строительства. Представлены результаты анализа анкетирования «Мой идеальный парк». Сделан вывод о важности формирования природных и антропогенных объектов в городской среде. Наличие парков способствуют развитию города. Результат работы может быть использован в качестве практического материала при проектировании городских парков.

Ключевые слова: парк, сад, благоустройство, природа.

It was Aristotle who believed that a city should be built in such a way as to ensure people's safety and at the same time make them happy. Now we can not imagine our life without a park in a city or a town.

Park is a plot of land with natural or specially planted vegetation, equipped with roads, alleys, reservoirs. The appearance of gardens and parks is connected not only with such reasons as to get a harvest from fruit trees, to take shelter from the sun, but also with the spiritual needs of people, since the primeval era. In Ancient Egypt, there were gardens in temple complexes and private gardens of the pharaohs. In ancient Mesopotamia, one of the seven wonders of the world was created - the hanging Gardens of Semiramis for Princess Amitis, who missed the green mountains and forests. In ancient India, public parks with baths in different places of Ramayana were first mentioned. Landscapes always were appreciated in Russia. People did not distinguish themselves from nature During paganism. They imagined that only the primordial nature is sinless, arranged by God himself. In addition, there were sacred groves and special natural objects in the parks. For example, in Ancient China, the Sacred trinity of trees, stones and water became an obligatory component of gardens and parks. Interestingly, when creating garden and park ensembles, both basic principles of garden art have already been used: regular (geometric) and landscape (imitating a natural landscape). Initially, gardens and parks were a bright attraction, they were objects of prestige and pride. Over time, they became more and more important and important, they increased in size, they had areas for recreation, eating, entertainment, attracted by their diversity. One more significant detail can be recalled that those who planted gardens provided for a reminder to great-grandchildren about their ancestors.

Now it should be noted that we can see faceless urban development very often, ignoring the laws of composition, rhythm, the appearance of identical, boring and uncomfortable multistoried buildings form an uncomfortable environment not only by its functional qualities, but also by the negative impact on the human nervous system.

An example is the Prout-Igou district (USA). It did not provide the necessary connection of man with nature, limited all human needs, except the most necessary ones. This caused a sharp increase in the crime rate and the number of acts of aggression. As a result, the authorities decided to demolish these buildings.

Thus, ignoring all other laws in their development, except economic ones, people violated the ecological uniqueness of the natural environment, thereby causing medical problems (depression, nervous overload and stress). A person cannot cope with them only by medicinal methods. That is why the main purpose of urban landscaping is to create comfortable conditions that allow a person to take a break from busy city life and work. Vegetation, relief and reservoirs are not only landscape components, but also a natural, harmonious sphere of life that emotionally supports a person. Therefore, not only the very presence of a green area of a microdistrict of high-rise buildings, but also their successful spatial and compositional solution affect the physical and psychological health of the population.

Canadian urbanist Guillermo Penalosa believes that the city should have both large nature reserves and ordinary parks. It is

especially important to create small parks in the courtyards of residential buildings.

The idea that there should be one big central park in the city is outdated. The lack of space for a park within walking distance in conditions of dense development is not considered a problem: the park can be made on a car overpass as in South Korea.

Scientific and technological progress cannot occur without the development of the entire culture of society, without creating decent conditions for recreation, the entire grandiose program for the development of our society cannot be implemented. Therefore, a decisive improvement in the quality of design is an urgent task of park building practice in our country.

The main thing in the park is versatility, inclusion (inclusion of people with physical and mental disabilities in a full-fledged social life)! The park should be designed for different people: children, adults, athletes, the disabled, the elderly and those who just want to be alone with themselves.

The main factor of gardens is diversity. It is expressed, for example, in deviations from symmetry. The Russian art and architecture historian V. Ya. Kurbatov: wrote "...a strictly harmonious and strictly rational structure will certainly be both boring and lifeless." German art historian J. Winkleman wrote: "Mistakes in composition can be considered repetitions, geometric shapes and repetitive symmetry." The same structures can be in open places, where the eye can cover them at once, comparing them with each other, and judge them as a single work.

With all that, parks should be diverse — in their general nature and in changing corners in the park. D.S. Likhachev, the famous Russian scientist, said "Every walk in the park should be a small tourist trip." Walks should have some attractive goals (view platforms - on the river, on the sea, on the fields and forests surrounding the city; on sunsets, in general, on some distant spaces that give rest to the eyes and distract the walker from his daily worries). To maintain the visitor's interest during walks in landscape parks, the effect of surprise and novelty of impressions is created. The numerous bends of the path create the effect of a diverse space, the landscape changes at every turn. The location of unusual and beautiful landscape elements — stone, dry driftwood, plants, waterfall, lantern, etc. — allows the author of the project to spiritualize his work. The scientist-artist Mo Shilong wrote that there should be untouched nature around. The impression of a long-established landscape should be created.

The design of any landscape is clearly formulated by one idea, follows the law of linear perspective (the relationship of the apparent magnitude of the object and its remoteness), aerial perspective (the weakening of the clarity of the contour and coloring of objects as they are removed), the ratio of the depth of space between the plans (1:2:4), the magnitude of the angle of view of the object or landscape (the higher the object, the smaller the horizontal space clearly perceives the human eye), the color combination.

The main qualitative indicators of parks are their livability (the quality of green urban spaces), efficiency (the maximum thoughtful investment of funds both for its creation and for its maintenance), accessibility (the ability of a person to visit the cultural landscape of interest, and not only to get to it in a certain period of time, but also to be among an interesting environmental environment all this is the time).

The main planning element of a quiet recreation area should be a shaded walking route connecting all areas of the park, with periodic disclosure of interesting landscapes of the park and prospects for the city and the surrounding area - relief, water surfaces, if such an opportunity exists. The green spaces of the park should be created according to the principle of biological compatibility of the growth of trees and shrubs, from which biologically stable plantings are created. The range of rocks used

in the green spaces of the park should be rich enough, if possible, to cover the entire recommended composition of rocks for a particular climatic zone.

According to the investigation of many scientists, the park should have:

o Infrastructure for people with disabilities and modern toilets.

o Separated paths (for pedestrians and cyclists), where you can walk and ride in any weather, at any time of the day (paths should be cleared of snow in winter, leaves in autumn, well lit), as people should be able to play sports. Walking, cycling, scooter, etc. - exercises useful for health.

o Light. It is necessary for people to feel safe. Artificial lighting (not necessarily lampposts - light bulbs can be mounted in walls or covering paths) emphasizes individual architectural solutions, makes it possible to admire the beauty of nature not only during the day, but also after sunset.

o Benches. So that both elderly and young people can relax. o Stands with a map of the park so that people can navigate. o Urns to keep the park clean.

o Areas with trimmed grass (they give an opportunity to sit, relax, have a picnic), open glades (vast meadow spaces are used for mass folk festivals) and woodlands (shady and cool forests give a person a sense of harmony, peace and strength, power and stability).

o Cleaning of the territory, decoration of trees and shrubs, cleaning of reservoirs.

o Fountains, complex multi-level cascades (in the presence of a significant difference in the height of the terrain and large water sources), decorative pools. They create the movement of sculptural groups with spray jets, emotionally affect the viewer, help him find peace and tranquility. The significant aesthetic role of reservoirs, the refreshing effect of water, colorful reflections on the changing colors of the sky contribute to the fact that they become bright compositional centers on the main sites and intersections of roads. Moreover, parks should have drinking fountains that serve to quench the thirst of visitors. (The materials used in their design play an important role in the perception of pools, fountains, cascades and other water bodies. They must be resistant to water and have high decorative qualities: granite, marble, bronze, cast iron).

o Museums. It is the culture of the people! They represent history. Without knowing the history, it will be difficult to imagine the future!

Since ancient times, the park has been an attempt to create an ideal world of human relations with nature. The Garden is a special book, an analogue of the Bible: it reflects the world only in its kind and ideal essence. Therefore, the garden represents paradise on earth. The park can be "read", and therefore the main activity in it is reading books. Bookshelves should be installed in the park (bookcrossing). People will make many readers much happier bringing their read books to the site.

Many poets devoted a lot of space to gardens and parks in their poetry — the famous Russian poet A. A. Akhmatova also associated the garden with Eden — a place of happy creativity. Everything seems to me Pavlovsk hilly, Round pond, inanimate water, The most languid and the most shady, After all, you will never forget him. How will you enter the cast-iron gates, A blissful tremor will touch the body, You don't live, but you rejoice and rave Or you live in a completely different way. ("I see everything...", 1915)

Dante's earthly paradise acts on various human feelings. Paradise is not only a pleasure for the eyes, but also for hearing (birds singing, people, instrumental music), smell (the breath of a


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flower on a plant spreading in the air like waves of music, for example, violet, rose, wallflower) and high emotions.

Our investigation in this field prove point of view that a park is a certain place for any man. We have made a questionnaire in which participated children under 12 years old (2.1 percent), adolescents from 13 to 17 years old (18.3%), youth from 18 to 35 years old (60.4%), people from 36 to 50 years old (12.1%), adults from 51 up to 70 (6.3%), elderly from 71 to 90 years (0%), old from 91 (0.8%).

12 y.o and younger

13-17 y.o. ■■ 36-50 y.o. 51-70 y.o.

18-35 y.o. ^^m 91 y.o. and elder

It is obvious that preschoolers and younger schoolchildren want to see playgrounds in parks, teenagers - sports grounds, adults - quiet places to relax. Analysis of statistics showed that the majority of respondents are in the age category from 18 to 35 (namely 60.4 percent), in Russia this category of the population is considered youth.

The majority of respondents (namely 56.8%) support the theory that there should be a lot of accessible park areas in the city, there should be squares. This makes the appearance of the city more lively and pleasing to the eye. Statistics say that 45.1% believe that parks should be well lit, lights should be high and everything should be visible.

| We need squares

| We donl need squares

With regard to the components of the park, the top five most necessary "ingredients" in the opinion of people include benches, toilets, pedestrian paths, picnic lawns and bike paths. They are followed by a sports area, gazebos, a playground, food kiosks and security.

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One of the most unpopular answers were an ice rink, rental, hammocks, a fountain and a playground for pets. From which we conclude that now the perfect park should be convenient, accessible and should allow people to relax and escape from routine everyday life and the hustle and bustle.

Moscow as a megapolis and a multimillion-dollar city stands out among many capitals of the world by the amount of greenery. 500 parks purify the air of the city — you can relax in nature, go in for sports, walk among ancient manors, visit historical sites and modern expositions. One example of a beautiful park in Moscow is the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2028. Despite its age, it will give odds to many young public spaces with his creativity and regular updates. The renovation program is not limited only to residential buildings. We are transforming the infrastructure of the districts as a whole. About two thousand hectares of new parks, squares and courtyards will be landscaped under this program.

Our university also has a beautiful and modern park with walking areas and playgrounds. There students and lecturers can relax after a working day.

In conclusion, we would like to say that megacities as "engines of progress" affect the structural and functional transformation of space, innovations in all sectors of economic activity and the life of the population. With the growth of urbanization, the task of transition to an ecological development strategy that provides conditions for both the full-fledged life of people and for the existence of many species of plants and animals becomes more and more urgent. The tasks of landscape art have become more serious: first of all, the restoration of the biosphere.

Unfortunately, today in many cities uniform building of space with the same type of buildings is carried out. Upon completion of construction, certain consequences arise — a monotonous landscape, albeit at a modern level, deterioration of the quality of the environment (due to the cutting down of natural or previously planted green spaces and the destruction of quasi-natural complexes), etc. It must be remembered that the main friends of man remain the Sky, the Earth, Forest, Water. The need to communicate with nature is a biological need of people.

The harmony of nature in the works of landscape art is an ever-living source of health, joy and inspiration. A modern and well-thought-out urban park is the preservation of natural ecosystems. Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky said: "A beautiful landscape has a huge educational impact on the development of a young soul...". Their creation is an attempt to place the natural environment in the socio-cultural sphere.


1. Топорина В.А., Голубева Е.И., Король Т.О. Эколого-гео-графические аспекты исследования городского культурного ландшафта // Лесной вестник / Forestry Bulletin. - 2019. - Т. 23, № 5. - С. 71-78.

2. Потаев, Г.А. Научно-методические основы проектирования экологических парков = Scientific and methodological bases of designing ecological parks / Г.А. Потаев, В.В. Волкова // Архитектура: сборник научных трудов / редкол.: А.С. Сардаров (гл. ред.) [и др.]. — Минск: БНТУ, 2020. — Вып. 13. — С. 117124. — URL: https://rep.bntu.by/handle/data/88635 (дата обращения: 09.09.2023).

3. Жонузаков А.Э., Миразимова Г.У. Городские парки и некоторые вопросы ландшафтно-экологического аспекта // Academy. - 2020. - № 11 (62). - С. 78-81.

4. https://mirvu.ru/chem-otlichaetsja-park-ot-lesa/#:~:text=Парк%20-%20это%20участок%20земли%2C,гар-монировать%20с%20естественным%20рельефом%20местно-сти

5. https://studopedia.ru/19_88601_znachnie-sovremennoy-arhitekturi-v-sovremennih-usloviyah.html

6. https://travel.yandex.ru/journal/parki-moskvy/

The perfect park

Ushanova N.P., Timoshenko A.D., Lashkova S.I.

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) JEL classification: L61, L74, R53

The topic of creating urban parks is discussed in the article. Much attention is paid to how cities change with the appearance of the garden. The relevance of the appeal to the topic "The perfect park" is associated with numerous plans for the construction of gardens in Russia. The main idea of the article is to show the possibility of creating parks that can provide high-quality and comfortable recreational areas. The article contains a brief theoretical material on the history of landscape gardening. Examples of existing parks are given. The problems of landscape gardening and landscape construction are identified. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire "My ideal park" are presented. The conclusion is made about the importance of the formation of natural and anthropogenic objects in the urban environment. The presence of parks contributes to the development of the city. The result of the work can be used as a practical material in the design of urban parks. Keywords: park, garden, landscaping, nature. References

1. Toporina V.A., Golubeva E.I., Korol T.O. Ecological and geographical aspects of

the study of urban cultural landscape // Forestry Bulletin. - 2019. - T. 23, No. 5. -P. 71-78.

2. Potaev, G.A. Scientific and methodological bases of designing ecological parks /

G.A. Potaev, V.V. Volkova // Architecture: collection of scientific works / editorial board: A.S. Sardarov (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: BNTU, 2020. - Issue. 13. - pp. 117-124. — URL: https://rep.bntu.by/handle/data/88635 (date of access: 09.09.2023).

3. Zhonuzakov A.E., Mirazimova G.U. City parks and some issues of landscape-

ecological aspect // Academy. - 2020. - No. 11 (62). - pp. 78-81.

4. https://mirvu.ru/chem-otlichaetsja-park-ot-lesa/#:~:text=Park%20-%20is%20a plot

of%20land%2C, in harmony%20with%20natural%20relief%20terrain

5. https://studopedia.ru/19_88601_znachnie-sovremennoy-arhitekturi-v-sovremennih-usloviyah.html

6. https://travel.yandex.ru/journal/parki-moskvy/

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