Научная статья на тему 'Hemodynamic indices and heart electrical activity among young of taekwondo athletes of the Republic of Komi in different seasons'

Hemodynamic indices and heart electrical activity among young of taekwondo athletes of the Republic of Komi in different seasons Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
heart electrical activity / electrocardiogram / heart rate (HR) / blood pressure / taekwondo athletes

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Sheveleva E. S., Panteleeva N. I., Roshchevskaya I. M.

Heart electrical activity and the indices of system hemodynamics among 9-12 year-old taekwondo athletes, who live in different climate zones of the Republic of Komi (62° и 67° с. ш.), during spring-summer and winter periods in terms of rehabilitation after submaximal physical load was studied. Young taekwondo athletes of subarctic climate zone, in comparison with sportsmen, who live in temperate climate, have less favorable dynamics reaction of cardiovascular system to physical load during winter, than during spring-summer period. Material. Studying young taekwondo athletes’ (Syktyvkar and Vorkuta) cardiovascular system reaction to physical load in least and most favorable seasons. Research methods: electrocardiography and blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) monitoring during bicycle ergometry. Result. The highest systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)indices among taekwondo athletes from Varkuta were revealed during spring-summer period in comparison with the same indices of sportsmen from Syktyvkar. Step-by-step increasing load showed the difference of heart electrical activity indices among young taekwondo athletes, who live in different climatic-geographical zones of the Republic of Komi. Conclusion. It is demonstrated that during spring-summer period hemodynamic reaction to bicycle ergometric functional test was more unfavorable among children of the arctic zone, than among children of the moderate-continental climate and it proves increased tension of compensatory mechanisms of an organism for homeostasis support in terms of extreme natural factors.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-207-213
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Текст научной работы на тему «Hemodynamic indices and heart electrical activity among young of taekwondo athletes of the Republic of Komi in different seasons»

Elistratov D.E.- Candidate of Biological Sciences, FGBOU VO "Kazan State Agrarian University", 422570, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, p. Upper Uslon, Dalnaya, house 31 square meters. 21, e-mail: kaf.fv.kgau@mail.ru

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-207-213



ShevelevaE.S.1, Panteleeva N.I.1, Roshchevskaya I.M.1'2

1 Federal State Budgetary Science Establishment Federal Research Center "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences ", Syktyvkar (FRC Komi SC UrD RAS) 2Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» Syktyvkar, the Republic of Komi


Annotation. Heart electrical activity and the indices of system hemodynamics among 9-12 year-old taekwondo athletes, who live in different climate zones of the Republic of Komi (62° u 67° c. m..), during spring-summer and winter periods in terms of rehabilitation after submaximal physical load was studied. Young taekwondo athletes of subarctic climate zone, in comparison with sportsmen, who live in temperate climate, have less favorable dynamics reaction of cardiovascular system to physical load during winter, than during spring-summer period. Material. Studying young taekwondo athletes' (Syktyvkar and Vorkuta) cardiovascular system reaction to physical load in least and most favorable seasons. Research methods: electrocardiography and blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) monitoring during bicycle ergometry. Result. The highest systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)indices among taekwondo athletes from Varkuta were revealed during spring-summer period in comparison with the same indices of sportsmen from Syktyvkar. Step-by-step increasing load showed the difference of heart electrical activity indices among young taekwondo athletes, who live in different climatic-geographical zones of the Republic of Komi. Conclusion. It is demonstrated that during spring-summer period hemodynamic reaction to bicycle ergometric functional test was more unfavorable among children of the arctic zone, than among children of the moderate-continental climate and it proves increased tension of compensatory mechanisms of an organism for homeostasis support in terms of extreme natural factors.

Keywords: heart electrical activity, electrocardiogram, heart rate (HR), blood pressure, taekwondo athletes.

For quotation: Sheveleva E.S., Panteleeva N.I., Roshchevskaya I.M. Hemodynamic indices and heart electrical activity among young taekwondo athletes of the Republic of Komi during different seasons. Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture And Sport. 2018; 13(3): 153-157. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-207-213.


Great extension of European North zone conditions the difference of natural and climatic factors (atmospheric pressure, low temperatures, the number of daylight hours,

electromagnetic and radiation background, wind load) in its separate regions, defines intensity of their influence on a person's organism, affecting, firs of all, chronologic-biological processes in an organism [1,2].

Extreme ecological influences produce additional unfavorable effects upon the organism of children, which is not only growing, but undergoes continuous anatomic and functional changes [3, 4]. Getting closer to North Pole the degree of unfavorable factors of environment increases and even the difference of three degrees of latitude towards North leads to considerable changes in teenagers' cardiorespiratory system work, it leads to anoxemia resistance decrease, rehabilitation slow down after physical loads [4]. However, it is considered that among young sportsmen, who live in the North, such kind of changes are less distinct, than among children, who don't go in for sport at all, as sports activity leads to heart work efficiency and blood pressure normalization, levels typical pubertal "prances" [5]. Morphological, structural and functional changes in heart of a growing organism influence myocardium electrical activity and its estimation is one of the most important aims of Age-specific Physiology.

The aim of the research is cardiovascular system reaction study to physical load among young taekwondo athletes, who live and train in terms of different climatic zones of the Republic of Komi during winter and spring-summer periods.

Materials and methods.

Cardiovascular system of 9-12 year-old young taekwondo athletes, who live in Syktyvkar (weight-39,8±2,6 kg, body length - 149±4 cm, n=22) and in Vorkuta (weight - 40,7±3,6 kg, body length - 146±3 cm, n=18) was studied. The training load was 4 trainings a week (duration 2 hours). The study had two stages: during winter and spring-summer period by mutual agreement of young athletes and their parents. In the initial state respondents' ECG was registered with the help of "Polispektr" ("Neyrosoft", Russia) electrocardiograph. Loading test was held at bicycle ergometer with step-by-step increasing (two stages:1 W/kg and 1,5 W/kg) physical load (PL). Rehabilitation period (RP) after each stage was 3 minutes.

During the whole study heart rate and BP (systolic blood pressure -SBP and diastolic blood pressure - DBP) were constantly registered with the help of OMRON iq-142 tonometer (OMRON, Japan). Since the first and till the third minute of RP ECG was registered in standard derivation from the extremities.

Shapiro-Wilk criterion calculation showed normal distribution of the received results, that is why differences analysis inside the group was held according to t-criterion for the connected samplings. In the article the results are presented in a form of arithmetic mean and standard deviation (M±SD). Statistically valid were the differences in case p<0.05.

Research results and their discussion

Dynamics of hemodynamic indices change and the speed of their recovery till the initial values PL influence characterizes functional state of cardiovascular system of athletes [6].

During winter in terms of warming-up and submaximal power load fulfillment and during RP the athletes from Vorkuta had statistically higher heart rate indices, than the athletes from Syktyvkar. In the initial state during the 5th minute of the first and the second rehabilitation taekwondo athletes from the moderate climatic zone had the following heart rate: 78±12 beats per minute, 124±11 beats per minute, 148±8 beats per minute; among arctic zone representatives these indices were the following: 88±11 beats per minute, 129±12 beats per minute, 160±6 beats per minute.

During spring-summer stage of the research HR increase among Far North taekwondo athletes during PL was more considerable, during after-load rehabilitation period the indices became initial among all athletes and didn't differ much between the groups. Young taekwondo athletes' (Vorkuta) HR at rest was 76±8 beats per minute, during warming-up load - 113±11 beats per minute and during submaximal loads - 149±7 beats per minute; children from Syktyvkar had the following results: 89±4 beats per minute,

125±12 beats per minute, 159±8 beats per minute.

Syktyvkar children's arterial blood pressure reaction to the load was of normotonic type during both seasons of the research, pressure increase during PL was mainly owing to SBP. DBP almost didn't change or it increased insignificantly, "endless tone" or its step-by-step, abrupt increase during RP wasn't revealed. During spring-summer period SBP and DBP among taekwondo athletes from Syktyvkar at rest was 100±4 and 69±4 millimeters of mercury, right after warming-up load they were 109±5 and 69±4 millimeters of mercury; after submaximal load -116±5 and 70±3 millimeters of mercury. In winter young athletes from Syktyvkar had insignificant arterial blood pressure increase: SBP and DBP at rest was 109±4 and 72±3 millimeters of mercury, after the first load - 121±6 and 76±4 millimeters of mercury, after submaximal load-127±6 and 74±3 millimeters of mercury.

Young athletes from Vorkuta in the initial state, right after the first and the second load, had statistically higher SBP and DBP, than children from moderate-continental climatic zone, which during spring-summer period were the following: 115±3 and 77±4 millimeters of mercury, 121±3 and 75±3 millimeters of mercury, 128±4 and 76±4 millimeters of mercury (p<0.05). In winter these indices were the following: 102±4 and 74±2 millimeters of mercury, 114±4 and 79±3 millimeters of mercury, 118±4 and 82±4 millimeters of mercury, characterizing less increase of pulse pressure in comparison with the athletes from Syktyvkar (p<0.05).

Pulse pressure increase during the load shows an adequate reaction of cardiovascular system to the fulfilled work. Increased SBP and DBP indices among taekwondo athletes from Vorkuta during spring-summer period in comparison with the athletes from Syktyvkar demonstrate more intensive work of regulatory mechanisms of

cardiohemodynamics. It is probably connected with a seasonable decrease of adaptive reserve among children from arctic

zone, when compensation abilities of an organism are maximum low [5].

During ECG analysis all examined young sportsmen in terms of bicycle ergometry had sinoatrial rate. During springsummer period the duration of P-wave at rest among all examined children was within age-related- gender norm [7] (138±25 and 154±29 ms among children from Syktyvkar and Vorkuta), during winter in comparison with spring period statistically valid P-wave duration decrease was revealed among the athletes from Vorkuta (123±17 ms). PQ interval duration during spring-summer period didn't differ significantly among children from Syktyvkar (168±27 ms) and Vorkuta (187±29 ms) in terms of intergroup comparison. In terms of the loading test during the 3rd minute of rehabilitation PQ interval among young athletes from Vorkuta during spring-summer period was considerably shorter, than among taekwondo athletes from Syktyvkar. A long term living in North latitudes leads to the upper air passages obstruction during the contact with frosty air, for people living in Far North it is typical to have hyperpnoe during cold weather and conditioned by it average pressure increase in pulmonary arteries, which is seen in ECG owing to P-wave morphology and PQ interval duration change [3]. Among examined by us athletes from Vorkuta we revealed the same dynamics of P-wave duration change.

The duration of heart ventricles depolarization (QRS interval) among young sportsmen was within the limits of physiological norm (till 100 ms) [7, 8] and didn't differ much at rest and during bicycle ergometry neither in seasonable dynamics of one latitude sportsmen, nor between the indices of taekwondo athletes of different climatic zones. Functional disorders of myocardium are reflected in ECG owing to QRS-complex duration increase during stress-influences [7, 8]. Stable duration of QRS interval among the examined children is a favorable characteristic of heart electrical activity during heart ventricles depolarization period.

QT interval duration among the examined athletes in the initial position was statistically valid different during winter and spring-summer period between the indices of children from Syktyvkar (401±12 ms and 404±16 ms) and Vorkuta (375±11ms and 377±7 ms, in winter and spring-summer period). Since the 1st till the 3rd minutes of rehabilitation after PL QT-interval duration decreased among the athletes from the compared groups, but no statistically significant intergroup differences during different seasons were revealed. QTc-interval duration at rest among young sportsmen from Syktyvkar was 426±9 ms in winter and 453±18 ms during spring-summer period. During spring-summer period the representatives of Vorkuta had the following indices: 450±12 ms in winter and 446±9 during spring-summer period. During the loading test since the 1st till the 3rd minutes of rehabilitation statistically valid difference of QT-interval was revealed between young representatives of different latitudes: among the athletes from Vorkuta during each minute of rehabilitation it was considerably longer. A normative border of QTc-interval value among children is considered 460 ms, this index excess during bicycle ergometry gives grounds for unfavorable sportsman's functional state, as QTc interval increase indirectly reflects arrhythmogenicity of myocardium ventricles sensibility recovery and the possibility of heart rate disorders increase [7]. Among examined by us young taekwondo athletes this index almost doesn't exceed the permitted border, which is a physiological norm.

According to electrical axis of heart (EAH) [9] 7-15 year-old children most of all have the following: alignment chart (more than 50% of children), semi-vertical electrical axis of heart (about 40%), dextrogram among 4% and horizontal EAH (5-10%). It is conditioned by anatomic-physiological peculiarities of heart and vessels growth among children of the second childhood [3]. During physical load fulfillment there is EAH shift to the right because of deeper respiratory movements and diaphragm lowering, which

happen as a result of hyperventilation. In the initial position sportsmen from Varkuta ans Syktyvkar had mainly semi-vertical EAH, during recovery there was EAH shift to the right only among taekwondo athletes from Vorkuta. It can be explained by more intensive reaction of respiratory system to stress among children of North altitudes, which was demonstrated earlier in our research works [10].

Conclusion. Cardiovascular system study during physical load fulfillment among young sportsmen, who live and train in different climatic-geographical zones of the Republic of Komi, revealed more unfavorable reaction among children of the arctic zone, than among children of the moderate-continental climate. Comparative analysis during contrast seasons showed that during after-load rehabilitation higher values of hemodynamic parameters and time characteristics of heart electrical activity among taekwondo athletes from Vorkuta prove organism compensatory mechanisms tension.


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Submitted: 22.06.2018 Author's information:

Sheveleva E.S. - Postgraduate, Associate Scientist, the Russian Academy of Sciences Ural Department Federal Research Center "Komi Scientific Center ", Federal State Budgetary Science Establishment Federal Research Center "Komi Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ural Department" (FRC Komi SC UrD RAS), 167982, Russia, Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Kommunisticheskaya str., House 24, e-mail: bdr13@,mailru

Panteleeva N.I. - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Research Scientist, the Russian Academy of Sciences Ural Department Federal Research Center "Komi Scientific Center", Federal State Budgetary Science Establishment Federal Research Center "Komi Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ural Department" (FRC Komi SC UrD RAS), 167982, Russia, Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Kommunisticheskaya str., House 24

Roshchevskaya I.M. - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» Syktyvkar, the Republic of Komi, E-mail: bdr13@mail.ru

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