GRAMMAR PROBLEMS DURING TRANSLATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
grammar / translation / paraphrasing / syntax / cocabulary / rules / omittion / tences / word constructions. / grammar / translation / paraphrasing / syntax / cocabulary / rules / omittion / tences / word constructions.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Inog‘Omjonova R.R.

Translation is the intricate process of converting text from one language to another, requiring a deep grasp of grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and cultural nuances. Among the foremost challenges faced by translators are grammatical complexities. This article critically examines common grammatical issues encountered in translation endeavors, presenting practical solutions aimed at overcoming these obstacles.

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Translation is the intricate process of converting text from one language to another, requiring a deep grasp of grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and cultural nuances. Among the foremost challenges faced by translators are grammatical complexities. This article critically examines common grammatical issues encountered in translation endeavors, presenting practical solutions aimed at overcoming these obstacles.

Текст научной работы на тему «GRAMMAR PROBLEMS DURING TRANSLATION»

Inog'omjonova R.R.



Annotation. Translation is the intricate process of converting text from one language to another, requiring a deep grasp of grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and cultural nuances. Among the foremost challenges faced by translators are grammatical complexities. This article critically examines common grammatical issues encountered in translation endeavors, presenting practical solutions aimed at overcoming these obstacles.

Key words: grammar, translation, paraphrasing, syntax, cocabulary, rules, omittion, tences, word constructions.

INTRODUCTION. Translation is an essential activity in today's globalized world. It is the process of converting a text from one language to another. It is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and cultural nuances. Translation is used in various fields like literature, business, law, medicine, and politics. One of the biggest challenges faced by translators is dealing with grammar problems. Inaccurate grammar can lead to a misinterpretation of the original text and create confusion among readers. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common grammar problems encountered during translation and provide solutions to overcome them. [1]

MATERIAL AND METHODS. The grammatical structure of a language is a general feature of its system. Elements of grammatical structure such as affixes, grammatical appendices and word formation, syntactic patterns, word order, auxiliary words, etc., serve to show the grammatical or formal meaning, the concrete form of lexical meanings. In the process of translation, expressing these meanings is a significant challenge, as the grammatical forms of different languages seldom correspond to their meanings and functions. As a rule, there is only partial equivalence, which means that grammatical meanings are expressed through grammatical forms, yet despite this, two languages may seem similar, only certain parts of their meanings correspond and similar meanings differ. For example, the category of number in nouns might seem to match in English, Russian, and Uzbek, but in reality, they do not correspond due to the very different applications of agreement markers. One problem is the impossibility of a precise translation. The meanings of words and grammatical structures in languages usually do not match. We can explain this through the word "logos". [2,3]

No single word in English can be an exact equivalent. It signifies speech, reasoning, discussion, content, and other meanings. The translator must choose the best equivalent in each situation. When explaining grammatical problems, we could cite tenses as an example. What is one present tense in most other languages

is two in English: the meaning of "Men boraman; Я иду" can be expressed in both forms "I go/I am going". Pronouns are also fraught with problems. [4] ANALYSIS AND RESULTS:

1. Word Order: One of the most significant issues in translation is the word order. Each language has a specific syntax, and the order of words in a sentence can significantly affect the meaning. For example, in English, the object usually comes after the verb, while in Uzbek, the object usually comes before the verb. Translators must be aware of these differences and rearrange the words to maintain the meaning the meaning of the original text.

2. Idioms: Idioms are expressions that have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the words. Idioms can be challenging to translate because they are unique to each language and culture. Translators must understand the cultural context of the original text to accurately translate idioms. For exampe, English idiom "to butter somebody up" should be translated as " kimgadir paxta qo'ymoq" in Uzbek. Below, soe English common idioms translated into Uzbek:

disappear into thin air = havoga uchmoq, ko'zdan g'oyib bo'lmoq

go with the flow = oqim bo'ylab harakatlanmoq

keep nose clean = burnini suqmaslik

kill with kindness = asalning ham ozi shirin

make light of situation = vaziyatni yengillashtirmoq

3. Translating gerund: The gerund does not have a regular analogue in Uzbek to the adverbial participle (harakat nomi). It is more similar to a verbal noun than an adverbial participle. The gerund can be rendered in the following ways:

• the noun: " A woman's idea of keeping a secret is refusing to tell who told it". - "Ayolning sir saqlash fikri, bu uni kim aytganini oshkor qilishni rad etish edi"

• the infinitive: "There's nothing more tragic in life than the utter impossibility of changing what you have done". - "Hayotda qilgan ishingizni o'zgartirishning mutlaqo mumkin emasligidan ko'ra fojialiroq narsa yo'q".

• the adverbial participle: "Learn to swim by swimming". - "Suzishni suzib o'rgan".

• the clause: "I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like being taught". (Churchill) - "Men o'qishga doim tayyorman, lekin o'rgatishlariga emas". The gerundial construction is always translated by the clause.

4. False Cognates: False cognates are words that look similar in two languages but have different meanings. For example, the word "non" in English means "without,"while in Uzbek, it means "bread." In addition, the word "family" is a false cognate with the Uzbek word " familiya". Translators must be aware of false cognates and ensure that they are not used in the translated text.

5. Prepositions: Prepositions are another grammar problem that can cause confusion in translation. For example, in English, we say "in the car," while in

Uzbek, we say "mashinada" or " mashina ichida " Translators must pay careful attention to the prepositions used in the original text and ensure that they are translated accurately in the target language. [5]

DISCUSSION. One of the methods of transformation is transposition, in which the order of language elements (units) in the text is changed. Normally, in translation, words, phrases, parts of sentences, and clauses in complex compound sentences often change their order. Transposition is a critical aspect of grammatical change and affects all types of linguistic units. The transposition of word forms and parts of speech is a distinctive feature, similar to the swapping of nouns formed from verbs in English that express actions. In English sentences, the subject is often replaced in Russian by secondary predicates and instrumental or temporal cases. For example: "I heard my mother go and close the door." In translation, changing the word order within a sentence and the order of phrases in the sentence structure is one of the most critical aspects of the translation process. It is known that the word order in sentences in English, Uzbek, and Russian languages is not the same, and this can be seen during the translation process. For example: "A suburban train was derailed near London last night" translates to "Вчера вечером вблизи Лондона сошел с рельса пригородный поезд" in Russian and to "Kecha kechqurun London yaqinida shahar atrofida yuradigan poyezd izidan chiqib ketdi." in Uzbek. [6,7]

The order of the 1,2,3,4 parts of the sentence—subject, predicate, temporal case, and locative case—is specified. The order of the components of sentences in Uzbek and Russian languages is opposite to the order of the components of sentences in the English language. Such phenomena are often encountered in translation and are explained by the differences in syntactic rules in various languages. The transposition of the main and subordinate clause in complex compound sentences differs in different languages. In English, the subordinate clause precedes the main clause. Sometimes, complex compound sentences in English are translated as compound sentences into another language. For example: "He took another look at my hat while he was cleaning them." translates to "Он их чистил, а сам смотрел на мою шапку." in Russian and to "U ularni tozalar edi, o'zi esa mening shapkamga qaradi." in Uzbek. [8]

Conclusion. There are various translation challenges in the translation industry, just as there are in any other profession; some are experienced by translators, others by clients, and some may be termed structural problems since they constitute a problem for translation itself. Language structural differences, cultural differences, compound words. In this essay, we will discuss both the major structural problems in translation and the major translation obstacles faced by translators, clients, and the industry as a whole. Although we cannot provide a solution to every single translation problem, we can assist you lessen their impact with some advice gleaned from experience.


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