Научная статья на тему 'Genetic potential and prospects for using of silkworm breeds, marked by sex at the egg stage'

Genetic potential and prospects for using of silkworm breeds, marked by sex at the egg stage Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Mirzakhodjaev Anvar, Mirzakhodjaev Baxtiar Anvarovich, Bazarov Rustam Kamilyevich

To obtain the maximum effect from the heterosis of the silkworm, it is necessary to achieve an accurate separation of breeding material into females and males in order to obtain pure hybrids. This is facilitated by the breed of silkworm, stored in the world collection of the Science research Institute of Sericulture, labeled by sex at the egg stage and accurate separation of the eggs by their color into females and males.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Genetic potential and prospects for using of silkworm breeds, marked by sex at the egg stage»


Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) #5(62), 2019

Таблица 2

Зависимость изменения физико-химических свойств растворов от состава в системе

¡72,()%)[41,53%iXC^NO3)2+Mg(NO3)2+58,47%>H2O|+2Q%>NH4NO3+ 8,0%KNO3}- NH2C2H4OH

№ Содержание компонентов, % t °С l-кр, С d, г/см3 ц, мм2/с рН

{72,0%[41,53%£Са(ШзЬ+ Mg(NOsb+ 58,47%H2O]+ 20%NH4NO3+8,0%KNOS} NH2C2H4OH

1 100 - -8,0 1,4550 3,65 1,22

2 99,78 0,22 -10,0 1,4580 3,68 1,24

3 99,45 0,55 -12,0 1,4542 3,69 1,60

4 90,04 0,96 -10.0 1,4536 3,70 2,03

5 98,33 1,67 -7,2 1,4520 3,72 2,97

6 97,7 2,30 -7,0 1,4508 3,78 4,10

7 96,97 3,03 -6,0 1,4484 4,08 6,13

8 96,75 3,25 -6,0 1,4478 4,28 7,0

9 96,46 3,54 -6,0 1,4468 4,41 7,23

10 96,24 3,76 -6,0 1,4459 4,46 7,30

Раствор, полученный после нейтрализации мо-ноэтаноламином имеет температуру кристаллизации -6,0°С, плотность 1,4478 г/см3 и вязкость 4,2800 мм2/с, рН=7 и содержит (масс. %): N=13,14, Ca=3,99, Mg=1,97, K20=3,64.

Данный раствор может быть рекомендован в качестве жидкого удобрения комплексного действия, содержащего одновременно такие питательные элементы как N, Ca, Mg и К2О. Использованная литература 1. Xia Yin, Dongdong Li, Yuqi Tan, Xiaoya Wu, Xiuli Yu, and Dewen Zend. Solubility phase diagram of the Ca(NO3)2-Mg(NO3)2-H2O system /Journal of Chemical engineering data 2014, 59 (12), pp 40264030

2. Трунин А.С., Петрова Д.Г. Визуально-политермический метод /Куйбышевский политехн. Инс-т. -Куйбышев.: 1977, 94 с. Деп. В ВИНИТИ №584-78.

3. Киргинцев А.Н., Трушникова Л.Н., Лаврентьева В.Г. Растворимость неорганических веществ в воде. Справочник. Изд-во «Химия», л. 1972, стр. 152-154.

4. Гиллер Я.Л. Таблицы межплоскостных расстояний. М.: Недра, 1966. -Т.2.-330 с.

5. Недома И. Расшифровка рентгенограмм порошков. -М.: Металлургия, 1975. -423с.

6. Ефимов А.И. и др. Свойства неорганических соединений. Справочник. - Л.: Химия, 1983. -392 с.

UDK 638.220.82_



Mirzakhodjaev Anvar

Philosopy doctor, Scientific Research Institute of Sericulture,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mirzakhodjaev Baxtiar Anvarovich Philosopy doctor, Scientific Research Institute of Sericulture,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Bazarov Rustam Kamilyevich doctoral candidate,

Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent.


To obtain the maximum effect from the heterosis of the silkworm, it is necessary to achieve an accurate separation of breeding material into females and males in order to obtain pure hybrids. This is facilitated by the breed of silkworm, stored in the world collection of the Science research Institute of Sericulture, labeled by sex at the egg stage and accurate separation of the eggs by their color into females and males.

Keywords: mulberry silkworm, world collection, breed, eggs of silkworm, color, heterosis, hybrid, females, males.


Sericulture around the world is based on the production of only first-generation hybrids for the manifestation of heterosis.

Heterosis effect is manifested mainly on the signs of two categories - viability and quantitative characteristics. High viability leads to increased resistance to diseases and extreme conditions, accelerated growth and development, fertility, as well as an increase in

Eepa3uucKuu COK>3 YneHbix (ECY) # 5 (62), 2019


many quantitative indicators, including those of economic importance. This is facilitated by a favorable combination of hybridization of polymer-active genes that control quantitative traits.

Unfortunately, on the way to obtain the maximum effect from the heterosis of the silkworm there are serious obstacles, in particular, the inability to obtain pure hybrids that are not clogged with parent material. The fact that the butterflies of the silkworm mate immediately after departure from the cocoons and thus produce pure-bred eggs of silkworm. To avoid mating within each breed, it is necessary to separate its females and males in advance, even before leaving the cocoons, to then cross the females of one breed with the males of another. Tens of millions of individuals are divided by sex. Meanwhile, the methods of separating breeding material by sex with pupose of hybridization are inaccurate or time consuming. For example, in Uzbekistan, the method of dividing cocoons by sex, based on the weight differences between the opposite sexes, due to the overlapping of the mass of females and males, makes it possible to distinguish less than half of the separated females and males from the batch of cocoons, and then with a large error in the group of each sex.

The analysis of industrial silkworm egg showed that it contains only 45-50% of hybrid eggs, while the rest of the eggs are the parent source breed [1].

Clogging of the hybrid silkworm egg with the original parent breeds so reduces the yield that further introduction of new hybrids becomes meaningless. However, the development and improvement of sericulture is unthinkable without the precise preparation of hybrid silkworm egg for industrial use. This can only

In table 1, together with the name of the silkworm breeds, the symbols of genes controlling a particular color of the serous shell of eggs are shown: W2 - light yellow, Wi-dark brown, W5 - brown.

As a control, the indicators of non-deterministic color of the classical breed Ipakchi-1 is one of the components of widely implemented in the Republic of industrial hybrid Ipakchi-1*Ipakchi-2

be achieved if the precise separation of elite material into groups of females and males. The problem can be solved by genetic methods, namely, the use of genetically modified, so-called, sex-labeled silkworm breeds in hybridization

In these breeds of silkworm, obtained in the Scientific Research Institute of Sericulture (SRIS), radiation method [2,3], was able artificially to mark genetic methods females and males of different well-distinguishable morphological features manifested in the early adult stage. Thanks to this, it is possible to separate the females from the males before the butterflies depart. Marking by sex was achieved by TRANS location on the sex chromosome plots of autosomes genes controlling the color of the silkworm eggs. In such breeds a butterfly lays eggs of two colors: dark and light. From dark eggs develop in the females, light males. Due to this, the sex is unmistakably recognized on the 2nd day after laying. Depending on which genome - W2, W3, W5, the breed is marked, the color of the eggs (males) can be light yellow (W2), brown (W5), dark brown (W3). An example of the use of such breeds can serve as a hybrid of Sovetskaya-13*Sovetskaya-14, a Sovetskaya-14* Sovetskaya-13, zoned in some regions of Uzbekistan.

Meanwhile, the presence in the world collection of silkworm SRIS (124 breeds) 12 ready-made determined by sex (labeled on by sex at the egg stage) breeds, provides the conditions for the creation of hybrids with 100% purity of the preparation of the silkworm eggs [4]. Their biological indicators are given in table 1.

Table 1

Materials and methods

Every year, the materials of the world collection of silkworm SRIS are reproduced by the traditional method of feeding white-window breeds [5] using the method of selection by motor activity [6] and the method of early revival of the silkworm eggs [7].

Despite the serious genetic changes in the genomes of the species under consideration, their main biological indicators are quite high (table.1): revival of eggs - from 85,0% to 96,1%, viability of caterpillars -

Biological indicators of the silkworm breeds genetically modified by sex at a stage of a eggs

№ Name of breeds Viability,0/« Average weight silk-bearing,//

eggs caterpillars cocoon, g. shell, mg.

1 Sovetskaya-5 (W2 W2) 95,7 84,4 1,64 392 23,9

2 Sovetskaya-5 (W2 W2) transparent caterpillars 93,9 80,4 1,69 352 21,3

3 Sovetskaya-10 (W3 W3) 93,5 82,6 1,43 329 23,0

4 Sovetskaya-12 (W5 W5) 96,1 88,5 1,53 362 23,7

5 Sovetskaya-13 (W2 W2) 94,6 88,0 1,44 328 22,8

6 Sovetskaya-14 (W3 W3) 93,7 88,2 1,46 341 23,4

7 Belococoonaya-1 (W2 W2) 92,6 86,0 1,71 333 19,5

8 Belococoonaya-1 (W3 W3) 90,5 87.2 1,69 340 20,1

9 Belococoonaya-2 (W5 W5) 85,0 86,6 1,69 343 20,3

10 SANIISH-8 (W3 W3) 90,2 89,4 1,64 300 18,7

11 SANIISH-9 (W2 W2) 85,2 87,8 1,66 333 20,1

12 Sovetskaya-6 (W3 W3) 85,6 83,8 1,76 373 21,2

13 Ipakchi-1 (control) 97,9 93,0 1,80 392 22,2

from 80,4% to 89,4%, silk-bearing of cocoons - from 18,7% to 23,0%. Noteworthy high silk-bearing breeds Sovetskaya-5 (23,9%), the Sovetskaya-10 (34,0%), the Sovetskaya-12 (23,7%), the Sovetskaya-13 (22,8%), the Sovetskaya-14 (23,4%).

These breeds can serve as a material for creating pure hybrids. The creation and implementation of such hybrids can bring tangible income to the sericulture of Uzbekistan due to the maximum use of the effect of het-erosis in 100% pure high - silk-bearing hybrids of the first generation.

For this purpose, work was carried out on the evaluation of the breeds marked by sex at the stage eggs of the world collection of silkworm SRIS on the biological characteristics for use in hybridization. Search and selection of breeds for hybridization was carried out by ranking method [8]. The ranking method consists in the

From table 2 it is seen that the highest viability of caterpillars is a breed SANIISH-8 (W3 W3), Belo-cocoonaya-1 (W2 W2), the Sovetskaya-10 (W3 W3), the Sovetskaya-13 (W2 W2). The high mass of the cocoon occurs in breeds of the Sovetskaya-5 (W5 W5), Belo-cocoonaya-2 (W5 W5). The best silk-bearing of cocoons were breeds Sovetskaya-5 (W2 W2), Sovetskaya-12 (W5 W5), Sovetskaya-14 (W3 W3). The lowest amount of points and, accordingly, high ranks are gaining breeds Sovetskaya-12 (W5 W5), Sovetskaya-13 (W2 W2), Sovetskaya-14 (W3 W3). These breeds are promising in terms of their use for hybridization in obtaining 100% pure hybrids.

After ranking, i.e. determination of the occupied places of collection breeds on the main biological signs and selection of the best breeds, it is necessary to carry out selection work for the purpose of improvement of economic and valuable properties [9]. The fact is that with the collection breeds for a long time only mass selection was carried out only possible when working with the collection in the existing conditions. This inevitably had an impact on key biological indicators. To raise the productive characteristics of the selected species should be carried out seed feeding with a rigid selection at all stages of development of silkworm.


As part of the world collection of silkworm SRIS there are breeds, marked by sex at the stage of eggs and characterized by high biological indicators. Such

Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) #5(62), 2019 possibility to establish a relationship between the features that are expressed by the order of the occupied place by each member of the population, i.e. the place of rank in the variational series. In this case, the processing includes not the absolute values of the varying features, but the ordinal places or ranks occupied by the members of the population for each of the correlating features. The best performance characteristics occupy the first place, and then drop-down the values of the indicators. Then minimum sum of points of the considered characteristics, the list of breeds (or one breed) of high rank with the best rates.

Research result The results of the evaluation of biological indicators marked by sex at the stage of silkworm eggs are shown in table 2

Table 2

breeds can be used to obtain 100% pure hybrids with the maximum manifestation of heterosis.

However, the use of such hybrids in the industrial silkworm production of the Republic is impossible, due to the lack of currently devices for the separation of the silkworm eggs by color. Currently, we are working to develop a "Devices and software technologies for distribution of silkworm eggs labeled by sex of the breeds of the silkworm" according to the grant "FA-2018-015" from Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan

It is expected that in the near future the device will be ready for operation and put into production. Therefore, hybrids of mulberry silkworm with 100% purity of preparation, created using genetically modified gender-marked eggs breeds, prepared for implementation in the next 5 years, will be in demand and successful in production.


1. Strunnikov V. A. Genetic methods of selection and regulation of the silkworm sex. - M.: Agropromiz-dat, 1987, - P. 12-15.

2. Strunnikov V. A., Gulamova L. M. Artificial regulation of sex in the silkworm. Message.1. The excretion of labeled breeds by sex of the silkworm.// Genetics, M.: 1969, vol. 5, № 6. - P. 145.

3. Strunnikov V. A. Gulamova L. M. Artificial regulation of sex in the silkworm. Message 11. Obtain-

Ranks marked by sex at the egg stage silkworm with the assessment of biological indicators

№ Name of breeds Viability of caterpillars, % weight of cocoon, g. silk-bearing, % sum of points

abs. un rank abs. un rank abs. un rank

1 SANIISH-8 (W3 W3) 90,8 1 1,41 10 15,8 10 21

2 SANIISH-9 (W2 W2) 79,5 10 1,59 4 20,1 8 22

3 Belococoonaya-1 (W2 W2) 89,2 2 1,51 6 20,0 9 17

4 Belococoonaya-2 (W5 W5) 83,8 8 1,62 2 20,6 3 18

5 Sovetskaya-6 (W3 W3) 86,9 6 1,63 2 20,3 7 16

6 Sovetskaya-5 (W2 W2) 84,4 7 1,64 1 23,9 1 10

7 Sovetskaya-10 (W3 W3) 88,6 3 1,43 9 23,0 5 17

8 Sovetskaya-12 (W5 W5) 88,5 4 1,53 5 23,7 2 11

9 Sovetskaya-13 (W2 W2) 88,6 3 1,44 8 22,8 4 15

10 Sovetskaya-14 (W3 W3) 88,2 5 1,46 7 23,4 3 15

Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) # 5 (62), 2019

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


ing sex-labeled hybrids of silkworm with normally viable males. // Genetics, M.: 1971, vol. 7, №3. - P. 5870.

4. Larkina E. A., Yakubov A. B., Daniyarov U. T. Catalog. The genetic Foundation of world collection of the silkworm of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent, 2012. - P. 466.

5. Nasirillaev U. N., Lezhenko S. S. Basic methodological provisions of the breeding of mulberry silkworm (guidance document). Tashkent, 2002. - P. 3-16.

6. Larkina E. A., Salikhova K., Yakubov A. B. The use of the method of selection for motor activity to save

the properties of the collection of breeds of the silkworm. // J. Agroilm - Tashkent, 2012, №2-P. 51.

7. Nasirillaev U. N., Yakubov A. B., U. Daniya-rov. Results of the study of the genetic nature of the motor activity of the silkworm. // Uzbek biological journal, -Tashkent, FAN, 2016., №6-P. 40-43.

8. Merkurlyeva B. K. Biometrics in breeding and genetics of farm animals. - M.: 1970.- P. 141-144.

9. Nasirillaev U. N. The genetic basis of selection in the silkworm. - Tashkent, Fan, 1985.- P. 3-50.

УДК 691_


Нянжав Тоголдор, Балдан М.П.

Тувинский государственный университет, г. Кызыл DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.1.62.92 SLUDGE LEACHING WITH DISTILLED WATER FOR THE STUDY OF MIGRATION OF HEAVY


Nyangav Togoldor, Baldan M. P.

Tuva state University, Kyzyl


Из-за размыва отвалов ГОК «Тувакобальт» сезонными и дождевыми потоками представляется большая экологическая проблем, поэтому для ликвидации техногенных отходов исследовались выщелачивание шламов, извлечения вредных компонентов. Предлагается экономическое обоснование по утилизации отходов и использование его в качестве добавки в изготовлении композитных материалв.


Because of erosion of mine dumps "Touchball" seasonal and rain-is a vast environmental problems, therefore, to eliminate industrial wastes was investigated in leaching slimes, extracting harmful components. The economic justification for waste disposal and its use as an additive in the manufacture of composite materials is proposed.

Ключевые слова: отход, шлам, дистиллированная вода, отвал, мышьяк, аммиачно-карбонатный раствор, выщелачивание.

Key words: waste, sludge, distilled water, dump, arsenic, ammonia-carbonate solution, leaching.

В последнее время техногенные системы стали объектами пристального внимания и изучения как серьезный источник загрязнения окружающей среды и техногенные месторождения одновременно. Одними из таких объектов в Республике Тыва являются мышьяксодержащие отходы от гидрометаллургического передела бывшего комбината «Тувакобальт». Рассматривая отходы как ценное техногенное месторождение, решение экологической проблемы мышьяковых отвалов видится в их комплексной переработке с применением эколого-безопасных технологий обогащения с одновременной их ликвидацией как очага загрязнения окружающей среды региона. В связи с этим были проведены исследования по выщелачиванию шламов дистиллированной водой для изучения миграции тяжелых металлов и мышьяка, а также аммиачными и аммиачно-карбонатными растворами для изучения оптимальных условий извлечения никеля, меди, кобальта.

Для изучения химического состава растворов выщелачивания шламов были отобраны пробы с

разных уровней из карты №1, которая рекультивирована с поверхности. Номера проб соответствуют определенной глубине: проба №1 - верхний горизонтальный уровень, 0 м, проба №2 - 0,5-1,2 м, пробы №№ 3, 4, 5 - 2,4-3 м. На первом этапе исследований в качестве растворов выщелачивания использовали гидрокарбонат аммония 0,1%, гидрок-сид аммония 10%, а также дистиллированную воду. Растворы обозначены римскими цифрами: I - дистиллированная вода, II - гидрокарбонат аммония 0,1%, III - гидроксид аммония 10%. Соотношения твердой и жидкой фаз были взяты: 1:5, 1: 50. В растворах выщелачивания были определены мышьяк фотометрическим методом по образованию мышь-яковомолибденовой сини на спектрофотометре СФ-46, а кобальт, никель, медь - на атомно-абсорб-ционном спектрометре AAS 5FL. В карбонатных и водных растворах выщелачивания с соотношением Т:Ж=1:50 определялись содержания карбонат - и гидрокарбонат-ионов, хлорид-ионов, кальция, магния.

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