a local vehicle test track and its results do not claim to be representative.
The field research was based on the formation of the sample population, including 515 people of different age and gender groups, taking into account a number of anatomical abilities. The research respondents answered the questionnaire on the basis of subjective personal assessments of the proposed six-point restraint.
The results of the pilot sample of the universal restraint, reflecting the level of passenger satisfaction in comparison with the permitted three-point restraints, are as follows:
- Security - 83.5%;
- Comfort - 78.2%;
- Ease of use - 74.4%.
A preliminary calculation of the economic costs for production and sales of this innovative product allows us to conclude that its potential retail price is more than eight times lower than the prices on the already sold restraints by a number of manufacturers.
Currently, there is an intensive work conducted on the improvement of the patented prototype and creation of new restraint options.
Sources cited
1. http: //womanadvice.ru/detskie-uderzhivayushchie-ustroystva-v-avtomobil#ixzz4GAHjXkeD
2. Ye.A. Kravets. Innovation patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.30894 for invention of Child Restraints. Application No.2015/0366.1 of 16/03/2015
3. Ye.A. Kravets, M.S. Omarov and colleagues. Kea Evolution Isofix universal car restraining device. Theory and practice of modern science: electronic applied science edition. International applied science journal. - Saratov: Institute of Management and Social Economic Development. 2016.
4. http://modern-j.ru/domains data/files/14/Kravec%20E.A.%20(Razvitie%20sovremennogo%20g oroda).pdf
Kravets E.A., Director of IE "Kravets E.A.", inventor Omarov M.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Professor
Innovative University of Eurasia Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan Bekenov A.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, business advisor
Kravets I.E., coach advisor
Abstract. As the result of the analysis of world famous restraining devices design for transporting people by motor vehicles, a new design of a seat belt fixed to the body of a car and a new scheme of fastening a passenger by seat belts are offered.
The proposed design will significantly improve the safety level during passenger's transportation and significantly reduce injuries due to a car accident.
Keywords: child restraining device, boosters, adapters.
The problem of a passenger transportation security in a vehicle has been and remains one of the most urgent in the traffic safety problems on the roads. Some of these problems include the problem of improvement and application of passive safety equipment which includes standard seat belts, various restraining devices for adults, straps and boosters for children of various age, as well as a variety of child seats.
The relevance of this problem is confirmed by the sad statistics and the necessary documents adopted in the security of people transportation by motor vehicles.
For example, at the end of 2009, the UN Convention on Road Traffic was ratified in Kazakhstan where in the paragraph 5, the article 7 the mandatory use of seat belts for drivers and passengers of motor vehicles occupying seats equipped with such belts, except the cases provided by national legislation, was stipulated.
As a result of a car accident, children are injured more than adults.
Based on the requirements of the Convention in view of the fact that when in case of a car accident the seat belts can cause more significant damage to the health of children under the age of 12, in 1995 the UN European Economic Commission approved the Regulations "Uniform provisions concerning the approval of restraining devices for child occupants of power-driven vehicles", where the requirements for child restraining devices (CRD) are presented for children transportation in cars. The brief analysis of the laws of Italy, Germany, France shows the mandatory application of such devices for children under the age of 12.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Road Traffic" dated 17 April 2014 prohibits to transport children under the age of 12 without a child restraining device or other means to fasten a child using the seat belts provided by a vehicle design and on the front seat without CRD [1].
This provision is valid in more than 80 countries-participants of this Convention including the EU countries, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
The same provision is provided in the paragraph 7, the section 22 (Transportation of passengers) of the New Traffic Rules approved by the Decree No. 1196 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13 November 2014.
At the same time it involves not only CRD but also any means allowing to fasten a child with a regular car seat belts (cradle, removable child seat, additional seat, and/or shock-screen, boosters, devices for directing a seat belt in a special way enabling to use regular safety belts, pads on the straps to secure a child in a car), which are relatively overall and allow transporting up to 4 children in a car.
It should be remembered that these requirements are applicable only to the owners of vehicles equipped with seat belts if their installation is provided by a
design of a specific vehicle.
According to statistics in Kazakhstan in 2014 as a result of 1399 car accidents involving minor passengers, 89 children died and 1704 children had injuries of various degrees of harm to health.
During the first week of January only, 6 children died, 17 were injured. And this number is growing steadily.
On the average, 15% of children die in car accidents, and 35% of children have serious injuries. At the same time, a child car seat helps to avoid injuries in 95% of cases.
However, if a child's weight is more than 36 kg, and the height is above 135 cm, a special seat is unnecessary. In general, in the most European countries, as well as in Russia, it is obligatory to use child restraining devices during children transportation up to the age of 12 (in Sweden until the height of a child will be 135 cm).
According to the data of the World Health Organization, the use of CRD helps to reduce mortality among infants by 71% and among older children by 64%.
It has been found that placing CRD in the direction of traffic reduces the risk of injury by 76%, serious injuries by 92% and placing it against the direction of traffic reduces injuries by 34 and 60% respectively.
It has been observed that in countries with high income such devices have become commonplace.
For example, in Great Britain and Sweden newborns and toddlers are transported in special child seats on the average in 95% of cases, in Australia - in 90% of cases, in the USA - in 86% of cases, i.e. the level of income affects the quality of CRD selected [2].
A brief analysis of widely-known standard restraining devices for adults and children of different age shows that there are at least three main categories of restraining devices:
- for children under the age of 4: carrycots and car seats;
- for children over the age of 4: child car seats and boosters;
- for older children and adults: adapters and belts with 3-points fixing.
As shown by various surveys and questionnaires of drivers and passengers, the safest restraining devices for children of the 2nd and the 3rd age groups are child car seats and boosters.
At the same time car seats and boosters are rather large, it is difficult to install them, the cost is rather high, as well as the center of gravity of a child is shifted up in relation to the vehicle's center of gravity.
As for the adapters, it is known that in case of a frontal collision, the greatest load is on the stomach and in case of a side collision, the body shifts in the direction of impact and a belt load is on the neck.
In order to eliminate the above drawbacks, a new design of seat belts fixed to the body of a car and a new scheme of fastening a passenger by seat belts has been proposed [3] (it was applied for international patenting: PCT/KZ 2016/000001; the international application date: 05/02/2016; the date of registration in the
international Bureau: 14/04/2016).
The proposed design relates to the means of passive safety intended for transportation of children over the age of 4 and adults; it can significantly increase the level of transportation security and significantly reduce injuries in case of a car accident.
It is noted that the child seat can be installed improperly using the seat belts: the belts are twisted, passed through another notch, poor tightened and so on, which greatly reduces the protective functions of a car seat and even reduces them to zero.
The European statistics show that 70-80% of parents fix a child seat incorrectly by standard seat belts. Therefore, this restraining device has no such disadvantages, since a belt twisting is technically impossible.
In addition, in our opinion, one of the disadvantages of Isofix system is that all the elements of the suspension system must be used (runners with locks on a child seat, a guide tab, loops) as well as the restriction of a child's weight which may not exceed 18 kg and the mass of a car seat with Isofix should not be more than 15 kg.
In the proposed device the fastening design exceeds Isofix standard, since there are no limitations stated above.
Thus, the use of General-purpose automobile restraining device "KEA Isofix evolution" will allow:
- to increase security due to strong fastening of a child's body to the seat. The load of the belts is on the chest without touching the stomach area. The belts, going behind the bottom of the hips across the breast, fasten the side load during a side impact. The belts cross on the chest and go over the shoulders strongly fastening in case of a frontal impact and keeping from forward tilt;
- to improve portability and comfort due to the fact that the device is installed on a standard car seat; it consists of a wide seat belt and has a pad which is easy to install.
The device is technological during manufacturing due to the use of standard seat belts. It is easy to install and use. It is reliable in operation. The preliminary economic estimates show a relatively low cost price.
List of references
1. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Road Traffic" dated 17 April 2014 (the article 54, item 4, subitem 37).
2. http: //womanadvice.ru/detskie-uderzhivayushchie-ustroystva-v-avtomobil#ixzz4GAHiXkeD
3. Kravets E.A., Innovative patent No. 30894 of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the invention of a child restraining device. Application No. 2015/0366.1. dated 16/03/2015.