FUTURE CONCEPTS OF NEIGHBORHOODS AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT IN OUR REPUBLIC Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
guzar / quarter / microdistrict / residential area / kayvani / councils of elders / Chor-su. / гузар / квартал / микрорайон / жилой район / кайвани / советы старейшин / Чор-су.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Zikirov, Mukhammadsolikh Soliyevych, Matkarimov, Nuriddin Khusnidin Ogli

The article describes in detail the development of neighborhoods in our country, maintaining the neighborhood system in the development of master plans, the place and role of the neighborhood in the development of our society. It was stated that creating innovative ideas and applying them to life in order to preserve the neighborhood system as much as possible is one of the most important issues even in the era of rapid urbanization.

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В статье подробно описывается развитие микрорайонов в нашей стране, сохранение системы микрорайонов при разработке генеральных планов, место и роль микрорайонов в развитии нашего общества. Констатировано, что создание новаторских идей и воплощение их в жизнь с целью максимального сохранения системы соседства является одним из важнейших вопросов даже в эпоху стремительной урбанизации.




International journal of theoretical and practical research

Scientific Journal

Year: 2022 Issue: 10 Volume: 2 Published: 31.10.2022


ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2 №10. 2022

ISJIF 2022:5.962 QR-Article


Zikirov, M.S., Matkarimov, N.K. (2022). Future concepts of neighborhoods and their development in our republic. SJ

International journal of theoretical and practical research, 2 (10), 50-55.

Zikirov, M.S., Matkarimov, N.K.(2022). Future concepts of neighborhoods and their development in our republic. Nazariy va amaliy tadqiqotlar xalqaro jurnali, 2 (10), 50-55.

Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7243958

Zikirov, Mukhammadsolikh Soliyevych

Senior Lecturer, Ferghana Polytechnic Institute E-mail: adhamzikirov@gmail. com

Matkarimov, Nuriddin Khusnidin ogli


Ferghana Polytechnic Institute E-mail: nuriddin9600@gmail. com

UDC 721.012



Abstract. The article describes in detail the development of neighborhoods in our country, maintaining the neighborhood system in the development of master plans, the place and role of the neighborhood in the development of our society. It was stated that creating innovative ideas and applying them to life in order to preserve the neighborhood system as much as possible is one of the most important issues even in the era of rapid urbanization.

Key words: guzar, quarter, microdistrict, residential area, kayvani, councils of elders, Chor-su.



Зикиров Мухаммадсолих Солиевич

Страший преподаватель, Ферганский политехнический институт Маткаримов Нуриддин Хусниддинович


Ферганский политехнический институт

Аннотация. В статье подробно описывается развитие микрорайонов в нашей

стране, сохранение системы микрорайонов при разработке

ISSN 2181-2357

Т. 2 №10. 2022



SJIF 2022:5.962

генеральных планов, место и роль микрорайонов в развитии нашего общества. Констатировано, что создание новаторских идей и воплощение их в жизнь с целью максимального сохранения системы соседства является одним из важнейших вопросов даже в эпоху стремительной урбанизации.

Ключевые слова: гузар, квартал, микрорайон, жилой район, кайвани, советы старейшин, Чор-су.



Zikirov Muxammadsolix Soliyevich

kata o'qituvchi, Farg'ona politexnika instituti, Matkarimov Nuriddin Xusniddin o'g'li

Assist еШ,

Farg'ona politexnika instituti

Annotatsiya. Maqolada yurtimiz mahallalarini rivojlantirish, bosh rejalarni ishlashda mahalla tizimini saqlab qolgan holda ishlash, mahallaning jamiyatimiz rivojidagi o'rni va roli xaqida batafsil bayon etilgan. Xozirgi urbanizatsiyalanish avj olgan zamonda ham iloji boricha mahalla tizimini saqlab qolish uchun innovatsion g'oyalar yaratish va hayotga tadbiq qilish juda ham muhim masalalardan biri ekanligi ifoda etilgan. Kalit so'zlar: guzar, kvartal, mikrotuman, turar uylar zonasi, kayvoni, oqsoqollar kengashlari, chor-su.


In developed foreign countries, as well as in Uzbekistan, certain amounts of attention are paid to the issues of planning the development of the urban area. We can clearly see this in the example of territorial planning in the United States of America. Regional planning practices in the United States have undergone major changes over the past 100 years. Over time, the concept of urban planning in the country has changed, the attitude to the master plan, the attitude to the long-term future planning, the obligation to apply the main rules and legal force of the master plan, the attitude to the methods of its development have not changed. Master plans have different names in the USA based on the similarity of their content: comprehensive development plan, city plan, city economy plan, master plan, growth management plan, comprehensive plan, transferable political plan and others. One thing remains constant - that is, from a legal point of view, Master Plans are not considered a mandatory type of urban planning documents in the United States. However, master plans for the development of urban areas are developed locally, the Federal "Standard Urban Development Act" of 1927 and the Urban Growth and Development of New Cities Act of 1970 exist, but they are of a regulatory nature. Mandatory development of master plans and its objectives are determined by the laws of the states. However, only a few states, primarily California, Florida, and Oregon, have specific legislative requirements for the development of master plans. 378 of the Code of Virginia defines the main areas of the purpose and effect of a comprehensive regional


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T. 2 №10. 2022



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development plan as follows: "Each local self-governing body of this state shall, prior to July 1, 1980, develop a comprehensive development plan for the areas under the legal jurisdiction of such governmental body. it is necessary to accept the plan. When drawing up a comprehensive plan, it is necessary to carefully and comprehensively study the current conditions and directions of additional development, as well as to determine the accounting requirements for this area and the number of residents who will find satisfaction in it in the future. The main objectives of the comprehensive development plan are to lead and ensure mutually agreed, regulated and harmonious development of the territories under departmental control, as well as to improve people's health, safety, and moral environment based on the requirements for resources available today and in the future. to improve, to strengthen the order and to create the most comfortable conditions for living, to support the prosperity and general well-being of the population living in this area.

Main Part

In our country, neighborhoods are one of the important cultural values of the Uzbek people, the country's architectural and social heritage, which must be preserved in accordance with modern world standards .

Development of effective mechanisms for correct and harmonious maintenance of neighborhoods in the modern city is one of the important tasks of representatives of the field today.

Currently, there are historical monuments based on Hasti-Imam, Hafiz Kokhaki, Abu Bakr Shoshi, Kushtut, Chigatoy Darvoza, Eski Shahar, Namuna, Guzarboshi, Hazrat Imam, Achabad, Guruch Arik, Karasaroy, Khanchorbog and Gulbazar neighborhoods of Tashkent. in the context of the project to create a mury reserve, the topic of the future neighborhoods of Tashkent is in the center of discussions. It is necessary for everyone to understand that the neighborhood is a unique value that allows the preservation of national traditions.

The fact that the neighborhood is a kind of dynamic place, in a certain sense, is attractive as the DNA of the residential structure of the cities of Uzbekistan. In it trees , household life and farming activity waking up gone Also they are this how storage and of Tashkent modern shiny to the future rotate that it is possible question to the middle throws Studies during they are written sounds , to the neighborhood dedicated art works and from photographs consists of books published the column and Diamond in the district neighborhoods storage the master plan work came out

Tashkent neighborhoods of Uzbekistan another from the regions different like his own authenticity more save the rest is also unique , therefore also historical architectural reserve as to keep has a need .

Term "neighbourhood". to each other opposite concepts own into received is uncertain to the character have. This while four to the problem take coming :

1. We go to the "neighbourhood". some kind of one qualities, to the eye non-disposable deep reality ratio by doing we are giving and we for exactly that's it hidden essence important that we are counting .


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2. We use the term "neighborhood". too much except We are nationalizing it , but it has been around for a long time Medium Asia's not For example , in Greece , Bangladesh , Iran and even Even in Romania special neighborhood concepts was

3. The term "neighbourhood" in Uzbekistan to understand step by step approach instead , we are one thing about has been talking without "again the bike discover we are doing". However , this in the subject scientific studies transfer reasonable the work would be

4. We go to the "neighbourhood". live process as , time tooth with changing some kind of one town or village cell as enough we are not looking and this decisions acceptance to do during in consideration we can't . Therefore, this the goal for suitable coming research method choose it is necessary

there is urban planning norms due to (ShNK 2.07.01-03*), we "quarter", "microdistrict" or "cottage houses zone" terms what means sure we understand .

term "neighborhood" in these norms meaning not described : it is up to 300 meters service show to the radius has "primary residence place center" and "highways between area" records there is only Also this residence structure of what at the expense of and of what next to formation is also a language not taken . This attitude with cottage houses area , quarter inside houses the group or for example , "vertical" neighbourhood" concept "Marvarid" building full - fledged we say neighborhood is it possible

Also, the future of Tashkent economic in the model of neighborhoods role is also unclear . Urbanization of the population to the city migration in the eye holds , in this right When planning , to the ground has been Demand only increased goes _ With that together , the city Administration of Tashkent border regularly respectively by expanding to go possible no , one day , neighborhoods developers , residents and city administration between disputes zone rotation can That's why for neighborhoods truly historic protected zone , tourism zone , population the richest layer for intended zone or even ghetto being stay need or lack of for now you do n't understand Also this from solutions which one the capital population of for suitable arrival is also unknown .

This to questions answer to give for first independent respectively scientific studies transfer and the term "neighbourhood". sure description it is necessary Not only that urban planning , economic , perhaps social point of view It is also important because The term "neighbourhood" in Uzbekistan in the future society reflected in the structure reach can : for example , he is religious or worldly also has meaning to be can

Today construction field our country from the "drivers" in the economy one Everyone in the place constructions It 's different materials work is being released . But five from after today's knowledge scarcity does That's why for always in search whether it should be or not investment to do need This is an investment what Profession perfect acquisition , language study , work , experience to collect, President Sh. Mirziyoyev always emphasizes .

Conclusions and recommendations

It is no secret that the measures aimed at reducing poverty are one of the main tasks of our government. In particular, the analysis of the work being done in this regard is commented on in the press and on television every day.


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Improvement of neighborhoods, creation of favorable conditions for the people living in them, first of all, project drawings, to be more precise, start with the development of prospective development master plans.

Summary by doing when we say of our republic all in the regions each one neighborhood in the section urban planning activities take going specialist staff attach with above problems solution to do is achieved.


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