FROM THE HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
Relations / diplomacy / politics / contact / economy / Отношения / дипломатия / политика / контакт / экономика

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Sodikov, Sardorbek Shukhrat Ugli

Over the years of independence, Uzbekistan and the United States have begun to develop ties in the political, economic and military fields. In 1992, the ambassadors of the two countries were accredited in Tashkent and Washington, in April 1995, US Secretary of Defense William Perry visited Uzbekistan, after which the United States was visited by the Minister of Defense of our country. An important event was the meeting of the President of Uzbekistan with US Vice President Albert Gore, which took place at the White House in October 1995.

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За годы независимости между Узбекистаном и США стали развиваться связи в политической, экономической и военной областях. В 1992 г. в Ташкенте и Вашингтоне были аккредитованы послы двух стран, в апреле 1995 г. Узбекистан посетил министр обороны США Уильям Пери, после чего Соединенные Штаты посетил министр обороны нашей страны. Важным событием стала встреча Президента Узбекистана с вице-президентом США Альбертом Гором, которая проходила в Белом доме в октябре 1995 г.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



Sodikov Sardorbek Shukhrat ugli,

NamSU, Master's 1st year student


Over the years of independence, Uzbekistan and the United States have begun to develop ties in the political, economic and military fields. In 1992, the ambassadors of the two countries were accredited in Tashkent and Washington, in April 1995, US Secretary of Defense William Perry visited Uzbekistan, after which the United States was visited by the Minister of Defense of our country. An important event was the meeting of the President of Uzbekistan with US Vice President Albert Gore, which took place at the White House in October 1995.

Keywords: Relations, diplomacy, politics, contact, economy


За годы независимости между Узбекистаном и США стали развиваться связи в политической, экономической и военной областях. В 1992 г. в Ташкенте и Вашингтоне были аккредитованы послы двух стран, в апреле 1995 г. Узбекистан посетил министр обороны США Уильям Пери, после чего Соединенные Штаты посетил министр обороны нашей страны. Важным событием стала встреча Президента Узбекистана с вице-президентом США Альбертом Гором, которая проходила в Белом доме в октябре 1995 г.

Ключевые слова: Отношения, дипломатия, политика, контакт, экономика


Uzbekistan, thanks to its geostrategic position, mineral wealth, and, mainly, thanks to the diligence and talent of the Uzbek people, has long been recognized by the world. It was not only friends who reached out to our country. Our beautiful and rich land attracted conquerors. Over the past millennia, our country has been invaded more than once. The phalanxes of Alexander the Great, the Arabs, the hordes of Genghis Khan visited here, and at the end of the nineteenth century Russia invaded,

Содиков Сардорбек шухрат угли

НамГУ, магистрант 1 курса


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

whose colonial regime, including the regime of Soviet power, lasted for more than a hundred years. Our people restored their independence after each invasion, and now again, as before, the bright holiday of Independence Day came to us - August 31, 1991, but now forever, forever.


In the course of the analysis of this article, the methods of scientific cognition of logic, historicity, consistency and objectivity are widely used. N.Zhuraev's textbook "The History of Uzbekistan" is defined as a methodological source.


Uzbekistan has long been recognized by the world due to its geostrategic position, rich mineral resources, and mainly due to the hard work and talent of the Uzbek people. It wasn't just friends who reached out to our country. Our beautiful and rich land beckoned conquerors. Over the past millennia, our country has been invaded more than once. The phalanxes of Alexander the Great, the Arabs, the hordes of Genghis Khan, and in the late XIX-century, was invaded by Russia, and its colonial regime, including the Soviet regime, lasted for more than a hundred years. Our people restored their independence after each invasion, and now, as before, the bright holiday of Independence Day - August 31, 1991-has come to us again, but now forever, forever.

Independent development implies the obligatory entry of an independent state into the world political system. Hence the natural desire of Uzbekistan to strengthen its own sovereignty by introducing it into the world system as a full member. On the threshold of XXI The social and political situation in the world has undergone a radical transformation in the last century. In the last ten years of the twentieth century, the policy of "from a position of strength" has been replaced by a policy of reasonable civil dialogue. Uzbekistan, despite its relative youth as an independent state, has begun to play a prominent role in the world political arena. A new perspective on the development of humanity as a whole has emerged, serious changes have taken place in the field of communications, and the further development of international relations has gained a noticeable impact on the life of humanity. At a time when integration processes and people's desire to unite have intensified, it has become necessary to preserve national characteristics and spiritual heritage through independent policies.

Due to its geographical and political position, Uzbekistan has taken its rightful place in the world community. This is confirmed by the following:

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2

educational, natural and social sciences IV ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

1. Uzbekistan has a favorable geographical and political position, as it has the richest energy resources and an extensive transport network in Central Asia.

2. Most of the population of the Central Asian region lives in Uzbekistan. The scientific and technical potential of Uzbekistan exceeds the scientific and technical potential of neighboring countries.

3. Uzbekistan has rich natural resources. First of all, these are fertile irrigated lands and mineral resources necessary for maintaining the industrial potential of the republic. Uzbekistan is able not only to meet its own food needs, but also to export the most valuable agricultural products, in particular cotton. In addition, our country has serious opportunities to supply the world market with organic vegetables and fruits.

4. Our state has the opportunity to export such valuable raw materials as oil and gas. In addition, Uzbekistan has everything necessary for the development of modern industries, such as microradioelectronics.

5. Uzbekistan occupies a special place in the development of civilization. Having a rich spiritual heritage, Uzbekistan has long had a great influence on the world's political and social processes.

On March 2, 1992, the Republic of Uzbekistan became a full Member of the United Nations for the first time in its history. Uzbekistan has taken the initiative to create a permanent body in the region that would focus on issues such as stability and security in the Central Asian region, conflicts in Tajikistan and Afghanistan, the fight against drug trafficking, the Aral environmental crisis, etc.

The initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was supported, and in February 1993 the UN office in Uzbekistan was opened in Tashkent. There are also a number of UN branch offices in our country (the High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Health Organization, the Children's Fund, etc.).

In February 1992, Uzbekistan became a full member of another authoritative international organization - the OSCE. I. A. Karimov was present and delivered a speech at the regular OSCE meeting, which took place on July 9-10, 1992, which testified to the successful entry of the republic into the world community.

Uzbekistan's admission to the UN has opened up ample opportunities for promoting its peace-loving policy. I. A. Karimov's participation and speech at the 48th UN session was important for strengthening our state's ties with the outside world.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

The Republic of Uzbekistan became one of the 105 States that joined the movement of Non-Aligned countries, and also became a member of the InterParliamentary Union. The Republic regularly participates in Inter-Parliamentary Union conferences and OSCE assemblies. The Chairman of the Oliy Majlis was elected Vice-President of the OSCE Assembly. Representatives of Uzbekistan have taken important initiatives in a number of these and other international forums.

Since the first years of independence, Chairman of the Oliy Majlis E. Khalilov has visited Austria, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Turkey, South Korea and other countries in order to strengthen inter-parliamentary ties. In turn, the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was visited by 13 parliamentary delegations, including delegations from Germany, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Pakistan, Bulgaria and Turkey, official government delegations from Switzerland, China, Germany and Lithuania. In addition, the Oliy Majlis received about 30 representatives of various embassies and representative offices.

The parliamentary delegation of Uzbekistan visited the United States, Germany, Turkey and other countries.

The Republic of Uzbekistan is a member of a number of reputable international organizations in the field of economics, science, technology and culture (the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Olympic Committee, etc.). Uzbekistan, as an independent state, has signed a number of conventions and protocols of the UN, OSCE and CIS. Over the past years, Uzbekistan has focused its foreign policy on developing and strengthening ties with advanced developed countries. Close cooperation with the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea, Turkey and other developed countries has begun to bring results. An innovation in foreign policy was the Treaty of Eternal Friendship with Turkey.

The seminar "Central Asia: Security and Cooperation" was held in Tashkent on September 15-16, 1995, where topical issues of the region were discussed. The workshop was attended by representatives of 31 countries and six international organizations. The meeting focused on the prevention of conflict situations in the region.

President Karimov's visit to Germany, France and the United Kingdom opened a new era in Uzbekistan's cooperation with Europe, with economic, trade and cultural ties growing stronger over the years of independence.

At the end of April 1993, the President of Uzbekistan paid an official visit to Germany.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Islam Karimov met with German Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The parties signed mutually beneficial agreements on cultural exchange, discussed the issue of investment, joint scientific research, and agreed to create a special fund to support intellectual potential. The delegation of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the industrial production of Germany. The visit was fruitful and laid a solid foundation for future cooperation. Meetings were held with the CEOs of Deutsche Bank, Mercedes-Benz, and Siemens, which resulted in important business agreements. In particular, It was planned to build a truck assembly plant in Khorezm with the assistance of MercedesBenz. Another important result was the creation of a joint intergovernmental Uzbek-German cooperation commission. A bilateral chamber of Commerce and Economy and the German Embassy opened in Tashkent, and planes began flying on the Tashkent-Frankfurt route. A branch of Deutsche Bank has opened in Tashkent. Relations between the two countries have been further strengthened after the visit of German Federal President Roman Herzog to Uzbekistan. He expressed his deep satisfaction after familiarizing himself with the living conditions of the 50,000-strong German diaspora in Uzbekistan.

On June 9-12, 1994, the State delegation of Uzbekistan visited the Netherlands, where it held talks with Queen Beatrix and Prime Minister Rudolf Lubbers. Members of the Uzbek delegation visited agricultural and livestock farms. The visit resulted in the signing of a bilateral protocol on trade and economic cooperation and a joint statement on the principles of cooperation between the two countries. The parties agreed to supply Uzbekistan with advanced modern agricultural technologies, seeds and pedigreed cattle.

Since the first days of independence, Uzbekistan has started establishing and developing friendly relations with France. At the end of October 1993, the delegation of Uzbekistan paid an official visit to France, which laid the foundations for cooperation between the two countries. President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov met with French President Francois Hollande. Mitterrand and its other leaders, as well as representatives of the French public. During the reception, Mitterrand noted in his speech: "Uzbekistan, which occupies a leading position in the Central Asian region, can become a reliable bridge between East and West. Uzbekistan, with its rich history and traditions, which gave humanity world-renowned geniuses, has always attracted the attention of France. It is safe to say that after this meeting, your country will become even closer to us."

At the end of the visit, the parties signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation and a number of other documents on the development of cultural, scientific and

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

technical ties, as well as a document on mutual investments and their protection. The National Bank of Uzbekistan signed an agreement with a large French bank, Credit Commercial de France, which provided for investing in a project to build a modern oil refinery in Bukhara. An agreement was reached with the well-known petrochemical concern "Elor-akiten" and the company "Technician" on the construction of an oil refinery in Bukhara. Financial support for the construction was assigned to the Credit Commercial de France bank, where Uzbekistan deposited funds as a guarantee. April 25-27, 1994 President of France F. Mitterrand paid an official visit to Uzbekistan, during which the parties signed an agreement on cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, on the freedom of movement of citizens of the two countries in Uzbekistan and France, as well as a declaration on cooperation in the development of air communication between the two countries. During the visit of the President of Uzbekistan to France in April 1996. The parties signed the Convention on the Elimination of double Taxation and the financial protocol.

Uzbekistan is also developing ties with another major European power, Great Britain. In June 1993, Princess Anne visited Uzbekistan. She got acquainted with the way of life and living conditions of the people of Uzbekistan and with the historical monuments of ancient Samarkand. In October 1993, British Foreign Minister Douglas Hogan paid an official visit to Uzbekistan. During the visit, the parties signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of culture and education, as well as an agreement on the elimination of double taxation.

Our country maintains political, diplomatic, economic and cultural ties with Finland, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria and other European countries. The opening of the trading house of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Altendorf, Switzerland, was also important for the prestige of Uzbekistan. This institution is also the representative office of Uzbekistan in Switzerland, which is rightfully considered the center of world business and trade. In October 1995. The conference "Privatization in Uzbekistan: Opportunities for cooperation" was held in Geneva.

In November of the same year, a conference on "Business in Uzbekistan" was held in London, where the problem of economic reforms was discussed. The exhibition "The Great Silk Road: Uzbekistan" was organized in Stuttgart, which introduced the general public to the opportunities of Uzbekistan.

The speech of the President of Uzbekistan at the annual business meeting in Davos made a great impression on its participants, heads of state and government,

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

bankers and businessmen and was important for attracting foreign investment to Uzbekistan.

The deepening and development of Uzbekistan's relations with Western European countries contributed to the activation of trade. For example, in 1998. Uzbekistan exported goods worth $ 537.4 million to European countries, while the share of imports in the same period was $ 335.0 million.

The establishment and development of relations with the European Union contributed to the growth of Uzbekistan's authority on a global scale. "The signing of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Uzbekistan and the European Union at such a high - level forum is certainly an important event that marks a new, repeated stage of our relations. We see these relations as one of the priorities of our foreign policy aimed at integrating our country into the international community and the world economy. However, we note with appreciation that the signing of this document is the political support for the independence and sovereignty of our young state", - said the President of the I. A. Krymov, speaking in the castle "Fortezza de basso" in Florence in June 1996. the heads of state and government gathered for a summit during the summit, there was signed an agreement on partnership and cooperation.

Work on this agreement began in 1994. After a thorough study of the issue by the European Commission and the Union, as well as the European Parliament, the EU decided to start negotiations in late 1995. In mid-1996, official negotiations between the parties began. Negotiations between the Republic of Uzbekistan, the European Commission and members of the European Union were held in Brussels (Round 1) and Tashkent (Round 2). The Treaty was signed on June 21, 1996 in Florence at a meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union.

The agreement was signed on behalf of Uzbekistan by President Islam Karimov.

Thanks to the signing of this treaty, Uzbekistan entered into cooperation with 15 European states on a formal legal basis. The agreement provides for cooperation in political, legal, economic, investment, financial, scientific and technical and many other areas. The parties agreed to create favorable conditions for mutual trade and free transit of goods on the territory of their countries. In general, Uzbekistan, thanks to its rapprochement with the European Union, has gained access to advanced European experience and modern technologies.

The Oliy Majlis is largely responsible for the preparation and signing of the partnership and cooperation Agreement with the European Union.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Over the years of independence, Uzbekistan and the United States have developed ties in the political, economic and military fields. In 1992, ambassadors of the two countries were accredited in Tashkent and Washington, in April 1995, US Secretary of Defense William Perry visited Uzbekistan, after which the United States was visited by the Minister of Defense of our country. An important event was the meeting of the President of Uzbekistan with US Vice President Albert Gore, which was held at the White House in October 1995.

By the beginning of 1996, about 200 joint ventures were operating in Uzbekistan on the basis of American investments. Among them is a joint venture for gold and silver mining, created with the assistance of the American company Newmont Mining Corporation in the Muruntau deposit area (Navoi region). Representative offices of 28 American companies, firms and banks are registered in Tashkent.

In June 1996, Karimov paid an official visit to the United States of America, where he met with Bill Clinton. The meeting was more important for the development of bilateral relations between the two countries and for the integration of the young independent state into the world community.


The Presidents of both countries discussed issues of political and economic cooperation, as well as exchanged views on the situation in the Central Asian region. The President of the United States noted the leading role of Uzbekistan in the Central Asian region and expressed hope for close cooperation between the two countries in the interests of security and for the benefit of the peoples.

During his visit to the United States on February 5, 1997, President Karimov was received by the Secretary of State. The parties discussed a number of issues related to the expansion of economic and cultural cooperation. Establishing strong ties with such a great Power as the United States of America is a priority of Uzbekistan's foreign policy strategy.

Uzbekistan's foreign trade relations with the United States of America have grown significantly. For example, in 1998, Uzbekistan exported $ 63.6 million worth of goods to the United States, and imported $ 242.9 million worth of products from the United States.


1. Zhuraev N. The history of Uzbekistan. -T:, O'zbekiston. 1999. -422 p.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

2. Новейшая история Узбекистана. Учебник для вузов. - Ташкент: "Адабиёт учкунлари", 2018.

3. Bilateral relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan with American countries https : //mfa.uz/ru/pages/with-usa

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