Научная статья на тему 'Фразеосемантическое поле со значением успешности рече- вого акта (на примере фразеологизмов французского языка)'

Фразеосемантическое поле со значением успешности рече- вого акта (на примере фразеологизмов французского языка) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
Ключевые слова
коммуникативная успешность / речевой акт / условие успешности / эффективность / перлокутивный эффект / условие уместности / акустико-артикуляционный базис / хезитационная пауза / прагматический фокус / условие искренности / контекстное употребление / communicative success / speech act / felicity condition / efficacy / perlocutionary effect / appropriateness condition / acoustics and articulatory basis / hesitation pause / pragmatics phocus / sincerity condition / contextual use

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Артына М. К.

Статья посвящена изучению условий успешности речевого акта на примере фразеологизмов французского языка. Бурное развитие социально-экономических отношений в мировом сообществе с середины XX века привело к идее о необходимости достижения взаимопонимания между людьми, вследствие чего начинает активно развиваться коммуникативное направление лингвистики. Настоящая статья посвящена изучению коммуникативной успешности в рамках теории речевых актов. Применение методов наблюдения и контекстуального анализа позволило нам выделить значение успешности во фразеологизмах французского языка. В результате проведенного исследования было установлено пять условий успешности речевого акта, на основе чего было разработано соответствующее количество фразеологических групп. За критерий принимается наличие в семантической структуре фразеологизмов гиперсемы успешности. Понятия успешность речевого акта и коммуникативная успешность активно применяются в современной прагмалингвистике.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.


The article is devoted to the study of felicity conditions based on a sample of the phraseological units of the French language. The rapid development of socio-economic relations in the world community from the middle of the XX century led to the idea of the need to achieve mutual understanding between people, as a result, the communicative direction of linguistics began to develop actively. This article is concerned with the study of communicative success in the framework of the speech act theory. The use of methods of observation and contextual analysis allowed us to highlight the meaning of success in the phraseological units of the French language. As a result of the study, five conditions on speech act success were found, and five phraseological groups were elaborated on the basis of them. We regard a hyperseme of success as the criterion in the semantic structure of phraseological units. The concepts of ‘a speech act success’ and ‘communicative success’ are actively used in modern pragmalinguistics.

Текст научной работы на тему «Фразеосемантическое поле со значением успешности рече- вого акта (на примере фразеологизмов французского языка)»

УДК 811.133.1

doi 10.24411/2072-8980-2019-10017


Артына М.К. Тувинский государственный университет, г. Кызыл


Artyna M.K. Tuvan State University, Kyzyl

Статья посвящена изучению условий успешности речевого акта на примере фразеологизмов французского языка. Бурное развитие социально-экономических отношений в мировом сообществе с середины XX века привело к идее о необходимости достижения взаимопонимания между людьми, вследствие чего начинает активно развиваться коммуникативное направление лингвистики. Настоящая статья посвящена изучению коммуникативной успешности в рамках теории речевых актов. Применение методов наблюдения и контекстуального анализа позволило нам выделить значение успешности во фразеологизмах французского языка. В результате проведенного исследования было установлено пять условий успешности речевого акта, на основе чего было разработано соответствующее количество фразеологических групп. За критерий принимается наличие в семантической структуре фразеологизмов гиперсемы успешности. Понятия успешность речевого акта и коммуникативная успешность активно применяются в современной прагмалингвистике. Ключевые слова: коммуникативная успешность; речевой акт; условие успешности; эффективность; перлокутивный эффект; условие уместности; акустико-артикуляционный базис; хезитационная пауза; прагматический фокус; условие искренности; контекстное употребление

The article is devoted to the study of felicity conditions based on a sample of the phraseological units of the French language. The rapid development of socio-economic relations in the world community from the middle of the XX century led to the idea of the need to achieve mutual understanding between people, as a result, the communicative direction of linguistics began to develop actively. This article is concerned with the study of communicative success in the framework of the speech act theory. The use of methods of observation and contextual analysis allowed us to highlight the meaning of success in the phraseological units of the French language. As a result of the study, five conditions on speech act success were found, and five phraseological groups were elaborated on the basis of them. We regard a hyperseme of success as the criterion in the semantic structure of phraseological units. The concepts of 'a speech act success' and

'communicative success' are actively used in modern pragmalinguistics.

Keywords: communicative success; speech act; felicity condition; efficacy; perlocutionary effect; appropriateness condition; acoustics and articulatory basis; hesitation pause; pragmatics phocus; sincerity condition; contextual use


The utterance study in the framework of the speech act theory involves considering it, first of all, as a speech impact. Consideration of such pragmatic factors as motivation, purposefulness and effectiveness of the utterance, that is, its illocution and perlocution aspect, as well as the influence of some extralinguistic factors, such as presupposition, time and place of action, social status of communicants, level of cultural development and etc.

Currently, linguists focus on communicative failures, developed their classifications, studied in detail and derived the main classes, subclasses, the reasons for their occurrence based on different languages. Much less attention is paid to the study of the opposite side of failure - communicative success. One of the possible reasons for such a situation may be the persistent opinion that language captures deviant manifestations predominantly in speech, and normative linguistic facts are almost not reflected in the language. In part, this statement is true, but nevertheless, «the concept of a norm is a complex phenomenon, having a certain degree of variation in axiological terms» [3, p. 42].

On a more global scale, the study of communicative success is caused by the growth of social, political and economic contacts, the emergence of new types and forms of communication whose main condition for the effectiveness is mutual understanding, which presupposes the existence of both

communicative and cultural competence of communicants [19, p. 3].

Theoretical framework

Conditions whose observance is necessary for the recognition of a speech act as appropriate, are called felicity conditions. The need to comply with certain conditions to perform a successful speech (illocution) act is mentioned in the article by A. Trognon (2001), which states that «an illocutionary act is satisfied if and only if 1) its propositional content is true and if 2) it is true according to the direction of fit of its illocutionary force» [25, p. 131]. The term 'successful speech act' / 'success of a speech act' (Sebastian, 2016) is well represented in scientific literature. The speech act is called successful if the addressee interprets the communicative message (intention and propositional content) correctly, in this case the speech act is just 'weakly successful', the speech act reaches a strong degree of success only when «the hearer ... shows a cooperative reaction to that purpose» [12, p. 37]. Philosophical understanding of the speech act and its success (satisfying all the necessary conditions) is widely represented in the writings of modern authors (Thomas-Fogiel, 2011; Searle, 2002; Kissine, 2013; Sinnott-Armstrong, Fogelin, 2014).

Depending on the circumstances or conditions in which the speech act is performed, it can either achieve the purpose and thus be successful or not achieve it. To be successful, the speech act must be relevant at least. Otherwise,

the speaker will have a communicative failure. At present, the main classes, subclasses, reasons for the occurrence of communicative failures have been studied and derived in detail, this topic is well developed on the basis of the Russian language (Ermakova, 1993; Zemskaya, 2004; Glovinskaya, 1992, 1993) and others. Various definitions of communicative failures can be found also in foreign sources whose meaning is reduced to the fact that communicative failure is the result of an unsuccessful attempt to achieve the desired communicative effect (Bara, 2017; Paul, 2013; Sivenkova, 2010).

Discussion The speech act success is closely related to the concept of perlocution. Perlocutionary effect implies the achievement of a speech act purpose, the achievement of a certain emotional and intellectual effect, pushing the communicants to actions under the influence of a similar effect.

The subject of our research is the French phraseological units whose hyperseme reflects the category of success to one degree or another. Earlier, we identified the following success criteria based on the analysis of the collected phraseological material of the French language: "a) appropriateness; b) a clear acoustic and articulatory basis; c) the presence or absence of hesitation pauses; d) the presence of a pragmatic focus; e) sincerity condition" [2, p. 175].

Appropriateness Seme of relevance, i.e. the presence of a logical connection with the speech situation exists in the expression tomber bien 'to come in handy' in impersonal form (9a tombe bien! 'that's good, how convenient'). Examples for each criterion are selected by us from the works of French fiction:

Dora Romanov, a communist who descended from the impoverished branch of the Russian royal family, after meeting the famous French writer Libertad, set up the first date herself, but he fell ill and could not come. Dora, having a strong character, came to his home.

Il crut que c'était Ribeauval.

- Entre, c'est ouvert.

C'était elle :

- J'ai pas l'habitude qu'on me pose des lapins !

- Pardonnez-moi, j'ai une fièvre de cheval...

- Ça tombe bien, je connais un remède biblique d'une efficacité séculaire.

[5, p. 53].

Modern studies in the field of speech communication imply not only an appeal to the semantic side of the speech act, but also to the phonetic aspect of speech influence. In speech production, the correctness of the sound design of words plays an important role, contributing to a better perception on the part of the hearer. The speaker himself, as a rule, assesses his speech preliminarily in terms of phonation purity, realizing its need for a successful communicative process.

Acoustic and articulatory basis

In French, there are a number of set expressions that convey phonetic and articulatory features of pronunciation (a clear acoustic and articulatory basis), one of them is the phraseological unit parler français 'to speak French', i.e. to express clearly, explicitly, unambiguously' [16, p. 156].

... L'affaire était faite. Tout taciturne qu'il soit d'ordinaire, Ricardo avait envie de parler pour effacer au plus vite le poids de ce début de conversation. Grégoire était sollicité pour poser

la première question. Je le sentais très gêné. Il espérait une conversation à bâtons rompus et voilà qu'il devait conduire un interrogatoire.

- Pourquoi ... Aïda ? a-t-il fini par demander, et il a rougi.

- Sans doute parce que c'est l'opéra que j'ai eu le plus de plaisir à chanter. Ricardo parle un excellent français, appris avec les hommes du chemin de fer, que son expiration bruyante et ses r roulés rendent un peu ferroviaire [18, p. 85].

There are several variants of this set expression, for example, parler français comme une vache espagnole, which means 'to speak French as a Spanish cow', i.e. to speak bad in French, distort. In modern French fiction, we find the author's occasional nonce formations of this expression to impart an ironic coloring. In one of the works, a main character of the work, Krimo, a difficult teenager of North African (Kabyle) origin, informs his father about his expulsion from school. Krimo teases his father's French language, comparing his language skills with the abilities of Kabyle sheep:

J'ai dit à mon père que j'étais exclu demain.

Il lisait Le Monde... enfin... « lire »... Le Monde était devant ses yeux. Il ne sortait jamais sans que le Monde dépasse de sa poche. Le Monde était greffé à sa veste alors qu'il parlait le français comme un mouton kabyle et que mon frère lui écrivait ses lettres administratives. C'est pas là-dedans qu'il allait trouver des petites annonces pour son boulot. Le Monde, le grigri de l'intégration du père Jara [26, p. 27].

The presence or absence of hesitation pauses

As linguists note, in addition to phonation clarity in speech production, a rhythmic and

accent plan of expression is of great importance for successful communication. Indeed, linguists have long noticed the constant violation of the well-known Grice's maxims in spontaneous speech, which is far from being characterized by strict linear consistency, uniqueness and relevance of words. This fact is explained by the characteristic features of human psychology, the features of man's mental processes and the influence of status and role factor in communication.

Such a 'psycho-social' essence of a person manifests itself in violations of linear continuity in the utterance of speech - speech disruptions that are inherent in all forms and genres of oral discourse. The phenomenon of speech disruptions in oral speech is known in the scientific literature under the name of hesitation pauses.

The researchers note the fact that thepresence of hesitation pauses does not only hinder the mutual understanding of communicants, on the contrary, they contribute to its improvement, mitigating the consequences of one of the main constraints that complicate the dialogical interaction, namely, the inevitable simultaneity of pronouncing words and planning discourse in the form of sentences and a set of sentences. All sorts of misfires and repetitions clarify the idea as the discourse moves forward. They provide the speaker with a brief respite, which allows him to hear himself better, because he needs to listen to his own speech constantly as it moves forward to make sure that what he is saying now corresponds to what he wants to say.

Since the phenomenon of hesitation pauses is quite common in speech, in addition to the lexical means used to fill the pauses in direct

speech, the language also uses descriptive means from its phraseological foundation, i.e. those means that indirectly call the process of oscillation itself. In French, a number of expressions are used for this, among which the phraseme 'chercher ses mots' (lit. 'search / match words') is the most common. It is a verb with a specific meaning 'to look for' that conveys the difficulty of selecting adequate words best of all, it is this verb that conveys the multi-coordinate nature of human thinking most accurately, because 'looking for' means, first of all, multi-directionality and, to some extent, randomness of movement, but at the same time, this movement remains focused. Thus, the verb 'to search for' indicates the non-linear, discontinuous nature of the thought process as well as possible, which is so often referred to in neuro- and psycholinguists' research, and also indicates the presence of certain temporal costs in the process of reflection on the part of the speaker.

The assertion that the hesitation pauses contribute to a greater understanding of the participants in the dialogue and, therefore, lead to the successful completion of the speech act in most cases, is confirmed by the following contexts:

Hilarion resorts to pauses not only as a method of imperceptible pressure on Gregoire, pushing him to make a necessary decision, but also to hide the extent of his extreme emotional arousal (laughter) over the ambiguous position of the latter.

Grégoire a bougé dans la pièce. Je ne le voyais pas. Il allait et venait. Enfin il s'est assis et a dit sur un ton radouci :

- Qu'est-ce que cela changerait si nous restions ?

D'abord, j'ai fait mine de ne pas comprendre et j'ai répondu à côté :

- Il me semble que pour les affamés...

- Non, je vous demande : qu'est-ce que cela changerait pour ELLES ?

J'ai attendu un moment, pour faire semblant de chercher une réponse mais aussi parce que l'émotion me faisait trembler le menton.

- Eh bien... Je pense... Je vous l'ai dit... Tant que vous êtes ici, vous les protégez. Ils ne peuvent rien leur faire de très sérieux [18, p. 129-130].

Hilarion receives a letter from Gregoire, Head of the French mission, from where he makes a conclusion on indirect signs gladly that the mission remains thanks to his efforts, therefore, he will not be bored soon.

... - qu'il n'accorde pas les subjonctifs à l'imparfait, ce qui paraît être un signe de temps. J'aurais pu m'en apercevoir avant, à l'air qu'il prenait lorsque je m'escrimais à lui dire, sans avoir l'air de chercher les mots, «qu'ils téléphonassent » [18, p. 185].

The phraseme mesurer ses paroles 'measure words' is a kind of chercher ses mots expression:

Castreau feuilletait le petit agenda de la dame, il s'en lisait des phrases à voix basse, il jetait des regards attentifs à Adamsberg, semblant mesurer chaque paroles, et Danglar se dit que peut-être il allait pouvoir lui confier son problème avec des cadavres [27, p. 66].

The success of interaction with the hearer, thus, directly depends on the initial evaluation stage of the speaker speaking his own speech: «Reaction to one's own speech precedes what the speaker is doing really the speech task for. He performs it in the hope of a corresponding effect which will lead to the perception and understanding of others» [28, p. 91].

The absence ofhesitationpauses in response is a frequent phenomenon in human oral speech and, in particular, can be transmitted in French by a number of phraseological units. As an illustrative example, we give the phraseological pair lancer les mots a qqn. - renvoyer la balle a qqn.

« Lancer les mots »: to address (words, written texts) without preparation in any direction [17, p. 1426].

« Renvoyer la balle »: to answer sharply, to discuss with animation [17, p. 2195]; colloq. to send somebody away with a flea in his ear, to be quick on the comeback, argue successfully [8, p. 115].

The choice of these phraseological units is explained by the opportunity to consider this phenomenon as a two-way interactional process, i.e. both from the speaker's side -lancer les mots, and from the hearer's side - renvoyer la balle a qqn. Despite the lack of thorough preliminary training in the production of speech utterances by communicants, nevertheless, these expressions are positively characterized in terms of perlocution: the presence of a pragmatic focus and the constant achievement of the perlocutionary effect.

Presence of a pragmatic focus

The need for quick response requires a concentration of the speaker's intellectual abilities and ability to find the point of impact instantly to complete his speech message successfully. As a rule, the choice of such communicative behavior is dictated by a pragmatic factor: the conditions of the situation are often such that they require an immediate response (or thinking of words in the shortest amount of time), otherwise, the perlocutionary effect will be insufficient or even absent. The

ability to navigate quickly in oral spontaneous speech is sometimes the only way to express one's thoughts adequately in a given situation. Thus, a person is able to use various tactical methods to influence a partner effectively, depending on the goals of communication and the speech act conditions.

In the novel «Rendez-vous» by Christine Angot, the character and author in one person, describes her numerous love relationships. The characters smile at each other, ask each other something, but there is almost nothing to talk about.

Éric me lançait les questions, et me relançait

dès que je finissais. Bien sûr il avait compris ce que j'avais à dire, avec nos coups de fil d'été. Il m'avait renvoyé chaque fois la balle, comme : tu emporterais quoi dans ton monde? Moi ? C'était une déclaration ou alors je ne comprenais vraiment rien, j'étais vraiement folle [1, p. 272].

Outwardly, everything looks decent, there are no tumultuous scenes and reproaches, but the character does not feel comfortable. This ghostly calm is conveyed through the 'classical' neutral expression of lancer les questions (= le mots) and renvoyer la balle without any major transformations in terms of the structure of expressions and their emotional coloring.

The following example is an example of connotative use:

Après ce jeu de frustration volontaire, je me suis résolu à lancer javelot à notre moraliste.

- Vous auriez tort, lui ai-je dit, de critiquer cette jeune fille. Il me semble que vous devriez la comprendre mieux que quiconque.

- Et pourquoi ?

- N'avez-vous pas vous-même connu une passion pour une personne fort dissemblable et

qui vous a amené à vous mêler de politique ?

- Ah, mais pardon, dit Jérôme en se redressant cela n'a rien à voir. Rien du tout. Mes choix sont parfaitement cohérents. J'aime une femme, oui, mais nous partageons les mêmes opininons [18, p. 191-192].

From the mouth of an old man, the stylistically neutral expression lancer les mots transforms into a more 'stinging' javelot (spear), however, it remains within the normal range, which is not surprising since it is difficult to imagine Hilarion, an educated old man using stylistically reduced vocabulary or jargon. At least, the degree of his negative attitude towards Gérome in this case does not require resorting to such an extreme means. His mocking attitude toward Gérome is conveyed by the phrase 'notre moraliste', which only underlines the discrepancy between the moral qualities of a young person and the meaning of the word moraliste.

Contextual analysis of the use of the phrasemes lancer les mots à qqn. and renvoyer la balle à qqn. indicates a possible use of different components of these phraselogical units depending on the situation of communication. The choice of one or another structural component of the phraseological unit imposes an imprint such extralinguistic conditions as a mismatch in the worldview of communicants, a difference at educational, spiritual and cultural level, age, temperament and social status of communication partners, as well as such accompanying moments as time and place of action. In phraseology, the phenomenon of relative fixity of the components of phraseological units has long been known and indicates the presence of a living, not erased image in a phraseological locution, so that

native speakers have the opportunity to modify the expression 'according to their needs'.

Sincerity condition

Unlike other conditions for the speech act success, the sincerity condition does not imply the immediate achievement of the perlocutionary effect of the addressee, but rather reflects the inner psychological state of the speaker, while «the speaker's violation of the sincerity conditions due to his non-observability for the addressee does not entail a communicative failure directly, although it may be exposed further» [14, p. 264].

J. Austin qualified 'feigned' or 'insincere' actions, first of all, as unrealized and incomplete actions, than invalid or ineffective ones. Despite the fact that the perlocutionary aspect of the utterance in this case is relegated to the background, nevertheless, the referential attitude of the utterance remains, because the person who arouses certain thoughts and feelings from the communicants must really experience these thoughts and feelings, which in turn, obliges other participants of communication to behave accordingly, i.e. empathize with the speaker.

In French, there is a series of expressions that, in addition to sincere intention hyperseme on the part of a speaker, are also complicated by other situational and evaluative meanings;

« Vider son sac » : to say frankly, bluntly and express everything that you have on your mind [16, p. 831].

The basis of this phraseological unit is an atomic word combination with the physiological meaning 'to empty the stomach', 'to defecate' (sac = 'stomach'), causing an association of relief. In the future, this expression was filled with a new phraseoseme 'to ease the soul with a sincere confession'.

In the novel «Le rapport de Brodeck» by Ph. Claudel the main character Brodek, a Jew by birth, lives with his family in a small village located in the mountains, a godforsaken place, but its inhabitants did not escape the tragic events of the Second World War.

Brodek visits the village priest Piper, to whom he laid out all his tormenting thoughts and suspicions about the murder of Anderer (and hoping secretly that he would help him shed light on what is happening, since the murderers came to confess to him surely). However, the priest, who was drunk after the war (unable to bear its horrors and parishioners' confessions) and a weak person, unfortunately, could not help him in any way:

Peiper m'avait écouté en remplissant régulièrement son verre. Moi, j'avais vidé mon sac. J'avais parlé, longuement. J'avais presque tout dit. Sauf les lignes que j'écris en plus de Rapport [6, p. 171].

The character, being in a confused state of

mind, requires special attention, but it may not necessarily be expressed as a sympathetic response, but only silent presence of the interlocutor is sufficient, and the effect exerted on him may not appear in any way, but it affects the mental and emotional sphere of the addressee: the priest will drink even more, and Brodek will reflect even more painfully on the death of Anderer. The main thing in this situation will be the psychological relief effect that will be received by the speaker himself.

Conclusion As a result of the study, which was conducted on the basis of the selected phraseological material on vocabulary definitions and contextual uses, it can be argued that there are five criteria with the value of a successful speech act. The speech act success, in this case, can be expressed in the form of achieving a positive perlocutionary effect, which implies a mutual understanding and speech cooperation of communication partners.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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28. Vinokur T. G. Govoryashchi i slushaiushchi. Varianty rechevogo povedenia [Speaker and Hearer. Variants of speech behavior]. Moscow, URSS Publ., 2007. 172 p. (in Russian)

29. Zemskaya E. A. Yazyk kak deyatel'nost'. Morfema. Slovo. Rech' [Language as an activity. Morpheme. Word. Speech]. Moscow, Yazyki slavianskoi kuftury [Slavic Culture Languages] Publ., 2004. 685 p. (in Russian)

Артына М.К., кандидат филологических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков, Тувинский государственный университет (Кызыл, Россия), E-mail: mirartyna@yandex.ru

Artyna M.K., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Foreign Languages Department, Tuvan State University (Kyzyl, Russia), E-mail: mirartyna@yandex.ru

Дата поступления статьи в редакцию 11.09.2019

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