Научная статья на тему 'Формирование навыков профессиональной коммуникации будущих инженеров в игровом режиме'

Формирование навыков профессиональной коммуникации будущих инженеров в игровом режиме Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Муталапов Искандер Джаудатович

Необходимым компонентом профессиональной коммуникативной компетенции специалиста, определяющим в значительной степени его успешность, является овладение иностранными языками, способность применять их как инструмент эффективного профессионального общения во всех сферах жизни и деятельности. Задачей нашего исследования является реализация лингводидактических возможностей игровой технологии с профессионально-ориентированным содержанием в обучении будущих инженеров технологов английскому языку в технологическом вузе.

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The necessary component of specialist’s competence determining to a large degree the success in his career, is mastery of literary native language, foreign languages, the ability to apply them as a tool for effective professional and interpersonal communication in all spheres of life. The main result of our research in this direction is the realization of linguadidactic opportunities of gaming technology with professionally-oriented content in the teaching of future engineers foreign language in technological university.

Текст научной работы на тему «Формирование навыков профессиональной коммуникации будущих инженеров в игровом режиме»

УДК 378



И.Д. Муталапов

Аннотация. Необходимым компонентом профессиональной коммуникативной компетенции специалиста, определяющим в значительной степени его успешность, является овладение иностранными языками, способность применять их как инструмент эффективного профессионального общения во всех сферах жизни и деятельности. Задачей нашего исследования является реализация лингводидактических возможностей игровой технологии с профессионально-ориентированным содержанием в обучении будущих инженеров технологов английскому языку в технологическом вузе.

Ключевые слова: компетенция специалиста, игровая технология, иностранный язык.



I. Mutalapov

Abstract. The necessary component of specialist's competence determining to a large degree the success in his career, is mastery of literary native language , foreign languages, the ability to apply them as a tool for effective professional and interpersonal communication in all spheres of life. The main result of our research in this direction - is the realization of linguadidactic opportunities of gaming technology with professionally-oriented content in the teaching of future engineers foreign language in technological university.

Keywords, specialist's competence, gaming technology, foreign language.

Researches in the field of engineering education, which were carried out by scientists in the United States, Canada, Australia as well as in our country emphasize the need for formation and improvement of communication skills of students of engineering profile, and practitioners [2, 3, 7]. Engineer of any professional level must be able to set goals and objectives accurately for his activity - both orally and in writen form. It is also associated with changes in modern engineering practice, particularly with increasing circulation of document in respect of procedures for quality management, work safety instructions and environmental safety of technological processes of production, etc. In addition, the modern engineer is responsible for the timely update of documentation and systematic written production reports. Interference of the world economy requires a foreign language competence so that documentation must be clearly and correctly interpreted in terms of production specificity. In fact, any engineering product is based on the understanding and implementation of information, accurately describing the technology of its production, assembly and release. Consequently, communication directly affects the success in the implementation of engineering projects.

According to studies, up to 80% of his working time is spent on communication, talking to other engineers, customers and the community (S. Serri). It is believed that engineering graduates' have underdeveloped communication skills. The author of this study finds that few

engineers recognize that communication skills are an obstacle for a successful engineering practice as long as they do not face the fact of inability to find a contact and influence people.

Our studies have established that typical engineering students believe that the development of professional communication skills is a natural process of personality development. However, in practice the lack of communication skills can be for young professionals the disadvantage that will hinder their career development, professional success. People who have the professional skills of the speaker move through the ranks quicker, are able to implement their ideas better, to seek funding for their projects, to achieve better results, adjust the feedback to adjust the overall action [5].

Formation of language professional competence involves the creation of intensive technologies of language teaching as components of the system of training of technological field specialists. Selection and use of such technologies, application technique of acquired knowledge and skills contribute to the creation of positive motivation to study. Motive forming element is the interest to knowledge and their practical importance in human life in the present and ensure success in future career.

Interactive competence - is the ability to manage teamwork. Professional activity of technology sector specialist requires proficiency of team building, team collaboration, skills for effective verbal interaction, team work management.

Ability to identify the leaders, to assign roles properly and organize interior team business communication is actively formed during interactive lessons.

Theoretical aspects of personality development and the system of higher school teaching technology predetermined the scope of innovative research. Special task of searching was the definition of invariant, significant features of the existing teaching technology and the opportunity to present them in the form of replicable models of learning.

Gaming training technology, representing one of the areas of didactics, has the prospect of wider use of them in the process of studying the discipline "Russian Language" in a technical university.

The gameplay encourages the orientation in the general sense of professional activities, that any substantive action included in a business relationship, one way or another directed at other people [1, 4]. At the same time student discovers that these relations themselves have a certain system of subordination, management and execution. Performing in imaginary situations, the function of the future expert and comparing their features with the existing basic knowledge, its own real-world experience, the student begins to distinguish external and internal sides of the chosen profession. He discovers the presence of the necessary knowledge and skills and begins to orient consciously in them. New relationship arise to the future of the profession. These experiences are accumulated, causing a generalization effects. The student appears to have a kind of "logic of feeling" which is inevitably reflected in the behavior, in learning activities. It should be emphasized the special role of the game, as a means of expression, the external manifestations of emotional sphere of interpersonal communication.

In the course of game activity a number of psychological new formations are formed, primarily, imagination and symbolic function of consciousness, allowing student to make to transfer properties of some objects and phenomena on the other. On this basis the focus on common sense and the nature of the relationship of the future specialist to the acquired profession. Game situation at the lesson highlights the special role of these relations, gives a certain value to a particular action, actions that form the basis of formation of communicative skills, influencing the effective inclusion of individual and corporate activities.

Formula learning game "doctrine enthusiastically" determines the creation of

motivation to succeed in interesting for each participant co-curricular activities, is perhaps the basis for the application of game forms of conducting classes in the adult education system. Gaming technology can solve the other, almost equally important problem associated with the need to compensate for information overload, psychological and physiological organization of student recreation.

During the experimental work are collected the game, designed for a variety of use cases. Experience shows this training technology provides effective assimilation of knowledge by students and skills taught by our academic disciplines.

Especially those involved with the games or their elements is to build a professional text content in speech and writing exercises. The simplicity and clarity of the rules, the atmosphere of friendliness and looseness - requirements for the training sessions in the form of a game. The creation of such a class time-consuming work. The most crucial of its stage - the final test practice. The bulk of these studies was successfully tested in the study groups of various departments KNRTU. We are developing a collection of organizational and business games is a kind of "designer" of the details of which the teacher can be a variety of combinations and combinations, to compare their performance and to select the best solutions and most importantly -to develop new, improved its details.

Educational business games are well adapted to development on their basis automated intensive training audiovisual program scenarios [6]. For carrying out EBG you require managing experience. Some preliminary, but very productive managing experience suggests that students acquire the skills to act according to the rules, the direct instructions of the game manager can be replaced by voice-over, with the sounding of phonograms. Staying in the role of "chief," "subordinate", "interested", "indifferent", "leader", "star" makes the participants feel, to experience the uniqueness of a particular role, to go beyond the existing personality stereotypes, needed in practice of professional training of skilled executives and business partners.

The abilities of game technologies of training are not limited by the increase of information high-saturation of lessons, as well as optimizing of realization of the maintenance of discipline. Using games, their elements in the system of skills and knowledge control increases the efficiency of traditional examinations, colloquiums, tests successfully combines with rated current technology of educational activity.

The study of problems' theory shows that the process of the game encourages the orientation in the general sense of professional activities, that any substantive action which is included in a business relationship, one way or another directed at other people. Student discovers at the same time that these relations themselves have a certain subordination management and execution system. Performing in imaginary situations, the function of the future expert and comparing their features with their own real-world experience, the student begins to distinguish external and internal sides of the chosen profession. He opens the presence of the necessary knowledge and skills and begins to orientate in them consciously, so having a new relationship to himself, to the future profession. These experiences are accumulated, causing a generalization effects. The student begins to possess "logic of feeling" which inevitably influences the behavior, learning activities. Here, we should emphasize the special role of the game, as a means of expression, the external manifestations of emotional sphere of interpersonal communication. Game situation at the lesson highlights the special role of interpersonal relationships, it gives a certain value to a particular action, actions that form the basis of formation of communicative skills, influencing the effective entering individual and corporate activities.

During developing the selection of texts and topics were we based on personal-communicative, professional technical components of their content. All exercises for lessons are divided into four groups: 1) exercises for primary fixing of grammatical material; 2) lexical and grammatical exercises to the text; 3) exercises for work on the professional text content; 4) exercise to repeat material.

Part of exercises are designed for the use of a tape recorder and other technical means.

The examples from the works, original texts and current periodicals are used to illustrate the grammatical material.

At the end of each topic material for self work is given. This allows you to activate the creative self work of students to expand, consolidate knowledge in extracurricular time. Students


1. Барнс Л.Б., Кристенсен К.Р., Хансен Э.Дж Преподавание и метод конкретных ситуаций: пер. с англ. / Под ред. А.И. Наумова. - М., 2000.

2. Кларин М.В. Инновации в мировой педагогике / М.В. Кларин. - Москва-Рига,1998.

3. Муталапов И.Д. Формирование профессиональных коммуникативных компетенций инженеров-технологов в учебных деловых играх:

became more obvious about role of active self study. Tasks "Check yourself', which are placed at the end of each main section are given with the purpose of active understanding of the studied material. We hope to achieve this aim by offering students three types of tasks - questions to repeat, practical and connecting questions.

We distinguish deep fundamental knowledge in professional work in chosen profession and knowledge of foreign languages alongside with native language in the system of leading competencies of technological field professionals.

It is common knowledge that functional model of universities includes the study of one foreign language. The achievement of strategic objectives of KNRTU about the compliance of educational system on the quality of training of specialists with international standards of the labor market, providing professional mobility in a two-level training conditions of new generation of specialists involves the study of several foreign languages. Petrochemical focus of study at the University determines the urgency of studying the Arabic language - the oil-rich countries language and having developed enough petrochemical technology. In this language situation, technological field specialist is formed in the educational environment of more active use of a combination of traditional, proven technologies with new technologies, such as gaming technology. Therefore Linguodidactics of Technical High School develops, implementing new approaches to the process of learning of foreign language. Our experience shows that gaming technology of training as effective language learning technology, have the prospect of wide use in the process of studying of other disciplines.

The study of traditional and modern technologies allowed to select the best forms and methods of training in modern conditions, focused on activation of both linguistic and engineering intellectual student's opportunities. Didactic model developed by us is aimed at the acquisition of professional competencies, fixing and expansion of the already known, a creative interpretation of the acquired knowledge in reallife context, the formation of value orientations.


монография / И.Д. Муталапов; Министерство образования и науки России, Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет. - Казань, Изд-во КНИГУ, 2013. - 176 с.

4. Махмутов М.И. Теория и практика проблемного обучения / М.И. Махмутов. - Казань, Таткнигоиздат. 1972.

5 Мухаметзянова Ф.Ш., Шайхутдинова Г.А. Инновационные технологии в подготовке педагогов профессионального обучения / Ф.Ш. Мухаметзянова, Г.А. Шайхутдинова // В сборнике: «Дидактика профессиональной школы». Казань, 2013. - С. 30-37.

6. Прокофьева Е.Н. Интегративная игра как средство формирования профессиональных

компетенций у бакалавров профиля «Защита в чрезвычайных ситуациях» / Е.Н. Прокофьева // Казанский педагогический

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Сведения об авторе:

Муталапов Искандер Джаудатович (г. Казань, Россия), старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков в профессиональной коммуникации, Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет, e-mail: iskander83@mail.ru

Data about the author:

I. Mutalapov (Kazan, Russia), senior lecturer of foreign languages in professional communication chair, Kazan national research technological university, e-mail: iskander83@mail.ru

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