Научная статья на тему 'Technologies of stimulating foreign language communication in conditions of vocation oriented training in a non-linguistic institution'

Technologies of stimulating foreign language communication in conditions of vocation oriented training in a non-linguistic institution Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
student / education / teaching / learning / technology / vocation orienting / stimulating / motivation / студент / образование / обучение / изучение / технология / профилирование / стимулирование / мотивация

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Makayev Khanif Fakhretdinovich, Merzlyakova Liliya Khanifovna

Constituents of the technology of students’ foreign language speech stimulating during their vocation oriented training have been considered. Shown is the dominant role of motivation in awakening and keeping students’ interest to speek in a foreign language. Stated is that to make students produce a foreign language speech due to the diversity of their personal characteristics it is necessary to use different techniques appropriate to their features, as well as information ones.

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Рассматриваются составляющие технологии стимулирования иноязычной речи при профилированном обучении. Показана доминирующая роль мотивации в пробуждении и сохранении интереса студента к производству иноязычной речи. Отмечено, что в силу различий в личностных характеристиках студентов необходимо применять к стимулированию их речи разные соответствующие этим чертам технологии обучения, информационные в том числе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Technologies of stimulating foreign language communication in conditions of vocation oriented training in a non-linguistic institution»

Авторы публикации Зарипов Дамир Ринатович - студент ВШ ИТИС, Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университета, г. Казань, ул. Кремлевская д. 35 Email: rubingooddz@gmail.com

Кузнецов Максим Алексеевич - студент ВШ ИТИС, Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университета, г. Казань, ул. Кремлевская д. 35 Email:maksoh_35@mail.ru

Authors of the publication

Zaripov Damir Rinatovich - student, High school of ITIS, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 25 Kremlyovskaya str. Email: rubingooddz@gmail.com

Kuznetsov Maksim Alekseevich -

student,High school of ITIS, Kazan Federal University, Kazan;Student, High school of ITIS, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 35 Kremlyovskaya str. Email: maksoh_35@mail.ru

Поступила в редакцию 10.07.2018. Принята к публикации 10.08.2018.

УДК 81'33


Х.Ф. Макаев, Г.З. Макаева, Л.Х. Мерзлякова

makaev-63@mail.ru, makaeva.guzal@mail.ru, lilija-92@mail.ru

1 Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, Казань, Россия 2Казанский государственный архитектурный строительный университет, Казань,


3Когалымское частное учреждение дополнительного образования "Языковой центр",

Когалым, Россия

Аннотация. Рассматриваются составляющие технологии стимулирования иноязычной речи при профилированном обучении. Показана доминирующая роль мотивации в пробуждении и сохранении интереса студента к производству иноязычной речи. Отмечено, что в силу различий в личностных характеристиках студентов необходимо применять к стимулированию их речи разные соответствующие этим чертам технологии обучения, информационные в том числе.

Ключевые слова: студент, образование, обучение, изучение, технология, профилирование, стимулирование, мотивация.

For Citation: Макаев Х.Ф., Макаева Г.З., Мерзлякова Л.Х. Технология стимулированияиноязычного общения в условиях профилированного обучения в неязыковом вузе // Казанский лингвистический журнал. 2018, том 1, № 1 (1). С. 100-105.



Kh.F. Makayev, G.Z. Makayeva, L.Kh. Merzlyakova

makaev-63@mail.ru, makaeva.guzal@mail.ru, lilija-92@mail.ru

1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia 2Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russia 3Kogalym Private Institution of Additional Education "Language Centre", Kogalym, Russia

Abstract. Constituents of the technology of students' foreign language speech stimulating during their vocation oriented training have been considered. Shown is the dominant role of motivation in awakening and keeping students' interest to speek in a foreign language. Stated is that to make students produce a foreign language speech due to the diversity of their personal characteristics it is necessary to use different techniques appropriate to their features, as well as information ones.

Keywords: student, education, teaching, learning, technology, vocation orienting, stimulating, motivation.

For Citation: Makayev Kh.F., Makayeva G.Z., Merzlyakova L.Kh. Technologies of Stimulating Foreign Language Communication in Conditions of Vocation Oriented Training in a Non-linguistic Institution // Kazan linguistic journal. 2018, Vol. 1, № 1 (1). Pp. 100-105.

Any person's performance of any kind of activity is explained by his/her desire or intentions which appear due to some plans, interests, external or internal motives. The period of the activity can be short, long or permanent. Concerning the issue of vocation oriented foreign language training of students in a non-linguistic university, it should be noted that this process as a type of educational activity takes a long time period. For the educational process two years time is indeed a very long period of time during which it is assumed that certain skills of foreign speech are mastered.

When it comes to learning a foreign language, there is always the question of motivating a student to study this discipline, preserving his interest towards it during the whole period of study. This is due to the fact that some students still have doubts about whether they need to learn the language for their future specialty or not. Even with a strong student's foreign language skills, the desire to learn the discipline may disappear if, for example, his hopes for the possibility of further improving thepositive results obtained earlier are not justified. Students' motivation for learning a language can also disappear if they do not see the prospects for using the language being studied in the areas of their future professional activity. A list of the negative factors affecting the student's positive attitude toward learning a foreign language can be continued.

On the other hand, foreign language training in a non-linguistic university today is not fully focused on vocation oriented teaching to foreign-language communication. The reason for

this, in our opinion, is the unjustified predominance of the mechanical reproduction of the traditional educational material, its strict thematic organization, lack of necessary literature on the specialty. But the demands of today's world require the construction of training so that the student himself could naturally produce a professional foreign language utterance.

Therefore, now it is more important than ever to teach a student vocation oriented foreign language material in accordance with the goals and objectives of the basic educational program of higher professional education, with the competences offered by the State Educational Standard (SES) for the relevant specialty. The main competence, according to the SES, is the ability to communicate in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages for solving problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction.

It is important for the teacher to be ready methodically, psychologically and technologically to use various technologies to implement the task indicated in this competence. This requires a high innovative qualification of the teacher, the ability to conduct an innovative experiment, to diagnose changes, to select right books and pedagogical technologies. The main character features of a teacher should be patience, warmth, flexibility, sensibility and self confidence. The teacher should not only know and be able to do all the above mentioned activities, "the main role here is in his/her abilities to give over all the knowledge and skills to their students" [1; 7; 8; 10].

It is known that pedagogical technology is considered as a set of methods, forms and ways of teaching and upbringing used in the educational process to achieve a predictable positive result. The implementation of incentive technology in the case of vocation oriented training in foreign-language communication can be realised by a certain set of its components. These include motivation, a comfortable psychological climate, professional orientation of the teaching material, an imitation of theprofessional language environment, overcoming of the language barrier, modern teaching aids, effective teaching methods, an affecting role of the teacher defined as creation of subject-subject collaborations in the learning process. Analysis of scientific, methodological and educational literature, experience of the author's work, and conversations with colleagues show that consideration of these components in a unity gives positive results in stimulating foreign-language communication of students in the process of their vocation oriented foreign language training.

The main of these components is undoubtedly the motivation, the level of which is determined by the presence in the learning process and in the activities of the trainee such factors as clarity of purpose, effectiveness of communication, playful activity, and professional orientation. To increase the motivation, the role of introducing a vocation oriented component in the curriculum suitable for personal interests and needs of students is invaluable, since not all students have a positive professional orientation.

A special place in stimulating foreign-language communication among students is assigned to the teacher, general requirements for whom are pedagogical literacy, high professionalism and a high level of professional and general culture, the presence of positive qualities, professional competence, including the field of the main specialty of students.

Based on the principles of the communicative teaching method, it is important to use such active forms of learning as games, discussions, lessons - creative laboratories; discussion and solving of problematic professional assignments; independent study of problematic issues in the future profession using modern teaching aids. All this stimulates foreign-language

communication, evokes a desire for a successful solution of the tasks, forming the skills of an independent foreign-speaking utterance.

During a foreign language teaching process in an imitating language environment such factors as speech accessibility of both a teacher, and a student, avoidance of complex sentences, use of repetitions, speech paraphrasing, use of visual aids, description of situations, explaining in a foreign language, use of body language [2, p. 30, 5, 6].

An important component of the technology for stimulating vocation oriented foreign-language communication among students is comfortable psychological climate of the educational process, created by the teacher and based on the subject-subject collaboration. Creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere is successfully achieved through the gaming method of foreign-language training, which helps the student to see in a foreign language a real means of communication. A game not only organizes the process of communication in the language, but also maximally brings it closer to natural communication, carries away even the most passive and poorly trained students, which positively affects their academic performance. A game promotes the development of mental and volitional activity, it requires a huge concentration of attention, trains memory, develops speech.

Presence of right competition, a favorable competitive spirit provides a positive emotional effect in the learning process; reduces the students' foreign language anxiety, thus positively influencing the stimulation of foreign speech activity.

One of the most effective ways to learn a vocation oriented foreign-language is using the Automatic Captioning on YouTube. The Automatic Captioning has many positive sides of foreign language teaching and learning. They are access to variety of learning resources, anytime and anywhere learning, collaborative learning, multimedia approach to education, authentic and up to date information, access to online libraries and many others [3, p. 82-84; 4; 9].

So, any activity, speaking in other languages including, is done on the basis of motive, desire. For this desire to be realized, it is necessary to support it constantly with all possible means. To do this, it is very important to prepare in a correct way, to organize and to implement, as well as to monitor the results of the process of stimulating foreign-language communication, which, in turn, undoubtedly will make a great contribution to vocation oriented teaching in a non-linguistic institution.


1. Burt M., Dulay H. and Finocchiaro M. (eds.) Viewpoints on English as a Second Language / New York: Regent's Publishing Company, 1977.

2. Makayev Kh.F., Makayeva G.Z. Overcoming Language Barrier as an Effective Way of Forming a Foreign Language Communication Competence of a Future Specialist: Monograph / Kh.F. Makayev, G.Z. Makayeva. Kazan: Otechestvo, 2017. 126 p.

3. Yeremeyeva G.R., Mitko G.V., Dodon B.V. Automatic Captioning on YouTube in the Process of Foreign Language Learning / Information Technologies in Research Area of Diversely Structured Languages. Collection of Articles of the I International Internet Conference of Young Researchers. Kazan: Kazan University Publishing House, 2017. 154 p. Pp 82-84.

4. Atabekova A.A. Hypertext on the Base of WEB - Techniques as an Active Instrument for Organizing the Lesson during the Process of a Foreign Language Teaching // Problems of

Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages. Iss. IV. M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 2000. Pp. 94-97.

5. Bernstein V.L. The Ways of Forming Cross cultural Communicative Competence at Foreign Language Lessons // Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures: Problems, Searches, Decisions (Lempertov Readings - VII). Materials of International Scientific Methodical Symposium « Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures: Problems, Searches, Decisions» (Pyatigorsk, May 19-20 2005). Pyatigorsk: PSLU, 2005. 212 p.

6. Bodalev A.A. Psychology of Communication: Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Kogito-Centre, 2011. 600 p.

7. Dadayan E.G. Communication Barrier and Some Reasons of its Emergence // Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures: Problems, Searches, Decisions (Lempertov Readings - VII). Materials of International Scientific Methodical Symposium « Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures: Problems, Searches, Decisions» (Pyatigorsk, May 19-20 2005). Pyatigorsk: PSLU, 2005. 212 p.

8. Raven J. Pedagical Testing: Problems, Confusions, Perspectives / Translated from English. Publ.2. M.: «Kogito-Centre», 2001. 142 p.

9. Masgoret A.M. & Gardner R.C. (2003). Attitudes, motivation, and second language learning: A meta-analysis of studies conducted by Gardner and Associates. Language Learning, 53, Pp. 123-163.

10. Ebata, M. Motivation Factors in Language Learning. The Internet TESL Journal, XIV. Retrieved January 23, 2013 from URL: http://iteslj.org/Articles/Ebata-MotivationFactors.html

Авторы публикации Макаев Ханиф Фахретдинович -

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков для физико-математического направления и информационных технологий Высшей школы иностранных языков и перевода Института международных отношений Казанского федерального университета, г. Казань, ул. Межлаука, д. 3. Email: makaev-63@mail.ru

Authors of the publication

Makayev Khanif Fakhretdinovich - the

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation. Email: makaev-63@mail.ru

Мерзлякова Лилия Ханифовна -

Преподаватель, Когалымского частного учреждение дополнительного образования "Языковой центр", Когалым, Россия

Merzlyakova Liliya Khanifovna - Lecturer, Kogalym Private Institution of Additional Education "Language Centre", Kogalym, Russia

Авторы публикации Макаева Гузаль Зайнагиевна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Казанского государственного университета архитектуры и строительства, г. Казань.

Email: makaeva.guzal@mail.ru

Authors of the publication

Makayeva Guzal Zainagiyevna - the

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages of Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russia. Email: makaeva.guzal@mail.ru

Поступила в редакцию 01.07.2018. Принята к публикации 01.08.2018.

УДК 372.881.111.1


Н.П. Соболева


Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Казань, Россия

Аннотация. В данной статье дается обзор современных открытых образовательных ресурсов, материалы которых могут быть использованы при обучении английскому языку в академическом дискурсе. Современный высокотехнологичный мир предъявляет высокие требования к системе образования: обучение английскому языку отвечает этим требованиям. В связи с этим выбор в пользу определенного метода обучения и образовательных ресурсов играет важную роль. В рамках статьи рассматриваются перспективы использования открытых образовательных ресурсов «TED(x)», «TEDEd», «Vox» и «Coursera» на занятиях по английскому языку со студентами гуманитарных специальностей.

Ключевые слова: студент, преподаватель, обучение английскому языку, открытый образовательный ресурс, академический дискурс

Для цитирования: Соболева Н.П. Обращение к материалам конференций и видеоресурсов при обучении студентов гуманитарных специальностей // Казанский лингвистический журнал. 2018, том 1, № 1 (1). С. 105-111.

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