FORMATION OF STUDENTS' COMMUNICATIVE AND INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
educational technologies / cross-cultural communication / cross-cultural competence / communicative / образовательные технологии / межкультурная коммуникация / межкультурная компетенция / коммуникативная.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Djuraeva, Gavkhar Normurotovna

The article deals with topical issues of contemporary higher education within the competence-oriented teaching approach. The possibilities of forming students’ communicative competence in the context of cross-cultural communication based on the socio-cultural and sociolinguistic educational technologies of personality-oriented teaching are analyzed.

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В статье рассматриваются актуальные вопросы современного высшего образования в рамках компетентностно-ориентированного подхода к обучению. Анализируются возможности формирования коммуникативной компетентности студентов в условиях межкультурного общения на основе социокультурных и социолингвистических образовательных технологий личностно-ориентированного обучения.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 1

educational, natural and social sciences О ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423


Djuraeva Gavkhar Normurotovna

Teacher of Silk Road International University of Tourism, Uzbekistan.


The article deals with topical issues of contemporary higher education within the competence-oriented teaching approach. The possibilities of forming students' communicative competence in the context of cross-cultural communication based on the socio-cultural and sociolinguistic educational technologies of personality-oriented teaching are analyzed.

Keywords: educational technologies, cross-cultural communication, cross-cultural competence, communicative


В статье рассматриваются актуальные вопросы современного высшего образования в рамках компетентностно-ориентированного подхода к обучению. Анализируются возможности формирования коммуникативной компетентности студентов в условиях межкультурного общения на основе социокультурных и социолингвистических образовательных технологий личностно-ориентированного обучения.

Ключевые слова: образовательные технологии, межкультурная коммуникация, межкультурная компетенция, коммуникативная.


The Republic has created a normative basis for the organization of the process of training comprehensively mature, modern, well-educated and competitive personnel in accordance with international qualification requirements, training of future specialists based on advanced foreign experience, training of specialists fluent in foreign languages. database enriched. The Strategy of Actions[1] for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan identifies the priority task of "improving the quality and efficiency of higher education institutions based on the introduction of international educational standards and quality assessment of education." As a result, the opportunity to develop the socio-cultural abilities of students integrated into the sciences in higher education has expanded.

It is a well-known fact that professionals currently studying in the field of tourism need not only higher education, but also the ability to communicate orally and in writing in a foreign language for personal and professional purposes. This is


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 1

educational, natural and social sciences O ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

due to the important role of globalization in modern society, which serves to expand political, economic, cultural and personal inter-ethnic ties, to expand cultural relations between countries. Mastering a foreign language increases the value of a specialist in the labor market, which is often one of the mandatory conditions in hiring today.

Socio-cultural competence, as a content component and object of teaching, performs a communicative function and influences the behavior, attitudes, thoughts and feelings of a foreign language interlocutor [2; 269].


The development of socio-cultural competence simultaneously reflects the modern trend of humanization and humanization of education and leads to the achievement of appropriate goals - introduces another culture, increases the general level of knowledge in the process of acquiring new socio-cultural knowledge, expands its worldview, its communicative activity and provides effective management of personal behavior.

The problem of developing socio-cultural competence in foreign language learners and the description of ways to solve this problem have attracted the attention of many researchers (N.M. Belyakova [3], N.D. Galskova [4], R.N.Juraev[5], K.D.Riskulova[6] and others).

In particular, scientists are trying to enrich the worldview of foreign language learners by understanding the features of other cultures in the context of the study of socio-cultural content, the ability to use a foreign language as a means of communication in the dialogue of cultures in the modern world. At the same time, scholars have repeatedly stressed the importance of the socio-cultural competence of professionals needed for intercultural communication. An analysis of the results of research on the development of socio-cultural competence in foreign language learners (including at the bachelor's level in a non-linguistic higher education institution) showed that this problem is not fully resolved.

In particular, despite the general importance of the acquisition of socio-cultural competence by specialists, we have not found a solution to this problem in relation to different contingents of students - as well as graduates of non-linguistic higher education institutions, including foreign language learners. There is no scientifically based statement.

The leading role in solving this problem belongs to higher education, especially bachelor's degree. It is the bachelor's graduates who in recent years have organized

the main replenishment of human resources in various fields of the country -


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humanitarian, social, service, medical, cultural, technological and others. Because of the close "contact" with workers of different ages and social status, undergraduate graduates should not only have narrow professional skills, but also have the skills of organizers, social activists, active and productive team members.

Accordingly, the development of socio-cultural competence has not yet been carried out purposefully and systematically in the practice of teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions of the specified type. As a result, the goals set in the foreign language program for tourism in higher education institutions to teach this subject to future professionals, including the development of quality intercultural communicative competence, have not been fully achieved.

The urgency of solving this problem is explained by the need to develop socio-cultural competence as a component of preparation for a foreign language in the insufficient development of theoretical and practical issues of the methodology.

The above problems can be solved by performing the following tasks:

1. Creating organizational and pedagogical conditions for students of tourism, in which almost all students during their studies at the university study not only the general theoretical, general professional and special subjects specified in the curriculum, but also the development of social, cultural, professional and social activities.

2. Achieve the full development of students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

3. Ensuring the active participation of all students in improving the socio-cultural competence of students.

In connection with the introduction of improving socio-cultural competence in the purpose of training undergraduate students, it should reflect the need to present the components of the system goal in the form of a combination of psychogram, sociogram, culturogram and professiogram.

One of the important tasks is to develop students' desire, ability, knowledge, skills and abilities to learn, to teach general subjects to master their chosen profession, to effectively organize their independent and creative work. Our country needs specialists with well-developed thinking in various fields, who can think freely. The following views of President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev confirm the urgency of this issue today: "Today's rapidly changing world opens up new and great opportunities for humanity and youth." Teaching young people to think independently and freely is a priority in the educational process. The ability of the youth of our country to think

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independently throughout life, at all stages of education, should remain a basic requirement.

An innovative approach to the educational process serves to effectively address the above-mentioned topical issue. In essence, innovative approaches are a dynamic system of innovating an attitude or process. One of the important features of modern education is the innovative significance of pedagogical activity.

In our study, we aimed to achieve results based on three innovative approaches:

- Socio-cultural approach

- systematic approach

- local lore approach.

An integral part of modern social science and, above all, the sociology of management is the socio-cultural approach. It allows us to identify and study the most important factors of people's motivation and behavior, which is the organic interaction of society and culture.

The socio-cultural approach is understood as a methodology based on a systematic approach, the essence of which is to try to see society as a unit of culture and sociality formed and transformed by human activity. This is according to the principles of unit systems. the approach creates integrity, the properties of which cannot be inferred from the properties of the parts.

Implementing a socio-cultural approach in the classroom opens up a number of possibilities. The socio-cultural approach is in step with the times and meets the requirements of modern society. Socio-cultural competence itself, which is an integral part of communicative competence (its formation is the main task of a foreign language teacher in the classroom), is responsible for shaping a number of skills of students, without which learning a foreign language has no practical meaning. These skills include typical social role-playing techniques, the ability to choose a socio-culturally acceptable communication style, mastering the cultural norms and traditions of the language being studied, knowing that language is not only a distinctive feature but also means of communication, social memory form, language facts and facts can also be emphasized. Reality, the ability to translate socio-cultural material into the native language, the ability to overcome and resolve socio-cultural conflicts, the correct use, socio-culturally defined units of speech, tolerance in target language communication, native speakers and culture perception and behavior prediction and other features. Following the rules of the socio-cultural approach, the need to apply this approach and the diversity of its application in the lesson becomes clear. It has no age restrictions, as well as restrictions on language proficiency. This

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indicates that its scope of application is wide. At the initial stage of foreign language teaching, that is, the implementation of a socio-cultural approach in students is especially successful from a practical point of view, because it is fully consistent with the age characteristics of students. In addition, the use of a socio-cultural approach in a foreign language lesson allows one of the most important problems of teaching to be solved by studying the dictionary of cultural symbols, understanding it and applying it in speech. By studying a culturally defined dictionary as a linguistic phenomenon, we have come to the conclusion that this linguistic phenomenon can only be explained through culture itself. A culturally labeled dictionary is important not only for the reality of the language, but also for the presence of everyday words that have a different meaning in the context of the language culture we are learning.

A systematic approach to foreign language learning is the most innovative, holistic and methodologically effective method of teaching. Systematic thinking allows us to determine all the defining parameters and interrelationships of language and speech components, and ultimately to optimize the processes of knowing, understanding, and applying knowledge in practice. With a systematic approach to the study of foreign languages, the language system is considered as a set of interrelated linguistic components - elements, structures and subsystems in the hierarchy of their structure.

With a systematic approach, the methodology for teaching the components of language provides such a systematic, consistent presentation and teaching of material that the most optimal of the speaking skills and abilities required for the individual functioning of the language system. The systematic approach to learning foreign languages is qualitatively superior to the fragmented approach used in communicative techniques.

One of the main principles of a systematic approach is to consider an object as an integral set of components in the sum of the interactions between them and their interaction with the environment. In our case, the object is language as a complex system, in which smaller systems (subsystems of different levels), structures and elements can be distinguished, their interaction and operation with the external environment (in the communicative act) becomes the object.

In the process of teaching socio-cultural competence in foreign language teaching, it was necessary to prove the assumption that a comparison of the cultural facts of one's homeland and the country of the language being studied would be more effective.

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In recent years, in search of ways to restore the spirituality of society, the formation of spiritual and moral ideas in the younger generation, researchers and teachers of our country again turned to local lore - a direction that seems to have lost its significance.

The use of local lore material in the process of teaching a foreign language has always attracted the attention of teachers and methodologists. The problems of joint study of the culture of the homeland and the culture of the studied language are being studied intensively in our time in connection with the social order of the society of highly qualified specialists who know all forms of communication.

The need to form a new generation of socially active citizens, worthy successors of the experience of previous generations, the spiritual culture of the people, the successors of ethnic traditions, as well as equal citizens of Uzbekistan and the world community became more and more acute. In this regard, scientists, methodologists, teachers and educators need to think again about the role of local lore in the theory and practice of teaching and education.

Based on its methodological basis, in our opinion, local lore is a set of natural and social scientific studies, including the study of the nature and natural resources of the region, economic activities in its territory, the history and culture of the local population. We consider local lore as a system, basis, base that allows the educational institution to specify the work of education and upbringing. It is a systematic approach that, in addition to the pedagogical effectiveness of local lore, allows to establish regular links between its elements, to determine the organizational structure and methods.

Local lore has a number of unique features that distinguish it from other areas of educational activity:

- priority of educational tasks;

- Opportunity to implement the principles of adaptive pedagogy;

- The integrative nature of the content (the diversity of the content of the study area: nature, economy, ecology, culture, history, modernity, etc.);

- application of general education knowledge skills and methods of activity to form a holistic view of the region;

- Extensive opportunities for the use of educational and upbringing resources of the microenvironment, subregional socio-cultural space;

- implementation of personal, activity, research approaches in the process of activity;

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- the external attractiveness of the activity, which is of direct interest to the audience, forming the cognitive motivation of the audience;

- an almost limitless range of possibilities for the use and integration of all forms of educational activity.


All this requires a special approach to the organization of teaching and learning activities of students in educational institutions in each region, the organization of the educational process. From these positions, we have organized the teaching of foreign languages to students of non-linguistic specialties.

Based on the above, it should be noted that today education is not to a greater extent than before, even if it includes maximum opportunities for the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills, vocational education in educational institutions. The training process should be continuous, in various forms — adaptation and training of employees within the organization, adoption of self-education and self-development programs.


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