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Ключевые слова
authentic materials / electronic textbooks / socio-cultural competence / intercultural crossroads / authentic video materials / to preserve once cultural world / distance learning.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pulat Omanov

The article discusses the issue of developing the content and forms of developing students' socio-cultural competence in online education through authentic video materials and electronic textbooks. The aim of the research work. The purpose of the study is to develop students' socio-cultural competence while teaching English language through authentic video materials. Results and considerations. The development of socio-cultural competence implies the training of future professionals in a multicultural personality. The process of becoming aware of the national and cultural features of the social and speech etiquette of language speakers, their customs, rules of conduct, social stereotypes, history and culture, and using this knowledge in communication is a two-way activity. It also helps them to master the features of the language. Therefore, every lesson in a foreign language is a crossroads, a point of intercultural communication. The use of authentic video materials in the development of students' socio-cultural competence is the most effective tool not only in offline education, but also in the process of distance learning in the process of gaining popularity. has unlimited opportunities to enter the social life, national-cultural environment of the representatives of the country where the language is studied. Conclusion. In the conclusion and comments section, the analysis showed that English language curricula for general secondary and secondary special education, authentic texts on the social life and cultural life of the people of the country where the language is studied, were selected according to the topics, exercises and assignments were developed according to the age of students. However, the fact that higher education curricula are not coordinated with lower education curricula requires further improvement of the content and forms of education aimed at developing students' sociocultural competence in teaching foreign languages in higher education.

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ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100


Pulat Omanov

PhD, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages [email protected]


The article discusses the issue of developing the content and forms of developing students' socio-cultural competence in online education through authentic video materials and electronic textbooks.

The aim of the research work. The purpose of the study is to develop students' socio-cultural competence while teaching English language through authentic video materials.

Results and considerations. The development of socio-cultural competence implies the training of future professionals in a multicultural personality. The process of becoming aware of the national and cultural features of the social and speech etiquette of language speakers, their customs, rules of conduct, social stereotypes, history and culture, and using this knowledge in communication is a two-way activity. It also helps them to master the features of the language. Therefore, every lesson in a foreign language is a crossroads, a point of intercultural communication. The use of authentic video materials in the development of students' socio-cultural competence is the most effective tool not only in offline education, but also in the process of distance learning in the process of gaining popularity. has unlimited opportunities to enter the social life, national-cultural environment of the representatives of the country where the language is studied.

Conclusion. In the conclusion and comments section, the analysis showed that English language curricula for general secondary and secondary special education, authentic texts on the social life and cultural life of the people of the country where the language is studied, were selected according to the topics, exercises and assignments were developed according to the age of students. However, the fact that higher education curricula are not coordinated with lower education curricula requires further improvement of the content and forms of education aimed at developing students' socio-cultural competence in teaching foreign languages in higher education.

Keywords: authentic materials, electronic textbooks, socio-cultural competence, intercultural crossroads, authentic video materials, to preserve once cultural world, distance learning.


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100


Today, new requirements are set for teachers of higher education institutions to improve the quality of learning a subject. In this regard, different methods are used in the teaching of English, the main purpose of which is to improve the teaching of English. The e-textbook plays an important role in teaching English, explaining its topics and organizing exhibitions, effective use of modern information technology and modern educational technology tools in the most effective and appropriate places. One of the tools of modern information technology is the organization of teaching English through various animations, programs in this multimedia environment.

This necessitated a system of exercises for selecting, adapting and developing ethnographic texts, as well as teaching students the vocabulary of the subject. The following principles were followed:

- Ensuring the principle of growth of the system of exercises from simple to complex, this serves to develop the socio-cultural competencies of students;

- Ensuring continuity in the range of topics;

- Emphasis on authenticity and exhibitionism in the selection of educational materials;

- Exercises and tasks aimed at mastering each topic texts are based on the application of a communicative approach based on modern pedagogical technologies;

- Introduction of tasks comparing different and similar aspects in the preparation of assignments in order to develop students' worldview, increase their socio-cultural abilities;

- To ensure that the language of texts and assignments presented to students is more relevant to the modern life of the country where they are studied;

- Didactic compatibility of teaching materials with the principle of cultural compatibility.

Exercises are a special type of learning activities that help students develop relevant skills based on the knowledge imparted. The role of exercises in language teaching is enormous. The language system is a phenomenon characterized by its versatility, the interdependence of its units in terms of structural and functional properties, so the exercises in language education also have a different appearance and structure. Unlike mother tongue education, the main part of the exercises performed in the process of learning another language is focused on the formation of communication skills, and recently some Methodists recommend separating such exercises into speech exercises and language exercises [1].


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

Objectives of the Study

- study of didactic and psychological factors, existing problems and opportunities for the development of students' socio-cultural competence in foreign language teaching;

- analysis of the advantages and effectiveness of the use of authentic materials in the teaching of the language in harmony with the lifestyle and culture of native speakers in the formation of practical skills in the foreign language of future professionals;

- development of methodological support for the development of students' socio-cultural competence in English through authentic video materials in the context of traditional offline education;

- development of content and forms of development of students' socio-cultural competence in online education through authentic video materials and electronic textbooks;

- to test the developed methodological support in the process of classroom lessons and distance learning and to determine the effectiveness of the development of socio-cultural competence of students in English.


The object of research is the process of developing students' socio-cultural competence in English language teaching through authentic video materials.

Methods of the research. The article uses theoretical (analytical, synthetic, comparative analysis), diagnostic (surveys, testing, observation), prognostic (generalization, evaluation), pedagogical experiment and mathematical methods (statistical processing of data, graphical representation of results, etc.) aimed at ensuring adequate learning in the coverage of the research topic).


E.Passov in his time argued that any exercise has communicative, linguistic and psychological features [2. V. 6. p. 40]. According to him, communicative exercises are divided into types of real communicative exercises and conditional communicative exercises. True communicative exercises arise in the process of communication, and conditional communicative exercises require the creation of a conditional communication situation in the process of training. I.V. Rakhmanov described the system of exercises as language and speech exercises, receptive and reproductive, aspect and complex exercises, training and purely communicative exercises, preparation and control exercises; creative, class and home exercises, solo,


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

double, choir exercises; based on the selected material - suggested a classification as dialogic and monologic speech exercises [3. V. 3. p. 187]. A.N. Shchukin divided the exercise system into three types: as suggested (control, complex, receptive); by descriptive nature (dialogic and monologue); exercises according to the method of performance (oral / written, in class / at home, individually / collectively) [4. V.2. p. 416].

M. Djusupov recommends dividing the exercises into three main types:

1. Exercises on the formation of knowledge in language systems;

2. Exercises on the formation of knowledge in the dynamics of language;

3. Exercises that form skills and competencies in speech activities. In his opinion, these exercises are complex exercises, the first and second types of exercises can be considered as preparatory exercises (initial and elementary) and the third type of exercises can be considered as basic exercises (analytical, situational-communicative and creative) [5. V. 1. p. 140]. J.Jalolov, T.Sattorov and A.Soynazarov were the types of exercises that form, develop and improve the system of exercises used in the study of foreign languages. According to them, formative exercises are performed in the acquisition of language material, developmental exercises are performed in the use of language material in speech, and developmental exercises are performed in a foreign language in order to express ideas and comprehend other people's ideas. J.Jalolov divides the preparation of language materials into 3 stages in the exercises: Selection, Classification, Distribution, Static presentation; Assimilation takes place in 4 stages: acquaintance, presentation, training, application, assessment [6. V. 3. p. 432].

S. Saidaliev divides exercises into two types: language exercises and preparatory exercises. In his view, linking language exercises with speech practice, ultimately using language as a means of communication, serves to develop skills. Preparatory exercises include not only exercises that provide mastery of language material (phonetic, grammatical, lexical), but also exercises that teach the formation and expression of ideas, the formation of speech mechanisms [7. V. 4. p. 238].

LK Ilieva suggests question-and-answer exercises in order to develop skills and abilities to get acquainted with the topic and new words in the introductory phase. According to him, through practice, students develop skills and the text is strengthened; in the application phase, skills are developed through discussion of the text, exchange of ideas [8. V. 1. p. 150].

In her research work on second language education, H.S. Mukhitdinova identified that real communicative exercises, creating a situation of live


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

communication, encourage students to go to theaters, museums, shops, markets, and actively participate in extracurricular activities. It is recommended to organize conditional communicative exercises through games, exercises, presentation lessons [9. V. 1. p. 390].

Thus, exercises and assignments are a systematic and systematic and, in some cases, individual activities that are aimed at acquiring a specific activity in the educational process and serve to improve and strengthen the quality of education.

In proposing new forms of implementation of these steps, the main goal of the communicative approach is based on such criteria as practical mastery of language, teaching to communicate, formation of socio-cultural competence, teaching to reflect culture at the language level and free and active communication. Currently, the biggest shortcoming of the lessons planned for the formation of socio-cultural competence is that the effective form, method and method of working with materials that reflect the culture presented in the course of the lesson are not used. Most educators have not identified ways to properly organize the stages of presenting video materials that reflect the culture. The main purpose of presenting culture-reflecting materials, including authentic video materials, is to show that culture is reflected at the language level, in language structures and to compare structures with one's own culture and mother tongue, and to develop the ability to use these structures in real communication. Therefore, the main disadvantages of lessons organized using authentic video materials in the development of socio-cultural competence are:

• authentic video material reflecting the culture in which the language is studied is presented and not comparable to the national culture;

• Conducting question and answer sessions on the comparison of cultures, but the main purpose, not to analyze the reflection of culture at the level of language, its structure;

• not to compare the reflection of culture at the level of language, its structures with the structures of the native language.

Based on the above considerations, we have proposed the following forms of three-stage presentation of authentic video materials.

As an example, we chose videos that reflect the socio-cultural characteristics of the two nations. A conversation between father and son at the table: Excerpts from the English feature film Whiplash and the Uzbek feature film "Mahallada duv duv gap" ("There is a lot of Talk in the Neighborhood") about a father and son talking about their son's future plans around the table.


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

Mahallada duv duv gap (ozbefc film) | *

Maxa/inafla Ayo Ay» ran (yrfe^iibM) ,960 Whiplash • Family Dinner

The main goal is to show language learners how the same communicative state of these two nations is reflected in two cultures and two languages, to analyze the socio-cultural features and language level of these communicative states and, most importantly, to create this communicative state and socio-cultural and linguistic competencies. We can do this process through the following steps, and each step is offered a sample exercise based on the videos shown above.

In the pre-demonstration phase, the following types of tasks can be assigned to analyze the socio-cultural context and linguistic level of authentic video material:

- determine which register of speech (formal, informal) new words and phrases belong to;

- group words and phrases into thematic groups; (mind mapping)

- analysis of fixed expressions, clichés specific to speech or other style (can be categorized into different socio-cultural contexts)

Typical exercises:

1. Work with new words and phrases:

Define the style of the following words and phrases:

How is it going? opinion means a lot to you, yeah, really well, what happened?, that is fantastic, come on, that is stunning, it goes ok? Are you gonna tell? is it your idea of success?, purpose of life

Official style Colloquial style

2. Grouping words and phrases into thematic groups; (mind mapping) Classify the following words and phrases.


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

What phrases would you use in different social settings (family and friends, collegues and other official setting) to ask how are things going on in someone's life:

I Now !% it <fOlrwj ? UV/ujf It goe% ok ? Are

you oonno t*H? What i» up? Are you ok P Howortt you f What >% neiv/Motv or* tht/ni* Qoingt What >»</«• you 6««n up to lately

During the demonstration:

A) The process of sociolinguistic observation

- Analysis of the impact of the characteristics of the interlocutors (age, gender, origin, socio-economic status, field of professional activity, etc.) in the choice of linguistic and extralinguistic means;

- Analysis of the characteristics of accent, tone, speed of speech in accordance with the socio-cultural characteristics of the interlocutors (USA, UK, Uzbekistan)

B) The process of socio-cultural analysis

1) Identify words of socio-cultural nature, determine in which socio-cultural situations words of socio-cultural nature are used.

2) describe the equivalents in the native language and in what socio-cultural situations it is used.


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

3) identification of social situations, analysis of phrases specific to the social situation.

A comparative comparison of these forms can be made on the basis of the following tables. Students will be provided with a worksheet and will be able to work independently, and these analysis sheets can also be used as an assessment:

ANALYSIS WORKSHEET (comparative language in cultural context)

English Uzbek

Cultural context

Language Structures


Grammar (grammatical structures)

Context (taboo topics etc.)

Paralinguistic means (gestures, mimicry etc.)

Students complete this table with a comparative analysis of the reflection of culture at the language level and in its structures. The above analysis sheet is prepared as an example, in which it is recommended to study the reflection of culture at the language level when working with video materials in the formation of socio-cultural competence, by comparing it with their own culture and language. Typical exercises:

A) The Process of Socio-Linguistic Analysis


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

B) The Process of Socio-Cultural Analysis Typical exercises:

ANALYSIS WORKSHEET (Comparative Language in Cultural Context)

English (Whiplash) Uzbek ( Мах,аллада дув дув гап)

Cultural context Family dinner, conversation between father and son, asking how things are going Oila dasturxon atrofida, ota va o'g'il suhbati, hol ahvol va rejalar haqida so'rash

Language Structures How is it going? opinion means a lot to you, yeah, really well, what happened?, that is fantastic, come on, that is stunning, it goes ok? are you gonna tell? is it your idea of success? , purpose of life O'g'lim ovqatingni yemaysanmi? Boshing bir umr g'urbatdan chiqmaydi...

Pronunciation Quick speech, assimilation of sounds, stress to words Sekin nutq, tovushlar assimilyasiyaga uchramagan

Grammar (grammatical structures) Questions, elliptical sentences, omissions of auxiliary verbs, short sentences Qo'shma gaplar, tuganlanmagan gap, so'roq gap

Context (taboo topics etc.) No discussion about marriage or private life, mainly about career Oila qurish haqidagi suhbat, ammo o'g'il toionidan bu suhbatni davom ettirish madaniyatga va urf odatlarga zid

Paralinguistic means (gestures, mimicry etc.) Hand gestures is used, and eye contact while speaking with each other O„g„ilning otaga tik boqmasligi va hokazo

Post-demonstration stage:

Today, the main purpose of the communicative approach is to prepare language learners to communicate, that is, to a real communicative situation, taking into account the communicative, interactive, perceptual features of the communication process. At this point, it is very important to create a real communicative situation in the learning process. With this in mind, we proposed the creation of a communicative situation as an additional form of stages of demonstration of authentic video material. Working with authentic video material: 1) before the show; 2) demonstration process; 3) covering the post-demonstration


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

stages, it can be seen that in most cases the post-demonstration stage reflects a certain state of culture in the bilingual structure. These include: Debate method, pinboard method, Briefing method, FSMU (idea, reason, example, generalization) technology, boomerang technology, organizer and cluster method, classification tables, conceptual table, Venn diagram, Lily drawing, Fish skeleton and so on. Typical exercises:

I n two columns write down t he phrases a nd q uestions yov may use whi le a ski rug people h ow the

things a re going on-

Ask your friend how the things are going on

Ask your teacher about news in his/her life

Communicative mode (simulations): In the third stage, it is possible to create a real communicative situation through simulation and role-playing games. Simulation games and role-playing games help to develop the ability to actively use language by engaging in communication in specific speech activities. At this last stage, the development of communicative competence in creating a situation of communication allowed to distinguish the student's mastery on the basis of the following situations:

Situation 1. The student has an overview of the specifics of the two cultures Situation 2. The student is able to compare the characteristics of the two cultures.

Situation 3. The student is able to apply the specifics of the two cultures directly in the conversational process.

This stage can be called the stage of creating the final communicative situation. At this stage, students can evaluate each other (peer assessment) and this is where communicative assessment takes place. Typical exercises:


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

Produce the Following Simulations

Father and son at dinner table (England), father is concerned about his son's preparation for college Father and son at dinner table (USA), father is concerned about his son's career choice Father and son at dinner table (Uzbekistan), father is concerned about his son being out late with his friends Brothers at dinner table (England) talking about future plans on vacation

Conversation between professor and student about professor's plans on conference organization (England) Conversation between professor and student about further plans on internship (Uzbekistan) Two friends talking about news in their lives (USA) Two friends talking about news in their lives (Uzbekistan)

We can also use flipped classroom technology as another unconventional and effective stage and form of displaying authentic video materials:

Flipped classroom (Reverse classroom) is an educational technology that has been widely used in recent years and is aimed at motivating students to work independently and interest in the learning process, this technology is very effective in shaping students' independent learning skills, especially in the credit module system. At the same time, the student who has pre-analyzed the authentic video material is ready for the learning process, thus saving time allocated to the learning process and ensuring that students have enough time and opportunity to independently master and analyze the learning material. For example, students will be asked to compare and analyze English and Uzbek poetry for the next lesson. It is possible to use videos of poems performed by famous artists.

https://www.youtube.com/o1W7VK6Yo4s (in English) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_uzLlwb82Wh7WvoXyDaWi2Dirx KNuJT2 (in Uzbek)

In the process of analysis, the student must necessarily compare the two cultures and the reflection of the culture in the language structure. The results of this comparative analysis were discussed in the classroom (discussion method, pinboard method, Briefing method, FSMU (opinion, reason, example, generalization) technology, boomerang technology, organizer and cluster method. , based on technologies such as classification tables, conceptual tables, Venn diagrams, lotus


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

flower drawings, fish skeletons, etc.), students can read poetry on their own. This technology is especially effective in the online learning process and in shaping students 'independent learning skills in a credit module system.

It basically used communicative exercises created by V.A. Buxbinder and E.A. Lagay. In his research, V.A. Buxbinder distinguished between types of informational, operational, and motivational exercises. They can also be called exercises to impart knowledge, skills and competencies [10. V.1. p. 92-99].In the research work of E.A. Lagay, exercises are divided into 3 types: receptive exercises (preparatory, analytical and imitative), reproductive exercises (synthetic, semi-constructive), productive exercises (constructive and transformational) [11. V. 1. p. 196]..

The Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, and the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute were selected as experimental and test sites. In total, 435 students of these universities were involved in the experimental and test processes, and the experimental and test work was carried out at the following stages: At the first stage - the stage of argumentation (2016-2018), on the basis of a questionnaire, the ideas of students and teachers about socio-cultural competence were studied, classes were observed in the subjects "Formation of intercultural communication in foreign languages" and "Country studies", existing shortcomings were identified. The results of the preliminary test to determine the sociocultural abilities of students gave the following results (see Table 1).

Table 1

Preliminary check results indicators

Experimental test site Task 1 on mastering national customs Task 2 on mastering the way of life of people Task 3 on mastering the history of the country


UzSWLU 56 /66% 51 /63% 56/62% 51/64% 56/62% 51/62%

SamSFIL 56 /65% 56 /62% 56/65% 56/61% 56/63% 56/67%

NukusGPI 56 /64% 52 /61% 56/66% 52/62% 56/67% 52/61%

NavGPI 55 /63% 53 /63% 55/61% 53/67% 55/61% 53/63%

Total 223 /63% 212 /62% 223/63% 212/63% 223/63% 212/63%


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

At the second - the formative stage (2018-2019), in the experimental groups during the study, the educational and methodological support of the socio-cultural competencies of students, developed with the help of authentic video materials, was tested; 3-stage separate classes were conducted with the students of the experimental groups: based on receptive exercises and tasks at the pre-demonstration stage, reproductive exercises and tasks in the demonstration process, productive exercises and tasks in the post-demonstration stage. In these tasks, serious attention was paid to such parameters as communication in communicative situations, the correct application of the rules of etiquette, the correct interpretation of traditions, the ability to present the traditions of the native land in the development of students' sociocultural competencies. To determine the socio-cultural competencies formed by these parameters among students, the following assessment criteria were developed: (see Table 3):

Table 3

Criteria for assessing the sociocultural competence of students

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Bad

Общение в коммуникативн ых ситуациях Successful entry into communication in communicative situations, careful completion of tasks without mistakes Ability to communicate in communicajtive siUiations. perform tasks with deficiencies Ability to communicate in communicative situations with difficulty, performing tasks with confusion Inability to communicate in communicative situations, inability to perform assigned tasks.

Correct application of etiquette norms Logical correct application of etiquette norms, careful execution of tasks without errors Awareness and application of etiquette norms, performing tasks with deficiencies Errors in the application of etiquette norms, performing tasks with confusion Inability to apply etiquette, inability to perform assigned tasks.

To be able to explain traditions Rational explanation of traditions, thoroughly completing tasks without mistakes Ability to explain traditions, completing tasks with deficiencies Errors in explaining traditions, performing tasks with confusion Inability to explain traditions, inability to complete assigned tasks

Representing the traditions own countiybi Ability to describe in detail the traditions of your native land, completing assignments without mistakes Ability to describe in detail the traditions of your native land, completing assignments without mistakes Ability to describe in detail the traditions of your native land, completing assignments without mistakes Ability to describe in detail the traditions of your native land, completing assignments without mistakes


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

The results of the work of the experimental groups on the basis of this assessment criterion showed that as a result of three-stage work based on authentic materials, the students of the experimental groups carefully mastered information about the national traditions of the peoples living in English-speaking countries, mastered the skills of communication in communicative situations, the correct application of etiquette standards related to traditions, correct interpretation and comparison of holidays, traditions and their successful application in practice.

At the third, confirming stage (2019-2020 academic year), the primary and final results of the control and experimental groups were compared. Comparison of these achieved results with the results obtained in the control groups at the initial examination gave the following general results (see Table 3): Comparison of these achieved results with the results obtained in the control groups at the initial examination gave the following general results (see Table . 4):

Table 4

General comparative analysis of the levels of development of socio-cultural competence of students of the experimental and control groups

Experimental Testing Ground Experimental Group Control Group

No. EXPERIMENT TEST Experimental Group Control Group

High Mediu m Satisfied Bad High Medium Satisfied Bad

1. UzSWLU 11 29 14 2 4 14 27 6

2. SamSFIL 10 28 12 6 5 15 28 8

3. NukusGPI 9 27 15 5 4 12 28 8

4. NavGPI 8 28 14 5 3 12 30 8

Tota 38 112 55 18 16 53 113 30

The performance indicators of these results can be seen in the following diagram (see Fig. 3):

Fig. 5. Statistical Analysis of Experimental Work

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%


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52,84 15,15

7,81 7,81 7,81 3,26 3,76 3,19 3,71 3,23 3,71 33 3>5 3,31 1.15 1.16 1,15


y y


ywtyMufi Ha3opaT ywtyMMMTawpMGa HaBAnH Ha3opaT HaBAnHTawpn6a I HyKycAnH Ha3opaT I HyKycAnHTawpn6a I CawtA^TH Ha3opaT I Cawt/V-ITH Tawpn6a I Y3A>KTy Ha3opaT IY3A>KTV Tawpn6a

Statistical analysis dfexperinrtental studies


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

The final results obtained showed that the socio-cultural competence of students in the experimental groups increased from 1.14 times to 1.17 times compared to the control groups, on average, the total efficiency coefficient increased 1.15 times, that is, by 15% and confirmed the effectiveness of the experimental experimental work on the development of socio-cultural competence of students.


The lack of an exercise system is due to the large number of exercises and assignments, which in turn take a long time to complete, and the fact that the exercises are not selected according to the student's level of knowledge, which is the main reason why a set of exercises designed for learning foreign languages does not work. The problem of creating conditions for language teaching in practical and theoretical terms is still very important today. This can be explained by the fact that to date, foreign language teaching methods do not have a perfect system of goal-oriented exercises. The more effective some of the exercises used in teaching a foreign language are, the more successful they will be in teaching the language. J. Jalolov gives the following opinion about the system of exercises: "It is no exaggeration or mistake to say that learning a foreign language is a process of doing exercises. This is the dynamic side of the exercise. Its static aspect is that it is organized as a textbook in the textbook [12. V.1. p. 156].

One of the key factors in organizing language learning with conscious and consistent perception is to create as natural a speech situation as possible during the lesson. The language material that is mastered in a natural speech situation is naturally absorbed by the students. As a result of creating a natural speech situation through live communication, socially oriented learning is achieved, i.e. students develop a desire to meet the need to interact in a particular social situation. Communicative exercises usually consist of exercises aimed at strengthening grammatical knowledge, and such exercises can be divided into monolingual or bilingual exercises. Monolingual exercises are exercises aimed at strengthening grammatical rules and building grammatical skills. Bilingual exercises mainly include translation exercises. A mixture of bilingual translation exercises can also be used in the process of performing monolingual exercises.

The 3-step research developed during the demonstration was based on pre-demonstration (receptive exercises), demonstration (reproductive tasks), and postdemonstration (productive exercises and assignments), using simulation games and interactive methods to help students develop a socio-cultural competence.


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-1085-1100

In the process of crossing these cultures, the student is expected to preserve his or her cultural world and present it to the representatives of the foreign language.


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