LINGUOCULTURAL NEEDS OF FOREIGN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Kirillova A.

The article discusses cultural aspect while teaching at the University. Nowadays, up-to-date education is focused on the building a high level of socio-cultural competence and the ability for multicultural communication. Intercultural communication is becoming more common, cross-cultural communication is closer. In teaching at university cross-cultural, linguocultural competences are formed.

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Kirillova A.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher at the laboratory of complex analysis and forecasting, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education ", Moscow


The article discusses cultural aspect while teaching at the University. Nowadays, up-to-date education is focused on the building a high level of socio-cultural competence and the ability for multicultural communication. Intercultural communication is becoming more common, cross-cultural communication is closer. In teaching at university cross-cultural, linguocultural competences are formed.

Keywords: linguocultural competence, language needs, cultural aspect, multicultural communication.

There is a great demand for specialists who are able to speak foreign languages at a high level at the moment. This demand is increasing every year and the influence of the Russian language is ever-increasing. An increasing number of foreign students come from abroad to study at Russian universities.

It is important to note the fact that a language is one of the means to express and create culture. Nowadays while preparing specialists the building of ability for intercultural communication and a high level of so-ciocultural competence are necessary. Linguistic and cultural training and formation of linguistic and cultural competence of university students have great role.

Modern socio-cultural processes generate specific features of cross-cultural interaction, lead to a rethinking of traditional research methods and methodological approaches. There are specific features of cultures, disclosure of mechanisms of cross-cultural interaction and factors that contribute to an adequate understanding of the cultural values of other peoples, as well as designing the process of appropriate training of future specialists.

However, the practice of intercultural communication currently puts forward as an educational imperative the provision that the effective maintenance of a variety of cross-cultural contacts and forms of communication is possible if professional training in the relevant areas is reoriented to the co-study of language and culture.

Even at school, there are requirements for personal results of mastering the educational program, which should reflect in the framework of aesthetic education the students ' sensitivity to different types of art, traditions and creativity of their own and other peoples, understanding the emotional impact of art; awareness of the importance of art culture as a means of communication and self-expression; understanding the value of domestic and world art, the desire for self-expression in different types of art.

The main features of linguocultural training of University students are: orientation of professional training of students to functional knowledge of the corresponding foreign language; formation of complex

knowledge about the forms of behavior, history, culture of communication partners - representatives of a different linguistic culture; formation of students' knowledge of the mechanism of the communication process, including communication in the intercultural professional sphere, and its result is linguocultural competence.

«Cultural competence» is the part of the national culture that an individual has learned and uses in theory or practice. The cultural competence of the individual should normally coincide with the national culture in terms of basic parameters (values, ideas, principles) [6].

The difference between the essence of cultural competence and linguistic and cultural competence is defined in the format of differences between part and whole: linguistic and cultural competence is a part of cultural competence that is responsible for the communicative behavior of an individual within a given linguistic culture and can be inherent in members of various subcultures within a national culture. At the same time, linguoculture is understood as a part of the culture of a people, which is a set of cultural phenomena and language phenomena that are interrelated with each other and reflected in the consciousness of an individual, which is studied by linguoculturology both from the point of view of its manifestation in the processes of communication and from the point of view of its formation [4, p. 16].

There is the concept «linguocultural» and «linguistic and cultural» competence. Linguoculturological competence is considered as a system of knowledge about culture embodied in a particular national language and a set of special skills for operating this knowledge in practice, and most generally as the knowledge of the speaker or listener of the entire system of cultural values expressed in the language.

Linguocultural competence is defined as the ability and readiness to adequately understand and interact with representatives of another linguistic and cultural society on the basis of mastering knowledge about the world, reflected in the units of language and forming the cognitive foundation of communication. Thus, the

semantics of the concept of «linguocultural competence» is more correlated with the «knowledge» component of culture and cultural values with the activity aspect in the form of the ability to operate this knowledge in any practical activity.

Linguocultural competence is considered to imply the possession of different types of speech activity in the socio-cultural space, the ability to perceive other people's speech and culture, to create their own statements, taking into account the conditions and tasks of tolerant communication [7, p. 332-336].

By linguocultural competence we mean the inte-grative quality of the individual, which includes knowledge and skills related to the selection, assimilation, processing, transformation and use in practice of information about linguoculture, experience in intercultural communication and personal qualities necessary for its successful implementation in a different linguistic culture.

The significant role for the students means the innovative linguocultural environment of the university that can be interpreted as an innovative model of the educational space, the system of information, communication and teaching and methodological support necessary for linguocultural immersion of students in a specially modeled quasi-professional situation.

The linguocultural environment becomes an effective condition for the formation of linguocultural competence of students if it is created on the basis of electronic educational resources and it provides synchronous and asynchronous communication of the participants in the educational process, testing and administration capabilities. The distributed learning process makes it possible to implement an information training scheme in which it is possible to organize effective independent and research work of students in telecommunication projects and individualize learning by integrating the full-time (in the classroom, library) and virtual (in the local or global network) interaction of participants.

The creation of an innovative linguocultural environment based on electronic educational resources made a contribution to the positive dynamics of a high level of the formation of linguocultural competence of students. It was made due to the process in the conditions of a systematically organized set of information, technical and educational support that guarantees the modeling of the subject context of the future professional activity of students with the representation of the content-subject basis teaching languages, linguistic cultures and intercultural interaction. And it was made through the provision of educational process means of access and operation of foreign language learning and authentic information and means of computer-mediated communication in a foreign language. All these factors with learning linguocultural realities help to socialize students in a foreign culture.

The internationalization of higher education tends to expand and accelerate. It is accompanied by an increase in the homogeneity and continuity of the world educational space. It is the formation of integrated mega-regional spaces, and the convergence of the properties and parameters of national educational spaces.

The environment of the higher educational establishment is an important factor of the internationalization. Internationalization is understood as a formation of intercultural and international measuring in higher education directed on the improvement of preparation for the specialists' quality [8].

Internationalization as the key aspect of the development of Russian education is understood as the process of providing educational services that have an international dimension and what is happening at the national, sectorial and institutional level [5].

The internationalization of educational activities in the university will contribute to the process of forming the linguistic and cultural competence of university students. The internationalization of educational activity is optimally revealed in the innovative linguocultural environment of the university at the present stage.

Teachers educate the younger generation by their example and their knowledge. The teacher of an educational institution performs pedagogical support based on the methods of developing individual personal and professional competencies of the student and their high level of culture. Pedagogically accompanying, the teacher develops tools and methods of the learning process that are aimed at identifying and using the student's experience, revealing the ways of thinking, and builds an individual development plan through the implementation of an educational program based on their personal needs. Accompanying the process of formation of certain competences of the student, the teacher implements a system of measures, taking into account the interests, intentions, needs in mastering professional knowledge, but also the formation of the professional skills of mastering a foreign language and a different culture, if we are talking about linguocultural competence.

These aspects as culture in a language, language in culture, such a concept as the culture of speech, the language of culture are related and should be solved while teaching Russian as a foreign language.

It is necessary to note that to master a language the emphasis should be placed on the cultural component. Only is the mentality and subtext it is possible to master the language at a very high level. It can be overcome negative influence of the native language, which, however, often increases with the complication of the material.

The teaching of Russian as a foreign language for example should not be limited only to professional training. The aim is to prepare a comprehensively developed personality capable and ready for multicultural communication having for this purpose both language and socio-cultural skills that are competitive in the labor market.

Thus, only the joint use of great importance of the cultural aspect while building a high level of sociocul-tural competence in multicultural communication will allow achieving the best result while preparing students.


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Maryukhina V.

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, FGBOU VO Tuva State University, Kyzyl


Марюхина В.В.

к.п.н., доцент, доцент, кафедра педагогики, ФГБОУ ВО Тувинский государственный университет,

г. Кызыл


This article poses the problem of value orientations among student youth of different nationalities. The methodological basis was taken by M. Rokich's methodology "Value orientations". The research results are presented in tables and analyzed.


В данной статье рассматриваются особенности ценностной системы студенческой молодежи тувинской национальности и русской национальности. Представлены эмпирические результаты исследования, проводимые в Тувинском государственном университете Республики Тува. Методологической основой стала методика К. Рокича «Ценностные ориентации».

Keywords: values, value orientations, ethnocultural values, Tuva-ethnos.

Ключевые слова: ценности, ценностные ориентации, этнокультурные ценности, тыва-этнос.

В современном обществе, в период интенсивного развития политической, социальной, экономической сферы встает вопрос о значении духовности в жизни общества, при этом немаловажна иерархия ценностей, что ставит на первое место современный человек. Не затрагивая данную тему, мы не можем представить, о чем думает, на что нацелена и в чем смысл жизни видит личность. Понятие ценность имеет большое количество трактовок, наверно поэтому каждый из нас имеет свое представление о значимости тех или иных ценностей. У Давлетчиной С.Б. можно увидеть простое на первый взгляд определение термина ценности «то, чем

человек особенно ценит, дорожит в жизни, чему придает особое значение и обусловлено историческим опытом, экономическим положением и культурой [1]. На самом деле хочется согласить с такой трактовкой, так как многие воспринимают ценности именно так. При этом специфический признак существования ценности - значимость. Значимость - это синоним ценности, но только в том случае, если это положительная значимость. Значения могут быть и отрицательными.

Ценности бывают материальными и духовными, однако, в любом случае они устанавлива-

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