УДК 378
DOI 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-107-102
A. А. Kirillova
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses the training for bachelors. This training can be carried out on the basis of the linguocultural training model. The author defines theoretical and methodological approaches, principles and components of this model. The article presents the information on the blocks and components of linguocultural proficiency building at a higher educational establishment. For the modern development of education, the main determinant is the transition from an educational paradigm of education to a cultural one. As a result, there is a demand that pedagogical activity must conform to the characteristics of a modern multicultural society. In addition, it is necessary to take into account specific features of different cultures and cultural tolerance in the model of modern pedagogical education. The materials of the Recommendations of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers call for the development of a variety of languages and cultures, the prevention of mutual misunderstanding and language barriers in intercultural communication and the adoption of a broad cooperation dialogue as a priority. The legal and regulatory framework of the Russian education also reflects the modern requirements of society and defines the tasks that should be addressed in the systems of education and vocational and pedagogical training in the language sphere. For future teachers, one of the main aims of the training is to develop their ability to participate effectively in vocational guidance intercultural communication. Future teachers should teach such communication effectively. This model is a condition to create an internal driver of internationalization in a higher educational establishment because it is a linguocultural environment.
Key words: linguocultural training, linguocultural proficiency, the building of linguocultural proficiency, the model of linguocultural proficiency building for bachelors, internationalization of educational activity.
At the present moment, linguocultural training in a pedagogical educational establishment is determined by desire for integration, multi-leveledness, fundamentalization, cultural conformity and internationalization of the Russian pedagogical education. The linguocultural training presupposes the building of linguocultural proficiency. It is the systematic accumulation of positive quantitative and qualitative changes in the content of linguocultural proficiency and the achievement of the unity of its components within the specially organized educational process in a higher educational establishment.
Linguocultural proficiency of bachelors requires a purposeful approach to form the educational process. The building of the linguocultural proficiency process is a complex multistage activity. This process is performed as a series of stages. These stages include the development of the forthcoming activity from the general idea up to planned actions and the intended result. This result is a set of practical linguocultural skills of bachelors in the communicative field and in the process of intercultural communication.
The model states a structural and functional formation. This formation is the object of research and training. It is a mentally organized or materially realized system that can reflect or reproduce an object and as the result, it can replace it in such a way that its study gives us new information about this object [1]. Within the process of professional training, the main problem to create a projected model of linguocultural proficiency building of bachelors is to define the theoretical and methodological approaches. Each of them has a principal orientation to the research object, the concept or principle governing its overall strategy [2].
We have chosen a systematic (general scientific) and cultural-pragmatic (theoretic-methodological strategy) approaches as a theoretical and methodological basis to develop linguocultural proficiency building model for bachelors. We supplemented these approaches in the process of developing. It allowed to carry out a comprehensive study of the necessary kind of proficiency.
We concluded that simultaneous use of both systemic and cultural-pragmatic approaches ensures the linguocultural proficiency building of bachelors. It is polyfunctional and it corresponds to the basic tendencies of the intercultural education paradigm. Such tendencies include the translation of normative and cultural values, the creation of a basis to create cultural forms of self-determination and communicative norms for the self-realization of the bachelor's personality. It is a provision of cultural and linguistic identification and the building of a bicultural personality. We have based our study on the systematic and cultural-pragmatic approaches. We have developed a model to form the linguocultural proficiency of students in a higher educational establishment. The main aim of the model is to build linguocultural proficiency of bachelors at a higher educational establishment. This aim can be achieved with the help of the appropriate principles which must regulate the educational process. They are general didactic and specific (methodological) principles [3].
We have divided general principles into two groups: the principles of the first group are directly related to the knowledge and skills building (the principles of unity of the substantive and procedural aspects of teaching, science, systematicity and consistency). The second group is the ability and readiness to apply them in professional activities (principles of professional nature, the connection between the theory and practical activity, the principle of activity, consciousness and responsibility of students, the principle of student independence) [4]. Taking into account these principles, we have developed the model to build linguocultural proficiency of bachelors at a higher educational establishment.
This model is structural and functional. It contains the following components. They are structural (motivational and target, substantive-procedural, and assessment and productive) and functional (goal-setting, diagnostic and prognostic, motivating, personality-forming, communicative and cognitive, axiological, diagnostic and corrective, stabilization and reflexive-stimulating) [5].
The motivational and target block includes components from the general aim of pedagogical activity (that is a comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of bachelors) up to specific tasks to build their linguocultural competence. It performs the following functions such as goal-setting, diagnostic-prognostic and motivating. The motivational and target block combines motivational and target components. The motivational element is determined by the priority to build in the bachelors of adequate motivation to master a high level of linguocultural proficiency skill level and cognitive orientation of their personality. The target element contains the aims of the linguocultural proficiency building process at a higher educational establishment [6, 7].
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Scheme 1. Model of the linguocultural proficiency building of students in the higher educational establishment
The content-procedural block is a subsystem which contains information on aims and objectives of the forthcoming activity, their setting and explanation. These aims are to assimilate the content of foreign-language education. It is also the engagement of teachers and students within the linguocultural proficiency building process. It is the usage of specially selected methods, ways and forms of the pedagogical process. It performs such functions as personalitybuilding, communicative and cognitive, axiological. The content element of the model includes educational programs, basic disciplines, optional disciplines, etc.
Linguocultural proficiency is formed not only through the content component, but also by using such forms and methods which are the core of the procedural element of this block of our model. The building of the bachelors' linguocultural proficiency is provided under the influence of all components of the educational process as a whole. We can implement our model through such bachelor's activity as classroom work, independent work and the work under the guidance of a teacher. The main kinds of activities are educational, educational and professional, quasiprofessional and professional.
We have defined methods to implement forms of teaching according to our model. These methods must provide training and self-realization for bachelors in a multicultural society and intercultural communication. These methods include a discussion method, a linguistic and sociocultural method, a method of teaching foreign culture, an interactive modeling method, and an activity- orientated method. Various sources of educational information such as textbooks, authentic films, multimedia teaching aids, and computer software are used to organize the process of linguocultural proficiency building.
The assessment and productive block determines the success in the implementation of the proposed model. This block is associated with the timely receipt of information on the effectiveness of linguocultural proficiency building process. This block presents the criteria which allow to assess the quality of the model implementation, the achieved result, and the levels reflecting the dynamics of linguocultural proficiency building. This component of the model performs the following functions. These functions are diagnostic and correcting, stabilizing, reflexive and stimulating [8, 9]. The assessment element of the block assumes the identification of appropriate criteria in which there are the characteristics of the object and the measure to determine the extent the level of a particular feature in a given object, and the reference point. The criterion is defined as the attribute on the basis of which we can make the assessment, definition or classification of something [10]. We have singled out three criteria such as cognitive, operational, functional (they correspond to the three structural components of linguocultural proficiency: thesaurus, communication and activity, professional identity). It was done to assess the level of these skills. This linguocultural proficiency has three indicators such as the professional knowledge, linguocultural skills and personal qualities which are significant for a profession.
We have generalized the above-mentioned material and it allows us to describe three levels of linguocultural competence building process of bachelors. We have taken into account the degree of manifestation of criteria and indicators. These levels are high, medium and low.
The result-based element reflects effectiveness of the linguocultural proficiency building process. It characterizes the achieved progress in accordance with the aim. Functional components are stable basic connections of the main structural components of the model. These connections arise within the process of pedagogical activity and they determine its functioning, development, improvement. The stability of the functional components of the model is determined by their relationship to the structural components and to each other.
This model of the bachelors' linguocultural training is a condition to create an internal factor of internationalization in a higher educational establishment. It is a linguocultural environment. In turn, international activity reflects the external factor of the internationalization at a higher educational establishment.
It is necessary to involve foreign students, to create preparatory faculties and distance learning, to expand the range of additional educational services. All these factors play an important role in the internationalization of Russian universities. Moreover, it is necessary to implement team-work programs on the basis of a foreign university, to open a branch of a Russian university abroad, to promote the results of scientific and educational activities abroad, to implement educational projects for teachers abroad. We can speak about foreign grants and scholarships and participation in international networks and alliances of universities on the basis of consortia [2].
In the modern foreign-language education, the ultimate goal is the building and improvement of the students' foreign communicative proficiency in all its components. And particularly, a linguocultural component. We consider that the development of the linguocultural proficiency building model of bachelors is appropriate at a higher educational establishment. It corresponds to GEF requirements. The implementation of this model contributes to the creation of an innovative linguocultural environment of a higher educational establishment. It is an internal driver in the internationalization of educational activities.
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Kirillova A. A., Pushkin State Russian Language Institute (ul. Akademika Volgina, 6, Moscow, Russia, 117485). E- mail.ru: aapodgorbunskikh@mail.ru
Материал поступил в редакцию 02.04.2018.
DOI 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-107-112
А. А. Кириллова
Государственный институт русского языка им. А. С. Пушкина, Москва
Рассматривается модель формирования лингвокультурной подготовки студентов бакалавриата. Определены теоретико-методологические подходы, принципы и компоненты модели. Представлена информация о блоках и составляющих модели формирования лингвокультурной компетентности студентов вуза. Основной детерминантой современного развития образования является переход от просветительной парадигмы образования к культуротворческой, в результате чего выдвигается требование соответствия педагогической деятельности характеристикам современного поликультурного социума, а также учета специфики разных культур и культурной толерантности в модели современного педагогического образования. В материалах рекомендаций Комитета министров Совета Европы говорится о необходимости развития разнообразных языков и культур, предотвращении взаимного непонимания и языковых барьеров в межкультурной коммуникации, принятия широкого диалога сотрудничества в качестве приоритета. Нормативно-правовая база российского образования также отражает современные требования общества и фиксирует задачи, которые должны решаться в системе образования и профессионально-педагогической подготовки в языковой сфере. Одной из основных целей подготовки будущих специалистов является формирование у них способности эффективно участвовать в профессионально ориентированной межкультурной ком -муникации, а у будущих педагогов - эффективно обучать такой коммуникации. Указанная модель является условием создания внутреннего фактора интернационализации в вузе, представляя собой лингвокультурную среду.
Ключевые слова: лингвокультурная подготовка, лингвокультурная компетентность, формирование лингвокультурной компетентности, модель формирования лингвокультурной компетентности бакалавров, интернационализация образовательной деятельности.
Кириллова Анастасия Александровна, кандидат педагогических наук, заместитель декана, доцент кафедры социально-гуманитарных дисциплин, Государственный институт русского языка им. А. С. Пушкина (ул. Академика Волгина, 6, Москва, Россия, 117485). E-mail: aapodgorbunskikh@mail.ru, inbox@pushkin.institute