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Апанасюк Лариса Ахунжановна, Апанасюк Юлия Викторовна ОСОБЕННОСТИ МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИ ...
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© 2018
Апанасюк Лариса Ахунжановна, доктор педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры экономического факультета Апанасюк Юлия Викторовна, магистрант факультета управления Российский государственный социальный университет (129226, Москва, ул. В. Пика, д.4, стр.1; e-mail:juliachrystal@gmail.com)
Аннотация. Ускорение процессов глобализации общества приводит к изменениям во всех областях жизни. Так и туризм в современном мире, являясь межкультурным и транснациональным явлением, стал доступным способом познания окружающей действительности и культур с помощью межкультурной коммуникации. Взаимодействие между разными культурами - составляющая и неотъемлемая часть и культурно-исторического процесса. Культурные контакты стали фактором процесса мировой интеграции, средством формирования единой системы мировых связей, оставаясь при этом стимулом самобытного национального развития. И эта тенденция вполне закономерна, так как процесс саморазвития культурных систем основывается на постоянном взаимодействии структурных единиц, входящих в его состав. У каждого из участников межкультурного контакта есть своя система норм и правил, опирающаяся на его социокультурную принадлежность, поэтому представителям разных лингвокультурных систем приходится преодолевать и языковые барьеры, и неязыковые барьеры. Авторы статьи рассматривают межкультурную коммуникацию в сфере туризма как организационный принцип и условие деятельности, как саму деятельность, как компетенцию специалиста в сфере туризма, необходимый компонент содержания профессионального образования в туризме, как фактор и критерий качества турпродукта. Также авторы выделяют информационные направления межкультурной коммуникации в сфере туризма, а именно ориентационное, новационное, стимуляционное и корреляционное.
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация, сфера туризма, диалог культур, социокультурное взаимодействие, культура, международная туристская деятельность, глобализация, лингвокультурные особенности.
© 2018
Apanasyuk Larisa Akhunzhanovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department, Faculty of Economics Apanasiuk Yuliia Viktorovna, Master Student, Department of Management Russian State Social University (129226, Russia, Moscow, V. Peak street, 4, build 1; e-mail: juliachrystal@gmail.com)
Abstract. The acceleration of processes of society globalization leads to in all fields of life. And tourism in modern world, being intercultural and transnational phenomenon, has become an affordable way of acquirement the environment and cultures through intercultural communication. Interaction between cultures is an integral part and essential component of the cultural and historical process. Cultural contacts, continuing to remain an incentive for original national development, became a factor in the process of world integration as a means of forming a unified system of world ties. And this trend is quite natural - the process of self-development of cultural systems assumes a constant interaction of constituent structural units. Every participant of intercultural contact has its own system of rules that is based and created by the reliance on its socio-cultural identity. That is why natives of various linguocultural peculiarities have to overcome language barriers and non-linguistic barriers. The author is considering intercultural communication in the field of tourism as an organizational principle and a condition of activity as the activity itself as the competence of the specialist in the field of tourism, an essential component of the content of vocational education in tourism, as a factor and a criterion for the quality of the tourism product. The authors also highlight the informational directions of intercultural communication in the field of tourism, namely orientational, innovational, stimulational and correlational.
Keywords: intercultural communication, the field of tourism, dialogue of cultures, socio-cultural interaction, culture, international tourism activity, globalization, linguocultural peculiarities.
Introduction. The life activity and people relations are determined by the existing norms that regulate the broad areas of human thinking and behavior and influence greatly on the nature of perception, evaluation and interpersonal relations. Education and upbringing, historical memory, traditions and customs, the rules dictated by society, and the language people speak develop an orientation system that helps in their own way cope with various everyday situations and problems.
Cultural contacts took place at all times and in all the regions around the globe. Interaction between cultures is an integral part and essential component of the cultural and historical process. However, only in a new era the process of the qualitative transformation turned into the world one in the meaning of global interdependence. Cultural contacts, continuing to remain an incentive for original national development, became a factor in the process of world integration and a necessary tool for the formation and development of a single universal system of world relations. And this trend is quite natural - the process of self-development of cultural systems assumes a constant interaction of constituent structural units. It is possible under the condition of a mutually enriching dialogue of cultural worlds, each of which reveals its own semantic depths and uniqueness and reveals them in the sphere of intercultural Балтийский гуманитарный журнал. 2018. Т. 7. № 2(23)
The main text. All areas of contemporary human life such as culture, economics, politics, management and others are covered by the communication, and with the expansion of international contacts intercultural communication has become an organic component of the tourism as the system and the dominant key of the tourist activities, has become an integral element of the global process of internationalization of socio-economic relations [1-3]. An integral part of tourism activities - preserving the identity and originality of separate culture and its bearers. At the same time, any cross - cultural communication is a sort of the contraposition and interpenetration of ethnic and cultural identities.
Accelerating the processes of globalization of society leads to changes in all areas of life. So tourism in the modern world, being an intercultural and transnational phenomenon, has become an accessible way of understanding the surrounding reality and cultures through intercultural communication
Culture along with nature is the most important condition determining the development of all types and directions of tourism without exception. The fact is that the very position of a person on any issue, his attitude to nature, the state, art, his dwelling, another person and to himself is a visual demonstration of the level of culture. Culture is a reflection
Apanasyuk Larisa Akhunzhanovna, Apanasiuk Yuliia Viktorovna pedagogical
of the nation, its soul, mind and nobility. The civilized people are proud of the course of their history, the development of culture, the great people who made the country famous and made a huge contribution into the gold fund of world achievements in thought, art [4; 5].
Within the context of our study of the dialogue of cultures is considered as a form of intercultural communication and a smoothing tool for interethnic, international, interfaith and interracial contradictions, the motion towards peace, development, solving preservation of cultural diversity objectives and as a strategy of cultural policy of states in a multicultural world [6].
With the expansion of international contacts in the dialogue of cultures has become an organic part of the tourism as the system and the dominant key of international tourism activity, which is a part of the global process of internationalization of socio-economic relations. One of the main tasks of the international tourism activity is the preservationof the identity and singularity of separate culture and its natives. At the same time any intercultural communication - is a sort of the contraposition and interpenetration of ethnocultural identities [7-9]. The more extensive is the cultural mobility and coverage of intercultural communication in tourism organization which is able to navigate in the needs of different societies and to consolidate the values of different cultures, the more successful and effective will be the organization in the international tourist market.
But now know a foreign language and a little to know the cultural objects of study is clearly not enough. People tend to make behavioral mistakes. First of all, it is necessary to learn to interpret actions correctly. It is often the case that the meaning of action should be found in traditional principles and perceptions of what is normally and correct. The problem here lies in the fact that in different cultures these concepts can be radically opposite, various. Moreover, they can vary even within socio-cultural groups. Our communicative behavior with "drifting iceberg" is affected by any situation of intercultural communication as a whole [10]. This very clearly and accurately reflects the real position, as the image of the iceberg shows us that generally people use behavior patterns mechanically, without a moment's hesitation, and our understanding and perception of other behavior patterns that are not similar to ours, also happens automatically, without a moment's hesitation. That is why our response to another culture is spontaneous and immediate.
We are well aware that culture is a common system of symbols, behavior patterns, beliefs, expectations, values and convictions for united groups of people who may reside in the territory of the state, or, conversely, may not have permanent residence in any particular territory [11]. There is an opinion that the factors below determine the significance of this topic, namely:
- "improvements in communication and transportation technology have made it possible for previously stable cultures to meet in unstructured situations, e.g. the internet opens lines of communication without mediation. Experience proves that merely crossing cultural boundaries can be considered threatening, while positive attempts to interact may provoke defensive responses. Misunderstanding may be compounded by either an exaggerated sensitivity to possible slights, or an exaggerated and over-protective fear of giving offence;
- some groups believe that the phenomenon of globalisation has reduced cultural diversity and so reduced the opportunity for misunderstandings, but characterising people as a homogeneous market is simplistic. One product or brand only appeals to the material aspirations of a group of buyers, and its sales performance will not affect the vast multiplicity of factors that may separate the cultures. It is also important to note that intercultural competence includes both the sphere of knowledge and the sphere of skills, as the last ones lead to the "right" immediate reaction and thus the successful process of intercultural communication" [11].
Intercultural communication in the field of tourism unites 194
participants of the communication process and acquaints them with the peculiarities of different public institutions to which communicators belong [12-18]. Socio-cultural interaction between people is a part of external environment that has an impact on communication. Socio-cultural interaction on a symbolic level determines and generates the behavior of people, so it is necessary to understand the sense that man empowers his own and others actions in order to understand his actionscorretly. The behavior of each individual is predetermined by its culture and the inclusion in the system of social relations. Every participant of intercultural contact has its own system of rules that is based and created by the reliance on its socio-cultural identity [19-26]. That is why natives of various linguocultural peculiarities have to overcome language barriers and non-linguistic - barriers of ethno-cultural specifics of understanding and environmental evaluation, as well as especial typical pantomimic and facial codes and individual characteristics of mindset of the representatives of different cultures [6].
As an organizing principle and conditions of activities the intercultural communication in the field of tourism can be applied in the development of marketing communications in the design and development of the new tourist product, in the organization of reception, accommodation and tourist services on the territory of the multicultural community host in the planning and implementation of exhibition and advertising activity. As the activity itself intercultural communication assumes collaboration and interaction of representatives of different cultures in the process of mutual professional activity in tourism, i. e. the operationof companies of the receptive community of reception, accommodation and service of tourists, partnership activity of tourism providers and tour operators, proactive and receptive tour operators [27-29]. Intercultural communication as a competence of a specialist in the field of tourism and a component content of professional tourism education is considered as variable and invariant elements of the expert's competence in the field of tourism and hospitality where there is a difference of level of requirements for intercultural communicative competence for staff in the field of tourism and hospitality: contact and noncontact.
Intercultural communication in the field of tourism can be divided into the following information directions: orientation, innovation, stimulation and correlation.
The orientational communication enables the tourist as recipient of information to navigate in the system structure of another cultural space, partially to understand the hierarchy of its elements and try to inculturate in the linguocultural community of the country visiting tourist, assists with the criteria of evaluative judgments and priority of choices. The novation communication acquaints the tourist as the recipient of information with new knowledge for him about norms of behaviour and interaction, the implementation of any activity, giving an idea of language and means of intercultural communication in an unknown to the tourist linguocultural environment of temporary residence. The stimulation communication influences the motivation of tourist activity as the information recipient in other cultural realities, the willingness to obtain and updating of knowledge about surrounding linguistic and cultural reality. The correlation communication specifies, replenishes and updates certain parameters of the mentioned types of knowledge, which to some extent determines the livelihoods of the consumers of these services.
Summary and Conclusions. The intercultural communication in the field of tourism relies on the knowledge of many things and phenomena of other cultural environment: the behavior patterns, concepts and values, understanding forms of communication within the other cultural environment, written and oral, social and personal, verbal and non-verbal and other forms of communication, and the skills of formation of readiness and ability to successfully establish, strengthen and enhance the quality of intercultural relations and intercultural communication with natives of other linguocultural peculiarities and representatives of another cultural environ-Baltic Humanitarian Journal. 2018. T. 7. № 2(23)
педагогические науки
Апанасюк Лариса Ахунжановна, Апанасюк Юлия Викторовна ОСОБЕННОСТИ МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИ ...
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Статья поступила в редакцию 13.04.2018
Статья принята к публикации 26.06.2018
Балтийский гуманитарный журнал. 2018. Т. 7. № 2(23)