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Ключевые слова
component / concept / cultural difficulties / implementation / linguistic and cultural competence

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Umida Pulatovna Khaydarova

This article investigates the peculiarities of forming the linguistic and cultural competence of students in the process of English language teaching and also dedicated to the problem of shaping lingua-cultural competence in learning English. Contents and structure of lingua-cultural competence, formed on the base of audio texts, the main types of competence, knowledge and skills, falling into its structure, and some methods and acceptance, directed on its shaping are described.

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Umida Pulatovna Khaydarova

Foreign languages department, Tashkent State University of Law


This article investigates the peculiarities of forming the linguistic and cultural competence of students in the process of English language teaching and also dedicated to the problem of shaping lingua-cultural competence in learning English. Contents and structure of lingua-cultural competence, formed on the base of audio texts, the main types of competence, knowledge and skills, falling into its structure, and some methods and acceptance, directed on its shaping are described.

Keywords: component, concept, cultural difficulties, implementation, linguistic and cultural competence


The pragmatic aspect of the purpose of foreign language teaching is related to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, the mastery of which allows them to be acquainted with the ethno values of the country of the studied language and practically use a foreign language in situations of intercultural understanding and knowledge. The totality of such knowledge, skills and abilities constitutes the communicative competence of students. The concept of communicative competence is the result of an attempt to draw a line between academic and basic interpersonal communication skills of a person. Based on the communicative approach, in the process of teaching foreign languages it is necessary to form the ability to communicate in a foreign language, or in other words, to acquire a communicative competence. A communicative competence implies the ability to use all types of speech activity: reading, listening, speaking (monologue, dialogue), and writing.


The process of communication in a foreign language is studied not only as a process of transmitting and receiving information, but also as a regulation of relations between partners, establishment of various types of interaction, as an ability to access, analyze the situation of communication, subjectively assess their communicative potential and make the necessary decisions. (Galskova, N.D. 2003)

The leading component in communicative competence is speech (communicative) skills, which are formed on the basis of: - language skills and abilities; - linguistic and country studies knowledge. The following essential skills are included in the communicative competence: - to read and understand simple, authentic texts (with an understanding of basic content and full understanding); - to communicate orally in standard educational, cultural and domestic situations; - to speak orally about yourself, your surroundings, to retell, to express an opinion, to evaluate; - ability to write and transmit basic information (writing). This is how the minimum level of communicative competence in the state educational standard for foreign languages is determined. (E.A. Mastrenko, 2001)

Foreign-language communicative competence is a certain level of knowledge of language, speech and socio-cultural knowledge, skills and abilities, which allows a learner to communicate in a communicatively acceptable and expedient way to vary his speech behavior depending on the communication situation. Foreign-language communicative competence creates a basis for communicative biocultural development and is necessary and sufficient for correct solution of communicatively - practical tasks by the students in the situations of everyday, pedagogical, scientific, business, political and social - political communication, development of abilities and qualities necessary for communicative and sociocultural self-development. The foreign-language communicative competence has a complex structure and includes a number of competences. Linguistic competence is one of the main components of communicative competence. Its content is a person's ability to correctly construct grammatical forms and syntactic constructions according to the norms of a particular language. Linguistic competence as one of the main components of communicative competence is divided into language and speech competences. Linguistic competence consists of the following types:

Linguistic competence - knowledge in the field of language system (within the program minimum), skills to operate with this knowledge.

Speech competence - possession of the norm of speech behavior (in all types of speech activity).

Learning competence - a person's ability and readiness for effective implementation of learning activity while mastering a foreign language as an educational subject.

Significance of the learning competence for students: - organizes and optimizes students' independent work on the language; - reduces time, physical and mental expenses when working on a foreign language; - increases the quality of mastering foreign language communication; - increases interest in the subject.


As a result, the research identified that the content of the educational competence formation process includes - knowledge about the existing methods of rational performance of educational work in the generalized experience, about available variants of performance of educational action in the absence of the set algorithm. - skills to diagnose one's own initial state in the field of rational organization of educational activity; to select the method of educational activity, which most corresponds to individual personal features; to form an individualized set of individual rational educational skills and actively use it, independently control the correctness of this choice. - learning skills special for mastering foreign language communication: rationally organize memorization of foreign language material, independently activate language material, trace inter-subject relations, work in pairs when performing foreign language activities, see difficulties when working on language elements.

Compensatory competence is the ability to overcome difficulties in producing foreign language statements, i.e. its formation implies developing the ability and willingness to overcome the deficit of one's foreign language knowledge, skills and abilities. The importance of compensatory competence: - makes it possible to overcome the inevitable difficulties associated with ignorance of language units and misunderstanding of linguistic, socio-cultural units; - it liberates, removes the language barrier; - develops its own communicative competence in its native language. (Astapova N.O.2007)

Content of the compensatory competence formation process: - knowledge of verbal and non-verbal means of compensating for communication deficiencies (synonyms, periphrases, facial expressions, gestures, body movements); compensatory strategies - models of speech behavior, a set of speech actions to regain the communicative task. - skills and abilities to use synonyms, periphrasis, generic name, generalized words, use analogies, associations, verbosity, knowledge of word formation, make description, transformation, phrase repetition, ask questions, seek help from a communication partner. Sociocultural competence - the ability to build speech and non-speech behavior taking into account the norms of the societies speaking the language in question.

The importance of socio-cultural competence: - Knowledge of the national mentality, pictures of the world; - Removal of culturological difficulties; - Awareness of the expansion of one's own worldview and notions of a different socio-cultural community.

Sociocultural competence is divided into the following types:

1. Sociolinguistic competence implies the ability to choose a linguistic form and method of language expression adequate to the conditions of the communication instrument, i.e. the situation of communication, goals and intentions, social roles of communication partners.

2. Cultural competence consists in the acquisition by pupils of the national and cultural specificity of the country of the language studied and the ability to structure their speech and non-speech behavior in accordance with this specificity. It assumes mastering information about the country, the language being studied, its geographical location, natural conditions, places of interest, the State structure, the ethnic characteristics of the country's everyday life and culture and the characteristics of the speech and non-speech behavior of speakers of a foreign language.


Linguistically-speaking competence presupposes mastering equivalent vocabulary (within the framework of the topics and subjects of speech studied) and the means of its transmission in the native language; background vocabulary, realities typical of the texts used in the teaching process; ways of transmitting the realities of the native language in a foreign language (within the framework of the topics and subjects of speech studied). In the process of communication there is an orientation to the social characteristics of the speech partner: his status, position, situational role, which is manifested in the choice of alternative means of speech with stratification and speech limitations.

On the basis of the above, communicative competence can be defined as "the means necessary to control and form a speech situation in a social context". The purpose of forming communicative competence is the communicative act that has taken place. The means to achieve this goal are the components of communicative competence (language knowledge and skills, speech skills, linguistic and foreign language content component). The most important component of the communicative competence is rightly recognized to be the language competence, which provides on the basis of a decent amount of knowledge both construction of grammatically correct forms and syntactic constructions and understanding of semantic speech segments, organized in accordance with foreign language norms. It is impossible to establish the priority of grammar over vocabulary, as well as vocabulary over grammar. Without knowledge of the grammatical structure of the language it is impossible to solve communicative tasks in a foreign language. However, assimilation of the grammar system of the language occurs only on the basis of familiar lexicon.

Thus, both grammatical and lexical skills and abilities represent the center of language competence on which speech skills and abilities are based. After all, it is from the moment of comprehension of the grammatical form of a phrase and its lexical meaning that a simple set of sounds, which a person hears, reads, pronounces and speaks, becomes meaningful. Both each student individually and our state as a whole are interested today in practical mastering of a foreign language, which provides access to the world market, to the world culture. Therefore, communication competence is a priority goal. At the same time, a foreign language is only a means with which it is possible to acquire and demonstrate one's general cultural level, one's ability to think, create, and evaluate someone else's thought and creativity.


Therefore, among the ways of mastering a foreign language, preference is given to those who have a developing potential: to wake up thought, sharpen means and expressions, enrich feelings, imagery, improve the overall culture of communication and social behavior in general. Thus, communicative competence is an integrative concept that includes both skills and abilities to perform actions with language material and country knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge, skills and abilities of only one part cannot testify to learning to communicate, i.e. to receive and transmit information through different types of speech activities. Therefore, in terms of the specifics of the subject "foreign language", the concept of learning means that, learners acquire some level of communicative competence.


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