FORMATION OF SOME VERBS IN AZERBAIJANI LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
verb / sink / etymology / meaning / created

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Hajar Huseynova

The verbs of each language are historically ancient and national in origin. The same is true for Turkish and Azerbaijani-Turkish. To prove this point, it is enough to pay attention to the formation of some verbs of our language. For example, consider the word “batmak (in the water)”. In the later stages of development, words “batırma, batırılma// batırma, batırılma” such as drowning and drowning also appeared. By examining the root and base of the verb to sink, we also study the same derivatives. Verbs arise mainly in connection with the function of any work, story, action. It is formed mostly from nouns. “Yollamag, garalamag, chokhalmag (Send, slander, multiply) And as in other words. As can be seen, it is obvious that parts of speech, such as nouns, adjectives, and numbers, stand in the formation of the verbs we show. Lexical suffixes formed verbs played an important role in the formation of these words. In these words, the morphological sign -la2 is added to the root part, and as a result, a verb is formed. Now let's look at the formation of the verb "batmak// sink", which is an interesting word. How is the root of the word clarified? This word has been used in written books since ancient times. Semantically, something falls, collapses, goes to the bottom, enters the ground, and so on. is explained as. The word was also used figuratively and gave rise to some phraseological expressions: "batgı, batgın, batag, batı, etc." the words are ordinary. The word "bat" is intensively used not only in the Azerbaijani language, but also in other Turkic languages. The "bat//sink" component of the word means "bottom, down" with negative emotions. The verb is probably derived from a noun containing the same content. Historical and theoretical sources show that in the language of the Elamites, who shared the geography inhabited by the Turks, the word "batur, batır" was developed in the sense of " batur, batır ". The fact of that language is preserved in the ancient Bisitun inscriptions. For example; The phrase "batur huqgu hupogit// batur hugġu hupoġit" means " I'm keeping under the law (kanun altında tutuyorum)// derju pod zakonom". Given this fact, we can say that the "pod" component, which is used in the Russian language in the lower, lower sense, is derived from the Elamite word "bat // batur // batir". In this word "bat" is taken as the root of the word, (-ur) as a grammatical suffix. As a result, we can say that the word "batmak// sink " used in all Turkic languages is derived from the name "batur// batur " derived from the word alt-aşağı.

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Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Philology, Baku,Azerbaijan

Summary. The verbs of each language are historically ancient and national in origin. The same is true for Turkish and Azerbaijani-Turkish. To prove this point, it is enough to pay attention to the formation of some verbs of our language. For example, consider the word "batmak (in the water) ".

In the later stages of development, words "batirma, batirilma// batirma, batirilma" such as drowning and drowning also appeared. By examining the root and base of the verb to sink, we also study the same derivatives. Verbs arise mainly in connection with the function of any work, story, action. It is formed mostly from nouns. "Yollamag, garalamag, chokhalmag (Send, slander, multiply) And as in other words. As can be seen, it is obvious that parts of speech, such as nouns, adjectives, and numbers, stand in the formation of the verbs we show. Lexical suffixes formed verbs played an important role in the formation of these words. In these words, the morphological sign -la2 is added to the root part, and as a result, a verb is formed.

Now let's look at the formation of the verb "batmak// sink", which is an interesting word. How is the root of the word clarified?

This word has been used in written books since ancient times. Semantically, something falls, collapses, goes to the bottom, enters the ground, and so on. is explained as. The word was also used figuratively and gave rise to some phraseological expressions: "batgi, batgin, batag, bati, etc." the words are ordinary.

The word "bat" is intensively used not only in the Azerbaijani language, but also in other Turkic languages. The "bat//sink" component of the word means "bottom, down" with negative emotions. The verb is probably derived from a noun containing the same content.

Historical and theoretical sources show that in the language of the Elamites, who shared the geography inhabited by the Turks, the word "batur, batir" was developed in the sense of" batur, batir ". The fact of that language is preserved in the ancient Bisitun inscriptions. For example; The phrase "batur huqgu hupogit// batur huggu hupogit" means " I'm keeping under the law (kanun altinda tutuyorum)// derju pod zakonom".

Given this fact, we can say that the "pod" component, which is used in the Russian language in the lower, lower sense, is derivedfrom the Elamite word "bat // batur // batir". In this word "bat" is taken as the root of the word, (-ur) as a grammatical suffix. As a result, we can say that the word "batmak// sink " used in all Turkic languages is derived from the name "batur// batur " derived from the word alt-a§agi.

Keywords: verb, sink, etymology, meaning, created


Ozet. Her dilin fiilleri tarihsel olarak eski ve koken olarak ulusaldir. Ayni §ey Turkge ve Azeri Turkgesi igin de gegerlidir. Bu fikri kanitlamak igin dilimizdeki bazi fiillerin olu§umuna dikkat etmek yeterlidir. Ornegin, batmak (suda) kelimesine dikkat edek.

Geli§imin sonraki a§amalarinda bu kelimeden "batirma, batirilma" gibi kelimeler de ortaya gikmi§tir. Batmakfiilinin koku ve temelini inceleyerek biz diyer kelimeleri de de inceliyoruz. Fiiller, esas olarak herhangi bir i§in, hikayenin, eylemin i§levi ile baglantili olarak ortaya gikar. Qogunlukla isimlerden olu§uyor. Mesela; "Yollamak, qaralamak, goxalmaq! ve diyer kelimelerde oldugu gibi. Goruldugu gibi, isimler, sifatlar ve sayilarin gosterdigimiz fiillerin olu§umunda yer aldigi agiktir. Bu kelimelerin olu§umunda fiilyaratan sozcuk ekleri onemli rol oynami^tir. Bu kelimelerde kok kismina morfolojik elamet olan -la2 eklenir ve bunun sonucunda bir fiil olu§ur.

§imdi ilging bir kelime olan "batmak" fiilinin olu§umuna bakalim. Kelimenin koku nasil agiklanir?

Bu kelime eski gaglardan beri yazili metinlerde kullamlmaktadir. Anlamsal olarak, bir §ey du§er, goker, dibe iner, yere girer vb. olarak agiklanmaktadir. Bu kelime ayni zamanda mecazi olarak bazi deyimsel ifadelere yol agmak igin kullanilmi§tir: "batqi, batqin, bataq, bati vb." kelimeler §u siradandir.

"Batmak" kelimesi sadece Azerbaycan dilinde degil, diger Turk dillerinde de yogun olarak kullamlmaktadir. Kelimenin "bat" elementi, olumsuz anlamda "a§agi, alt" anlamina gelir. Fiil muhtemelen ayni igerige sahip bir isimden turetilmi§tir.

Tarihsel ve teorik kaynaklar, Turklerin ya§adigi cografyayi payla§an Elamilerin dilinde "batur, batir" kelimesinin "a§agi, alt" anlaminda geli§tigini gostermektedir. Bu dil gergegi eski Bisitun yazitlarinda korunmaktadir. Ornegin; "Batur huqgu hupogit" ifadesi "kanun altinda tutuyorum // derju pod zakonom-anlamindadir.

Bu gergekgoz onune alindiginda, Rusga'da alt, a§agi anlaminda kullanilan "pod" elementinin Elam dilindeki "bat // batur // batir" kelimesinden turedigini soyleyebiliriz. Bu kelimede "bat" kelimenin koku, (-ur) ise gramer eki olarak izah edile biliyor. Sonug olarak tum Turk dillerinde kullanilan "batmak" fiilinin "alt-a§agi" anlamli "batur" isminden turemi§ oldugunu soyleyebiliriz.

Anahtar kelimeler: fiil, havuz, etimoloji, anlam, yaratilmi§ ...


Verbs of the Azerbaijani language, including Turkic languages, can be considered here, because it is impossible to isolate the Azerbaijani language from other Turkic languages, it has very rich linguistic features. This can be said by following the history of the formation of some verbs. In our language, there are enough language tools to name the events and things that happen around. It is known from the researches that many verbs of our language are formed on the basis of nouns that are connected to one degree or another with the semantic function they carry. Those names expressed more specific entities. Examples of such verbs are "izlemek-to follow, batmaq- to sink, garalamag-to blacken, and etc."


We know that mainly the words denoting action are formed in connection with the semantics and function of the event, object, that is, they are formed from names. For example; iz+le=izlemek; ayag+la=ayaglamaq; qara+la+qaralamaq etc.

In the given examples, the verbs are clearly divided into constituent components - root and suffix, as they are verbs formed from nouns. At the same time, since the formation of many verbs is very ancient, it is difficult to separate them into constituent parts.

Such verbs are fixed in a simplified form in our modern literary language. Determining the composition of those words, clarifying from which root and how they are derived is a very difficult issue and requires special research.

Studying the etymology of linguistic units of a language is as important as studying the history of the speakers of the language. However, there are many words that have an ancient history of formation, and it is difficult to draw correct conclusions about their formation. It is possible to make an opinion about the etymology of those words based on the historically existing language laws, based on ancient written examples.

In world linguistics, there is such an idea that the words denoting actions specific to each language belong to the language to which it belongs. That is, it is unique, special. This event is also available in Turkish and Azerbaijani languages. We will try to summarize the ideas about some verbs in the presented article.


First, let's focus on the verb "batmaq-to sink". Later, "batmaq" and other words were born from the word "batmaq". Therefore, by studying the etymology of the verb batmaq, we will clarify the semantics of other words at the same time.

It is not so difficult to determine the etymology of many of the words we mentioned above. For example; wait, start, step and others. But sometimes the etymology of the word is not so obvious, it

cannot be easily explained. Deep research is needed. One such verb is the verb "batmaq". (- mag) in the word is an infinitive suffix. But, I wonder what the "bat" component means.

The word "batir" is explained in several ways in ancient dictionaries and inscriptions known to us. For example; fall down; Cum in; collapse; fall into a hole; to fall under the mud; to enter the ground; fall out of favor and other.

As can be seen from the examples, we find the word "batir" in many expressions. At the same time, some names with the presence of the "bat" element were also created: batq, batik, batgyn, batag, baty, etc.

The word "batmaq" is used not only in the Azerbaijani language, but also in other Turkic languages as part of various words. In those words, the element "bat" means lower. We can assume that those verbs are derived from a noun-object with the same semantic meaning.

In the language of the Elamites, who lived in the same area as the ancient Turks, the word "batur, batyr" was used in the language of the same word.

In the writings of the old Bisit, such a phrase was found in the Elamite language: Batur huqgu hupogit. That sentence means "under the law". If we translate it into Russian, the form "derju pod zakonom" is obtained. In the Azerbaijani language, it is expressed as "I keep under the law". We come to the conclusion that pod-pristavka, which is used in the Russian language in the sense of "lower, lower", is derived from the known bat-element. Pod-prestavkasi, which is still used in modern Russian, shares the same semantics with the Elamite word "bat//batur// batir" and is probably derived from that word.

According to some theorists, bat-word can be considered as a root morpheme, and -ur as a case suffix. Ultimately, we can say that the verb "batmaq" used in all Turkish languages is derived from the noun "batur" with the semantics of "lower, lower".

In Azerbaijani and some Turkish languages, the verb "to garpmaq//gapmaq" is used intensively. So, I wonder how this verb was formed? What is the meaning of the "garpmaq" component in the verb? For this, it is necessary to determine which words contain the "garp" component. As a result of the research, it was determined that in our language, the actions and phonetic composition in the formation of words like "qarpmaq// qapmaq// qapi§maq// qapi§dirmaq// qarmalamaq// qamarlamaq" are very close, even the same. Those movements are related to the "hand", which is a part of the human body. That is, every action we have listed is performed by hands. Therefore, it is appropriate to look at the meanings of those words in the explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language. It is written in the dictionary: 1) qarpmaq//qapmaq - to suddenly reach out and take it quickly (explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language.2006.p. 425); 2)qarpi§maq//qapi§maq- tutu§maq, dala§maq, vuru§maq-(explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language.2006.p.444); 3) qarmalamaq//qamarlamaq-cald, tez dumb goturmak(explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language. 2006.p.442); to cling to something with one's hands (explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language. 2006.5.p.410); to cling to something with both hands (explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language. 2006.p.442); 4) qapishdirmaq( take away from each other's hands) and etc.

In the dictionary of Turkologist V.V. Radlov, the verb "qapmaq" " is explained as "khvatat, brat rukami (to take with the hands) (Radlov V.V. 1885. II c. p. 403) and "karmala" sharit rukami (to check by hand) (Radlov V.V. 1885. II c. p. 218) . It is clear from all that has been said that the "garp" component used in those verbs is related to the word "hand" which is a body part. It is necessary to think about the existence of the connection between the word garp and the word hand. At this time, it is necessary to follow the history of the vocabulary of the language. Radlov's dictionary shows that the upper part of the hand is called "gar" in the Kyrgyz and Kashgar languages (Khudiyev N. 2015.. p.132). "garagh" means "dirsek-elbow" in the Cigata language (Khudiyev N. 2015.p.150); In Ottoman, the word "garaja" was used to mean the upper part of the hand (Khudiyev N. 2015. p.162).

At the same time, it turns out that the word " qarish\\karish" in Azerbaijani and other Turkic languages comes from the same semantic slot. The lexeme karish//karish also means "the part from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger of the open hand" and is used as a unit of measurement.

We come to the conclusion that the meaning of the word "garish" is the word "gar", which means hand.


Prof. A. Demirchizade compared those words with other languages and came to the conclusion that from the word "gar//ghar" meaning hand in Mongolian; from the word "kari" in Uighur; The use of the word "kari" instead of "garshilamaq" and "krilamak" in the meaning of "garshilamaq" in the Cigata language confirms that these words are formed from the same root. The element "sh" (mix, meet, etc.) found in some of those words may be a remnant, an archetype of any suffix containing the meanings of distance and length (Demirchizadeh A. 1968, p. 83).

As a result, it can be said that the word "gar", which is the main component of the words we have listed, was used in one of the languages of the ancient Ural-Altai language family or in one of the languages with which they were in contact with the meaning of "hand". In the later stage of development, that word became archaic and was forgotten and preserved only in the verb "garpmak". It has been established that the archetype of the verb "to close" belongs to the oldest periods of Turkic languages.


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