LEXICON OF TURKIC ORIGIN IN “JAMSHID AND KHURSHID” MASNAVI’S LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
“Jamshid and Khurshid” / words of Turkic origin / Ahmadi / medieval Anatolian Turkic / lexicon. / “Джамшид и Хуршид” / слова тюркского происхождения / Ахмеди / средневековый Анатолийский тюркский / лексика.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Arzu Iskenderzade

From the point of view of studying the centuries-old history of the Turkish language, these language monuments created by Turkish poets and writers in the Middle Ages are important sources. The study of these monuments written in the Turkish language, and the study of their phonetic, lexical, and grammatical features also create conditions for determining the literary norms of the Turkic languages. From this point of view, the analysis of the vocabulary of “Jamshid and Khurshid”, a Turkish language written monument of the 14th-15th centuries, is both important and interesting from the point of view of studying the existence of Turkic words. In this article, the lexicon of Turkic origin has been studied in the language of Ahmadi’s masnavi “Jamshid and Khurshid”, the words of Turkic origin involved in the research have been compared with their usage forms in modern Turkic languages. As a result of the research, it has been found out that there are enough words of Turkic origin among the nouns, verbs, and numeral words used in the language of the monument. However, in the lexicon of “Jamshid and Khurshid” verbs occupy a greater place among the words of Turkic origin. In the lexicon of the 14th-15th century written monument “Jamshid and Khurshid”, carrying the linguistic features of Anatolian Oghuz Turkic, some of the words of Turkic origin have been preserved with minor phonetic changes, and some have been preserved their functionality as they are in modern Turkic languages.

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С точки зрения изучения многовековой истории тюркского языка важными источниками являются языковые памятники, созданные тюркскими поэтами и писателями в средние века. Изучение этих тюркоязычных памятников, изучение их фонетических, лексических и грамматических особенностей также создает условия для определения литературных норм тюркских языков. С этой точки зрения анализ словарного состава тюркоязычного письменного памятника XIV-XV вв. “Джамшид и Хуршид” также важен и интересен с точки зрения изучения бытования тюркского слова. В этой статье была исследована лексика тюркского происхождения на языке маснави Ахмади ";Джамшид и Хуршид". Были сопоставлены формы употребления слов тюркского происхождения в современных тюркских языках. Лексический состав маснави ";Джамшид и Хуршид" достаточно разнообразен и многогранен. Этот памятник позволяет получить представление об общей картине средневекового периода тюркского языка, глубже изучить историческую лексикологию тюркского языка. В результате исследования выяснилось, что в языке памятника достаточно слов тюркского происхождения в числе употребляемых имен существительных, глаголов, числительных. Но среди лексики тюркского происхождения преобладают глаголы. В лексике письменного памятника “Джамшид и Хуршид”, носящего языковые особенности Анатолийско-Огузского тюркского языка XIV-XV вв., часть слов тюркского происхождения с небольшими фонетическими изменениями, а часть как бы сохранила свое употребление в современных тюркских языках.





Junior researcher, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Nesimi Institute of Linguistics

https://doi. org/10.37547/ot/vol-01issue-02-07

Abstract. From the point ofview ofstudying the centuries-old history of the Turkish language, these language monuments created by Turkish poets and writers in the Middle Ages are important sources. The study of these monumentswritten in Turkish language, the study of their phonetic, lexical and grammaticalfeatures also creates conditions for determining the literary norms of the Turkic languages. From this point ofview, the analysis of the vocabulary of "Jamshid and Khurshid", a Turkish language written monument of the 14th-15th centuries, is both important and interesting from the point of view of studying the existence of Turkic words.

In this article, the lexicon of Turkic origin has been studied in the language of Ahmadi's masnavi "Jamshid and Khurshid", the words of Turkic origin involved in the research have been compared with their usage forms in modern Turkic languages. As a result of the research, it has been found out that there are enough words of Turkic origin among the nouns, verbs and numeral words used in the language of the monument. However, in the lexicon of "Jamshid and Khurshid" verbs occupy a greater place among the words of Turkic origin. In the lexicon of the 14th-15th century'swritten monument "Jamshid and Khurshid", carrying the linguistic features of Anatolian Oghuz Turkic, some of the words of Turkic origin have been preserved with minor phonetic changes, and some have been preserved their functionalityas they are in modern Turkic languages.

Keywords and expressions: "Jamshid and Khurshid", words of Turkic origin, Ahmadi, medieval Anatolian Turkic, lexicon.

Аннотация. Туркий тилнинг куп асрлик тарихини урганиш нуцтаи назаридан урта асрларда туркий шоир ва ёзувчилар томонидан яратилган тил ёдгорликлари мущм манба ^исобланади. Бу туркий ёдгорликларни урганиш, уларнинг фонетик, лексик ва грамматик хусусиятларини урганиш туркий тилларнинг адабий меъёрларини аницлашга уам шароит яратади. Шу нуцтаи назардан ХИВ-ХВ асрларга оид туркий ёзма ёдгорликнинг лугат таркиби та^лили. «Жамшид ва Хуршид» туркий сузнинг мавжудлигини урганиш нуцтаи назаридан у;ам мущм ва цизицарлидир.

Ушбу мацолада Ащадий Маснавий тилидаги «Жамшид ва Хуршид» туркий тильдаги лугат урганилди. Хозирги туркий тилларда туркий келиб чициши сузларнинг цулланиш шакллари солиштирилди. «Жамшид ва Хуршид» маснавийининг лугаеий таркиби анча хилма-хил ва серциррадир. Ушбу ёдгорлик туркий тилнинг урта асрлар даврининг умумий манзараси уацида тасаввурга эга булиш, туркий тилнинг тарихий лексикологиясини чуцурроц урганиш имконини беради. Урганиш натижасида маълум булдики, ёдгорлик тилида цулланган от, феъл, саноц сузлар орасида туркий тилга оид сузлар етарличаучрайди. Лекин туркий лугат таркибида феъллар устунлик цилади. ХИВ-ХВ асрлардаги онадули-угуз туркий тилининг лисоний хусусиятларини узида мужассам этган «Жамшид ва Хуршид» ёзма ёдгорлиги лугатида туркий келиб чициши бироз фонетик узгаришларга учраган, баъзилари гуё уз мазмунини сацлаб цолган. уозирги туркий тилларда цулланиши.

Таянч суз ва иборалар: «Жамшид ва Хуршид», туркий сузлар, ащедий, урта асрлар онадули туркийлари, лугат.

Аннотация. С точки зрения изучения многовековой истории тюркского языка важными источниками являются языковые памятники, созданные тюркскими поэтами и писателями в средние века. Изучение этих тюркоязычных памятников, изучение их фонетических, лексических и грамматических особенностей также создает условия для определения литературных норм тюркских языков. С этой точки зрения анализ словарного состава тюркоязычного письменного памятника Х1У-ХУ вв. "Джамшид и Хуршид " также важен и интересен с точки зрения изучения бытования тюркского слова.

В этой статье была исследована лексика тюркского происхождения на языке маснави Ахмади "Джамшид и Хуршид". Были сопоставлены формы употребления слов тюркского происхождения в современных тюркских языках. Лексический состав маснави "Джамшид и Хуршид " достаточно разнообразен и многогранен. Этот памятник позволяет получить представление об общей картине средневекового периода тюркского языка, глубже изучить историческую лексикологию тюркского языка. В результате исследования выяснилось, что в языке памятника достаточно слов тюркского происхождения в числе употребляемых имен существительных, глаголов, числительных. Но среди лексики тюркского происхождения преобладают глаголы. В лексике письменного памятника "Джамшид и Хуршид ", носящего языковые особенности Анатолийско-Огузского тюркского языка Х1У-ХУ вв., часть слов тюркского происхождения с небольшими фонетическими изменениями, а часть как бы сохранила свое употребление в современных тюркских языках.

Опорные слова и выражения: "Джамшид и Хуршид", слова тюркского происхождения, Ахмеди, средневековый Анатолийский тюркский, лексика.

Introduction. After the collapse of the Seljuk Empire, during the Turkish principalities (Beyliks) established in Anatolia, great value has begun to be given to the Turkish language, to the poets and writers who wrote in the Turkish language. In the 14th century, Oghuz Turkic in Anatolia suppressed other dialects and strengthened its existence. Of course, in this movement since the 13th century Yunus Emre, Ahmad Fagih, Khoja Dehgani, later Ahmadi, Sheikh, Sheykhoglu Mustafa, Gazi Burhaneddin and other people who wrote works in the Turkish language played a significant role. From the point of view of studying the centuries-old history of the Turkish language, these language monuments created by Turkish poets and writers in the Middle Ages are important sources. The study of these monumentswritten in Turkish language, the study of their phonetic, lexical and grammatical features also creates conditions for determining the literary norms of the Turkic languages.V.Vinogradov's views on this are particularly interesting. He notes: "A written monument that reflects in itself any literary -fictional material should attract the attention of linguists. Because only an example of fictional creativity can reflect the development of language much more" [17, p. 3]. From this point of view, the analysis of the vocabulary of "Jamshid and Khurshid", a Turkish language written monument of the 14th-15th centuries, is both important and interesting from the point of view of studying the existence of Turkic words.

Unlike lyrical poems, masnavis are valuable sources that reflect the social, political and cultural life of the period to which they belong, and shed light on the religious belief system and daily life of the period in which it was written. Academician M.Z Naghisoylu writes on the subject: "The difference between lyrical poems written in the same style in Turkic and masnavis written in a style close to the spoken language is noticeable. While lyrical poems focus much more on art, mastery, in most Turkic language masnavis the main focus is on moral education and didactics.

^g^^ggr SHARQ MASH'ALI W^^f W^^f

This factor, as well as the narrowness of the scope of the subject (in lyrical poems) and, conversely, the breadth (in masnavis), it is clear that it could not help but have its strong influence on the language of these works. In this sense, of course, the proximity to the national language and the tendency to benefit from it are stronger in masnavis than in lyrical works"[13, p. 162].

Coinciding with a very tense socio-political period in Anatolian history, in Ahmadi's work patriotism, human love, religious and moral ideas were reflected. The folk philosophy and folk culturedominatesin poet's works. In this respect, Ahmadi is reminiscent of Yunus Emre, Ashig Pasha, Haji Bayram and other poets. Of course, it is not without reason that the poet inspires his works in this way.Ahmadi, who witnessed the crisis in the Anatolian principalities after the disintegration of the Anatolian Seljuk state, the war between the Anatolian princeswhose moral and social upheavals, language, religion, and evenmother and father were the same, and many other tragic events like this, he wrote his poems in a spirit consistent with these enlightening pictures too.In terms of reflecting the socio-political events, the moral situation of the periodin the work "Jamshid and Khurshid", the vocabulary of the work attracts the attention with its richness.

The lexical structure of "Jamshid and Khurshid" is very colorful and multifaceted. The monument allows to study deeply the historical lexicology of the Turkic languages. The vocabulary of masnavi's language can be divided into two parts according to its origin: le xicon of Turkic origin, borrowing lexicon.

Words of Turkic origin used in the language of the monument "Jamshid and Khurshid"

Most of the Turkic words used in the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid" are still actively used in modern Azerbaijani Turkic without undergoing any phonetic or semantic changes. These words, at the same time, are also used intensively in other Turkic languages: ad, ana, anla-, ara, at, at-, ata, ay, ayak, ayril-, agla-, agiz, agri, ak-, ara, al-, alin, alt, alti, an-, ara, ardinca, armud, art-, as-, a9-, agac, alt, alin, ay, ayak, aylik, ayir-, agiz, az, az(maq), bagir, bagla, barmag, ba§, bagli, bak, ba§, barmak, ba§la-, be§, bil-, bilin-, bir, bir arada, bir gun, biri, birlik, bi9, biz, bezen-, bo§, boy, boya-, bol, boyun, bogaz, bu, bura, buyur, buk-, dil, diri, di§, dirlik, dur-, du§, don, dord, dudak, do§ak, duz-, e§it, gey-, gul-, gor-, goru§-, goz, gotur-, gun, gul-, gizli, i9, i§, iki, od, ol, ot, ora, oradan, otur, oglan, ok, ora, op, olu, ortu, ol, su, soz, sa9, sina, sev, toz, uzan, uzun, unut, ulu, var, ya§, ye, yol, yolda§, yat, yan, yuk, yohsul, qiz, kal, karin, karda§, kar§i, kir, kapi, kol, kork,9ok, kulak, kisa and so on.

There are many words in the language of masnavi "Jamshid and Khurshid" written in 14th- 15th centuries Anatolian Turkic, with certain phonetic changes used in both modern Turkish and modern Azerbaijani Turkic. Let's compare the usage forms of several words of these types both in the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid" and in modern Turkish and Azerbaija ni Turkic:

In the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid" Turkish Turkic Azerbaijani Turkic

arslan aslan Aslan

artuk artik artiq

aga9 aga9 agac

avit- avut- avud-

bullt bulut bulud

çog/çok/çok çok çox

degirmen degirman dayirman

deniz deniz daniz

dög döy döy

dut- tut- tut-

degül degil deyil

düzet- düzelt- düzalt-

düzil- dizil- düzül-

et et at

etek etek atak

el el sl

elma elma alma

getür- getir- gatir-

güne§ güne§ güna§

gel- gel- gal-

geç- geç- keç-

gice gece gece

girmi yirmi iyirmi

gibi/ bigi gibi kimi

gizlen- saklan- gizlen-

git- git- get-

gemi gemi gami

gök gök göy

g0ñül gönül könül

göster- göster- göstar-

gümi§ gümü§ gümü§

hemi§e her zaman hami§a

it- et- et-

kapu kapi qapi

kon§i kom§u qon§u

koyin koyun qoyun

i9re i9inde i9inda

i9un i9in u9un

i9eru i9eri i93ri

kan kan qan

tudag dudak dodaq

yohsul yoksul yoxsul

yilduz yildiz ulduz

Some of the lexical components of Turkic origin in the lexicon of "Jamshid and Khurshid" have undergone phonetic changes, and some are still used in the Turkic languages today without any changes. Let's pay attention to lexical-semantic and etymological features of some of these words:

Ana (^)Gerard Clauson notes in "An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish" that the being the Turkic word anawas firstly used in Uyghur Turkic. Clauson noted in his dictionary that being the equivalent for the word anathe word ogwas also used in parallel: analar kuvragi, oz elgin anasin oldurmu§, ogey anamiz, qadin ana, ata bir ana bir [7, p.5]. Although the word anne is used in modernTurkish Turkic, the word ana is still used parallelly in Anatolia today.In proverbs and folklore, the word anahas completely excelled the word anne. For example: "Ogul babadan ogrenir sofra duzmeyi, kiz anasindan ogrenir sokak gezmeyi", "Ana gibi yar, Bagdat gibi diyar bulunmaz" etc. Unlike Clauson's "An Etymological Dictionary of Pre -Thirteenth-Century Turkish", we do not find the word og in "Diwan Lughat al-Turk". Mahmud Gashgarli mentioned only the words ana, aba and apa in his dictionary. He noted that the Karlug Turkmen used the word apa [9, p. 86-89]

Let's consider the usage of the word ana in modern Turkic dialects: ana (Bashkir), ana (Gagauz), ana (Kazakh), ana/apa (Uyghur), asa/asay/inay (Bashkir), ana (Uzbek), ena (Turkmen) In the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid" the word anais used in many places:

Melik Cem§id bilurdi muhakkak Ki cennet ana ayaginda olur el-hak [CX. 35/26] Ana ( £1) in almost all old texts, as well in the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid", when the singular pronoun of the third person receives the suffix of dative case is written as in the form of "ana", andwhen it is in nominative case is written as in the form of "ol":

Yuzun gulzarini 9un kim duzer ol Ana gozleri 9un nergisden yazar ol [CX. 2/46] When we look at the use of this word in other Turkic dialects, we see that it is used in Turkish and Turkmen Turkic as ona, in Bashkir and Tatar Turkic as ana, in Uzbek as unga, and in Uyghur as una. We see that there are differences in being used of the pronoun "o" (he,she,it). For example: ul (Bashkir), ol (Kazakh), al (Kyrgyz), u (Uzbek), ul (Tatar), ol (Turkmen), u (Uyghur).

Azmaq : This word is used in Old Turkic in the meaning of "azmaq, dogru yoldan

ayrilmaq" (to be lost, to deviate from the right path): "Ol yol azdi" [4-I, p.181]. In the language of "Irk Bitig" being an ancient Uyghur written monument, the word azmaqmeans "losing one's way, to disappear" :ku§ ogli u9a azti, kiyik ogli yuguru azti (Qu§un balasi u9araq azdi, maralin balasi qa9araq azdi- The baby bird flew away and was lost, and the baby deer ran away and was lost) [16, p.159]. In the modern Azerbaijani language, the word az(maq) is also used today in the meaning of "yolunu, istiqamatini itirmak, dogru yoldan 9ixmaq"(losing one's way, direction, deviating from the right path). In Azerbaijani Turkic, the word az(maq) also meanshaddini a§maq (to be out of line), qudurmaq (to become impudent). Az(maq) in modern Turkish Turkic 1. Unusualness of behavior, 2. Rising, overflowing (sea, river), becoming a dangerous condition (wound, disease, etc.), 3. Increasing sexual feelings, 4. To come to a situation where bleaching is no longer possible (clothes) 5. To be born of two different races (animal), 6. To grow up excessively (animal). In the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid" we found the word az(maq) several times. 1. In the meaning of the unusualness of character, behavior, actions in today's Turkish Turkic:

Didi ayruksi azmi§dur mizacum Tabib elinde deguldur ilacum [CX. 14/73] 1. Azmaq, in the meaning of to lost one's way:

Geminun i^i feryad-ila toldi

Ki azdi yol oni girdab oldi [CX. 58/46] Ni?e: (^j) It is formed from joining of the suffix -9a with the interrogative form "na" in Old Turkic. Seyfaddin Altayli grouped the meanings of this word in the Azerbaijani language under several headings: "ne9a"(how many) adj. 1. Indicates the amount of the item. 2. Comes in front of nouns denoting time and expresses their uncertainty. 3. £ox, bir 9ox(a lot of). 4. -noun. More than one person. 6. In the form of ne9ayadir, ne9adandir (how much) is used in the meaning of value, what is the price [2, p.910]. Many Turkologists have expressed the meaning of this word in different ways. For example, Muharrem Ergin "nice, ne kadar nasil" [12, p.124], Talat Tekin "nice, ne kadar nasil" [15, p.107], Ahmad Jafaroglu "ne kadar, ka9, nasil" [6, p.135] noted their meanings.

Today, it is used in Turkish Turkic in the form of "neca"in the meanings of'nasil, neca" (how). In the dictionary, it is noted in the form of nice (ne9e) without separating from each other: "l.Nasil (how). 2. £ok, bir 9ok, hayli (a lot of). 3. £ok kez (many times). 4. Ne (what). 5. Ne zaman (when). 6. Ka9, ne kadar (how much). 7. Hangi (which). 8. Ne kadar, ne derece (how). 9. Ne vakte kadar (until when) [8, p.157]. In modern Azerbaijani, it is used as aninterrogative particle when it comes before a noun, and as aninterrogative adverb when it comes before a verb. Let's consider the examples of the wordneca(how)is usedin the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid":

Ni9e kim mey i9erem arturur gam Ne durur bilmezem bu derdume em [CX/585]. Let's look at an example this word used in the meaning of "na qadar, ne9a-ne9a" (how many, how much):

Ni9e illere daru olursin

Ni9e gul-ruhlara buse kilursin [CX/592]. Kapi: The word qapi (door), that using in Old Turkic in the form of kapig, is used in the meaning of being passed while entering and leaving a place and opening of a section with the feature of opening and closing, and from ancient times to the present day it has shown a historical look in the forms of kapig, kapig, kapu, kapu, kapi. Clauson notes that the root of the word comes from the word -gap (to close) [7, p.583]. In "Comparative-historical grammar of Turkic languages" [18, p.510-511] this word is given in three different ways in our historical and modern dialects:

1) Qapix: 1. Qapi (door). 2. Hayat qapisi (door of the yard, gate). It's used in historical dialects such as Old Uyghur, Karakhanli, Oghuz, Kharazm, Uyghur, Middle Uyghur, Chagatai Turkic

languages andin different meanings in modern dialects such as Azerbaijani, Karaim, Kumuk, Nogai Turkic and Uyghur Turkic dialects.

2) Qapxa: 1. Hayat qapisi (door of the yard, gate). 2. Qala qapisi (fortress gate), §ahar qapisi (city gate), gapga in Garakhanli, Uyghur Turkic, Middle Turkic, Bashkir, Tatar; gagpa in Karakalpak, Kazakh Turkic; gapga in Kyrgyz Turkic; gápga in Uzbek Turkic; harha in Chuvash Turkic.

3) Qapax: from historical dialects gabagis using in ancient Uyghur Turkic, Middle Kipchak Turkic; gabax in Kharazm Turkic; gabag and gabah in the modern Karaim dialect; gabag in Balkar Turkic; in the form of gapgag is using in the Middle Tatar dialects.

The word qapi (door, gate)is used in "Diwan Lughat al-Turk" [4-I, 425-427] in the form of qapga, qupug, in the meaning of "boyük qapi (big door), qala qapisi (fortress gate)". This word is also used in many places in "Jamshid and Khurshid" in the meaning of qapi (door) /e§ik (outside):

Kamu mü§kil i§üñ var dur ümidi Kamu baglu kapunuñ var kilidi [CX. 41/68]

Karañu : (j^j5) The word qaranliq(darkness), one of the oldest and most common words in the Turkic language, is still actively used in the Oghuz group Turkic languagestoday. In Old Uyghur Turkic texts, this word appears in the form of karañgu, karañku [6, p.167], and in Karakhanid Turkic it is used in the form of karañku [3, p.223]. Today it is used in the form of qaranliq (Azerbaijani), karanlik (Turkish), karangilik(Kazakh), karanqilik(Kyrgyz), karanqilik (Tatar), garañkilik (Turkmen), qaranquluq (Uyghur), qorongilik (Uzbek). This word, which is used in Old Anatolian Turkic in the forms karañgu, karañkuandkarañu, we find in the form of karañuin the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid":

Girü geldi saraya §ah Cem§id Karañu gicede dilinde Hur§id [CX. 44/52]

Kimesne: In Oghuz and Kipchak Turkic, kimarsa is derived from the word "kim isa"

(someone). It is first found in written sources in the form of kimerse/kimesne/kimsa in Abu Hayyan's "Kitab al-Idrak" [11].

In the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid" we find both in the form of kimdsnd and in the form of kimsa:

Kimesne evvelin anuñ bilemez

Kimesne ahiri fikrin kilamaz [CX. 56/43].


Eger Mecnun ola a§ik ya Ferhad Bu resme sozi kimse itmedi yad [CX. 46/38]

Barí: (j-y) Old Turkic word ber is formed by the word "bu taraf, bura" (this side, here) and the suffix -ari2 Bashir Ahmadov, speaking about the word bari in the "Dictionary of Etymology", writes: "Such an idea is widespread that, as if the suffix -ari2 has historically reflected the dative case. In fact, this suffix is nothing more than an abbreviation of the word yer (place): bura (here) means - "bu yer"(this place), ora (there) - "o yer" (that place) barí (here) - again "bu yer" (this place), yuxari (up) - yüksak yer (high place), a§agi (down) (before this word was a§ari, later changed) - "alt yer"(low place)" [10, p.45]. So, the word bari has been historically compound, now it is simplified, it doesn't divide into root and suffix, it is formed on the basis of bu yer (this place)." As the oldest source in history, it was used in the form of bérgerü in the Orkhon-Yenisei monuments. In addition, we find this word in the language of the ancient Uyghur written monument "Khuastuanif':kertü teñrig arig nomug biltikümüzde berü (sinceknowing the true God, the pure law) [11].

In the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid", the word bari is used in the meaning of "bu yana, bari":

Didi kim bu goründi dü§de baña Ki kaldum ol giceden beri taña [CX. 39/126]

Bir it: (^ja) In the Azerbaijani language, this word means bir e(y)lamak birla§dirmak(to unite), uygunla§dirmaq(to adapt), eynila§dirmak(to identify) [5, 2006: 312]. In the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid" it is used in the form of "bir it" in the meaning of birla§dirmak:

Kemandan 9un kaza okini atdi Yilanun iki enegini bir itdi [CX. 51/56] Altun: ( uj^) This word, which is used as "altun" (gold) in Old Turkic, retains its functionality as being"altin" in modern Turkish Turkic. It is used in the Azerbaijani language as "altin" and "qizil" [14, p.149]. Let's look at the usage forms in other Turkic languages: altin (Gagauz), altin (Bashkir), azltin (Kazakh), altin (Kyrgyz), altin (Tatar), gyzyl (Turkmen), altun (Uyghur), oltin (Uzbek)

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In "Jamshid and Khurshid"altunis used in the meaning of jewelry:

Nigin bigi altun i9inde oturmi§ Sehabi burkai yuzden goturmi§ [CX. 48/57] It should also be noted that in the Azerbaijaniclassical literary language, in our dialects, as well as in other Turkic languages, the phoneme "u"sometimes replaced the phoneme "i". For example: azgun (azgin), baglu (bagli), kilur(kilir), asilu (asili), armud (armit - Turkmen); sabun (sabin- in Kazakh, Tatar and Turkmen languages).

Gene: this word, which is used in the meaning of yena, takrar(again),has been used in old Turkic in the form ofyana, in the old Anatolian Turkic in the form ofgene/gine, then it has been used in the Kharazm, Chagatai Turkic and in the written languages of the Mamluk-Kipchak Turkic. Let's look at the usage forms in modern Turkic languages: yena (Azerbaijani), yine/gene (Turkish), yene (Turkmen), yana/tagin (Uzbek), jana/janadan/kaytadan (Kazakh), yana/kaytanan/tagin (Bashkir), yana/yanadan/tagin (Tatar), yana/yenidin/kaytidin (new Uyghur).

In the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid", both the word gene and yine are used in the meaning of yena, takrar:

Geturdiler §arab-i ergavani ki

I9e Erganun-saz yine ani [CX. 15/34].


Dimaginda §ehun 9un oldi viran Girup bir kunce ol gene oldi penhan [C.X. 34/6] In addition, it's observed several phonetic variants of some words in "Jamshid and Khurshid". For example:




Besides from these words, we find the following words have also two phonetic forms in the language of the monument:

bisle- besle-

bizen- bezen-

bi§ be§

bize- beze-

dig- deg-

dir- der-

giy- gey-

til- tel

Being written of above-mentioned words in two phonetic variants in this period did not stem from the instability shown in marking bykasra or [y] of a sound that doesn't have anequivalent in writing.In our opinion, being writtenof these words in two phonetic forms in the old Anatolian Turkic texts is connected with the influence of dialects on the written language. In medieval Anatolian Turkic, the vowels [i] in the first syllable of the written language have not yet been

completely replaced by [e]. The vowels [i] inwords such as it-, vir-, gice-, i§ik, bil are harakated bykasra or written with [y].In Old Anatolian Turkic had already begun thechangeof i ~ein dialects during this period. The various phonetic variants such as bizen-, bezen-, we see in the language of"'Jamshid and Khurshid" monument, don't mean that the vowel in these words is closed [e], but shows that the change i ~ e in the dialects of that time being already existed. One of the important issues in Old Anatolian Turkic is that words in Old Turkic ending in g/g still retain their long pronunciations after falling the derivationalsuffix g/g.In Old Turkic, by falling of the suffix -g, being a noun-forming suffix from verb, we observe that the case of transformation of the preceding vowel into a labialized vowel, does not occur in some words. In the language of the monument, the words that should be used with a labialized vowel, but written with a non-labialized vowel, are: ari, diri, kuri, yazi. These examples show that in the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid" the long and labialized vowels formed by falling the suffix -g/g, have lost their length, and in some words they are written with non-labialized vowels in accordance with the law of harmony.


The tendencies of closeness to the national spoken language and benefit from it belonging to other masnavis is also reflected in the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid". Masnavi "Jamshid and Khurshid" is a valuable monument that has the features of the ancient Anatolian Turkic language and the language that Anatolian people assimilated. The lexical structure of the monument'slanguage is very rich and colorful.Among the words of Turkicorigin used in the language of "Jamshid and Khurshid", we find the words denoting nouns, verbs and numerals. However, in the lexicon of "Jamshid and Khurshid", most of the words of Turkic origin are more verbs, as we can see from the examples. This proves once again that the lexical units that preserve the national character and originality of the Turkic language are headed by verbs. The verbs that occupy an important place in the lexicon of "Jamshid and Khurshid" correspond to our modern language due to their semantic diversity and semantic features.

The vast majority of these words are still used in Turkic languages today. Some of these lexical items have survived to the present day with minor phonetic changes, while others have retained their functionality as they are. The phonetic changes that occur in the roots and suffixes of words in the Anatolian Turkic language used six centuries ago, are, of course, normal. These minor phonetic differences don't prevent the words from being understood.


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