FORMATION OF MOTIVATION FOR STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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motivation / students / learning / methods.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Balaniuk I.V.

Motivation for learning is a rather difficult and ambiguous process of changing the attitude of a person, both to a particular subject of study and to the whole educational process. Therefore, the question of the in-centives and motives of students' educational and professional activity becomes especially important.

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«@®ii®@yjum-j®urnal» 2024 / pedagogical sciences



Balaniuk I. V., Bukovynian State Medical University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2024-3196-75-76 FORMATION OF MOTIVATION FOR STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION


Motivation for learning is a rather difficult and ambiguous process of changing the attitude of a person, both to a particular subject of study and to the whole educational process. Therefore, the question of the incentives and motives of students' educational and professional activity becomes especially important.

Keywords: motivation, students, learning, methods.

Motivation is an internal energy that involves a person's activity in life and at work. It is based on motives that imply specific promptings, incentives that cause a person to act and to do. [1]. Speaking of students' motivation, it represents the processes, methods and means of their stimulation to cognitive activity, active development of the content of education. Motives can be related to emotions and aspirations, interests and needs, ideals and attitudes. Therefore, motives are complex dynamic systems in which the choice and decision making, analysis and evaluation of choices are made [2]. Student motivation is the most effective way to improve the learning process. Motives are the driving force behind the process of learning and learning the material.

Motivation for learning is a rather complicated and ambiguous process of changing the attitude of a person, both to a particular subject of study and to the whole educational process. [3]. Motivation is a major driving force in human behavior and activity, including in the process of forming a future professional. That is why the question of incentives and motives of students' educational and professional activity becomes especially important.

The attitude of the student to his / her studies at a university depends most on the factors of choice of profession (specialty) and attitude to the learning process itself.

An important task of higher education is to form professional motives for students' education, to develop in them the need to master professional knowledge, skills and skills. In the presence of professional motivation the student's cognitive activity has a detailed, passionate and persistent character. [4]. Then he enjoys learning, which evokes his positive emotions, desire to work.

It helps students to successfully educate themselves by motivating their self-affirmation, their desire to demonstrate their real and possible achievements. They show persistence, high emotionality in their results.

In a three-pronged task: learning, mental development and upbringing - a connected link is the interest of the learning subject.

Only in the presence of the student's need for self-fulfillment develops his general and professional abilities, successfully carries out theoretical and methodical

professional training, formed spiritual and moral education. The learning process is meaningful to him and he works at the highest level of activity. Meaning is a value, an attitude that shows up in emotions, in feelings (not to be indifferent to your future).

Changes occurring in different spheres of human activity are increasingly demanding the organization and quality of vocational education. The modern graduate of higher education should not only have special knowledge, skills and skills, but also feel the need for achievement and success; to know that it will be in demand in the labor market. Therefore, in my opinion, students need to instill interest in the accumulation of knowledge, independent activity and continuous self-education. To achieve these goals, they must have a motivation to learn.

A display of respect for students. Whatever the student, he in any case requires a proper attitude [5]. These motives can coalesce, forming a common motivation for learning.

The reasons that stimulate a person and encourage him to be active, in this case - to study - can be various.

In order for a student to truly become involved in the work, it is necessary that the tasks that are put to him during the learning activity are not only clear but also internally accepted by him, that is, that they become important for the student. Since the true source of a person's motivation is in himself, it is necessary that he himself wants to do something and do it. Therefore, the main motive of learning is the internal motivating force.

Currently, the problem of training highly qualified specialists is gaining importance. Modern society places high demands on the university graduate, among which occupation, professionalism, social activity and creative approach to work tasks are of great importance. The process of improving the training of future professionals in modern education is quite complex and due to several important factors. One of them is the adequacy of motivation of students' educational activity to the goals and objectives ofthe educational system at the university. The issue of forming motives for learning, which is an integral element in future professional development, is relevant because modern students ars gradually losing their incentive to study.

To study the problem, we used theoretical analysis and systematization of literary sources related to this issue.



In recent years, high school pedagogy has paid particular attention to the issues of motivation of students' educational activity, as it testifies to the quality of educational activity. Under the influence of motivation is formed worldview position of the person, behavioral reactions, internal emotional state, which affects the perception of man not only about the world, but also on his own inside.

So, the motivation for the student is the desire to study for the sake of achieving not only an academic goal, but also for professional growth. Therefore, for a successful awakening in student-centered learning activities and for a successful student drive, the student must want to actively participate in the learning process.

In the present day, it is important not only to teach young people subject knowledge, skills, skills, but also to develop their personality as an active subject of social activity responsible for their lives, the lives of others, the development of the whole society. Therefore, the result of the educational process is the personality, education and development of the personality is primarily the development of the system of its needs and motives.

Increasing the level of educational and educational and professional motivation of students is possible through improvement of the educational process by introducing new, modern methods and forms of learning.

So, content training students, focused on the formation of systemic knowledge, helps to master future professionals a system of theoretical knowledge and

practical skills that will allow them to adapt to changing conditions, make and make decisions in practice.

Список л^ератури

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