increases interest, broadens their mind and creativity, develops deep clinical thinking and develops a sense of the need for collective cooperation and responsibility, introduces horizontally-oriented interdisciplinary integration into the learning process, allows to form skills and abilities in a holistic manner and most importantly improves the quality of clinical training of a therapeutic physician.
1. Андрущенко В. 1нновацшний розвиток освгга в стратеги «украшського прориву» I В. Андрущенко II Вища освгга Украши. - 2008. - №2. -С. 10-18.
2. Аймедов К.В. Перспектива застосування у закладах вищо1' медично1' освгги методiв випе-реджаючого навчання I К.В. Аймедов II Медична освгга. - 2013. - №1. - С. 83-84.
3. Загринчук М.С. Шдготовка фaхiвцiв у ви-щих навчальних закладах Украши в сучасних умо-вах на основi компетентшсного тдходу I М.С. Загринчук, В.П. Марцинюк, 1.Р. Мисула II Медична освгга. - 2013. - №1. - С.11-17.
Залявская Е.В.
Высшее государственное образовательное учреждение Украины "Буковинский государственный медицинский университет ",
Черновцы, Украина
Zaliavska O.
Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovynian State Medical University", Chernivtsi, Ukraine
В статье представлен обзор литературы и собственные наблюдения по мотивации обучения и профессионального роста студентов-медиков. Основные характеристики и составляющие понятия мотивации к учебе, виды мотивов и профессиональной компетентности учителя, призванные формировать личность будущего врача. Эти результаты исследований указывают на необходимость диверсификации работы студентов-медиков в аудитории и внеурочного времени с целью улучшения практического обучения, использования симуляционного обучения с привлечением инновационных технологий.
The article presents a review of the literature and own observations on the motivation for learning and professional growth of medical students. The main characteristics and components of the concept of motivation to study, types of motives and professional competence of teachers, designed to form the personality of the future doctor. These research results indicate the need to diversify the work of medical students in the classroom and extracurricular time in order to improve practical training, the use of simulation training with the involvement of innovative technologies.
Ключевые слова: студенты-медики, профессиональный рост, мотивация.
Keywords: medical students, professional growth, motivation.
Modern society requires students motivated by their future profession, however, in the higher education system there is a conflict between modern European requirements for learning and low motivation of students to acquire professional knowledge and skills. Psychologists and teachers claim that it is during the student years that the basic qualities are formed, which become the basis of professional development throughout life, in particular: responsibility, creativity, constant improvement of knowledge and so on.
The issue of student motivation is one of the basic problems of learning psychology. This status is explained, on the one hand, by the fact that the main psychological characteristic, the basis of any activity, including learning, is motivation. On the other hand, the
management of motivation to learn allows you to manage the learning process as a whole, which is very important to achieve its effectiveness. This study of motivation is devoted to a large number of works of domestic and foreign psychology, which discuss the social problems of professional motivation, reveals the role of motivation in the formation of consciousness in the development of personality, outlines methods of studying it and the possibility of adjustment. Of particular interest are studies of the problem of forming professional motivation of students in a higher education institution.
Psychologists note that positive motivation causes feelings of satisfaction, joy, increases self-esteem, arouses interest in life, which should actually happen to
a person every day. The learning process is time consuming and exhausting, after all, like any work focused on success. Therefore, it is the dream result, which is approaching the student, is based on positive motives and professional reality. Needs are a source of human activity, through which the regulation of its behavior, determines the direction of thinking, emotions, feelings and will. The intellectual needs of the student are primarily aimed at professional growth and it is the system of motives that provides a way to achieve a professional goal and meet these needs.
According to some authors [1, 2], the concept of competence defines an integral part of personality. According to T. Zelenetska, "competence" is interpreted as an integral quality of personality, its ability to learn, based on knowledge, experience and socialization, as well as focused on independent and successful activities.
D. Yermakov [2] considers the definition of competence in terms of continuous, holistic personal growth and self-education. The latter, in turn, is based on the ability to: mobilize the acquired knowledge and skills in an operational manner - if necessary; implement the acquired skills in each specific situation, taking into account the variable specific aspects (complex clinical case, providing/not providing timely emergency care, ethical issues - euthanasia, deontology in communication with the seriously ill); activity within a certain algorithm of actions provided by the clinical protocol and the local route of action; organization of social action and involvement of all necessary resources (diagnostic equipment, drugs, availability of block diagrams and algorithms of actions, use of models).
In the formation of motivation in the first place is the question of finding and selecting priority motives, as well as determining the optimal structure of the motivational sphere of the student [3, 4]. Therefore, despite the presence in modern science of a significant number of scientific and pedagogical works on the problem of forming the motivation of educational and cognitive activities of students, this issue still remains relevant.
The process of studying in a higher medical institution has its own specific properties. Junior students master in detail the basic theoretical sciences, which in senior courses during the study of clinical disciplines should be reflected in practice, during the diagnosis and treatment of patients, in particular, the neurological profile. Therefore, knowledge of anatomy, chemistry, histology, etc. needs clinical rethinking. Formal separation of related disciplines in the curriculum, insufficient use of interdisciplinary links in the educational process lead to the fact that the set of educational information is spontaneously loaded on the students themselves, and even if they use it, the effect is negligible. All this hinders the purposeful formation of a holistic system of knowledge and skills [5, 6]. Given this problem, the main factor in the formation of the integrity of knowledge necessary for the implementation of the professional activity of a doctor is the formation of motivation to learn, which is based on previous learning experience.
The main factors influencing the formation of positive motivation for learning are: the content of educational material and organization of educational activities, types and forms of learning, evaluation of student performance and style of pedagogical activity of the teacher. The formation of positive motives for learning is influenced by the style of communication and the teacher's attitude to students. It is possible to intensify the learning process in medical institutions: the presence of students' interest (introduction of clinical examples and situational tasks in the classroom); rich emotional atmosphere (insight, when the demonstration of educational material gives the opportunity to include positive emotions and emphasize the uniqueness of the case, materials, etc.); discussions, discussions on a particular clinical case; formation of motivation for learning success [4, 7, 8].
A significant factor in increasing motivation to learn, interest in the profession is the professional skills of the teacher, especially pedagogical skills. A variety of forms and methods of teaching, including lectures, feedback from students, arouses interest in the subject, and conducting practical classes directly in the clinic with sick children, participation in the treatment and diagnostic process, in particular in clinical trials of complex cases, motivates students to study pediatrics.
The system of increasing motivation to study is also based on the systematic work of teachers of the department to improve the level of professional and pedagogical skills, wider involvement of students in scientific work with subsequent presentation of their results, as well as work and study in extracurricular activities under the control of the teacher. and skills.
An integral part of today's social life has become information technology, so the formation of the student's information competence, in particular: the ability to find, analyze and structure information. The realities of medical practice show that it is necessary to prepare students for life in a market dominated by initiative, creativity, efficiency, perseverance, flexibility of thinking, in order to choose the best options. Students need to learn how to solve problems that arise in the field of information knowledge. One of the current ways to test knowledge is to solve situational problems focused on interdisciplinary knowledge, erudition, development of clinical thinking [9, 10]. It is the close cooperation of teacher and student in classroom and extracurricular work, high professional level of teaching with the use of innovative teaching methods is a reserve for increasing student motivation to learn.
No less important means of motivation is the use of simulation training with the involvement of innovative technologies, which allows multiple and accurate reproduction of important clinical scenarios and allows future physicians to make independent decisions, form clinical thinking, improve students' practical skills.
Thus, the formation of learning motivation in students of clinical disciplines is an extremely important factor that determines the success of further study, as it determines the ways to achieve the desired result, mobilizes the student's desire to begin their formation in professional activities.
1. Hordiienko V.I. Personality development in the process of professionalization: professional genesis of personality. Psykholohiia pratsi ta profesiinoi pidhotovky osobystosti: Navch. Posib. 2001: 48-67.
2. Ermakov D.S. Formation of ecological competence of students. M.: MYOO. 2009: 180p.
3. Gavrilenko O. Formation of motivation for professional activity with the use of ICT. Vitoki peda-goglchnoYi maysternostl. 2012: 370 c.
4. Kolesnyk Yu.M. Nerianov Yu.M., Kompanii-ets V.M. The quality of training is a key component of the Bologna Process. Medychna osvita. 2011; N° 2: 7174.
5. Stus V.P., Yekhalov V.V., Moiseienko M.M. Phase situational tasks in the formation of professional competence of a specialist in "Urology" Urolohiia. 2017; №1: 91-95.
6. Dmytryshyn B.Y. Psychological features of forming students' positive educational motivation /
B.Y. Dmytryshyn // Problems of Modern Psychology. 2015; 27: 137-15.
7. Vershinska O.B. Problems of formation of educational motivation of university students. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: KA.pdf.
8. Panteleimonenko Yu.A., Todorova I.S. Pedagogical conditions of development of students' learning motivation [Electronic resource]. 2012; Access mode: handle/123456789/531.
9. Yekhalov V.V. The principle of interdisciplinary integration and a priori motivation in emergency medicine. Medychni perspektyvy. 2014; T.XIX, №2(1): 103-105.
10. Cherniak N.O. Formation of students' motivation to study at the university [Electronic resource]. 2013; Access mode:^epHHK.pdf
Kryvetska I., Kryvetskyy I.
State higher education institution of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University "
The problem of quality medical education is currently one of the first places in the national health care system. Medical education cannot ignore the changes taking place in medical science and modern society, which require certain changes in the forms of education, the amount of information received by students in educational institutions and the technology of obtaining information. Modern fast - changing society requires changes in educational standards, needs new approaches to the educational process. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce learning technologies based on new methodological principles, modern didactic principles and psychological and pedagogical theories that develop an activity-based approach to learning.
Keywords: the method of competing groups, the method of "case study".
Introduction. Education is a process and result of students' acquisition of scientific knowledge, cognitive skills, development of creative forces and abilities. Improving the quality of education is important nowadays. One of the components of improving the quality of education is a high level of informatization. The effectiveness of learning depends on the student's ability to manage information, find, perceive and distribute it. Informatization and individualization of learning are interconnected, because at the center of the educational process is the individual and his cognitive interest [1, 2].
Teaching disciplines in medical schools should be based on the relationship of medical-biological, medical-preventive and elements of clinical disciplines, which will contribute to the holistic perception of students of the subject, teachings and theories, understanding their scientific and practical significance for human life, contribution to characteristics and processes of public health of the population of the region and the country [3]
The main part.
The effectiveness of the educational process in a medical school, in the first place, depends on the teach-
er's choice of form of practical training, ie special design of the educational process, the nature of which is determined by the content of teaching, methods, techniques, means of teachers and students. Most teachers use traditional forms of teaching in their practice. At the same time, the implementation of practical orientation requires students to acquire life skills for successful adaptation in society, ie the development of a group of psychosocial skills and interpersonal skills that help students make decisions, and then as a specialist to solve problems that may arise in the workplace. , think critically and creatively, communicate effectively [4].
A radical change in the educational environment should be considered a priority in survival and competition.
The student's educational and research environment is determined by the national education system, the educational policy of a particular region, the peculiarities of the educational institution, and, ultimately, the student himself. When the formed educational environment resonates with the environment created by the student, the best results are achieved. It is up to the teaching staff to choose whether the student's environment will be formed spontaneously, which will mean the uncertain future of a particular person and society,