However, no matter how attractive was the model of the relationship between scientist and student, it is always dynamic. Given this, a good teacher always strives for the continuity of their education and training, constantly analyzes its activities, determines the achieved level of interaction with students, selects and uses the new achievements of pedagogical science and best practices, learn best from their peers.
There are three main reasons for the low culture of dialogue of scientific and pedagogical worker with students.
The first is that the majority of scientific and pedagogical workers do not attach much importance to the role of communication in the educational process, so do not pay due attention to organizational communication.
The second characteristic of scientific and pedagogical workers that operate in difficult pedagogical situations by force, not using psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the person, not taking into account age and individual peculiarities of the student.
The third is that some scholars have a low General culture and does not work for her advancement.
Scientific and pedagogical workers, no matter what the subject he teaches students must be proficient in all the subtleties of speech culture.The concept of speech culture is traditionally used to describe, first of all, the observance of correct literary pronunciation, spelling, lexical and grammatical norms, and the emphasis of words established in literary language.
A significant disadvantage, in particular, of monologue speech, which has so far been rarely considered, is the inappropriate use in the process of oral narration or explanation of educational material elements of written speech borrowed from textbooks and other sources of book words, expressions, syntactic constructions. Incidentally, it seems as if the researcher speaks as "written". Such speech does not seem quite natural, it is artificial, difficult to perceive.
Not without flaws and dialogic speech. The most significant - the lack of harmony, logical sequence, clarity, completeness in the disclosed subject of conversation, intermittentness due to frequent pauses, incomplete phrases. Dialogue is a simple question and answer.
Among the mistakes and defects in the speech of the researcher and pedagogical worker, it is necessary to emphasize the violation of orthoepic and grammatical norms. As for syntactic errors, it is necessary to point out the incorrect construction of verb phrases, which is caused by a false analogy with the corresponding constructions of the Russian language. The teacher, preparing for classes, should use dictionaries - ortho-epic, explanatory, synonymous, phraseological, translation, terminological. Language is one of the elements of pedagogical technique.
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2. Grishnova O.A. Human capital (formation in the system of education and training). - K.: Knowledge, KOO, 2001.
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4. Kipen V., Korzhiv G. University teachers: a sociological portrait -Donetsk, 2001.
5. Kremen V.G. Philosophy of Education of the XXI century // Education of Ukraine. - 2002. - December 28. - № 102 - 103. Lytvyn V.M. Ukrainian culture and education in the context of social transformations // Government Courier - 2002. - September 24. - № 175.
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Pavlovych L.,
HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology
Bilous I. MD, PhD
Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"
Objective. The experience of educational activities of higher educational institutions convinces that it is possible to effectively address the issue of training future professionals only with the active participation of students in this process and it is about their self-improvement. Keywords: self-improvement, pedagogical activity.
Professional self-improvement is a conscious, purposeful process of increasing the level of one's own professional competence and development of professionally significant qualities in accordance with social requirements, conditions of professional activity and one's own development program.
This process is based on the psychological mechanism of constant overcoming of internal contradictions between the existing level of professionalism ("I am a real professional") and its imaginary state ("I am an ideal professional").
Professional self-improvement of the future specialist takes place in two interrelated forms - self-edu-
cation and self-education. The main content of self-education is the improvement of the student's existing knowledge, formation of skills and abilities in order to achieve the desired level of professional competence.
Man sometimes self-improves subconsciously. Unconscious self-education is usually sporadic, carried out without a clear plan and a comprehensive program, which greatly reduces its effectiveness.
Conscious self-education has a much higher efficiency - systematic and conscious human activity aimed at its self-development and the formation of its own basic culture.
In order for self-education to become conscious and professionally oriented, the future specialist must feel and realistically assess his / her suitability for the chosen profession.
The main purpose of self-education at the present stage is to achieve harmony with oneself, finding meaning in life, self-actualization and self-realization potential, natural abilities and active self-assertion in public life.
Finding the meaning of life is a very important stage in the development and formation of the personality when the process of the formation and development of personal value orientations and the implementation of certain desires, their agreement with universal, national and professional values. From a selection of personal value orientations and their consistency depend on the worldview of the student, his life principles, beliefs and professional orientation, the nature of self-actualization, Zamora was and affirmation.
Self actualization - the constant human desire for full identification and development of personal potential opportunities and their implementation.
Self - realization is a conscious, deliberate logistical, practical, social and spiritual human activity aimed at realizing their own strength, abilities, attitudes.
Assertiveness - desire to establish themselves in a certain social status and social role.
Student self-understood as an organized, active and focused his efforts on the systematic formation and development of the positive and eliminating the negative qualities of the individual in accordance with the conscious needs and the demands of society, professional activity, and implementation of personal development programmes.
In the process of self-development of all aspects of the individual (beliefs, worldviews, feelings, will, habits, traits, other personality traits, specific performance and behavior) become the object of a continuous process of learning and change on the part of teachers.
By their nature, self-education - a social phenomenon. It is inherent only in man, which realizes itself in the system of social relations. Resorting to self-education, a person realizes social need to acquire a range of personal qualities that have contributed the most to her in the performance of public functions.
Social determination of self-education determines the specificity of formation and development needs in self-education. Such a need is developing in the process of social activities of the person, its communication with other people. Is active-selective attitude of the person.
Social functions of self - specific individual teaching process. Its uniqueness is that the subject and object of education - in the same person. This predetermines special character of the organization, contents, methods of work on oneself. Despite the social conditioning,
self-education is a deeply individual and depend on the severity of internal assumptions.An essential prerequisite for the effectiveness of the process of self-education of Ukrainian students at the present stage of formation of the national education system is:
■ constant consideration by the subjects of education of the importance, necessity and complexity of this process in the educational work of the university;
■ availability of the necessary psychological and pedagogical knowledge and practical experience of scientific and pedagogical workers (curators) on the organization of self-education of students;
■ awareness of the need for constant guidance and implementation of systemic psychological and pedagogical influence on students' self-education;
■ transformation of students into subjects of self-education;
■ creative combination of the process of self-education with active educational and cognitive activities and organization of cultural and educational work and leisure;
■ giving this process a humane, national and personal orientation.
The most important internal prerequisites that determine the effectiveness of self-education of students include:
■ the needs and motivations for work;
■ beliefs, development of consciousness and self-criticism in order to objectively evaluate its merits, positive qualities and drawbacks;
■ having a sense of self-esteem and pride for belonging to the chosen educational institution, which requires to keep up with other students and to be among the best;
■ a certain level of development of volitional qualities, habits, self-esteem, self-control and self-regulation, which give the process of self-determination and versatility;
■ mastery of the theory of self-education and methods of work;
■ conscious setting of a positive result of self-education;
■ psychological readiness to active, systematic work with self-education.
Internal conditions determine the opportunity to be deeply informed, thoughtful, creative nature of the work. The level of development depends largely on the final result of self-education. That is why the leadership of the self-education of students important, particular attention should be paid to the formation and development of domestic premises.
One of the characteristics of self-education of students is its strong relationship with the process of education in the University and public reality. Through organized educational influences in students developing self-awareness, there is a need for self-education, formed the interests and ideals of life, defines the main directions of self-actualization. In the process of purposeful educational work of forming the inner world of the student, which determines the ability, the desire and the ability to self-education.
The study of students, their attitudes and its influence on the character of a person's behavior, gives the opportunity to trace the connections between the external and internal factors of self-education, development of self-education in the process, for example, the educational-cognitive activity. This allows to overcome the
separation of self from the real processes of life, snapping it in introspection. The basis for the development of self -formation and movement of the interrelated processes of understanding the personality and changes the position of the pupil in interaction with the outside world.
Self-education is based on certain principles, which are the most common initial provisions and requirements of the individual itself and define goals, ideals, content, methodology and organization of the process of self-education.
Basic principles of self-education:
■ naturalness and nationality of self-education;
■ democracy of self-education, education of a stable public position and humanistic morality;
■ systematization, purposefulness, value orientation of education and self-education;
■ consistency, continuity and systematicity;
■ unity of self-education and scientific worldview;
■ formation of an active life position and a positive direction of self-education;
■ the relationship between education and self-education and professional activity.
Pedagogical analysis of the process of self-education of students gives grounds to outline a number of logically interdependent and interdependent stages of work on themselves: self-knowledge, planning, implementation of the plan (program), control and regulation.
The initial stage in self-education is self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is a complex process of determining one's abilities and capabilities, system of values, life intentions and aspirations, leading motives and motivations, character and temperament, peculiarities of the course of mental cognitive processes.
(feeling, perception, memory, attention, imagination, thinking, speaking). Thanks to this, the pupil can independently determine what successes he can achieve in life, as well as analyze the possibilities of improving their daily activities, what special exercises can be used to achieve these goals, and others.
The importance of this step in self-education due to the fact that the person cannot reasonably function without at least minimal knowledge about yourself. It is no coincidence that the ancient thinkers said: "Who knows the price of essence, the most suitable of people."
The motto "Know thyself" was written over the portals of the Delphic temple in the Vth century to n. e in Greece. He meant: get to know the will of the gods in life, and obey her. Ancient Greek thinkers the days of Plato treated this motto like this: know your purpose, discover their capabilities, predict their behavior.
Academician A. V. Petrovskiy offers two ways of knowing your own true self:
■ the first way: a careful analysis is not so much ideas of their own actions, how much actual performance in relation to the plans. Relatively speaking, the clarification of the meaning of their lives and associate it with his behavior, public and personal values, the analysis of specific actions from the point of view of human, national and osobiste morals, professional and personal development and activities; • the second way: to use science-and find out with it's own individually-psychological attitudes, and the like. This science is psychology of personality. Both ways, according to A. Century Petrovsky, repeatedly intertwined, will lead
everyone who on them will go, to the knowledge of himself.
Therefore, self-knowledge is the process of purposeful information on the development of the qualities of his personality.
Methodically correctly organized, self-knowledge, according to V. A. Petrovsky, has the following areas: self-awareness; slovenscina; self-esteem.
The process of self-discovery starts with self-awareness, i.e. the awareness of oneself as a social being - the individual and their place and life goals in public activities. In General consciousness is the highest level of development of human consciousness, manifested in the consciousness and its representations about itself, the place and role in public life, needs, interests, motives and motivation of behavior and activity that are actively developing in the framework of the "self-concept". Self-awareness allows students the opportunity to understand themselves and the system requirements that apply to it, and also to understand their role in the educational process, a clearer idea of the prospects of their further development. Slovencina in the process of self-discovery aimed at studying the qualities of the self, associating them with the requirements that apply to citizen. Slovencina occurs through introspection, self-analysis of their actions, behavior, specific performance, critical attitude to the statements in his address on the part of students, scientific and pedagogical workers, heads of UNIVERSITIES, a self-test under specific conditions. Based on slovencina formed self-esteem that the human judgment on the measure of whether it had any qualities, properties, and their comparison with the benchmark model.
Self-esteem is manifested in the opinion of the student about himself. Thanks to the self-esteem you are creating your own project of self-organization. Objective self-assessment plays an important role in the organization of self-education and in controlling their behavior. It performs several functions'.
■ comparison of the existing qualities of the personality with the requirements that they pose to specific specialists;
■ fixing of the successes and deficiencies in the work;
■ adjustment (allows time to abandon the imperfect forms and methods of work on oneself, to improve application of tools and techniques that have a positive effect).
A precondition of objective self-evaluation is samokritika a student's attitude to his personality, the ability to respond to critical remarks of other people. On the basis of slovencina and self-assessment students formed the decision to resort to self-education. The process of making such decisions is, as a rule, in conditions of deep inner experiences of the positive and negative aspects of his personality. Self-esteem is in two areas:
■ comparison of himself with role models, with extended requirements;
■ daily communication between students, staff members, teachers.
The team formed a certain attitude to a particular student. The power of collective thought leads to a more objective self-evaluation.
The knowledge of the other is not only ahead of the knowledge itself, but also serves as a source and support. Comparison, the comparison yourself with others is a commonly accepted measure of self-esteem. Comparing yourself with peers in joint activities, the
student notices something first noticed in others and, as a consequence, comes to a realization of their behavior and actions, qualities and characteristics of the self. There is a kind of transfer of various personality traits, observed in another, and himself. However, there is also instability of self-identity that is a consequence of not-yet-formed relationship to himself.
Peculiarities of self-assessment depend on the actual conditions of life of the individual.
There are the following principal self-assessment: adequate inadequate (high and low). Self-esteem is the knowledge of the pupil about himself and treated together.
Self-assessment provides for the allocation of their own skills, actions, qualities, motives, motivations and goals of their behavior, their realization and evaluation of attitudes, the ability to assess their strengths and opportunities to align them with the external environment, requirements of the environment, the ability to set myself a particular goal and plays a great importance in the formation of personality. Self-esteem depending on their shape (adequate, inadequate) can stimulate or, conversely, to inhibit the activity of the pet. Inadequate low self-esteem reduces social demands of the student, contributes to the development of insecurity in their own capabilities, limits his life prospects. Such self-evaluation may be accompanied by negative emotional breakdowns, domestic conflict, and deviant behavior. Internal conflict can cause conflict between self-evaluation and evaluations, which are given by peers and between self-esteem and ideal self, which seeks pupil.
There is a relationship between the nature of the self and a quality of personality as self-confidence. If a person is confident, it means she appreciates your strength and capabilities; its behavior will correspond to the social requirements of others. At the core of self-doubt - and his underestimation and arrogance - over-estimation.
From the self-esteem of the pupil depend on the features of his communication, relationships with peers, success in educational, professional and other activities, further development of personality, formation and development of life goals. Proper self-esteem gives him the moral satisfaction.
Self-evaluation, particularly the skills and capabilities of the CCA-individual, affects the level of aspirations of the pupil, which is manifested in the tasks that the student puts in front of you and allow what it considers capable of. His claims and the nature of the self-assessment clearly traced in the various situations of choice in difficult situations, and in everyday educational and other activities in the team.
So self-esteem is a component of the identity of the student, containing, in addition to knowledge about themselves, assess their abilities, moral qualities and actions, and other individually-psychological properties.
Planning of self-education involves:
■ defining the purpose and the main tasks for the future and at certain stages of learning and student activities;
■ development of a program (plan) of self-education;
■ definition of terms activities, self-education (to develop personal rules of conduct, selection of forms, means, methods and techniques of solving problems in the work).
A well-planned work on self-development, self-improvement, his personality is the key to the effectiveness and efficiency of self-education. The plan should be specific in content, with a clear sequence of solving problems.
The purpose and objectives of konkretisiert on near, medium and distant perspectives of development of the student.
With the purpose and objectives define the main orientations and content of the self, the ideals sought by a person.
It is known that every student has his ideal, the sample, in accordance with which it forms a process of self-improvement.
On the basis of formulated goals, objectives, developing programs (plans) self - their students are for the period of study at the UNIVERSITY.After self-assessment of positives and shortcomings, in order to improve and eliminate them, such individual programs (plans) are finalized. It does not have to be an official document, as a rule, they are developed in personal diaries, notebooks. Their main purpose is to help the student to organize and systematize work on himself.
Practice shows that the purpose of the program (plans) of self-education is fulfilled when they reflect the following issues:
■ in what areas the student intends to work, what personal qualities he plans to form, develop, improve, eliminate;
■ with what he wants to implement the planned and what he uses in the interests of self-education;
■ deadlines, as well as deadlines for self-control of work on yourself.
Programs (plans) of self-education specify and supplement with appropriate rules of conduct. The program of self-education is carried out through:
■ defining the purpose and the main tasks for the future and at certain stages of learning and student activities;
■ development of a program (plan) of self-education;
■ definition of terms activities, self-education (to develop personal rules of conduct, selection of forms, means, methods and techniques of solving problems in the work).
A well-planned work on self-development, self-improvement, his personality is the key to the effectiveness and efficiency of self-education. The plan should be specific in content, with a clear sequence of solving problems.
The purpose and objectives of konkretisiert on near, medium and distant perspectives of development of the student.
With the purpose and objectives define the main orientations and content of the self, the ideals sought by a person.
It is known that every student has his ideal, the sample, in accordance with which it forms a process of self-improvement.
On the basis of formulated goals, objectives, developing programs (plans) self - their students are for the period of study at the UNIVERSITY. After the self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses, with a view to improve and correct such individual programs (plans) in progress. It doesn't have to be an official document, as a rule, they develop in personal diaries, notebooks, their Main purpose is to help the student to organize and systematize the work.
As Practice shows, the purpose of the program (plans) self-fulfilling when they reflect the following questions:
■ in what areas the student intends to work, which osobists quality plans to generate, develop, improve, repair;
■ with what he wants to implement the planned uses, and that in the interests of self-education;
■ the timing, and the timing of control work.
Programs (plans) self-konkretisiert and complement relevant rules of conduct. The program of self-education carried out through:
■ submission to the private activities of explanation and motivation of self-education;
■ the implementation of the program of education while maintaining educational, social, sporting and other activities, smalloutline own motives and in the case of a collateral motive and motivation of self-education.
There are rules of conduct developed by the student. This kind of guidance behavior in specific life and educational situations. They can have a deeper and forward-looking. Often to individual students the tried and tested rules of behavior become software in their work. In the process of self-theca another rule is constantly filled with new content.
At this stage of the work used Samsonov'yazannya (written self-commitment for the corresponding period to achieve certain results: cultivating specific positive qualities, the eradication of vices and the like; they can be issued and how the rules of conduct); personal plan of work (involves a system of activities aimed at forming in itself the personal qualities necessary for future specialist); the program of self-education (requires disclosure of the content of student work on improving his personality for a long period); the motto of life (aptly articulated purpose in life, credo, which determines the daily behavior of the individual).
The effectiveness of self-education of future specialist largely depends on the pedagogical guide the process.
Pedagogical leadership of self-education of students — the optimal organization of their activity, focusing their attention on issues of self-development, responsibility for themselves, their present and future, as well as stimulating zamowiono activities during the educational process. Systematic self-education guide students in high school can be regarded as one of the most important conditions of formation of the personality of the student. The essence of psychological and pedagogical essence of leadership self-education that the UNIVERSITY are formed functioning connections and relationships that give the opportunity to effectively influence the consciousness and behavior of students, the nature of their work. These relationships provide the opportunity to coordinate educational efforts of subjects of educational activities for the purpose, time, content, main areas.
The basic conditions for successful pedagogical management self-education of students - implementation of the following educational objectives:
■ definition of the main goals, objectives and specific tasks of self-education and self-education of students;
■ a clear plan, a program of self-education;
■ constant study of individual peculiarities of students, popularization and dissemination of best practices in their work;
■ development of a modern, effective methods of self-education and their implementation in the educational process of the UNIVERSITY;
■ explain to students the modern requirements to the personality of the specialist of the highest qualification the value of professional improvement;
■ students the mastery of techniques, methods, techniques and means of work;
■ the formation of the bright ideals for self-education;
■ skills and abilities slovencina, highlighting their own positive and negative individual-mental qualities, character traits;
■ formation of healthy moral-psychological atmosphere in the student groups, a positive public opinion and mood, collective traditions, encouraging the process of self-education;
■ engaging students in diverse activities that contribute to the intensification of the process of self-education;
■ comprehensive services and assistance in working out a program of self-education and its implementation;
■ process control self-development of students and evaluation of its effectiveness.
The main stages of pedagogical management self-education of pupils:
• preparatory stage: the conviction of the student of the need to resort to self-education and the ability to achieve desired results; formation of needs, motives and motivation of self-education; the definition of main goals and tasks of self-education;
■ the main stage: determination of self-education; assistance in the choice of methods, ways, forms and methods of self-education; assistance in the preparation of the program of self-education; assistance in the implementation of the program of self-education; organization of monitoring of self-education and the introduction of required corrections;
■ final stage: assistance with self-control and to teach pupils to it; stimulation; in the summation of the achieved results and set new targets for self-improvement; adjustment and introduction of new content in the program of self-education and the like.
A guide for students in planning the process of professional self-education is qualifying characteristics of a specialist, based on which you want to build a program of individual self-preparation to future professional activity. Requirements to the modern specialist must meet the needs of today.
Effective-improvement of future professionals is possible only in case of close cooperation of students and teaching staff of higher educational institutions, imbued with mutual respect and faith in man. Self-cultivation involves a high level of professionalism in their chosen field; innovative thinking and willingness to change; managerial skills; personal creative orientation, willingness to provide conditions for their creative potential, and if it is necessary for the potential of subordinates; ability to understand other people, their aspirations, motivations, interests and the like; of high spiritual and moral ideals and beliefs; high political, legal and economic culture; systems thinking, which involves psychological readiness, ability and skills of a systematic approach to problem situations; readiness to take responsibility; communicativeness, efficiency, the ability to interpersonal and managerial communication;
the possession of one of the most common foreign languages; knowledge of computer equipment, etc. The third stage of self — realization of the program of self-education. The essence of the student activity during the implementation phase of the program of self-education that he controls you, completely holding her in your consciousness (reflection) and on this basis, promptly detects deviation of the realized program from the setpoint, prevents, makes appropriate adjustments to plan further work.
Mastering effective methods of self-education student is a prerequisite to enhance its quality and effectiveness. This is primarily due to the ability to apply at the stage of implementation of the program of self-education a variety of methods, techniques and tools.
Methods of self-education - a set of uniform methods of pedagogical influence on the person itself, for the formation of the necessary personal qualities and eliminate negative ones.
The reception should be viewed as a particular impact of man on himself that is in every situation a single act.
Means of self-education - the set of objects of material and spiritual culture used in the educational process for the solution of specific tasks of self-education.
The main methods of self-education: sampaikan-tion, introspection, self-control, self-analysis, self-report and introspection, samapika, sampana, self-organization of life and activity, Zamorenova, auditory training, follow example, stimulation of self-education, sa-moshkina, self-deprecation, samoopredelenie, Samoan, Samsonov'yazannya, self-instruction, self-hypnosis, samouprava, self-criticism, samengaan etc.
Self-hypnosis is a method to influence him to approve of the new relationship and attitude to their own actions, the essence of which - in the advancement of evidence Contratas and their weightings.
With the help of self-hypnosis, students seeking samobitnost the need to develop in themselves certain qualities, removing defects. There is a kind of resolution of contradictions between personal views, opinions, feelings, and requirements of the debt, the thoughts and views of authority figures, collective, public opinion. Generated by using self-hypnosis the thinking and give the students confidence, moral and psychological stability, makes them not susceptible to harmful influences, mobilize themselves to achieve the final goal of self-education.
To self-hypnosis was also utilized in those situations where a person has made a proposal, indicating the order and not enough ripcast to act.
The method of self-observation is to monitor their actions, deeds, thoughts, feelings, and based on a common man's observation. Introspection is a necessary prerequisite for the control of a person for his behavior and activities. It is best done under normal condi-tions.First of all, it is necessary to carry out retrospective self-observation, ie to clearly recall the events that have just taken place, the facts - as a continuation of self-experience. Direct observation is the most difficult and the most subjective. There are more errors in this version of cognition than during further self-analysis of the experience; you need to be able to predict the activity, event, predict the course of the conversation, etc. Repeated self-observation always gives a certain clarification, addition. In the process of self-observation, it is sometimes advisable to slow down the process of one's activity, as if to stretch one's experiences in time.
You may need to make appropriate notes and notes. self-control is the systematic fixation of his condition and behaviour in order to prevent undesirable and conscious regulation of the personality of their behavior and activities to achieve the objectives, rules and regulations of self-education.
Introspection — an analysis of its activities, actions, behaviors, your inner world. It involves comparing what was planned with what has been done or could be done. Helps to uncover the causes of success and failure, developing self-awareness and promotes self-knowledge.
Self-control and self-analysis - a comparison of the approved plan and responsibilities for self-education with reality, results of operations, establishing their inconsistency and make the necessary correction to achieve the planned search of the causes of variances, and the like. Self-control in self-education performs the functions of observation, assessment and ascertaining and koreguaje. Self-monitoring as a method of self-education is developed on the basis of the ability of the pupil to control any of your activities. Therefore, the definition of the characteristics of self-control as a method of self-education requires, above all, the study of its basis - self-monitoring as personality traits.
Self-control sets a deviation from a personal sample, and the opposite if it is objectively valuable sample, even actions that clearly control may not produce high-quality results. A student who has significantly developed self-control, but don't have enough knowledge and skills may be difficult to do something new and difficult task for him. Conversely, a student who has less developed self-control, but who knows his profession, can do better.
Therefore, there is no reason to equate self-control with self-regulation, it is only a function of self-regulation.
Learning self-control, it is important to distinguish between its types: unintentional (involuntary) and intentional (voluntary) self-control, which defines consciously the goal is to monitor the accuracy of implementation of the programme of its activities. Unintentional (involuntary) self-control can be carried out in the structure of perception, it can function automatically. The subject of unintentional self-control is not the activity in general, n motives, but only the procedural aspect of the activity.
Self-control has the following functions:
■ function of stabilization of actions (realization of the program of actions within activity);
■ self-control function, which is aimed at adjusting the activity according to its motives and motivation;
■ function of stabilization of activity. The capabilities of this feature are significantly limited. This is due to the fact that the object of involuntary self-control is present in the structure of perception, is determined by the unconscious goal, and involuntarily set by a specific activity, ie its actions, and with its change involuntarily changes. This is due to the rapid re-adjustment of students to other activities (inviting peers to relax, watch a new movie instead of working independently to improve their features).
We should not forget that a student can involuntarily, without a special purpose, compare their intentions with specific actions and results, ie to exercise involuntary self-control on the basis of conscious (logical) analysis. But the fact that self-control is
involuntary, is carried out unsystematically, significantly reduces its ability to stabilize activities. In contrast to the involuntary self-control, arbitrary self-control determines a special purpose (to monitor the implementation of their tasks, to prevent involuntary change of activity mentioned above) and has considerable potential stabilization activities. Students who deliberately aim to implement the planned programme of activities not to be distracted by outsiders about her business, will be able to more systematically and consistently to fulfill their professional and community responsibilities.
Arbitrary self-control is, in contrast to the involuntary, more opportunities also in the implementation of the programme of action within the activities. Given the selective nature of perception, the arbitrary goal is to monitor a specific program of activities - promotes fuller and more accurate reflection of the information and, as a result, a better self-control.
In the process of self-education of arbitrary self-control is of particular importance. This is due to the implementation of the program of self-education which depends on any activity (educational, social, professional, etc.). How these activities are consistent with the purposes of self-education, depends on how self-control increases the sustainability self-education.
The essence of the method of self-organization of life and activities in self-education is that students organize their behavior and activities in accordance with established rules of conduct, the main areas of self, work effectively on a program of self-education. An important condition is the ability of man to govern themselves, to achieve the goal.
Self — hypnosis- the impact of the student on himself with the aim of self-education, as a result, he experiences different mental and somatic condition. Through repetition of verbal formulas or induce vivid perceptions on the basis of confidence in achieving self-hypnosis affects the mind, offers the opportunity to build and moments to cause the desired mental attitude. This is a technical procedure, which is carried out through the repetition of certain verbal formulas that Express desire, certain other forms of self-education.
Arise Samsonov'yazannya about their program behavior.
Samsonov'yazannya - process mapping of the "I" with the requirements of the collective group, teachers, NGO, society in General, awareness of contradictions between their behavior and its commitments to excellence. This method helps the student to develop a code of conduct and professional activities, to develop the ability to associate their "I" General requirements.
Samsonov'yazannya - voluntary acceptance of lucid goals, objectives, content, self-improvement, the desire to form a positive quality, eliminate the negative and formation on this basis of the program of self-education. Samsonov'yazannya arise due to the internal belief in their necessity and, ultimately, depends on living conditions, societal needs, duties of the pupil.
Note that although Samsonov'yazannya arise in the evolution of the external requirements into internal obligations of the individual, subsequently a person can make them yourself. This does not mean that Sam-sonov'yazannya not impact on the objective reasons from obligations they can be separated on the basis of oppositions external requirements and subjective desires.
So, Samsonov'yazannya - required and specific method of self-education. This is an internal requirement for their behavior. Thanks Samsonov asunny set the overall direction of change in the self, by which man is to conform more to the ideal.
Assumed Samsonov'yazannya only then you can implement where the identity controls its activity by self-education. Otherwise, the desire of the individual self and its concrete behavior are clearly different, there are facts the disappointment of some pupils in the possibilities of self-education. Self-report and introspection - a retrospective look at the path traversed for a certain time Can be oral or written.
Sumaporn cognitive operation, identifying the similarities and differences between themselves in relation to others.
Zamorenova - focus on active implementation of the goals and objectives that lead to the goal of self-education, the implementation of the program of self-education, understanding of each of the following obstacles as opportunities for self-improvement of their abilities. This method gives the opportunity to consolidate skills which are necessary for the pupil in the course of professional activities.
The following example is to focus on finding the best examples of actions and behaviour, their active uptake. It enriches pet other people's experiences, more authoritative and prominent in their field.
Samostimulyatsii - define for yourself specific rewards and penalties and their application. Samoshkina and samostalnost - interrelated methods of self-education. Samoshkina - realization and feeling of their progress, rewarding yourself in case of success execution of the program of self-education by campodall, free time, likes. Samostalnost - conscious experience of guilt myself, for the staff; dissatisfaction.
The essence of self-education that asbestosi consciously change itself. Self-education is the highest level as self-change activities, the aim of which is to change his personality. Awareness of their identity as an object of self-education, contribute to the formation of goal motives and motivations of self-education. Awareness of the activities of self-education contributes to the efficiency of the means of self-education, systematic and independent work on themselves. Stimulating self-education as an incentive to work more actively on oneself is to provide a higher need for self-education, to evoke positive motivational attitudes for further improvement of one's personality. There are two ways to stimulate self-education;
■ creating external conditions for self-education;
■ influence on internal (motivational) preconditions of self-education.
Stimulating self-education through the creation of external conditions is that the university creates conditions that encourage students to engage in self-education. Such stimulating conditions are:
■ clear internal organization of the educational process;
■ scientific organization of educational and cognitive activities of students;
■ formation of positive public opinion in student groups;
■ making high demands on students, combined with caring for them;
■ involvement of each student in active activities;
■ promotion of the best students;
■ organization of leisure and recreation, etc.
Stimulating the influence on the internal preconditions of self-education, it is necessary to form in students a conscious motivational attitude, the necessary spiritual mood for self-education. The formation of such guidelines is primarily related to the impact on the needs and motives of the individual. Stimulation of self-education involves the use of such techniques as self-suggestion, self-encouragement, self-condemnation, self-order, etc.
Self-suggestion - a person's mental influence on himself through the repetition of thoughts or aloud of certain statements to complete self-mastery ("I can calmly listen to comments"). This technique is suggested to use if you want to overcome the fear of difficulties, insecurity, indecision.
Self-encouragement. This technique is effective if the student is embarrassed in difficult situations, despairs of their own strengths and capabilities.
Self-promotion is resorted to if there is a need to get rid of negative character traits, when the student, overcoming certain difficulties, performed a difficult task.
Self-condemnation - a manifestation of dissatisfaction with their actions, deeds, behavior. Remorse awakens consciousness, causes inner excitement and guilt. Self-condemnation determines the desire to get rid of shortcomings in behavior.
Self-order is the decision never to deviate from the principles. The student encourages himself to perform the planned activities for self-education. Often we are faced with the interpretation of freedom in the broad sense as any conscious behavior. In this case, it is not a volitional component in the process of self-education. Therefore, in order to really perform the essence of self-government and to define the basic techniques of self-education, it is necessary to clarify the essence of freedom as the specific phenomenon, to identify the place of freedom in the system of government.
Sameprice depends on the conviction of a person. Sameprice corresponding to the leading life goals of the person, his beliefs, much more efficient than sameprice, contrary to the orientation of the personality, her attitudes.
Conscious exercise in the performance of actions with simonkatu contribute to the development of sustainable habits to listen to yourself. For naukovedenie employee it is very important to explain this to the students.
The effectiveness of simonkatu depend on the level of personal responsibility; lack of conviction in the need to implement a program of self-education contributes to nadkarny simonkatu. So important is the role of hypnosis in exercise of willpower, when a student brings new arguments that reinforce and expand on the motives of the planned program.
In the process of conscious training sameprice, in contrast to the unconscious simonkatu, which give, usually, inner speech, often says. Speaking aloud to si-monkatu a more positive result than reciting it to yourself. This can be explained by the fact that during the pronunciation of simonkatu aloud to mechanism si-monkatu included auditory analyzer, whereby same-price increase additional pulses. Attached is also a function of external compulsion order, the essence of which is that a person without much critical analysis, categorical requirements external performs sameprice.
The performance of simonkatu depends on self-hypnosis of the individual in the necessity of these actions. Samoopredelenie - revealing dissatisfaction in case of failure Samoilov required yazkiv, assigning yourself an additional job and forcing yourself to do it. Practical techniques;
■ "step forward" - the daily planning of activities for the following day;
■ "evaluation day" - analysis of their grant deeds, vices;
■ "the rules of my behaviour" - observance written for the student rules of conduct, teaches the performance of their duties.
These methods, techniques and ways to ensure implementation of the plan of self-education.
The fourth stage of self - control and self-regulation. At this stage, apply self-control methods, self-report, self-evaluation.
Self-control is one form of conscious regulation of own behavior and activity to ensure the conformity of their results are stated objectives, requirements, rules, samples. Self-control in self-education based on the student's ability to monitor any of your activities, that is, analyzing the progress in self-education, the student establishes variances in the program of self-education and makes the appropriate adjustments in the plan of work. Course work requires, in case of need, the fe-males-regularna.
Self-report and self-analysis - report of the students before him in various forms (mentally, in the diary ol) commitments, the implementation of the plan and programme of self-education.
An important role in self-education belongs to the school, especially its science teachers. The main tasks for the organization of self-education of future specialists: the explanation of the meaning, the relevance of the process of self-education for comprehensive development of personality; parenting skills to adequately assess themselves; education; willingness to cooperate with adults who can give advice, recommendations for self-education.
Consequently, an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of leadership self-education of students is of high theoretical and methodical training of all managers and teaching employees of UNIVERSITIES on issues of self-education.
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Pavlovych L.,
HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology
Bilous I. MD, PhD
Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"
Objective. Common approaches to the methods of independent work of the student and its implementation. Independent work of student (SRS) is an independent dialing-teaching the student, which scientific-pedagogical employee plans together with the student, but does her student on the instructions and under the supervision and control of the scientific and pedagogical worker without his direct participation. Keywords: independent work, students.
Important role in the study of the discipline played by rational means: the methods of independent work organization, working conditions, daily routine, equipment labor, etc.
During the study of the discipline identify the following types of independent student learning:
- hearing lectures, participation in seminars, performance of practical and laboratory works;
- development of the topics of the lectures and seminars, performance of practical and laboratory works students of the correspondence form of training (FTRA);
- preparation of abstracts and course works, writing of the thesis;
the preparation of modular control and examination;
- work with literature etc.
Each of these types requires students resistant independent work.
First of all you need to every student in the learning process were of the hygiene of mental work. Therefore, it is necessary to reveal the mechanisms of mental work, causes of fatigue, ways to improve productivity and diet, recreation, etc. you need to do the installation experience, especially with students of the correspondence form of training. Inform them that the circadian rhythm of the human body is determined by a number of physiological functions, which are constantly changing in the hours of activity and sleep. An important role in the optimal organization of life and activities of fulltime and part-time students is played by the daily routine - it is recommended by research and teaching staff in the first days of classes.
First-year students need to adapt to independent learning. Therefore, first-year students must adapt to the living and working conditions in higher education.
This requires targeted pedagogical assistance of research and teaching staff. This is, first of all, an attentive attitude to the student, who feels psychological discomfort, inconvenience, awkwardness, insecurity.
We must remember that the student has three groups of difficulties: social, educational, professional. Social difficulties are caused by change of a place of residence, new living conditions, features of communication with a considerable circle of new people (scientific and pedagogical workers, colleagues, service personnel); the need to manage their own budget, arrange their own lives, get used to the new regime and agenda, and more. Learning difficulties are due to new forms and methods of learning, the peculiarities of the organization of independent work, control over it by scientific and pedagogical workers. Therefore, research and teaching staff have:
- to acquaint students with the psychological and pedagogical features of the organization of education in higher education;
- to help in mastering the methods and techniques of educational work;
- adhere to a special method of lecturing for first-year students in the first two or three months, gradually increasing the structure and pace;
- to teach students to listen to a lecture, record its content, methods of preparation for seminars, practical and laboratory classes;
- clearly dose the tasks for each lesson;
- tolerantly monitor and evaluate independent work, etc.
Professional difficulties are usually manifested in the frustration of individual students in their professional choices. Therefore, research and teaching staff must explain the process of mastering the specialty, their prospects and significance.