FEATURES OF USING OF PUNCTUATION SIGNS IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Вишнякова А. В.

The article deals with the features of punctuation in written English as it plays an important role in the texts interpretation. Punctuation of scientific and technical literature is standardized and devoid of individual meaning, in contrast to fiction, where the rhythmic-intonation side of punctuation marks dominates the semantic-syntactic. In the scientific literature, the main purpose of punctuation marks is to indicate the syntactic division of the text.

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Филологические науки

Вишнякова А. В., доцент кафедры «Лингводидактика и зарубежная филология» Севастопольский государственный университет, Россия, г.Севастополь



Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены особенности пунктуации в письменном английском языке, так как она играет важную роль в интерпретации текстов. Пунктуация научно-технической литературы стандартизирована и лишена индивидуальной осмысленности, в отличии от художественной литературы, где ритмико-интонационная сторона пунктуационных знаков доминирует над семантико-синтаксической. В научной литературе главной целью знаков препинания выступает указание на синтаксическое членение текста.

Ключевые слова: пунктуация, знаки препинания, научно-техническая литература, правила, язык, английский, предложение.

Abstract: the article deals with the features of punctuation in written English as it plays an important role in the texts interpretation. Punctuation of scientific and technical literature is standardized and devoid of individual meaning, in contrast to fiction, where the rhythmic-intonation side of punctuation marks dominates the semantic-syntactic. In the scientific literature, the main purpose of punctuation marks is to indicate the syntactic division of the text.

Keywords: punctuation, scientific and technical literature, rules, language, English, sentence.

The modern punctuation system has been undergone numerous changes through centuries. It was formed by influence of several factors among which we can distinguish author of the text, journalists and development of technical progress that became a basis of printing industry. All that factors gradually found ways to make reading more efficient and understandable by adding characters to the language. An analysis of the evolution of punctuation marks can give an idea of what they were striving to achieve by adding symbols so that we can better understand how they are used today. Punctuation, the spelling normalized by the rules system on applying punctuation system into the text in accordance with its semantic, logical, syntactic and intonational features. Dictionaries and encyclopedias devoted exclusively to linguistics studied during the study, only three have any information about punctuation. Some of them devote only one sentence to this topic. The third book devotes a page to a brief history of punctuation [2]. The International Encyclopedia of Linguistics [7] devotes punctuation to less than two pages. In addition, the World's Writing Systems, a multi-language discussion of 922 pages, contains a dozen punctuation records that can add up to about three or four pages, but most of them relate only to diacritics. A comprehensive English grammar, a work often referred to in punctuation, states that punctuation serves two purposes, separation and specification, and considers the features of punctuation as the formation of a kind of hierarchy. A number of reasons for which punctuation works are listed: the punctuation mark defines a grammatical, semantic and pragmatic functions. The main problem of punctuation system study could be presented as the lack of clear definitions of language features. It begins, as it has been already noted, that the first problem to face with occurs when it is needed to get clear definition of the language and spoken languages as well as to make difference between these notions. Sometimes we can extend the information to the paragraph, sentence or word. The problem lays as well in the origin of punctuation system because there is no exact information about the system. But it could be possible Sumerian cuneiform writing may contain the prototype of modern punctuation system. The modern punctuation system began in Italy and was created by Aldus Manutius and his grandchild. During

the XIX century punctuation system managed to classify it by hierarchy and basic terms. In the XX century punctuation system had to be changed to needs of computer language. G.I. Abramova noted that assertion is important to consider the text style in the punctuation functions studying can be considered an indisputable scientific fact in. The scientific message content consists in the description of facts, objects, world's phenomena, their study, explanation, generalization. The task of a scientific report is to prove certain propositions, hypotheses, and to justify them. The scientific literature in most cases includes a system of reasoning and evidence. This determines some features of the language, including its syntactic structure [1].The syntax of the scientific literature is quite clearly regulated: it is characterized by the consistent connectedness of a number of sentences, their completeness and completeness. The scientific style most often involves the use of such speech tools that are devoid of emotional stress and expressive colors, and therefore in the syntax of scientific works that are designed not for emotional, but for logical, mental perception, in most cases there are no sentences that are necessary for transmission expressive qualities of speech, semantic and intellectual subtleties. Emotionally colored sentences, probable silences, disagreements, etc. are also not specific for a scientific style [3].Punctuation of scientific and technical literature is standardized and devoid of individual meaningfulness. If in the fiction the rhythmic-intonational side of punctuation marks, in most cases, dominates the semantic-syntactic, then in the scientific - the main purpose of punctuation marks is an indication of the syntactic division of the text. In this type of literature, signs that are based on structural categories can be used: these are signs dividing the text into separate sentences and parts of a sentence (main and subordinate; homogeneous members among isolations are exclusively obligatory, in other words, caused by structural indicators) [5].

Research of text material on various scientific branches of science provides an opportunity for both the reader and the researcher to determine, for example, those conditions for the use of a comma - a sufficiently significant punctuation mark in the scientific style of speech - in English scientific and technical texts that are specific to

this style, and also represent the main or auxiliary features of determining the syntactic or semantic structure of a sentence.

L. I. Zilberman and G. I. Abramova emphasize that the setting of the comma as a semantic and syntactic signal in the scientific literature is of particular importance. The relevance of this punctuation mark is particularly important for understanding the meaning of the text. The comma is used as a kind of indicator of distantly located elements of complex syntactic complexes that are common in scientific and technical texts. In these cases, the comma has a separative-connective character-it is necessary to distinguish what is located between the distantly located parts of the sentence and unites the distantly located parts of various syntactic structures [1].

Commas are also placed in scientific and technical texts in order to clarify the meaning and functions of certain multi-valued and multi-functional words of serviceline type (again, due, to, say, however). Let's analyze the main functions of setting the comma in scientific and technical texts using the example of the comma. The study of these functions should begin with the analysis of the comma as a distinctive feature of the syntactic relationship between the distant members of the sentence. The remote location of these units is marked if one of the elements that belong to two or more units in this chain is omitted. In English, in rather difficult syntactic structures, the comma is the only feature that allows you to distinguish the syntactic relationship between specific units.

First of all, it is logical to analyze the features of the distant location of the predicate parts. The parts of a compound predicate are located distantly and two or more verbs can belong to the same part. In this case, a comma should be placed after each copula verb. Its purpose is to show that this verb is not syntactically related to a further word, but refers to a distant nominal part: The role of mathematics in economics is, and will be one of helping to clarify economic theory [6]. If the control elements are located close to each other (almost in contact) and only the conjunction and or stands between them, the comma is often omitted, since they (these unions) do not interfere with the visual perception of the connection between the control and controlled elements. Biological laws can be reduced to or derived from physical laws.

The most common case is prepositional control. In this version, control prepositions can be used independently or stand after verbs, adjectives, and nouns that control the complement: Liquids were placed in a cell at, and in some cases near, the focal point of a lens. Saussure speaks of the study of a dead language as something different from, or independent of, speech [4].

Thus, based on the above, it can be concluded that, according to numerous studies, the functions and tasks of punctuation marks largely depend on the style and type of the text being studied. Scientific and technical literature is a wide variety of written texts created based on the results of human research, theoretical generalizations that were made using the scientific method. Therefore, these literary works should be referred to scientific texts by their style. Punctuation marks in scientific and technical literature are primarily intended to indicate the syntactic division of the text. Accordingly, the most common punctuation marks in such texts are dots, commas, and commas. Based on the study of the specifics of setting various punctuation marks in English scientific and technical texts, it can be concluded that the most important punctuation mark is a comma, which is distinguished by a dividing and connecting character. It is necessary for the actual division of the sentence, and determine syntactic relations between distant spaced sentence.

Библиографический список:

1. Зильберман Л.И., Абрамова Г.И. Запятая как семантико-синтаксический сигнал (на материале английской научной литературы) М: Наука, 1973. — 76 с.

2. Линн, Трасс. Казнить нельзя помиловать. Бескомпромиссный подход к пунктуации / Перевод с английского Н. Шаховой. М.: Р. Валент, 2006.

3. Научная литература. Язык, стиль, жанры /Отв. ред. М.Я.Цвиллинг. -М., 1985. — 336с.

4. Особенности стиля научного изложения //Сб. статей. Отв. ред. Е.С.Троянская. М., 1976. — 264с.

5. Особенности языка научной литературы //Сб. статей.Отв. ред. В.Н.Ярцева. М., 1965. — 195с.

6. Разинкина Н.М. Стилистика английской научной речи /элементы эмоционально-субъективной оценки/. М., 1972. — 165с.

7. Comstock A. Elocution and Model Speaker. Philadelphia, 1815. P. 21 7— 380.

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